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7728966 No.7728966 [Reply] [Original]

I was just curious. When you do it, do you use your left or right hand?

>> No.7728970


Power grip

>> No.7728969

I used to use my right, but it was impractical, so I trained myself to use my left.
I still can't write with my left hand though.

>> No.7728973

I have used both. Prefer left because mouse with right hurr durr.

>> No.7728971

I alternate.

>> No.7728977

If I'm only using my hand, then my right. If I'm using my onahole, then probably both. I just can't get off with only my left hand.

>> No.7728981

Right, but strangely my left arm is stronger that the right one lol.

>> No.7728986

Yeah I had to do that to. Used to have to stop in the middle and change pictures or restart a movie, sort of killed the momentum. Now Its just strange to use my right.

>> No.7728991

>When you do it
Why wouldn't I shoot danmaku with my right hand?

>> No.7729016

Right, of course. I can't do anything proficiently with my left hand, and jerking off is no exception.

>> No.7729027

I have a long penis and a very weak grip.

>> No.7729031

Lol i use my right hand off course. why you even ask XD

>> No.7729040

I think the rule of your writing hand is not your not wanking hand.

>> No.7729048

same story here brahh

>> No.7729062

I rock climb regularly so I have much stronger than average hands.

I'm right handed but I use my left out of fear of deathgripping my penis.

>> No.7729069
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Both, I change hands whenever the other gets tired.
What a silly OP for asking such things. I really like the way you asked it.

>> No.7729092

I used to left for some reason but then I used right

>> No.7729108

I don't see how you can fap without having a hand available for the mouse at all times. Do some of you seriously take a break from fapping whenever you're gathering porn?

>> No.7729113

Left. It's the only thing my left hand is useful for, everything else my right hand is much better at and I don't get it.

>> No.7729143

I used to fap with my right, with my pinky extended. Then it grow, and now I only use my left.

>> No.7729153

I used to use my right hand. But at some point I switched to left for a long time. And then I started to use my right again.
Now my dick has grown to lean slightly to the left from a ll the fapping, which makes fapping with the left hand feel unnatural.


>> No.7729159

Started with my right then switched to my left in my early teens.

>> No.7729183

Keyboard anyone?

Besides I use my both hands; right for fapping, left for perineum.

>> No.7729194

Anyone ever fapped before through sheer mental power?

>> No.7729235


Yes. I did it during class back in highschool several times, nobody ever noticed. It helped that I was sitting in the back. I doubt I could do it now though, I'm not as horny as I used to be.

>> No.7732143

I never thought about doing in class. I didnt it once while driving, was kinda fun.

>> No.7732151

Pure maidens don't do such disgusting things. Go ask /soc/ or /v/.

>> No.7732159

I like to leave most of the work to my left, but I always finish with the right.

>> No.7732163

You're just mad because I came inside you last night.

>> No.7732193

I'm a master of Yoga.

>> No.7732188 [DELETED] 

Left then Right

>> No.7732241
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I use my right hand to use the mouse/keyboard.

>> No.7732289

I lack the willpower to stop my hands from moving on their own.

Boof posted a guide about that some time ago.

>> No.7732472

What disgusting things? The OP didnt specify. You dont sound very pure if your mind is jumping to disgusting conclusions.

>> No.7732512

Left. Both when I'm feeling really lewd and go all out.
