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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7750265 No.7750265 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here got the Clannad Visual Novel + patches etc link?

Tried torrents but seeds are shit.

My very 1st VN

>> No.7750270


>> No.7750266
File: 48 KB, 589x442, spoon feeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7750269
File: 6 KB, 231x252, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polecat ke/b/abs!!!

>> No.7750276


I'm sorry, /jp/, I'm not cold-hearted enough to turn away someone who wants to play my favorite VN

>> No.7750284

Nobody expected anything of you in the first place.

>> No.7750288

Just like a typical keyfag.

>> No.7750292

Stop promoting your shitty site.

>> No.7750299

your first VN should be saya no uta

>> No.7750308
File: 80 KB, 252x207, 1309529898353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks alot Tripfriend.

>> No.7750310

This thread makes me sad.

>> No.7750319

Guys, you already hate Claanad because it's popular, save the frothy hipster rage for something no one's heard of yet.

>> No.7750331


If i remember correctly then my first VN was "X-Change Alternative", i didn't even finished it ...

>> No.7750353

We hate spoonfeeding, not Clannad.

>> No.7750396


I'm not sure if this has ever crossed your mind but some people like being helpful & not a Stuck up Prick.

>> No.7750398

We like KEY, we hate ret/a/rds.

>> No.7750401



>> No.7750403

OP it's called google. You're just being lazy. Please go back to /a/. We don't hate Clannad just lazy faggots.

>> No.7750412
File: 133 KB, 637x476, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to be HELPFUL

>> No.7750419

Called google. It's not that hard to find clannad visual novel and patches.

>> No.7750425
File: 2.36 MB, 3129x3084, being nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way reposted and wrong board, but still applies.

>> No.7750443


And some people get tired of seeing everything as a 'recommend or source' thread. It's a major part of why /a/ is shit.

>> No.7750470

People say this, and yet the people who regularly frequent this board are trolls and autists who spam shit relentlessly. Recommendation threads go away in five minutess, while troll threads are bumped to the top incessantly.

Just saying, recommendation threads are the least annoying and least frequent form of board clutter, so take it easy.

>> No.7750474

it is still beyond me why you would use such a shitty background style

>> No.7750484

You are fucking stupid.
You do not spoonfeed a retard, you teach the retard how to survive in the harsh world and be smarter.
I will just leave this quote here.
>Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime
Retards like OP need to be redirected to google or >>>/a/.

>> No.7750483

>least annoying and least frequent form of board clutter
No. A hundred Sudo threads are better than another pathetic, self-entitled board parasite who thinks he's got a connection to the board, and who inevitably returns with more shit and all his friends.

>> No.7750493

Does it even matter at this point? This board has reached the point where it's no longer fit for browsing. Actually, it's been like this for several months.

Why worry so much over cleaning what's already shit?

>> No.7750514

You can still hope. VN's taught me to never give up.

>> No.7750522

It matters to us because it is our home board, a place where we are united as a community. That's why we try to make it better in our own elitist way.
And yes, it is shit now, it has always been shitty one way or another: local spammers with severe causes of autism, raids, whatever.

>> No.7750524

>newbie asks where to get something
>someone helps
>next twenty posts is people bitching about the former two shitting up the place

You used to have some class /jp/.

>> No.7750526

Classic /jp/ incompetence.

>> No.7750531

if you want /jp/ to be better stop shitposting

>> No.7750694


I think it may be far gone. Soon will be the time that it merges in style with /a/, as the 'older' move here as the entire imageboard dies. Enjoy what remains, find a new home. Not that you ever will.


You cannot stop the circlejerk once it has started and caught on.

>> No.7752553

Is the English Translation already fully Completed for this?

>> No.7752562

Yes, but it's not very good.

>> No.7752580


are you referring to the VN not being good or the translations?

>> No.7752581


There were some slight glitches in the translation, just patch in the files from TLwiki. And you're welcome (works with all versions of windows).

>> No.7752584

The only real problem I saw with this problem was during Fuuko and Nagisa's routes, where strings of text weren't translated and left with place holders.

>> No.7752603

See >>7750276

>> No.7752600

Yeah, that's pretty much what I meant. Like I said, patching from the TLwiki stuff should rid you (OP) of these problems though.

>> No.7752608


I downloaded The VN from

I'm currently in the middle of downloading the Voice Patch Torrent from

Do these have the same contents as the torrent you linked me or should i just use the torrent you linked?

If there is a difference at all, please do tell me.

>> No.7752623

The torrent I linked is just an easymodo installer. Installs the game that's already been pre-patched (and even has an English installer for the retarded among us). I linked it because it's, apparently, your first time dealing with VNs.

>> No.7752660
File: 118 KB, 500x500, Homura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will i still have to set my stuff to Japanese Unicode for this easymodo installer?

I tried going to TLwiki to look for the patches you told me but TLwiki doesn't seem to load for me.

is there other ways to get a hold of the patches?

Sorry for all these questions.
I'm very thankful for the help I'm receiving just so i can play this VN.

>> No.7752666


>> No.7752701

You really don't have a reason to not run in Japanese Unicode, everything will work here and any others you play in the future (and not get in the way of your English locale programs).

Also, you honestly don't need the patch, but if you really feel you must, just continue the patch you have going through Hongfire, it should work.

>> No.7752756


Not OP but what patches are you talking about?
I'll try to find them but i need the names.
I also am interested in giving the game a go.
