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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7749262 No.7749262 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I was wanting to buy something from Amazon.jp, but I live in Canada and they don't deliver here. I'm willing to use a proxy server that buys from Amazon.jp and then delivers to my house, and I'm willing to pay a lot extra. Any recommendations?

>> No.7749275


>> No.7749302

Instead of just referring me to another board, could you just answer the question? >___>

>> No.7749307


Yeah, it's called doing the work for yourself.

>> No.7749317

Signs of new /jp/ denizens:

-Appears constantly irritated, sometimes even enraged
-Never posts without using sage
-Feels the need to police the board
-Will spam board redirects to anyone who disagrees with or irritates them
-Complains about greentext, image macros, and other standard 4chan fare
-Complains about established /jp/ content, usually Touhou or visual novels
-Tends to overuse the terms "summer", "shitpost(er)", "newfag", and "samefag"
-On that note, they will almost invariably call two people who disagree with them "samefag"
-All in all, treats /jp/ as if it's a secret club that only they belong to

>> No.7749320

-Copies the same stock response everywhere because it's hilarious
-Responds to copypasta
-Is ironic

>> No.7749327

> >___>

>> No.7749329

Yes, I like emotes. Get over it and stop acting like you're so superior.

>> No.7749331

Use Japan Auction Agency. I did once and they were fine.

>> No.7749330

Use a Japanese shopping service. There are many to choose from such as Shopping Mall Japan or Rinkya. I'm not going to tell you which service to choose, so you can decide for yourself.
