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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 652 KB, 801x602, realimo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7748317 No.7748317 [Reply] [Original]

I play eroge for the deep, life-changing choices.

>> No.7748320

Why does she have a cup full of urine?

>> No.7748321

Which eroge is this?

>> No.7748322


>> No.7748323

rear imoto

>> No.7748324

It's like I really can't read the filename!

>> No.7748325

mai sucks

>> No.7748332

She isn't little at all.

>> No.7748334

I wish I had a sister I could observe the urination of.

>> No.7748339

That would probably look terrible in real life.

>> No.7748342

Why do the shittiest of titles get TL projects?

>> No.7748343

Damn, I didn't thought Riaimo was this kind of game.

>> No.7748348

Yeah this isn't nearly REAL DEAL enough.

>> No.7748346

It's just a nukige. What kind of game were you expecting?

>> No.7748351

What are you talking about? Even the title has REAL in it, that's as REAL DEAL as it gets.

>> No.7748357

I dunno man, the tags on VNDB said "nakige", so I assumed these kind of scenes wouldn't fly. Was I a fool for expecting otherwise from Alcot?

>> No.7748358

The full title of the game is actually Real Deal Imouto ga iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai.

>> No.7748359

Then translate better ones instead of whining.
Oh, wait, you can't.

>> No.7748371

Does the demo have the option to switch between japanese and english, or will it be other patch released separately and exclusive for learning when everything is finished? Because I am really looking forward to it.

>> No.7748379

Since when does a nakige have to be 100% serious all the way through?

>> No.7748382

This is all scrub shit! I demand intellectually changing games such as Never7 be translated. Those games are the real deal!

>> No.7748392

They don't, but it's just that scenarios like watching your sister taking a piss kinda reek of nukige if you ask me. I don't know what unfolds if you pick the second choice, but I thought I figured things wouldn't get this lewd.

>> No.7748398

>Why does she have a cup full of urine?

Because she's thirsty

>> No.7748404

It's not a bad game. There is drama and stuff. But at least half the CGs are devoted to ero scenes, and it is most definitely a nukige. I wouldn't call it a nakige, though I could see where that tag comes from.

>> No.7748423

>But at least half the CGs are devoted to ero scenes, and it is most definitely a nukige.

Majikoi has a shitton of ero-CGs, as does YMK, but I wouldn't call either a nukige.

>> No.7748442

>Majikoi has a lot of volume to it though, aside from the ero scenes. YMK is somewhat of a nukige to me.

>> No.7748455

Mizuki route is practically a nukige, since H-scenes take up two thirds of it.

>> No.7748465


Mizuki's route has more plot than just as an excuse to have sex, which is what I'd define a nukige as.

>> No.7748472

Real Imouto is not a nukige. And that wasn't an ero scene or something that you'd fap to. It was a short scene there just for the sake of comedy.

...And it was pretty fucking hilarious too.

>> No.7748498

Could some kind gentleman please tell me how I can acquire this eroge?

>> No.7748502

I didn't expected much but the game is actually pretty good. It's funny and refreshing, and not over-saturaded with old harem antics like all those crappy comedy games.
I'l looking forward to the full translation now, especially if they implement this dual-language thingy (by the way, I'm still wondering how they got "virgin douchebag" from translating kimo-ota).

>> No.7748505

So how is this vn?, when did it get released anyway? how long is it?

>> No.7748513

How do I VNDB?


>> No.7748518

Just a partial patch out right now.

>> No.7748522

They're just localizing it. They translate 何 as 'you motherfucker' or something, too.

>> No.7748524

Sounds like quite a 'translation'.

>> No.7748567

Well, in that case it's not a localization, or even the usual over-translation. It's a complete mistranslation since it's missing the whole point.

At least the rest of the translation looks fine (fine as no "rub-a-dub" moment)

>> No.7748565


>> No.7748584

It's more of an adaptation, and that adaptation sounded worse to you than it is because you don't have the context to go by. Anyway, a true localization would have dropped honorifics.

Again, that sounds worse than it is due to the lack of context here. I'm pretty sure that was during a fight. Remember high shool and the language used in fights there?

Just as a reminder, especially in situations like that, in English it's the particular words used, as opposed to Japanese, which is HOW they're said. Any good non-Engrish translation takes this into account.

>> No.7748599

No. A mistranslation implies that it's a mistake. You could say it's a poor choice of WORDING though.

Also, see >>7748584

>> No.7748622

The first part of a nakige is usually comedy, and this scene is comedy. Real Imouto is much closer to being a nakige than a nukige.

>> No.7748641

It is a mistake.
Why would Miki call her brother a douchebag out of nowhere? She's calling him a "disgusting nerd" or something, because he's playing eroge all days.

It's not rocket science.

>> No.7748642

I've read the VN friend so I have the 'context' to go by. It's still shitty.

>Remember high shool and the language used in fights there?

This is a dumb excuse. It's not like American high school drama or anything has the kids actually sounding like they are in high school. It's not like in VNs the characters say in Japanese what people in high school actually say. There is no reason to make it 'realistic' when it wasn't to begin with.

Also I am very against adding swearing in translations. You have words in Japanese that aren't very obscene, and could be found in any kids anime, be translated into words like ass or shit or fuck or whatever. It's ridiculous. To me, it shows the immaturity of the translator.

>> No.7748657

How do I get this eroge?

>> No.7748662

ITT FH4 using a different trip code

>> No.7748667


>> No.7748675

What is the deal with ero scenes without illustration?

>> No.7748783

>It's not like in VNs the characters say in Japanese what people in high school actually say. There is no reason to make it 'realistic' when it wasn't to begin with.
I respect your opinion and all, but come on... In that situation, you would REALLY translate なにぃ! as "Whatt!"?

>Also I am very against adding swearing in translations. You have words in Japanese that aren't very obscene, and could be found in any kids anime, be translated into words like ass or shit or fuck or whatever.
Kind of like what >>7748584 said. Due to the vast grammatical and cultural differences, when you translate from Japanese to English you can't translate WORDS--you translate the MEANING of something.
Well, let me clarify that. You CAN translate words, but the result is Flyable Hearts.
Also, let me point out that this isn't a "kids anime"--this is an 18+ game.

>It's ridiculous. To me, it shows the immaturity of the translator.
I'm immature because, in an English translation, I want to make a high school fight scene sound like a high school fight scene to native English speakers?

Call me dumb or immature or whatever word you want, but in the end all I'm trying to do is make an English translation sound as natural to native English speakers as it does to native Japanese speakers, and I stand by what I put for those lines.

>> No.7748807

Dont care about those weeaboos.
What they want is honorifics and literal translation to preserve japanese spirit.
I am all for localization moogy style.

>> No.7748811

The whole point of the scene was that Mai wasn't familiar with the term. Anyone would know what a "disgusting nerd" is, including Mai. To adapt that scene, you need to take multiple things into consideration:
(a) The word needs to be something plausible that someone like Mai isn't familiar with.
(b) The word needs to be something a native English speaking audience is likely familiar with, so leaving "kimo ota" as-is, or inventing a word would not work.

If someone can come up with something better that fulfills those two conditions and sounds decent in English, then I would be happy to consider it. I'm all ears.

>> No.7748823

>you would REALLY translate なにぃ! as "Whatt!"?
So instead of what you go to mother fucker? What the hell?

>-you translate the MEANING of something.
The meaning is different so you've obviously failed there. See >>7748641 as an example of the meaning being wrong, and how it could've been translated better.

>Also, let me point out that this isn't a "kids anime"--this is an 18+ game.
It's 18+ because of the ero. If they removed the ero scenes and left the text the same, they could release it as an all ages games.

>all I'm trying to do is make an English translation sound as natural to native English speakers
If that were the case you wouldn't have honorifics and words like Onii-chan.

It still changes the meaning when saying douchebag.

>> No.7748844

*high five*
...Even if that was sarcasm, lol.

>> No.7748853
File: 769 KB, 801x601, 3650854979234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm liking this already. ♪

>> No.7748856

Shut up, weeaboo.

>> No.7748872

Look at how the meaning of Senpai has been translated to sound natural for native English speakers!

>> No.7748883

It's not arbitrary and inconsistent! It's magical!
I'm laughing now because this is the same guy that forced others to take translation tests because his standards were supposedly so high.

>> No.7748885

Hey man, if sempai is mainstream enough to be used in a Hollywood Movie, it's mainstream enough to be used in an eroge translation

>> No.7748930

>So instead of what you go to mother fucker? What the hell?
First of all, it wasn't mother fucker. It was "You motherf-!"
You're thinking too much into it. The basic point of the line was just something indicating he was furious with what Koga said. In the end it flowed better in that situation and didn't change the plot at all.

>The meaning is different so you've obviously failed there. See >>7748641 as an example of the meaning being wrong, and how it could've been translated better.
I already addressed why that wouldn't work in >>7748811

>It's 18+ because of the ero. If they removed the ero scenes and left the text the same, they could release it as an all ages games.
No. If they removed the ero scenes, the main theme of him being into games that revolve around the protagonist banging his little sister would still remain--something that would obviously disqualify it from being on the same level as a "kids anime".

>If that were the case you wouldn't have honorifics and words like Onii-chan.
I'm up for dropping honorifics and whatnot when it's possible to get way with it, but it would lose TOO much meaning much to drop them in this particular game. Another consideration is the fact that no one in the target audience wouldn't be familiar with honorifics. However, in the case of "kimo ota", not many would.

>It still changes the meaning when saying douchebag.
Fair enough. However, there are times when it's necessary for the sake of clarity and flow, such as in the case of puns that don't translate. Other examples in this game where this was needed include seasonal haikus and sitting seiza-style. Anyway, I'm still all ears for a better adaptation of it that fulfill the requirements I mentioned in >>7748811

Also, I'm genuinely curious about what you've translated.so far. Please enlighten me.

>> No.7748967

Here's the opening / intro, just for you, /jp/. Just for you !


>> No.7748990

>Also, I'm genuinely curious about what you've translated.so far. Please enlighten me.
You don't need a Michelin Star to see the jizz on a cupcake.

>> No.7748991

>the main theme of him being into games that revolve around the protagonist banging his little sister would still remain--something that would obviously disqualify it from being on the same level as a "kids anime".
The point is, the words themselves are not obscene in the slightest and could be found in many anime and other media that airs of regular TV. How many shows or games even, in America or other English speaking countries would you find using the words fuck and douchebag and such regularly, by high school students?

>no one in the target audience wouldn't be familiar with honorifics. However, in the case of "kimo ota", not many would

But they would all most certainly be familiar with otaku, would they not? In which case, isn't 'gross otaku' or something fine? I don't see how you jumped you something like virgin douchebag.

>Also, I'm genuinely curious about what you've translated.so far. Please enlighten me.
Nothing of course. I just enjoy stroking my own ego by nitpicking translations I will never read. Actually, I did translate a couple chapters of some idolm@ster manga a while back, but my Japanese was worse then so I really don't want to read my old translations.

>> No.7748998

Thanks! I was actually just thinking of uploading it myself. You saved me the trouble.

>> No.7749006
File: 672 KB, 1000x1200, 1313267351713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No problem, Koto. Love to help out.

>> No.7749009

>>7748930 Also, I'm genuinely curious about what you've translated.so far.
You're destroying your argumentation with shit like this.

>> No.7749022

Not really. It's not a typical "hurr you can't criticize something unless you've done it yourself111" kind of thing. If anything, I probably had a mindset closer to /jp/'s typical weeaboo attitude before actually getting into translation and seeing the light. Sometimes there are things you just won't see until you get the actual experience.

I doubt anyone that continues translating for at least 2 years would maintain the attitude that people like Sakura has, anyway.

>> No.7749060

>I'm laughing now because this is the same guy that forced others to take translation tests because his standards were supposedly so high.
All I was trying to do is know if they can translate it first without finding out much later, since I'm going to be putting in a lot of my time TLCing it. I don't have time to teach someone Japanese.

>> No.7749065

For the sake of maintaining my sanity, from now on I will no longer address any arguement where I have to continually reiterate my stance on words vs. meaning. See my previous posts for my reply to this.

>But they would all most certainly be familiar with otaku, would they not? In which case, isn't 'gross otaku' or something fine?
Honorifics is something that occurs throughout the entire game. You have to draw the line somewhere. The kimo-ota scene was a small part of the game included for the sake for humor, and I have captured that in my adaptation while still fulfilling the requirements I mentioned previously.

>Nothing of course. I just enjoy stroking my own ego by nitpicking translations I will never read.

>> No.7749080

nice job summoning the try-hard namefagging translator from the depths of his hipster IRC channel

>> No.7749081

I have and I do. You will notice that he was taking (valid) issue with massive inconsistencies and outright changes in presentation.

>> No.7749099

>But they would all most certainly be familiar with otaku, would they not?
Otaku more or less directly translates to nerd. If one is to be nitpicky, an otaku might imply a more obsessive interest rather than just a strong one. But all one all "otaku = nerd". If one is translating, there is no need to leave "otaku" in Japanese.

>> No.7749108

I don't really care if he chose to use otaku or nerd. It just seems silly to not use either, and use douchebag, with the excuse that people wouldn't understand.

>> No.7751773

Not to stir the fire, but douchebag is one of those words I don't even know what it means. I just know it is a negative word.

It seems fairly unused in all the media I encounter.

>> No.7751783

It's synonymous to asshole, I believe.

>> No.7751779


>> No.7751850

>That would probably look terrible in real life.

>> No.7751861

3D sisters aren't cute.

>> No.7751903


Nothing 3D is cute with the exception of cats and maybe a few other things I am forgetting. Not girls though. Never girls.

>> No.7751916

What the hell happens if you choose 'Run away?' Are there fetish eroge in which you can play through the entire game as a normal?

>> No.7751921


>Nothing 3D is cute with the exception of cats

Baby seals


>> No.7751923

Welp, there goes my interest. At least heroines in Grisaia got eaten or something.
>gg level troll translation
Oh well, at least the threads about this will be entertaining.

>> No.7751928
File: 209 KB, 570x709, 1282448166968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7751941

I'd read more nukige but I hate it how all sex scenes involve vaginal juices, semen squirting, and shinny women shedding out lust tears.

None juicy ero is pretty rare, more so if it doesnt involve enormous chested cows.

My ideal of porn is uncensored non shinny cute loli nudes being penetrated without any juice coming out of them, since their underage anyway.

>> No.7751952

That word doesn't mean whatever you think it means.

>> No.7751966

ok, remove an n
or don't if you don't want to.

>> No.7751971
File: 210 KB, 1200x1800, 1308919366067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she is kinda cute

>> No.7752006
File: 189 KB, 300x396, CockMongler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7752796
File: 102 KB, 809x652, riaimo_morningrescue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gg level troll translation
Nah, I was but I decided against it at the last minute.

Pic related.

>> No.7752829

Go die in a fire.

>> No.7752825
File: 163 KB, 300x506, 1121185489166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7752836

Koto confirmed for Koda.

>> No.7752955

troll translation

>> No.7752964

droll translation

>> No.7755481

So you wanted the morning rescue troll that badly, huh?
Apologies for not leaving it in. Perhaps I can release a separate patch including it..

>> No.7755499

Be more transparent, dude.

>> No.7755500

Wow, this is pathetic. Have scene troll translators always been in the VN community and I just didn't notice, or is this something new? The only other time I have been so turned off by a game because of a translator making an ass out of himself on /jp/ were Cudder's games, but he at least sort of had a reason for it.

>> No.7755514

The game looks good, and the translation is fine aside a couple of things.

So, chill the fuck out.
And let's pretend this thread never happened.

>> No.7758043

To whoever thinks the current version is not literal enough: please see this thread and give me your ideas.


>> No.7758045

Whoops. Forgot the link.
This thread: >>7758032

>> No.7758076


>> No.7758084

It's hilarious how criticizing the rewriting of kimoota and nanii to a completely different meaning means you want a literal translation made up of it cannot be helped-s and people die when they are killed-s
A kneejerk reaction if I ever saw one

>> No.7758086
File: 177 KB, 800x600, mai_imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai is the best imouto. Discuss.

>> No.7758117

Yes she is, could you give her name?

>> No.7758129

She's the worst heroine in the game.

>> No.7758187

It won't be THAT literal. As I said in the other thread: The literal patch won't change every other line to be Engrish. I will still keep the lines that are adapted to make it flow well in English but not change the meaning to the point people would complain--such as the kimo-ota ones.
