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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 223x447, Pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7743717 No.7743717 [Reply] [Original]

stop taking those pills /jp/

theyyre not good for your health !

>> No.7743723

I'd take those pills if you know what I mean.

>> No.7743725

The doctor said they are good. He must be right, otherwise he wouldn't be a doctor.

>> No.7743729
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>> No.7743730

Actually, a lot of people on /jp/ would greatly benefit from a proper medication regimen.

>> No.7743728
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>not good for your health.
That's the point ;_;

>> No.7743734

Screw you. I'm not going to let them indoctrinate me.

>> No.7743751
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I went off my meds a couple months ago since they weren't doing anything.

>> No.7743759

That picture hits home real hard.
I should get some help, but I would rather not.

>> No.7743776

I need pills for depression.

Will you give me that pill, anime-girl?

>> No.7743787

So I've never taken anti-depressants before and I've considered giving them a shot.
What do they feel like? Are there any bizarre side effects?

>> No.7743803

>What do they feel like?
None of the ones I've tried have made me feel any different.
>Are there any bizarre side effects?
It varies from person to person, there's a wide variety that can potentially occur.

>> No.7743800


Mind control. You should never take anything the government prescribes.

>> No.7743811

I'm too big of a wuss to even swallow vitamin pills, much less drugs. I have an uncontrollable fear that I'll choke and die on it.

>> No.7743813

But I don't take pills.

>> No.7743828
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They are good for my health though.

When I don't take them, I have suicidal episodes, and am more apt to fly off my goddamned handle and break shit.

>> No.7743834

I was under a number of different psychiatric medication for the last couple of years. Obviously I was resisting the idea at first. Who wants to mess their brain chemistry with shit that could easily have side effects? But it got harder to keep going every day so I took the easy way out and started getting my medication.

The worst part is adjusting to a new dose. Reading all of the fine print and hoping that you're not one of those guys that get strong suicidal thoughts as a side effect. And who markets an antidepressant that can possibly turn it into a suicide thing? Crazy.
So the result is that 2 years and a shitload of pills later I wasn't any closer to getting better and the side effects just made things worse. The worst one was without a doubt a distinct sense of not being real. Everything just feels as if being looked through a fogged out thick glass and you're controlling a meat puppet that is your body. That and the vivid nightmares.

All of that, all of looking around for answers and stalling life for years. They finally find a fucking brain tumor due to a hunch and solve the problem with aggressive treatment. You finally think properly, realize that trusting the medication in the first place was a mistake because doctors don't really know the whole system. They try things, hope for the best and check the results, but don't really know for sure what's going to happen.

I can barely remember anything of the past two years. I blame the meds for that. Made me unreliable and erratic. I don't know why I'm posting this really. Guess what I'm saying is that before you look for pills to solve your problems really try to get to the source. Also, get a wide spectrum of hormone tests. Some imbalances can get interpreted as regular clinical depression when it could just be a small tumor messing up the way you are.

>> No.7743832

B-But I won't get to be the little girl if I don't take them,,,

>> No.7743838

Yeah fuck you. I was literally on the verge of going insane (as in I spent 3 months barely eating or doing anything but shivering curled up on my bed) before I started taking the shit I'm on now.

>> No.7743845


Let's all be insane together.

>> No.7743852
File: 233 KB, 1200x900, readyforchristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too sad without them. ;_;

>> No.7743849

Don't listen to the loli! You should take what you're prescribed by your doctor.

Unless she's a doctor as well or something.

>> No.7743850

"Don't take medical advice from /jp/"


>> No.7743855

You won't be the little girl if you DO take them, unless you've found some sort of magic supplement that reverses the ageing processes and halts at desired age and phases you into another dimension.

>> No.7743863


>> No.7743877

Thanks, good to know.
The problem of the "source" is that it's a problem I can't get rid of anymore, so I guess I'll have to endure. Or something. I don't think I can keep up more than 5 years though, and I'm scared of death.

>> No.7743880

What do you think /jp/ is for? Behind the facade of spending our days idly masturbating to little girls and playing Touhou or CAVE shooters, we're actually spending our days idly masturbating to little girls, playing Touhou or CAVE shooters and experimenting with magic and drugs to turn ourselves into elegant young maidens.

I myself have mostly succeeded, but I forgot to fully stay inside the magic circle during the ritual, so I'm now a cute immortal 2D girl with the left arm of a grown man. It's still better than nothing.

>> No.7743891

The pills are more than likely what fucked me up in the first place. You know how kids under 18 shouldn't take anti-depressants because it fucks up their brain? Yeah.

When I was like 5 I said I didn't want to live, probably because I was being forced to clean my room or some bullshit. Then mom freaked out and I had to start taking pills that made me feel like nothing.

>> No.7743896

Only three months? Casual. I spent my entire childhood with my mother threatening to put me in an institution due to my eating disorder. It's great growing up like that.

Nothings changed since. One meal every one or two days master race.

>> No.7743911

You post had little to do with mine.
Being the little girl is not the same as being a 3D on HRT. The fact you would imply such a thing is saddening.

>> No.7743919
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>> No.7743915

>You know how kids under 18 shouldn't take anti-depressants because it fucks up their brain?

Woah. What?! I've been taking anti-depressants since I was 16, what's gonna happen to me?

>> No.7743929

You are here, that's what happened

>> No.7743930

Far as I know it just increases suicidal tendencies in people under 18 for SSRI medication. That's why they sell it with a black label in the US.

It's messed up.

>> No.7743984

I took Prozac from 14-16 and I think I turned out fine. I might have a few mental illnesses and a few weird sexual fetishes but otherwise I think I'm a good person.

>> No.7744028

Well yeah, I'm not a bad person either but we're both on /jp/, which most would say qualifies us for "not normal".

>> No.7744089

Is /jp/ seen as being that bad?

>> No.7744104


Who knows.
Go give your mother a tour and see how she reacts.

>> No.7744106

We keep coming here while the board shows no signs of improving.

>> No.7744118
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Normalfags are cancer anyway.

>> No.7744119
File: 63 KB, 255x255, 130915612248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is bad and everyone who bothered to post in it should feel bad.

>> No.7744150

I'm afraid that I might get medicated soon. What should I do, keep telling my therapist about all of my suicidal thoughts and get medication, or keep my mouth shut and hang on?

>> No.7744155

I don't. I sell my pills to dead heads.

>> No.7745078


I have depression, and most likely OCD (Only been diagnosed with depression by a general practitioner, but I'm nearly positive I'd be diagnosed with OCD). Also have anxiety, but it's relatively mild and most negligible.

I take zoloft, and it does help. It makes me less obsessive, and I can relax a bit better. It doesn't make me any less depressed, though, just more apathetic. It's preferable to being an obsessive, pissed off mess, though.

The only side effects I've had are decreased libido, and I have very vivid dreams while taking the meds. Nothing really big.
