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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7741251 No.7741251 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7741259

>Eating while on the toilet.
>The circle of life.

>> No.7741264

Alice leaks poop

>> No.7741273

S-stop posting these! They make me all sad and stuffs.

>> No.7741285

There are no high or middle schools in Gensokyo

>> No.7741298

why do people eat in the toilet?
are they ashamed what they are eating?
or the fact that they have no one to eat with?

>> No.7741302
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>> No.7741318

bully, social anxiety, stress, ana-pro, you name it.

>> No.7741335
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>> No.7741344
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Even though from my understanding of odors you're essentially eating shit, it's still better than going to the cafeteria.

>> No.7741345
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I must disagree, Anon!

>> No.7741348
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>> No.7741354
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>> No.7741355

Sometimes I hide in the bathroom in my own apartment, because it's the only room without windows and thus the only room where I can feel truly alone.

>> No.7741378

I have never understood the purpose on eating in the toilet.

Eating in your room yes, I can see the purpose to that. But the toilet? It's just weird.

>> No.7741380


I would eat it. Curry rice is great and looks nice too.

>> No.7741390

How could I possibly eat in my room with all my crap on the floor stinking up the place?
That's just disgusting.

>> No.7741396

I wish they would relieve their anxieties and other bowels all over my face while they eat.

>> No.7741404

Because it's easy?

A toilet is different to me though. While I do not suffer from "problems" on eating alone sealed up in my room (unless the situation calls for it), a toilet is diseased in my eyes and eating in it would make my clothes feel wrong and dirty.

>> No.7741430


>I wish they would relieve their anxieties and other bowels all over my face while they eat.

You might say it now since it's 2D, but did you ever saw some scat porn? And i don't mean videos of girl only defecating, either at toilet or in nature, which is actually good material for masturbation, but scat where women chew and smear shit all over themselves, it didn't look very nice to me.

Visit joyangeles.com for some inspiration

and some torrent for starters


>> No.7741441
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Stop slouching, /jp/.

>> No.7741473
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>old pond.
>a frog leaps in.

>> No.7741482
File: 148 KB, 555x776, yuukashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she use both toilet paper and water to clean up?

>> No.7742101

For anyone who doesn't get it, that's a really famous haiku.

>> No.7742123

Nope.This is the real one.
Old pond
frogs jumped in
sound of water.

>> No.7742150

That's what Sakuya said...

>> No.7742195

Whats wrong with toilet threads today?

>> No.7743156

It must be a new fetish we are going through. I just don't see how people can sit on the toilet and eat food.

Next we'll discussing stuff like I go to school naked or how I dry jump my bed thinking it to be my waifu.

>> No.7743197

I wish I was autistic.

>> No.7743200
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lol why the HELL would any1 eat near the toilet, wouldn't your gag reflexes kick in and you vomit and whatnot
what about hearing other people take a dump while eating, you've gatta have nerves of steal it's like they gatta be ON STEROIDS.

>> No.7743214

Not all toilet's are like the school you know. Most people would remember when to flush... and it's also cleaned as well.

Me? I'd rather eat most of my food in my own bedroom. I don't think I'm "lonely" enough to attempt to eat in a toilet where the smell makes me need to hold my breath all the fucking time.

>> No.7743230
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>like the schools
yeah i have that anchored in my brain, i was speaking from EXP. ever since that day a long time ago i never used the school toilets again, i trained my bladder like HELL and now i can hold my piss a full 24 hours (comes in really useful when on a plane)

>> No.7743233

You must be autistic. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come here.

>> No.7743235
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Ah, right.

I usually try my best to not do that when I use to be in school, there will always be a time when I "have" to go and when I do, the stench is so bad, well... I think I've already explained it as it is right?

Now imagine eating your lunch / dinner in a foul room like that. I can assure you you'd be throwing up and it going all over your food before you can take a bite.

Not the person you are talking to, but I've got a form of it if it's of any importance.

>> No.7743259

And how do you know that you're autistic?

>> No.7743270
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>And how do you know that you're autistic?

When I was young, my mother took me to a psychiratist and they ran some tests. I don't know how the rest went but it also turned into him diagnosing me with Aspergers Syndrome.

From what I've gathered from my mother, they said that they always thought that I had it. It was only when they ran some tests with me that it turned out to be true.

I don't think I'll ever get to feel what the rest of this board suffers from.

>> No.7743293

Women bathrooms are a lot cleaner than men bathrooms.

>> No.7743294


>> No.7743298


>> No.7743302

[citation needed]

>> No.7743332

I recommend installing a latch on your bedroom door.

>> No.7743336

That's what you think.

>> No.7743446
File: 47 KB, 432x600, your_tears_are_delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see #6
>Obviously this varies from place to place, but a lot of men who have had to do janitorial work complain that women's restrooms are often filthier than men's restrooms.
