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7726948 No.7726948 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, can we have a Symphonic Rain thread? I like Symphonic Rain threads.

For those of you who haven't played it yet or have no idea what I'm talking about, please try it out. It's one of the best VNs ever.

>> No.7726978 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 885x487, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Symphonic Rain

>> No.7726990


Of course, this is the first response I get, because /jp/ is a terrible board for terrible people like spammers and bored trolls.

Okay, Anon, I'll bite. What makes Symphonic Rain so 'shit'?

>> No.7726999

I'll read it, if somebody can tell me an easy fix to the fucking 'No text is showing up.. at all' bug.

>> No.7727007

If (game == translated)
return "shit"
else return "game of the year"

>> No.7727008

Same person I'm hoping.

>> No.7727011
File: 357 KB, 700x990, 1312451571776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to read this, OP. I heard that there's nothing sexual about this read at all, but they're all so cute that I can't resist. That image of your's made me want to read it, OP. Just to see that girl's chest, even if it's barely showing. It's just enough to make my cock hard.

>> No.7727014

Nothing really, it's a wonderful and deep VN that is certainly up there with Clannad and Artificial Angels

>> No.7727018


I got that bug, but I forgot how I resolved it.

Um, let's see. TLWiki says to get the Essai font from http://www.mediafire.com/?5edgbejigjz, copy it into your game folder and windows font folder, run regedit, run a search on Borland and add the exe manually with

Then right click, "New String Value"

>After that, edit the string you made. The Value Name should be the path to SR_qc.exe, and the value data should be MOO.

That help?

>> No.7727023

sure, you read the fucking readme.

>> No.7727035

Had the most simply thing worked, I wouldn't be having this problem, would I?

There's no "Borlands" folder in the tree-view.
I guess i installed it as something else.
How would I go from there?

>> No.7727036


Not at all.

>> No.7727048


What OS are you using? I have a 'Borland' folder under 'Software'.

>> No.7727058

Windows 7, 64 bit.
As I mentioned, I think it's because i made a custom install.
Did you install in the default directory?

>> No.7727073


How do you mean?

I honestly don't even remember how I solved the problem, or what 'Borland' is even supposed to be, as I followed the instructions on TLWiki blindly. My apologies.

>> No.7727080

MC was really shitty.
For the no text shit, install the font.

>> No.7727081

you need to edit the directory in SR.reg to wherever you installed it and then run that, you shouldn't need to edit the registry manually or anything.

>> No.7727086

I was just thinking whether I should play Symphonic Rain, OP. Your post determined me to play it.

Can anyone recommend me a playing order? I like to go from the worst to the best.

>> No.7727090


Fal, Lise, Torta is the commonly accepted route order. Anything else won't be as good anyway.

>> No.7727096

Still no dice, though it seems to be more correct. I'll mess around for a bit.

>> No.7727116

I don't think the MC was bad, and honestly, his problems were pretty messed up. However, I asked this before, and got some interesting answers about a year ago. Did anyone else completely misunderstand him in the first Da Capo routes? Normally VN protags are more active, sarcastic, and teasing. Every time the game implied that Chris did something ambiguous like ignore a minor character, I imagined confident indifference, not shyness. I was totally taken aback at how wrong I was during Al Fine. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.7727120


You might want to spoiler that.

I was surprised too, and I think that was intentional on the part of the writers. The idea behind the perspective change was to show how restrictive first-person perspectives can be, especially if the owner of the perspective is crazy.

>> No.7727122

What is Symphonic Rain?

>> No.7727132

A bit, yes

>> No.7727133

I always thought Torta was being a bitch and overreacting when she told him how much he used to lose the focus of the conversation, since at that time you were having inner monologues.
then I just wanted to punch him because it was irritating

>> No.7727142

Read Fal's route and raged. Started on Lise's and got bored. The story was sombre to the point of oppressiveness and couldn't keep my interest.

>> No.7727139

Hey /jp/ do you guise like touhou games? Wanna play with me?

>> No.7727143


A well-rated VN with a slow-paced, light atmosphere. Give it a go if you want something healing.

>> No.7727147

He wasn't crazy, he was just a textbook schizoid
I thought it was interesting to see the world beyond Chris's eyes.

>> No.7727148

I just figured it out.

Go to your game folder. There will be a file called SR.reg

Double click SR.reg. Try the game.
If you installed it in C:/Program Files/KOGADO/SRTE, it will work. If you didn't, it will have created CurrentUser/Software/Borland/Locales for you, with a key that has an incorrect path. Change the path from C:\Program Files\KOGADO\SRTE\SR_qc.exe to (for me: D:\Program Files (x86)\KOGADO\SRTE\SR_qc.exe

You're welcome.

>> No.7727151


Oh ho ho. You haven't even begun to see why Symphonic Rain is so good.

Keep going, Al Fine is worth it.

>> No.7727160

Ah yeah, I got it working a while after I was told there was a .reg file in the installation folder.
Sorry, didn't think to report back.

>> No.7727164

Can somebody refresh my memory regarding Fal's route?
At the ending, when you choose to go with her, or whatever the 'good' choice is. You end up knowing she used you, but still stay with her, right?

>> No.7727171

Yep, Chris is trying to help her

>> No.7727180

Nah, I always saw Chris as a sad, lonely, shy guy. But that interpretation does seem kind of interesting.

>> No.7727181

I'm not a fan of personality disorders caused by some form trauma in fiction but I thought it was well done here. Chris was pretty believable as a normal person at first but once Al Fine you see Chris for what he is. I also loved the dynamic that Chris was actually incredibly talented and a really good musician when in his head he is average[/spoiler[

>> No.7727182

Ah, now I remember, thank you.
It cuts out after she says something along the lines of "It's time for you to face the truth.", right?

>> No.7727188

Can someone summarize Lise's bad end? I never bothered with it since her normal ending was depressing enough.

>> No.7727189

Makes me wonder if Fal was stable enough to support Chris after the world falls on top of him if he finds out at all.

>> No.7727197

I used to think that the concept of the Fortell was silly. It's a magical keyboard that draws its sound from its player's mood.

But when I played my violin at a family friend's funeral and saw myself as her ring bearer in a slideshow picture, I knew that it wasn't silly at all.
Every instrument is an extension of its player. The trembling of the player transmits to the instrument and changes its tune.

>> No.7727207

Her bad ending wasn't that bad.
Chris and Grave both acknowledge that their performance was unsatisfactory. Chris goes on to improve himself to prove himself.

>> No.7727215

Is there anyway to make the + key in the performances... not a +? I don't have a + button on my computer (Shift + = = + for me, and apparently my numpad's + doesn't work)

>> No.7727221

It's on the /jp/ FTP

>> No.7727220

I can't find a working torrent for this anywhere. I'd be very grateful if someone gave me link to one.

>> No.7727222


It's not +. I forget what key it is but it's not + on a North American keyboard.

>> No.7727237
File: 164 KB, 700x240, japanesekeyboard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's semicolon.

>> No.7727238

What is /jp/ FTP? Okay, this is probably a very stupid question, but please bear with me.

>> No.7727244

It's a server that is has a bit of everything, really.
Though it's down an awful lot.

>> No.7727248

Thank you <3

Am I allowed to give out the ftp? I never see the link posted anymore.

Anonymous // /jp/
ftp:// jpftp[dot]mine(dot)nu/

>> No.7727251

Alright, thanks for the answer. Where can I access it?

>> No.7727282

Alright, thanks a lot!

>> No.7728151

How old were the characters in Symphonic Rain supposed to be, anyway?

>> No.7728156

15-18 according to wikipedia

>> No.7728157

I'd like knowledge of /jp/'s server too.


>> No.7728178


It was in >>7727248. Check the archive

>> No.7728248

been reading this very slowly but im wondering when it starts to pick up, im around 12/15 doing fal's route first, is it just the way the vn is?

>> No.7728273

The first three routes are all kind of slow, but will fuck with you when you get closer to the end. Then you get to Al Fine which fucks with you pretty much right from the beginning.

>> No.7728294

I have trouble with the no text bug as well. Essai font installed in both the game folder and Windows, no Borland in regedit.

>> No.7728788

Is it normal to hate Lise? I just met her. She seems like someone would take her homework and she'd just sit there being like "ah" with a blank stupid look on her face.

>> No.7728824


I think you more just hate her archetype.

To be fair to her as a character, her route actually gives a good reason for that.

>> No.7728843

Probably right. I don't mind if a girl is a little light headed, but she's full blown autism in here, at least during the first / second time you meet her.

>> No.7728853


I'll spoil it for you, if you want.

If I remember right Grave's been throttling her to get her to stop singing and focus on playing. So she has trouble speaking, is moemoe shy, and probably has a bit of brain damage if you think about it.

>> No.7728858

Fal is an angellllll

>> No.7728865

Don't even know who Grave is. I guess I'll find out when I ctrl through her brain damage.

Yeah. I think I like Fal the most.

I kind of feel bad for Arietta though.

>> No.7728888


If you like brain damage, you'll love her ending.

>> No.7728889

Postan on SR thread.

I wish to re-read it again someday.

>> No.7728920

I guess it's time to work on my backlog. I hope this provides a heartwarming feeling, or at least some faps.

>> No.7728923

Your tears will lubricate your fap.

>> No.7728946

I hate you

>> No.7728949

That's very rude.

>> No.7728967

I think Chris is meant to appear normal throughout the routes excluding Al Fine because he's not aware of his problems at all.

I enjoyed Fal's route a lot even though a lot of people dislike her having completed her route but I have to say I was discontent through anything but Al Fine because I wanted to be with Arietta. Al Fine was very satisfactory for me.

Torta was my least favourite route. I guess I couldn't sympathise with her character.

>> No.7728976

I have a feeling I'll be like
Fal > Torta > Brain Damage

I have no idea what the Al fine routes are, though. I just started this VN today, and it seems like Chris is pretty normal, abeit really antisocial, to me.

>> No.7728979

I'm not sure but isn't Chris pretty aimless? He only cares about the fortell, if anything.

>> No.7728983

Seems like a normal antisocial college student to me.

Kind of reminds me of myself when I was a freshman-sophomore.

Go to class, do whatever's required, bail and play video games. End up haphazardly studying before tests/doing homework at the last minute, go back to class, etc. Mind pretty much on video games.

>> No.7728999

Fair enough.
I still think Chris stands out from other characters in this aspect.

>> No.7729006

You also already read it and know what happens in Al Fine, because from what I can tell from spoilers, he's mentally disturbed or something.

>> No.7729010

He is, but I don't think that has anything to do with him being without ambitions

>> No.7729015

That's not very rare. when I was freshman-sophomore (Saying this because I eventually changed), my goal in life was to get a job after college so I can play more video games. Didn't really think of it past then, just wanted more video games.

Of course, since then, I've thought about it more. But at the time, all I really cared about were video games.

On top of that, this is a visual novel about music. I figure they're just cutting out some boring parts that don't have to do with music or being painfully pussywhipped by angel cook with great personality but is really really pushy Fal

>> No.7729022

>angel cook
Wait, Torta?

>> No.7729034

Reread the last word of the spoiler~

What's this Piova thing with a bar at the very bottom left of my text thing. It's getting shorter and shorter.

>> No.7729038

Ah, my bad, I only ever remember Torta's cooking. What'd you think of Asino?

>> No.7729050

I think he's just a friend that you don't see very often (What, once every 2 weeks?)

Like the kind of guy you say Hey when walking down the hall. You're not really friends, but you can't really say you're not friends because you treat him better than an acquaintance.

People sure are interesting, huh.

>> No.7729263 [DELETED] 

I just finished Fal's route (non Al Fine). I have a few objections though.

[Spoiler]There's absolutely nothing wrong with using people. Using people is how we interact day to day. Without using people, we can take a transaction as simple as eating. We use the chef to give us food, and the chef uses us to give us money.[/spoiler]

What's wrong, at least what I believe to be the line, is manipulation. However, at no points in the route did Fal ever show that she's manipulated you. Yes, she asked you to play with her, and she's pushy as fuck, but at no point did she lie to you for the sole purpose of using you. For example, if she told Chris in the beginning she liked him when she really didn't, that would be manipulation. Instead, throughout literally the first half, they were still on the fence about whether they'd actually be partners, waiting until the last moment. In addition, doing favors for faculty in exchange for favors later isn't manipulation. Extracted, it's just using people for mutual benefit. Absolutely nothing wrong

I don't see the forced drama here. Fal sure is nice though.

>> No.7729267 [DELETED] 

I just finished Fal's route (non Al Fine). I have a few objections though.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with using people. Using people is how we interact day to day. Without using people, we can take a transaction as simple as eating. We use the chef to give us food, and the chef uses us to give us money.

What's wrong, at least what I believe to be the line, is manipulation. However, at no points in the route did Fal ever show that she's manipulated you. Yes, she asked you to play with her, and she's pushy as fuck, but at no point did she lie to you for the sole purpose of using you. For example, if she told Chris in the beginning she liked him when she really didn't, that would be manipulation. Instead, throughout literally the first half, they were still on the fence about whether they'd actually be partners, waiting until the last moment. In addition, doing favors for faculty in exchange for favors later isn't manipulation. Extracted, it's just using people for mutual benefit. Absolutely nothing wrong

and my opinion on Asino hasn't really changed. Sure he might have a light narcissism complex about how he's nobility, but that doesn't change the fact that he's not close enough to be a friend, but not far enough to be an acquaintance.

I don't see the forced drama here. Fal sure is nice though.

>> No.7729270

I just finished Fal's route (non Al Fine). I have a few objections though.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with using people. Using people is how we interact day to day. Without using people, we can take a transaction as simple as eating. We use the chef to give us food, and the chef uses us to give us money.

What's wrong, at least what I believe to be the line, is manipulation. However, at no points in the route did Fal ever show that she's manipulated you. Yes, she asked you to play with her, and she's pushy as fuck, but at no point did she lie to you for the sole purpose of using you. For example, if she told Chris in the beginning she liked him when she really didn't, that would be manipulation. Instead, throughout literally the first half, they were still on the fence about whether they'd actually be partners, waiting until the last moment. In addition, doing favors for faculty in exchange for favors later isn't manipulation. Extracted, it's just using people for mutual benefit. Absolutely nothing wrong

and my opinion on Asino hasn't really changed. Sure he might have a light narcissism complex about how he's nobility, but that doesn't change the fact that he's not close enough to be a friend, but not far enough to be an acquaintance.

I don't see the forced drama here. Fal sure is nice though.

Fucked up spoilers 2 times in a row. :(

>> No.7729290 [DELETED] 

>Fucked up spoilers 2 times in a row. :(
And here I was getting excited over 3 new posts.

Chris also doesn't seem to be too bother about being used. I don't think manipulation is quite the right word, but things that seemed coincidental were actually Fal's work.[/spoiler]

>> No.7729294

>Fucked up spoilers 2 times in a row. :(
And here I was getting excited over 3 new posts.

Chris also doesn't seem to be too bother about being used. I don't think manipulation is quite the right word, but things that seemed coincidental were actually Fal's work.

oh, irony

>> No.7729301

There's no "forced drama", the game is great exactly because it manages to have rather realistic character development after make you think it's just a classic moe game. If you're talking about how people say she's a bitch it's just people who got hit by the previous mentioned developments harder than it's supposed to.

>> No.7729342

Coincidental? I just see her as being extremely, extremely pushy and adept in cornering (Much akin to my mom), heavy in layin' on the guilt trip. Then, you just need a backbone and to learn how to say no, there's nothing wrong from either person's pov.

I'm not saying she manipulated Chris. Rather, I'm saying, the only way using someone is debatably wrong is if she HAD been manipulating him

Which coincidences are you talking about, like oh surprise, Asino comes in unexpectedly while you're making out with Fal? From their conversation, Asino wasn't understanding that she wasn't interested in him, and this is how she flat out told him. I don't agree with her method, but there wasn't manipulation. It would have been manipulation if and only if she started fucking him in front of Chris. But then this would be NTR and I wouldn't have started this VN to begin with.

Forced drama as in they're making a big deal out of nothing. ie: "omg I'm >using< you to cook me lasagna because it's fucking delicious and I love your cooking" (See? Not a big deal, but I can pretend it is)

>> No.7729359

The coincidence I had in mind was the umbrella thing, which, by the way, completely fooled me into thinking the rain was actually real. I don't know if it's technically manipulation, but it seems to me she planned out a lot and moved things in her favor.

>> No.7729365


That's not something you should discuss with someone who's only read Fal's route.

>> No.7729372

I just got spoiled!

Thanks for being courteous about it throughout the entire thread though :o

I was thinking about spoilers in the shower, and honestly, I don't really care for them. In most scenarios, you can look at a book and say "Oh, he saves the pricess. The end", but its really about 'how' it happens that I'm more interested in.

And from the spoiler text, that isn't manipulation. That's just careful planning.

>> No.7729379

Sorry, I didn't realize.

>> No.7729391

I'm curious what you could consider manipulation. She plays on his mental instability to get him to think she's a nice person. Then leads him on and makes him fall for her just because she wants a skilled Fortell player as her partner. Comparing that to "using" a cook to get food or whatever is just silly.

>> No.7729407

Of course, as someone that didn't play Al Fine, I don't know any of this yet.

but I think, she falls in love with him too in the end, so the relationship isn't purely a "I want to use you" relationship. In addition, there's no 'deceit', which I want to emphasize. She isn't lying to him at all. If anything, she's empathizing with his disability.

>> No.7729411

That's pretty much what I think as well. Her being a bitch to Asino also means she's relying solely on Chris, for example.

>> No.7729420

Well, I don't even see it as a Chris problem when she was telling Asino off. Based on Asino's reaction to her saying she wasn't interested in his nobility, it's clear that they've gone over this before. She had probably told him before that she wasn't interested, and he wasn't getting the message. Again, while I don't agree with having him walk in on her like that, I don't see anyone getting manipulated in this context.

She never 'solely relied on Chris' until they signed up together, and even then she still has going solo as a backup method. With her personality, she'd do well with or without Chris.

>> No.7729424

I'm disappointed that the side stories haven't been translated yet.

>> No.7729430

Just started it. It feels pretty nice, but because you guys like it, it definitely can't be nice or happy.
Yeah, I'll be ready for rape, sluts, AIDS ex machina and NTR.

>> No.7729432


Well, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the final route.

>> No.7729436

So, good end with one girl, others get fucked?

>> No.7729439



>> No.7729455

Actually, Symphonic Rain is kind of different in that regard. Usually with many VNs like this you tend to feel really bad for the heroines you didn't choose, but in Symphonic Rain it actually seems like every single route would have been better off if you'd ignored her. Besides the Phorni route I guess.

>> No.7729463

I wish Phorni was my friend, ;_;

>> No.7729464

I don't know, only really seems like that in Lise's route. And her life was shit from the beginning, so that's debatable.

>> No.7729469
File: 115 KB, 652x500, IQ130000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So best course of action is to not play the game at all.
Got it.

>> No.7729476

The Lise and Fal short story makes it seem like neither got over their problems like they did in their respective routes. Instead, they both miserably envy each other for no real reason at all.

>> No.7729473

Best course of action is the bad end you get when you pick no one.

>> No.7729492


I wouldn't say Lise envied Fal. It was more like she looked up to her.

>> No.7729518

Symphonic Rain was an excellent read. Unfortunately while I was reading all kind of interruptions seemed to pop up so I couldnt enjoy the story to its fullest and ended up thinking it was "ok". However the story grew up in me in such a manner that i can't help but think fondly of it for the rest of my life.
However the one thing which really bothered me was Chris Godly ability with music without practicing at all. As a violinist I know the minimum practice for someone to be good is 4 hours a day. God, Im so fucking Jelly

>> No.7729551

Fortells are magical instruments, I ain't got to train shit

>> No.7729904


This. The ability to play the Fortell has nothing to do with practice, but inborn talent. That's why Fortellists are so special.

>> No.7730227

That's a surprise for me to find a symphonic rain thread. Sorry, I just have to bump.

I enjoyed it a lot. A nice visual novel. I loved reading it through Torta's perspective. I disliked her until I could see what was happening in her mind. She was an interesting character, in my opinion.

About the rain, I started to think that raining all day was strange indeed. But... It's a game, so whatever. I was surprised and felt good when we see that it's psychological.
There's one more thing that I don't seem to understand. Remember when Chris and Torta were walking in the town, and they went to a place to eat, but the person who sold them food actually started playing music too? (sorry for bad english) Around this part, a drop of rain, or water, falls on Chris' face. But there is a roof, so it couldn't be possible. What was the point of this, anyway? They even repeat this event twice...

>> No.7730232

Didn't it have something to do with Chris's state of mind?

>> No.7730235

I thought it was meant to be a tear.

>> No.7730239

I thought this too.

>> No.7730292
File: 28 KB, 234x314, 1232989843466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what ? I wanted more of SR.
Fal and Lise did not overcome their problems, so I'm unsatisfied. But oh well...

>> No.7730310

What would she overcome? Talking?

>> No.7730320

Didn't read the side stories?

If there's one thing I took away from this game that carried over into my life, it would be a new mindset about rain. All my life I've really disliked getting wet because of rain, and was always careful to take an umbrella with me or at least some protection if it was supposed to start. However, after playing this I started to realize that it wasn't that bad after all. If Chris could walk to school with his fortell every day and not care about the rain, then I could handle a few showers every now and then. Even though it was all in his mind, I still feel the same way. It's all about whether or not you think you can take it or not.

>> No.7730331

I think nobody minds rain after reading this.
I don't, anyway.

>> No.7731135


It was almost definitely this.

>> No.7731185

Fairly ordinary game. Nice songs here and there. Wasn't a bad read I suppose.

>> No.7731530

So hey, what's everyone's favorite song? Mine is easily Fay, Phorni's special song. I'm also partial to Fal's ending theme. Also, anyone find it interesting about the theme's of everyone's first song? Torta and Fal sing about rain, but only Lise sings about a sunny afternoon. I think that Fal composes her song before she finds out about Chris though, unless I'm wrong...

>> No.7731540

Yeah, fal composes her song before meetiung chris, she had been practising way before with Asino and all
My favourite is melody, great tune and easy to play.

>> No.7731582

Look at me
Listen to me

Rain Musique. I just love Fal's voice.

>> No.7731618

I just can't pick one

>> No.7731739

1. Himitsu (Torta is love, best heroine and really great lyrics in the context of the game)
2. Namida ga hoo woo nagare mo (best melody hands down, great use of the harmonica, vocals are lovely)
3. Fay (makes me smile)
4. Ame no musique (great melody, Fal's voice is godly)
5. Melody (I love the way this song flows, great vocals as well)
6-a. Lyceenne (soft listening, great song to chill with)
6-b. Itsu demo hohoemi wo (same reason as above but it has a less softness)
7. Hello! (in my opinion I think this has the best vocals in the game, the rest isn't as good so it feels uneven)
8. Sora no mukou ni (Great song but not as memorable, engrish "in the rain" puts me off a bit but the rest is pretty sweet, like the song was meant to make this look like a moe galge with not much depth)
9. I'm always close to you (I just can't get into it)

Don't get me wrong, I like all of them but these are just my opinions.

>> No.7731855

All right.

I'm back, and I finished Fal's and Torte's route. Near the beginning of Brain Damage's.

A few questions:
1, maybe kind of obvious, but I kind of don't remember since I just played it at ~3am- Why was Fal naked in OP's picture? When confessing to Chris she decided it was a good idea to strip? This is an all ages game, right? I kind of overlooked it at the time.

2) What the hell was up with Torte's good ending? Chris sees Ari, Chris walks Ari to train, Chris doesn't call after Ari, Ari disappears meaning Chris picked Torte, suddenly Torte hates Chris and they have an extremely strained relationship, only barely catching her on his trainride home. Then they never talk to each other ?

I kind of liked Torte's bad end (Arietta's good end.

>> No.7731870

You really should keep reading at that point.
Well, whatever.

>Torte's good end

Remind me, is this where Ari walks away and undoes her ribbon?

>> No.7731878

1 all ages=/=no sex, they rage fucked. It isn't rape because Fal is A-OK with it.
For two you should keeop reading and that isn't Ari's good end

>> No.7731881

Keep reading, that will answer all questions and then some. You haven't even gotten to the best parts yet.

Ari doesn't wear a ribbon.

>> No.7731885

Sorry, I'm so horrible with names

>> No.7731886

>You really should keep reading at that point.
? What's that mean? I'm taking a tiny break, I'll get back to reading Brain Damage's tonight. I'm kind of really tired right now, Anon~

>Remind me, is this where Ari walks away and undoes her ribbon?
Yeah. I'm not so confused about that part, but more about Torte's reaction to the whole thing. I mean, if Chris picked her over Ari, shouldn't she be... happy? Instead, what happened was Torte didn't visit that night, and then Chris didn't see her until they decided to go home. They talked on the train, and then I think they never see each other after that.

>> No.7731896

Keep reading, that is all I am going to say. If you keep being dense someone will spoil it for you.

>> No.7731909

So what you're saying is

I'm correct in being confused about #2

All right. I'll keep reading. Thanks Anon.

>> No.7731916

If you think it over you should be able to find it out for yourself.
When in doubt, keep reading.

>> No.7731975


Melody is my favorite track. It gives me the same exact feeling as Let Me Laugh at the Cool from AA Investigations. That is, the feeling that I was just trolled beyond belief, and that the troll is now laughing her ass off at me.

Fuck Fal, seriously.

>> No.7731982

Why isn't there a buttdevastated pic with Fal's pic?

>> No.7731983

>Fuck Fal

>> No.7732115

Oh man, it's great seeing someone who hasn't played the game yet go through it. Enjoy the rest, man. And don't read any of the spoiler tags.

I said don't read them, dammit.

>> No.7732123

every time

>> No.7734179

I just finished Brain damage's route

It's pretty uneventful. Her dad's a douchebag. And she has no backbone. That's pretty much the summary for the entire route.

Fal > Torta > Brain Damage.

How should I do the Al Fine route? Good and then Best?

>> No.7734391

One of the Al Fine route ends is exactly like Torta's route, the other one is devastating.

My favorite SR song is Ritsuko's version of I'm always close to you.
The new intro is beautiful, and there's a single line that's different from Phorni's version:

>Even though I should know that now is everything.

>I try to live believing that now is everything.

And she did. She gave SR her all before she died...

>> No.7734715

My favorite is this one:

I'm a sucker for piano.

>> No.7734897

All right /jp/. I finished the Al Fine Good and Al Fine True end. I got a password, kitchen knife. Do I even have to remember that at all? Probably not, right?

In any case, this had a lot of information on Torta and Chris. Still, while I'm a lot more envious of Chris and have somewhat more pity for poor little Torta, I still gotta say

Fal >~ (Closer this time) Torta >>>> Lise

And yeah. Al Fine answered a lot of questions that I had.

Mega spoiler: $5 says Phorni is Ari's dead body, particularly because she disappears when Chris breaks up with her in Fal and Lise's routes, and she disappears when Ari dies in Torta's route

I liked Feel the rain better. The cello's reverberations work well with me.

I'll play Phorni's route tomorrow.

>> No.7734909

The password's to download the Phorni (Kasahara Hiroko) version of Sora no Mukou ni, I believe. I don't know the link, though.

>Kasahara Hiroko

Which reminds me, I can't wait to hear her voice again in the Ever17 remake.

>> No.7735004
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I punched a wall with Lise. Goddamn. Also I don't know if it's just joking in here, but it wasn't actual brain damage, but fucking up her throat + some kind of PTSD-trauma. And MAN did I go "oooooh" when remembering that 20 minutes talk between Torta and Lise out of nowhere and the "This isn't you atoning, right?" at the end after Al Fine.

Fal gave me a terrible Okay.jpg feeling at the end. It wasn't rage or anything. Can't express it with anything but pic related.

I did get pissed off with Al Fine's normal ending. I was expecting a continuation from Torta's ending, but it cuts in the same exact place. Fucking cocktease. Though the true end made up for it somewhat.

>> No.7737815

I finished the entire thing /jp/~ Aren't you proud of me?

Phroni's route was sweet. What a nice ending. I don't think it's really fair to compare that route to the others though, it just doesn't really feel right, kinda like she's cheating since she lives with Chris and so on and so on.

I hate it when visual novels end, /jp/. Even if they're nice endings, I always get a feeling of loneliness. But a happy loneliness, not a self-pitying loneliness.

I liked this Visual Novel, it hit close to home. My name is Chris, I'm really into music, have been for my entire life (piano). and I went to college in a long distance relationship. Also really introverted with an amount of friends you can count on your fingers. There's also a ton of other similarities, but that's the main points.

>> No.7739898

Do you like Calzone too?

>> No.7740058

>Phroni's route was sweet. What a nice ending.

It really isn't when you realize that it was all fake and Torta arrived home before him, determined to 'play' Ari for the rest of her life.

>> No.7740070

I don't like you, anon.

>> No.7740172

Wait what? Did I read this route properly?
I'm going to have to download this again.

>> No.7740183
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>> No.7740188

Wouldn't he notice Torta not being around? Chris is a simple child but not that bad.

>> No.7740192

It still wouldnt explain the magic singing and all. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE

>> No.7740214

He is just kidding.

>> No.7740309


That's just it though. Torta isn't mentioned in Phorni's epilogue at all. It's like she's ceased to exist.

Furthermore, Chris mentions that Ari seems 'different', which he credits to the time she spent as Phorni, but...

>> No.7740314

Go away, I'm not talking to you anymore.

>> No.7740329

You do realize it is an utsuge right?

>> No.7740327

Alright, I will re-read her end tomorrow just to clear my head. I don't care if you are messing with me, the seeds have been planted.

>> No.7740753

but It has to be Ari, because she's trash at singing.

Yes, Torta doesn't get mentioned, but that's because she's pretty irrelevant. She's hardly mentioned at all during the entire route.

He was pretty cool. Surprised they actually played together.

>> No.7740782

In addition to that, she was in physical therapy for half a year.

>> No.7741111

Also, Torta would be doing a vocalist solo in a few days. Phonri and Chris left as soon as they were done with the final, not even getting their results. They didn't tell Torta they were leaving so soon either.

>> No.7741492

Are the high scores you get in free play... recorded anywhere?

>> No.7743514

It's meant to be a representation of the rainfall and Chris' mental state. When he is most unhappy, it rains more and so the bar is longer.

If you use the original .exe then you can submit your high scores to a scoreboard.

My favourite song was Rain Musique because not only is it the kind of jazzy/bossa nova song I'd like but because after getting a bad end trying to get Ari's route in my first playthrough, Fal was my next choice. It took me a while to practice enough to be able to play it even though all the other songs required no practice at all. I guess the effort I put into it makes me feel pleased each time I play it.

As for Chris feeling a wet spot when listening to the Calzone man play a tune, I think it's meant to be ambiguous as to whether it's his imaginary rain or a tear as the level of rain is directly related to his emotions. However, I personally think it's a tear.

>> No.7744122

Alright, I see the the high score thing.

Man, I thought I was good, and then I look at Rain Musique (I liked that one too) and people have 2x my score on that one. Kind of daunting. How is that even possible, something like you gotta hit all the notes, but hit them perfectly so they don't give you the peasy 8/9 points or something.

@Calzone: It couldn't have been imaginary rain, as he's never seen imaginary rain indoors. So it would have been a tear

>> No.7744177

Rain Musique master race reporting in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxDZAdFXTsQ

>> No.7744227

I was so hyped for Symphonic Rain... and then I learned no hentai.

All that loli gone to waste.

>> No.7744243

Chris should've sung Kokoro no Ame. It's basically his theme, and it sounds like it was written for vocals.

>> No.7744283
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Ah...and doesn't Marco (the calzone vendor man) ask him if Chris is alright after he feels the 'rain'? I'm quite sure it's a tear if so

Also...sorry for this (spoilers for Lise's route ahead)

Dear Ari,
This is a story all about how my
life got flip turned upside down.
If you have a moment just sit right there
and I'll tell you all about how I became the Piova heir.

In west Piova raised to play,
in the practice room is where I spent most of my days.
Chillin out, maxin, relaxing all cool
and playing some fortell outside of the school.
When this really cute girl, she was singin real good.
Started my heart thumpin' in no way you could.
I played one lil song and her dad just glared
and said 'You're dead if you lay one finger on her hair'.

I waited for a train and when it came near
I saw the sign said "Phorni" and it had sprites in the mirror
If anything I could say that this train was rare
But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Grave's lair!

I pulled up to the gates around 7 or 8
And I yelled out to my fairy
Yo homes, smella ya later
Looked at my princess as I sat in my chair
And played her a song, so that she'd know I'm there

I told a friend I'd post this someday, just keeping a promise

>> No.7748227


Yes the calzone man does do something like that, personally I like to think it's part of the hallucination, but a tear nevertheless.

>> No.7750261

I fail at this game, practiced Rain Musique's <VXV<XV part a dozen times and I still can't get it correct.
I can still get a perfect evaluation and advance the plot, but it leaves a bad aftertaste.

>> No.7750884

Finished Fal's route, going to Lise next.

Is Lise's route shorter by any chance? The walkthrough has less choices for her so I'm hoping this is the case, since she seems like an unlikeable, helpless girl.

>> No.7750907

Use Ctrl and skim through her sections. The routes are pretty isolated from each other (With exception of Torta's)

I didn't like her, but I do like Lycenne. Hello! Kind of sucks though (outside of the cello version). Her voice was nice though.

>> No.7750914

>Use Ctrl and skim through her sections
Are there seriously people who do this?

>> No.7750935

Depending on the VN and person, I've heard of people who can even read pressing ctrl.

Personally, though, I don't do it.

>> No.7750961

Yes. I can mostly read everything using ctrl when it's stupid pedantic bullshit like Lise's route. For anything that takes an ounce of thinking, I have to read it without ctrl, but Lise is pretty "pity party omg my dad hates me ; ;", on top of being an unlikeable character.

>> No.7753714


You are a terrible person and should die. It's people like you that shit all over decent VNs and kill the fun for all of us.

>> No.7753764

I thought Symphonic Rain was fairly good but not great. The character routes were decent enough but Al Fine was really shitty with its terrible twists.

>> No.7753776


Let's face it. Not every line of dialogue in a VN or even every narrative passage deserves to be read. Many can be skipped over. In fact, many actually should be skipped over to make the work better as a whole. Poorly written ero scenes. Meaningless slice of life bits that can be removed from the narrative without consequence. Etc.

As VNs cater to both intellectual types and pandering retarded faggots, sometimes they will contain large sections that appeal to the later. Those sections should be skipped. Like Redwall's Picnic Scenes about scones.

>> No.7753788

It must be nice to be able to tell which lines are good enough to be read and which aren't before you've even read them.

And no, "slice of life" scenes are far from meaningless if you care about humor or characters.

>> No.7753927

It's not rocket science.

>> No.7753948


I read all the picnic scenes, no matter how boring they got. Why? Because it was part of the fucking book, so I read it. That's how it works.

With your logic, I should just skip the whole book. That'd save time, right?

Furthermore, how the fuck does skipping anything make the work 'better'? It's still part of the work regardless of whether or not you've read it.

Parts you call 'meaningless' are often used to develop characters and, in games like Sharin no Kuni or Cross+Channel, are used to conceal important information about the plot often hours before the actual reveal. I don't believe it's difficult to understand why you should always read everything.

People like you are an insult to literature. Please take a toaster into the bath with you.

>> No.7753968

>"pity party omg my dad hates me ; ;"
What the hell, you don't find out until three quarters into her route. If anything she's the least drama queen around.

>> No.7754304

Calm the fuck down already and let other people read porn games how they want.

>> No.7758091

I finished Lise's path. Does it make me a bad human being if I didn't feel necessarily moved? It was too easy to see the end coming with all those hints, so it didn't really shock me. I more felt it to be the protagonist's fault for being so thick-skulled and not protecting Lise.

On Torta's path now. I think I'm starting to see some of what's to come in Al Fine.

>> No.7758426

It actually came as a surprise for me.
I expected Grave to ruin their lives by showing that Lyceenne wasn't an original composition of theirs.

>> No.7758431

Anyone here familar with Ritsuko Okazaki's discography? Any chance to get some descriptions, recommendations? Her voice is absolutely delightful, as is Hiroko Kasahara's.

It was EXACTLY the other way for me. It happened to be extremely rainy part of the year where I live (there were floods all over the place) and the rain was falling almost all the fucking time while I was playing in the span of two weeks. Long story short, the immersion I felt was simply out of the fucking scale and I will, like you, fondly remember the time I spent with Symphonic Rain for the rest of my life.

Track25, man ;_;.

>> No.7758451

Ritsuko Okazaki's so godly, she composed the themes for Manabi Straight four years after her death.

>> No.7758988

>I think I'm starting to see some of what's to come in Al Fine.

You're going to love it. That writing, so good.

>> No.7759175

Just started Al Fine. My impressions regarding the beginning: just as I thought. Though it was so heavily foreshadowed, I suppose not many would miss it.

>> No.7760403

Have you heard the Ritsuko Okazaki I'm Always Close to You?

>> No.7760491

Were you expecting the thing with the rain though? I certainly wasn't. Hit me like a brick.

>> No.7760537

I was sure about the whole Torta/Arietta thing from early on in Torta's route, so from that, I figured out that as well when Chris read Ari's letters (the usual starting line), Marco said "there's no way it'd rain" or something to that effect and so on.

>> No.7760599

I didn't expect that but it didn't make me shit bricks or anything. It was underwhelming. Unpredictability is only part of what makes a good twist.

>> No.7760614

The apparently regular main character being schizo was underwhelming?

>> No.7760626

Does it have a good end or a bad end

>> No.7760644


Bad ends are really short, and there's that true end.

>> No.7760672

Yes because I couldn't care less whether the rain was real or not, and the source of his mental problems was just typical VN drama, not to mention predictable given that the Torta/Arietta twist was obvious and thus it was clear that something had happened to Arietta.

>> No.7760714 [DELETED] 
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> I couldn't care less whether the rain was real or not, and the source of his mental problems was just typical VN drama, not to mention predictable given that the Torta/Arietta twist was obvious and thus it was clear that something had happened to Arietta.

Same here. I agree completely. Didn't read it, but I agree.

>> No.7760716
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I couldn't care less whether the rain was real or not, and the source of his mental problems was just typical VN drama, not to mention predictable given that the Torta/Arietta twist was obvious and thus it was clear that something had happened to Arietta.

>> No.7760777

That seems more like a personal problem of you not getting immersed enough in the VN. The rain being fake, which is a very important part of the setting, the main character being schizo and you realising that there are at least 3 if not more people bullshitting him about it is kind of a big deal.

>> No.7761358

Marco said it couldn't rain because that part of town is covered. His big hint, though, was when Chris called Piova "the city of rain" and Marco complimented him on knowing the town's history.

>> No.7761417

Not because the town was covered, but because he was under a roof. ((And I thought Torta said it))

>> No.7761836


Are you finished Al Fine yet? No? Keep reading.

Torta's character is one of the reasons Symphonic Rain is so good.

>> No.7761851

I finished it back when it was first translated. It must just be like >>7760777 said and it's my own fault for being incapable of appreciating such brilliant writing and not at all the fault of the writing itself.

>> No.7761967

What is the song that kitchen knife unlocks?

I found a few of the other downloads. They mostly sucked ass.

It wouldn't happen to be 11 For フルーツバスケット from the For Ritz album, would it?

>> No.7761985

Ctrl + F "Kitchen Knife" -> Ctrl + F "7734897"
>The password's to download the Phorni (Kasahara Hiroko) version of Sora no Mukou ni, I believe. I don't know the link, though.

>> No.7766979

Finally finished Al Fine.
What did Torta say at the end of the 'good' end?
