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7723729 No.7723729 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know too much about the School Days game, but this girl always interested me.

Does she have any significance/a route?

>> No.7723734

She's a slut who falls prey to Makoto's wit and charm.

>> No.7723740

So she does have a route?

>> No.7723742

who the hell is she?

>> No.7723756

No. She has an H scene.

>> No.7723757


He fucks the shit out of her and then throws her out with yesterdays trash

>> No.7723765

A true gentleman.

>> No.7723766

No, she's got an h-scene in the original with her boyfriend then one or two in Cross Days. I don't know about HQ.

>> No.7723770
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>> No.7723773

That's Cross Days. The japs made a pretty big deal about it when it was announced because it was her first H-scene in the franchise.

>> No.7723791

Her scenes any good, at least?

>> No.7723911

Her School Days scene is ok, but it's not very long.

Her Cross Days scene is terrible for a lot of reasons.

>> No.7723966

Her Cross Days scene is literally Hikari drinking coffee for 5 minutes.

>> No.7723983

Seriously, that was fucking stupid. And that's just on top of ruining her character so the scene would even happen.

I think they basically threw the scene in because they realized she was the only one who Makoto didn't nail in School Days.

>> No.7723989

butthurt fan detected.

>> No.7723993

Sounds hot

>> No.7723997

Don't worry, I think she blew on it.

>> No.7724000

Cross Days was pretty crappy all around though. It was more a gag nukige than anything. Although the scene where Makoto NTRs Roka was hot.

>> No.7724006

Not like that scene matters, the true end of Cross Days is the one where Makoto goes gay for the crossdressing fag of a protagonist.

>> No.7724007 [DELETED] 

Nice trips nigger

>> No.7724012
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>> No.7724024 [SPOILER] 
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Looks pretty decent to me...

>> No.7724033

Could your tastes possibly get any worse?

>> No.7724042

Sakura is pretty dumb at times, but I don't see how you can have a problem with him calling Cross Days bad.

>> No.7724048

It's a her, and I was referring to the NTR scene, not Cross Days.

>> No.7724055

but cross gays was horrible
it has nothing to do with personal taste

>> No.7724092

What's wrong with NTR? And it's still better than any of the other shit. Homo sex, raped by ugly girls, etc. Even the ending scene you get in that Roka route is better.

Actually that one other scene isn't too bad either. Where in order to hook Makoto up with Kotonoha, what's her face gets totally shafted.

>> No.7724098

It was horrible on purpose. Overflow are professional trolls, they've fucked with their fans before.

>> No.7724105

>What's wrong with NTR?

You're kidding right? NTR is literally bottom tier as far as fetishes go. Worse than furry, guro, scat, and even 3D pedophilia.

Then again it seems like the kind of retarded fantasy that women might enjoy.

>> No.7724114

And right on cue, it's the militant anti-NTR guy.

>> No.7724123

Oh hey, it's that samefag guy who thinks every post he doesn't like on /jp/ is made by one person.

Did you get banned from /b/ or something?

>> No.7724132
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>> No.7724147

Ah, Nanami. A good character trapped in a shitty universe (fuck you overflow)

>> No.7724165

How can fetishes have tiers? It's all subjective. And I enjoy many, not just that. Also why do you think that I am a girl? Are you new here?

>> No.7724166


It pains me to hear this, it's not really something I asked for but it's a strong fetish of mine nonetheless..

>> No.7724183

I thought you were female for several reasons, such as your taste in anime and video games and the fact that a lot of Anons have been saying that you are. If you're not I truly apologize, not even you deserve to be insulted that badly.

I guess I just don't see how in the fuck anyone could enjoy being the guy that was getting NTR'd. It goes far beyond being submissive or masochistic.

Also, if I wanted to fap to sluts I'd find some 3D porn. Just saying.

>> No.7724201

Does it even matter what the fuck you prefer in 2D? 3D is so much better for porn.

>> No.7724202

I don't really know why I enjoy it. I only like it in nukige. Can't really stand it in more serious things. But it's the same with people that enjoy depressing stories or horror. Both are negative feelings that people enjoy subjecting themselves to.

Also, I don't really watch anime and I don't recall ever posting about what video games I like so I'm not sure where you drew those conclusions my friend.

>> No.7724209

You should be a comedian.

>> No.7724211

You're a fucking idiot.

Some people identify with the dude getting NTRd, some people identify with the dude doing the NTR, some people identify with the woman getting fucked out of her mind.

Also, tiers on fetishes? How about NO?

>> No.7724216

>I don't really watch anime

Either you don't realize how much /a/ stuff you post or I have the wrong guy.

Anyway, you're probably right, there's really no reason to bitch about someone elses fetishes. I'm out for tonight anyway.

>> No.7724224

And all 3 people are absolutely pathetic.

You seem a little mad, bro.

>> No.7724232

Rage and intense arousal are actually very similar physically, so NTR breaks the thin line that separates them, it just depends on the person I guess. Also it's not beyond submissiveness or masochism, it's the beautiful marriage of the two. I didn't understand the appeal of it until I was NTR'd myself. I thought I'd have a fit of rage, but my reaction was...different. Humans have a great diversity of tastes, grow up.

>> No.7724255

Now you're just being a retard. There's a lot worse things than NTR, you're just a fucking idiot.

>> No.7724266

Dude. It's a fetish. You're pathetic for hating on people with fetishes.

>> No.7724277

The irony, of course, is that you're a hypocrit (and probably the same person posting multiple times out of rage). Why would you bitch about that other guy hating on NTR when you hate on non-NTR fetishes?

If you believe things are 'worse than NTR', then you yourself have some form of fetish elitism. A tier system, just like the other fag.

I think it's time for you to go to bed before you get too angry.

>> No.7724283

OP, you should probably delete this thread now unless you like watching shitstorms.

>> No.7724287

What's hypocritical about saying a person is pathetic for hating on people with fetishes? That's not even tiered. It's just me calling him pathetic.

>> No.7724289

>If you believe things are 'worse than NTR', then you yourself have some form of fetish elitism. A tier system, just like the other fag.

>> No.7724294

Yeah, and that's where exactly in >>7724266 ?

>> No.7724296
File: 36 KB, 575x426, Skyler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey losers,

My name is Skyler, but everyone calls me Alphabet because i'm the ALPHA male and you better BET on it. You chumps make me sick, hanging out on your nerd website all day jerking off to fat chicks, making your gay little pictures, and dressing up like faggots and protesting all over the place.

Lets face it, the chicks can't resist my bangin' guns. When I walk up into the club the bitches can't wait for the Alphabet to wrap his pimp mitts around their titties. I have a .312 batting average (not that you fags even know what that means), and can drink all of you children under the table. You losers need to get a fucking life.

Pic related : That's me pawin' on some sweater puppies up in the club.

>> No.7724298


Not mad, just sleepy. I don't care enough to vouch for what others were saying but I personally don't hate on other people's fetishes. Some gross me out but I just prefer not to talk about them, it just makes me sad when someone talks to me like I'm the scum of the earth for liking something they don't like.

>> No.7724301

Playing dumb on purpose. Brilliant.

It was in your other post, not that one.

>> No.7724309

Which post? This >>7724294 or >>7724266 ? Because it ain't there.

>> No.7724312

>I didn't understand the appeal of it until I was NTR'd myself. I thought I'd have a fit of rage, but my reaction was...different

Holy fuck. I'm not a normalfag, but even I want to bully you for being so unbelivably 'beta', for lack of a better word.

>> No.7724317


>There's a lot worse things than NTR, you're just a fucking idiot.

Could you at least try?

>> No.7724324

Better fix your samefag radar, dude. You're reaching. Everyone that disagrees with you is the same guy, right?

>> No.7724329

I'm pretty damn sure that the post I directed you to is yours. Even if it's not, derailing the thread by trying to troll war the other guy isn't really a good idea, unless you legitimately want that to happen.

>> No.7724330

Hey guys, dudes and dudettes, sluts and hoes, just peace out, man. Hating on others is pathetic. We're on /jp/ after all.

>> No.7724337

I'd rather keep females out of /jp/ entirely, but aside from that I agree.

>> No.7724347

You're right, this isn't the place for this. Although NTR tends to leave a trail of bickering and hate wherever it goes, even on /d/, where THEY were disgusted by it.

>> No.7724365


I wouldn't say beta is accurate, too many occasions in my life I've shown myself otherwise. It's more like laser-guided masochism.

>> No.7724372

This looks shopped.

>> No.7724380

>NTR fags kissing and making up

See, this is exactly the problem with you losers. Grow a fucking spine. I don't judge people here if they aren't normalfags, but holy fuck, if you enjoy NTR your personality has to be fucked up on so many levels that it makes even the average autistic /jp/ poster look like a normalfag.

You got NTR'd and took it? You're weak. You should have beaten the shit out of both the guy and the cunt for pulling that bullshit. If you enjoy being betrayed by people you trust then you might as well go back out there and date as many girls as you can find. Make sure to get in some two-faced alpha male friends for your fantasy.

Dude getting NTRed: A fucking absolute pussy by anyone's standards. Read comments above about enjoying betrayal.

Dude doing the NTR: Invariably a fucking alpha male scumbag- the epitome of the partying jock normalfag that everyone here *should* hate.

The woman: Maximum level whore. Literally scum of the earth.

There is NO reason to have this fetish.

Come at me, bros.

>> No.7724381

>School Days thread
>50 posts of bickering about NTR
sounds about right

>> No.7724422


Have you ever gotten NTR'd? If you're not speaking from experience then there's not much to go on. You might be a little more deviant then you realize, it's freeing actually. Just imagine, being so indifferent that you can take blows that would knock most men down.

>> No.7724435
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>> No.7724551

NTR exists for one simple reason.


>> No.7724556

>Sperm Wars
sounds like the aftermath on my stomach after a fap session

>> No.7724594

Except most NTR would be about the mc losing the girl altogether, as opposed to coming back so that "Further, when initiating sex, the man mate thrusts harder, deeper and longer, in efforts to remove the sperm of the other man and is biologically driven to have sex multiple times."

>> No.7724600

Don't bother with NTRfags. Statistically speaking I'd bet my left nut that the majority of them come from shit tier backgrounds like South East Asia, South America, Mexico, etc.

Human filth.

>> No.7724609

>Getting cheated on

Where do I sign up to donate my brain to the feminists?

>> No.7724796

this the girl who they recorded in that booth or some shit? i was like FUCK THOSE BITCHES UP when i saw that. pretty much reminded me of my high school

>> No.7726848

All of the scenes are pretty shitty, but Makoto fucking the little sister is hilarious.

>> No.7726852

>Just imagine, being so indifferent that you can take blows that would knock most men down.
The problem is that you can only be that indifferent when you have nothing to lose.
