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7719622 No.7719622 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Blazblue?

>> No.7719630

MvC3 came out.

>> No.7719632
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u might say it

>> No.7719633


>> No.7719636

Waiting for the new one.

>> No.7719634
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burned out

>> No.7719641

Guilty Gear/Blazblue crossover when?

>> No.7719675
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I have it on PS3, but I recently got CSII on PSP for the extra story modes and arcade dialog. (This content may have been released on PS3 DLC as well, I didn't check). But it is a great portable fighting game.

That dialog where Makoto is drooling over platinum, who is 1/3rd boy:

>"Are you a boy? Or a girl? I’m starting to get a little…no! BAD Makoto! Now is not the time to embrace a new dirty little fetish… Darn it."

Also October cannot come soon enough, I need this figure badly.

>> No.7719681

Playing Arcana Heart 3 now

>> No.7719690

Had PS3 version but the online matchmaking was so horrible I sold it. Maybe I'll buy the 360 version if I can find it for 15 dollars or something.

That mini tournament with me, zunbar, currybutt and random anon was fun, though.

>> No.7719698

>online matchmaking was so horrible I sold it
>Maybe I'll buy the 360 version
Why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.7719705

The online matchmaking was terrible to a point where I wasn't playing the game much anymore so I sold it. My main problem with it was random matchmaking. I remember my first two games where I was level 1 fighting someone level..30 maybe? I forget the levels this was a while ago.

And re: 360 - because I don't have a stick for the PS3 anymore.

>> No.7719725
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Levels mean jackshit. I was destroying 40's and 50's when I was around level 20.

You must be playing ranked. You should try player matches and make rooms suited to your skill level.

>> No.7719738

Sounds like you just suck. You sold a game just because you sucked at it, how shameful.

>> No.7719758

Not everyone is good at fighting games. Shit you guys take these games to seriously.

>> No.7719764

I might have been yeah, but to get destroyed so badly in my first few matches... ;_;

I did suck! And I sold it because I stopped playing Because I suck

I wish I knew people around here or played it or at least had xbl / psn friends that played it often. Even if I lose to someone I know 500 times in a row I still have fun but for some reason losing to random people online is bothersome.

Oh well I beat ZUN a few times~

>> No.7719800

I have a PS3, average BB and AH3 player, we could play but you know, you sold the game.

>> No.7719896

I'll have to buy it either way but like I said, no more PS3 stick. Only have my 360 hori now.

>> No.7719920

Real men fight with a controller.
I mean, you said you suck anyway, why do you need a stick?

>> No.7719930

But when money is on the line, you NEED to take 'em seriously.

>> No.7719931

The occasional (also terrible) SF4 with people but mainly for CAVE games.

>> No.7719937

No CAVE games on PS3, so why do you need a stick on PS3? Fighting games not being an excuse, those are for pretentious morons.

>> No.7719940

I fully expect to get my ass kicked when I start playing AH3 online.

>> No.7719943

I bought it two weeks ago, it's pretty fun.

First fighting game I play and all that.

>> No.7719969

I remember when I stated playing AH3 online, used Simple mode Kira and got 130 PSR in 1 hour.
Now I main Akane, fuck yes Akane.

>> No.7719981

best fightan is touhou fightan

nuff said :3

>> No.7719982

>nuff said :3
get out

>> No.7719983

I want to buy AH3 but it's too expensive

>> No.7719987

Why not get someone to gameshare it to you?

>> No.7719988

He probably doesn't have any friends.

>> No.7719993

I still enjoy it, but there's no one to play with. I refuse to play with people from 4chan because I don't want to risk anyone I know learning I go here. I'm a coward like that(and I'd lag anyways).

It's a sad world we live in. It's Mahvel, baby!

>> No.7720058

It's just $30 on PSN

>> No.7720063

jelly cuz im gdlk ww :3

>> No.7720086

I thought MvC3 was shit

>> No.7720665

The physical European special edition is due little over next week, or two, can't remember.
That thing happens to be $40, but you get thick artbooks and stuff with it.

>> No.7721839

A while ago I was the anonymous trying to figure out a way to get a physical copy of AH3.
I found a couple of sites that are willing, remember British mailing is slow as crap and they like to use bubble mailers for international shipping.

Also the sites have the price in British Pounds, the exchange rate is 1 British pound is worth about $1.70 American Dollars, so when it says £15 just double it. Your bank handles the exchange rates so don't worry about that.

Cost: $30, I've heard some complaints about their shipping.

Cost: Standard ($60) Limited ($80)
Decent shipping, a friend of mine received his items between a 2-3 weeks after ordering

Cost: $60
Shipping: Heard decent things

If you buy the UK version that means all the DLC you buy has to be European as well also I don't think PSN cards aren't region free so it will quickly add up. In truth if you plan to buy $27 or more it's cheaper to buy the American version and the content you want instead of buying the card. Unless the exchange rate does a back-flip in the next couple of months.

Things I know:
The PS3 version is region free so you can buy it with impunity

Things I don't know:
I have no idea if the Xbox 360 version is region free. Since the game was not yet released no one will know till after it's release date

I have no idea if the PS3 will install to Harddrive. That's not a feature people want to know about in Britain... Although smart money would point to yes.

>> No.7721855
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Platinum is so moe~

>> No.7721941

it IS shit. which speaks volumes for 90% of the fighter community when they buy it up like candy.

>> No.7721961

What kind of complaints about Sendit? Just slow, or stuff not arriving?

>> No.7722013

Just slow also someone had to reconfirm their information and couldn't get a hold of anyone for a while at their phone number.

that's it

>> No.7722025

I no longer have a crt for fighting games, and I'm not going to play on my laggy 40" tv so... I also can't hook it up to a 24" monitor because I AV sound to the 3.5mm jack, or the optical sound...

>> No.7722032

It went back to >>>/v/ where it should be.

>> No.7722141

It depends on your monitor and refresh speed but usually:

If you've got the ports for it the answer is yes.

Unless you've got a cheap one, then all bets are off.

>> No.7722158

I used to love BlazBlue, then it fell into
>new version
>new version
>new version
>new version
fuck you, you aren't even capcom

>> No.7722177

Blazblue is fine right now, theres a surge of people online after evo.

>> No.7722183

Are they all playing Hakumen?

>> No.7722190

I used to love BlazBlue, then it fell into
>Rachel nerf
>Rachel nerf
>Rachel nerf

>> No.7722210

She isn't terrible in CS2

>> No.7722221

She was nerfed for, like, one version, she went right back to good again right after
fucking whiner

>> No.7722230

Yes, because Guilty Gear didn't go through 4 revisions, and new versions are a Capcom exclusive affair.

>> No.7722258

I think it went through more than that. Let me see if I can remember them:

Guilty Gear The Missling Link
Guilty Gear X
Guilty Gear XX
Guilty Gear XX #reload
Guilty Gear XX Slash
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core

>> No.7725300

Actually most of the big league players in the tournament scene acknowledge it's shit. But they'll play it because that's where the tournament money is.

A lot of tournament players would rather be playing other fighting games but they're stuck playing whatever's popular enough to have a cash prize.

>> No.7725303


Capcom are throwing more money and support at the pros than ever before, in return they get big sales from people watching their first evo event.

>> No.7725316

I gotta admit, nobody cares about BB anymore. I'll stick to the latter, AH3 and AE instead.

Not even Platinum will make me pick up that game.

>> No.7725348

The only revisions in that list are Reload and Slash.

>>7719641 Guilty Gear/Blazblue crossover when?
Mori said never.

>> No.7725656

Aye, which I'd be fully supporting if this were 10 years ago and most modern fighters weren't either

A) Heavily simplified to the point where even fresh rookies with the right character select can pretend to be good

B) Published by companies intending to nickle and dime consumers as much as possible. You have no idea how frustrating it is to do a local tournament with Blazblue and the people who donated their systems either don't have the game, have the game but didn't download all the content or let you install the game on their system, downloaded it to the latest version and then deleted the game off their system the day before the tournament so they could play something else.

If I actually made money off of running tourneys I'd just buy multiple copies.

>> No.7725692

Nope, Mori actually said: "not before BlazBlue is over".

>> No.7725715

In the halls of the Reichschancellory a German soldier was running to an office. when he reached the door he dropkicked it open. “Mine Furor! The Americans are inside Berlin!” Adolph Hitler looked up from his volksdesk rapidly. “Mein gott in Himmel! I must escape!” Quickly he ran to his secret underground laboratory. Scientists were running around and conducting scientific experiments. “Active the time machine!” shouted Hitler. Hitler could hear Americans shouting in the tunnel behind him, murdering innocent German scientists and soldiers to satiate their blood lust. “But mine Furor, the temporal coordinates are not set! You could be sent ANYWHERE!” “It is irrelevant, fool! I must survive so that National Socialism can continue!” The thoroughly chastised scientist activated the time machine, and Hitler was thrown through time – to 29AD!

When Hitler stepped through the portal he saw a beautiful man with blue eyes and a long beard. “Greetings, my son,” he said. Hitler looked around. “Where am I?” “In Israel, my son. Come, have lunch with me. My name is Jesus Christ.” Hitler was instantly amazed. He had been a devout Christian all his life and he was honored to eat dinner with Jesus. During lunch Hitler explained the tenets of National Socialism to the Messiah. To his delight, Jesus loved it! Within an hour Jesus was won over to National Socialism. Hitler felt joy in his heart. National Socialism would live again!

>> No.7725721

While they were talking Hitler found himself checking out Jesus' tight bod. If he wasn't Furor of Germany... But he wasn't Furor anymore,was he? That night when Hitler and Jesus were in bed together Hitler said “Jesus, what do you think of... love between men?” “What do you mean, Hitler?” Jesus asked. Hitler took a deep breath. He would have to be bold. “This is what I mean.” He leaned over and started Frenching with the Lord. At the same time he reached down and started tugging on his already turgid member (Christ slept in the buff).

Jesus broke off the kiss. “Hitler I – I don't know if I can do this. It feels so good, so right, but I'm afraid. I've never been with another man before.” “I've never been with a man, either, Jesus. I'm scared, just like you are, but we can't let our fears rule us! I love you, Jesus. Do you love me?” Hitler's eyes had tears in them. Jesus smiled. “Yes, Hitler. I love you.” They embraced. Again, they kissed passionately. Hitler continued to jerk Christ off. When he began to tense up Hitler lowered his head to Christ's stiff member and caught Christ's sticky seed in his mouth. There was an incredible amount of it and it splashed everywhere. When Hitler rose up again Jesus locked lips with him. He could taste his own salty semen in Hitler's mouth, and he didn't care. Jesus was happy for the first time in his life.

>> No.7725735

MvC3 is busted as shit. How fags can put on their rose-colored glasses and pretend the whole system isn't filled with horrible imbalance and the DHC glitch is beyond me. Maybe it was too many years worshiping the cock of MvC2.

>> No.7725750

There will never be another Guilty Gear. Arcsys is going for the cutesy design to attract the wapanese, and it would not be a good idea for them to release a new GG after spreading their audience wider, as it would only confuse those who started out with BB. You will never get revenge on that man.

>> No.7725871

Those aren't even my problems with MvC3. I don't even care about that.

In a word, too many defensive options are capable of resulting in offensive advantages when used incorrectly(advancing guard, throw break). That and blockstun being erased upon landing are my biggest problems with the game. X-factor and the DHC glitch are being "corrected" in UMVC3, so it's not that big of a deal when thinking long-term.

All games these days aren't so hot in their first rendition, especially balance-wise, but MvC3's problems(in my eyes) are pretty fundamental.

>> No.7725889

Also, I hope some of you will be playing BBBRevolve. It's coming out this Comiket. It may not be good, but if it's enjoyable I'll play it for the hell of it. I don't have anyone to play with either way.

Oh, and also that there is nothing you can do to prevent people from holding up+back besides low attacks.

>> No.7727249

What happened to Guilty Gear?

>> No.7727265

It wasn't kawaii sugoi enough so Arc System Works dropped it in order to develop trashier games.

>> No.7727302

Is it supposed to have netplay? The last BBB was a disaster, but I'll try the new one just for Kunagi and her stage bgm.

The license was sold to someone else(Sega, I think?). Arc-Sys supposedly bought it back recently so maybe there'll be another GG in the future.

>> No.7727444
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>It's coming out this Comiket
Oh really? I thought we were just going to get another demo.
Well, if we really are getting it then I am psyched. Good, bad, no matter the case I am going to try it out throughoutly in order to check it out.

>> No.7727456

CS2 is pretty damn balanced. One top tier character, one bottom tier character, the rest are A or B. Hopefully CS2+ doesn't fuck things up too much, but I'm liking the loketest changes thus far.

>> No.7727457

I've read something about how they're going to pick it up again once BB's main plot is over.
There's still hope, Anon.

>> No.7727897

'Tiers' don't define a fighting game's balance.

>> No.7727964

Relius gameplay

>> No.7727968

CS2 is about as balanced as SF4AE. Which is to say, not very balanced at all.

>> No.7727980

But tiers are determined by matchups, and if the tiers are pretty close together there are fewer bad matchups. And if there are fewer bad matchups it's a more balanced game.
So you're incorrect.

>> No.7727987

Who the fuck is Relius?, goddammit now I'll have to buy the PSV version, jesus.

>> No.7727989

Ah wait I remembered

>> No.7727997

He made his waifu into an eternally loving robot. And his daughter. Maybe in the future he'll add Carl and himself and have a big incestuous robo-harem.

>> No.7728003

>But tiers are determined by matchups, and if the tiers are pretty close together there are fewer bad matchups. And if there are fewer bad matchups it's a more balanced game.
EVO 2011's AE tourney already proved you wrong.

>> No.7728056

you should at least make him agree on the definition of "balance" you're discussing before continuing to get trolled and making the thread even worse.
