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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7741379 No.7741379 [Reply] [Original]

That feeling when you go to the store and other customers and cashiers engage in chit-chat with you.

>> No.7741386

>they want to fuck

>> No.7741391

What can't you chat back at them?

How is this related?

Where is "Mood: " "Listening to: "

>> No.7741395

Cool blog post OP

>> No.7741400


I sparsely initiate conversation, but women sometimes go for me ...

>> No.7741401

the barber wants to talk

>> No.7741406

That feeling when you visit /jp/ and someone makes a shitty thread.

>> No.7741408

That's because you still look normal. They leave you alone if you look like an insomniac, a punk, a drugie, a nerd, a neckbeard, etc. etc.

>> No.7741409
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I know that feel

>> No.7741410

Why does my dentist even think talking is a good idea?

>> No.7741420

Don't answer them. Good thing I live in a depressing post-soviet environment where people don't even smile, not to mention trying to start a conversation.

>> No.7744793
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That feeling when you go up to the cash register and they just stare at you without greeting you then when they give you back your change they try as hard as they can to not touch your hand while having a disgusting look on their face, then as soon as you leave and the next customer comes up they happily greet them.

>> No.7744799

I don't know that feel.

>> No.7744819

For fuck's sake, man the fuck up, /jp/.

>> No.7744825

I had to start cutting my own hair years ago because of that unbearable small-talk.

>> No.7744879 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, 14155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when there are always big lines of customers in the supermarket I go and the cashier just tries to work as fast as possible without looking, much less talking with anyone.

>> No.7744888

How fucked up does your hair look?

>> No.7745161

I don't even go outside.

>> No.7745242 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 688x470, aa35394501c2e2c3db0a2b67d56e1e7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I'm not a failure at social interactions even though I'm a shut in basement dweller.

>> No.7745334

How do you do it?

>> No.7745513 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot20100222121419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when the your local supermarket installs self-service checkouts.

I don't actually mind talking to cashiers, anything past that on a social level is pretty awful though.

>> No.7745519

I go around stores lookin for pathetic weeaboos like u guys so i can talk 2 u and make u uncomfortable hahahah

>> No.7745670

超カッケー! お前みたいなヤツになりたいなぁ

>> No.7749658

Strangely, I don't have that problem. Most people tend to not talk to me because I look like a homeless person. The exception is that the homeless people know I'm not because I actually take baths so they ask my poor ass for money.


>> No.7749669
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Why the fuck delete some replies but leave this thread alone? Or is that some bot-mod deleting "that fееl", but not "feeling"?

>> No.7749672

I don't mind small talk. But I never get it anyways because I use the self-check out machine at stores (it's just faster).

>> No.7749674
File: 103 KB, 639x476, 1313214340866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clerkess: "So any plans for tonight?"

>> No.7749675

How fucking hard is it to say "Hello" and reply to simple questions? It's not like they expect you to give a damn speech.

>> No.7749678


>> No.7749680


>> No.7749690


It used to be very hard for me to do that for other reasons than my being a nerd. Eventually I got the balls to respond and lo and behold socializing isn't that bad.

I just tend to not do it that often because I'm more comfortable around my friends despite my misfortune of them being really into Twilight for some inane reason.

I hope to convert them.

>> No.7749685

I look like all of those except a druggie but I still get accosted. Probably because my community is weird/"alternative" to begin with. I've gotten to the point where now I can usually handle small talk with only minor slip ups.

>> No.7749693
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] The World God Only Knows - 09v2 [579B9B17].mkv_snapshot_07.43_[2011.08.16_11.19.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard. Why should I answer simple questions to a random person? What do they want from me? What do they think of me? How should I act to make a better impression? Did I look alright or not? Maybe they are laughing at me now. What would they think if I say something wrong? Did I just say something wrong?
Fuck this, I'd rather not talk with anyone.

>> No.7749695


>...reply to simple questions

"So what do you do?"

>> No.7749702
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This post hit me right in the face. Fuck me.

>> No.7749720
File: 99 KB, 1280x1024, Harima_kun_by_Cubedeglace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7741379 That feel*

But yes I know that feel, this is how I would appear in that situation.

>> No.7749727

social phobia is actually pretty common. seek help if you wish the questions to go away.

>> No.7749729

>How can we continue this conversation?

>> No.7749731

god /jp/ you're so moe, I just want to smile and say hi to you and take you out of your comfort zone

>> No.7749754


>Clerkess: "So any plans for tonight?"

"My plans are right before me"

>> No.7749763

this is true to life
