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7718697 No.7718697 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, what are your opinions on Cross†Channel and Sekien no Inganock?

>> No.7718701

No Korean mmo

>> No.7718713

Inganock is pretty good.
Cross Channel is mediocre at best.

>> No.7718723

>Cross Channel is mediocre at best.
No, you piece of shit.

>> No.7718722

Inganock is okay/good
Cross Channel is bad

>> No.7718731


Don't, dude. You're talking to the /jp/ equivalent of a hipster. The mere fact that a VN is translated earns it his ire

>> No.7718732

Inganock is uninteresting and repetitive. Interesting artstyle, but furryshit everywhere. Good OST too.

Cross channel has pretty good characters and some absolutely genius plot twists. Storywise it's great.

>> No.7718735

Haven't gotten to Inganock yet. Cross Channel left me unimpressed.

>> No.7718739

Inganock was pretty good.

Cross channel was also pretty good.

I'd probably say I enjoyed Cross Channel more, but only because of Youko.

>> No.7718744

Cross Channel is 10/10 god tier eroge
Inganock is furry disney shit

>> No.7718753

...you are aware that Sekien no Inganock is translated too, right?

>> No.7718768

All the "What a Beautiful" series VNs are overrated as shit.

>> No.7718772

Yeah, sure. Can't rmember the alst time someone sung praises of Valusia.

>> No.7718773


..you realize that what I'm saying is he would be saying they would be BETTER were they not translated, right? Because that's what I said. In plain English.

Please read more carefully Anon.

>> No.7718779

They are both shit. Forest and SubaHibi on the other hand...

>> No.7718780

Ixrec gave it a 9 which means it's better than Subahibi.

>> No.7718784

OKay, Ixrec is the only one who would.
The only part I really liked in the game was the art, the last chapter just went down the shitter.
The whole novel would have been better if it was about Nanai.

>> No.7718786

Forest >>>> Kusarihime >>>> Cannon Ball >>> Sharnoth > Valusia > Sona-Nyl > Inganock > Celenaria

True story.

>> No.7718787

Cross Channel was amazing, the writing was cleverly done and the ending hit hard.

Inganock was a tad lacking in story, but it fit its subtitle "What a Beautiful People" well. The theme of ordinary persons struggling to survive in an unfathomable hell was well executed, and the OST and attention to backstory exemplary.

Overall I absolutely loved Cross Channel, while Inganock is certainly a recommended read.

>> No.7718789


>> No.7718791

Good news is, all of the truly severe cases of bloat are easy enough to identify that you can just ctrl them without hesitation and get back to the good stuff. In the end most of the above was more of a huge nuisance than a fatal flaw, and the story was never in danger of completely losing its momentum or intrigue.

>> No.7718793

Both are great. The writing of Cross†Channel is awesome and give you a lot to think with just a few clever placed words.
Inganock, although repetitive sometimes is also great because of the atmosphere of it, its the only game I played where I was ok even if nothing hapened( however there is always something hapening), just to be imersed in the Fantastic city is a great experience.
However these two titles are ones I wouldnt recommend to everyone... The unic feel attached to them can be the best thing ever or the worse shit ever written depending on your perception of it.

>> No.7718795

No, dude.
What you said is
>You're talking to the /jp/ equivalent of a hipster. The mere fact that a VN is translated earns it his ire
>Inganock is pretty good.
>Cross Channel is mediocre at best.
How does calling a translated VN pretty good turn into being a hipster and disliking all translated VNs in your head, I don't know.

>> No.7718796

>liking cannon call
>valusia above anything

>> No.7718798
File: 119 KB, 444x580, cuntpunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can just ctrl

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7718802


Okay Anon, you've out-internet-argued me. You win. I'm sorry I called you a hipster. Do you feel better now?

>> No.7718803

And what the fuck is so bad about Valusia compared to all the others?

>> No.7718807

I loved Cross Channel. Great story and characters, and its the first VN were I liked the voice acting, as it was usually just a hindrance to my reading speed.
Cross Channel also doubled as a giant nostalgiafest because I played Nanaca Crash to death many year ago.

>> No.7718809

Cross†Channel sucked, I dont know what was so great about it, it was convoluted as fuck and the main character was a asshole. Also most of the characters were boring,at least the ones you saw the most. I swear Misato Miyasumi was the most boring heroine i ever had to read. Miki and the blue haired bitch were also annoying. The actual decent characters, got no screen time/development at all or got shafted.

>> No.7718811

>it was convoluted as fuck and the main character was a asshole

What's the matter, too ALPHA for you?

>> No.7718814

Both were to deep for me.

>> No.7718816

The only good thing to come from Cross†Channel is Nanaca Crash

>> No.7718824

>Nanaca Crash

My god, it still exists.

>> No.7718827

>Nanaca Crash
Welp, there goes the rest of my week!

>> No.7718835

Anyone who doesn't like Cross Channel doesn't have a soul.

>> No.7718833
File: 101 KB, 397x393, 1303910019856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC was pretty shitty.

It had a graeat ending and some good bits here and there, but they were buried under tons of retarded pantsu jokes and repetitions. (and the novel didn't even have a decent skip fuction, what the fuck)

>> No.7718838

After one hour or so CC become one of the most entertaining VN out there with hardly a dull moment.
You think it's bad because you have no taste, as expected of an Umineko fag

>> No.7718843

>After one hour or so CC become one of the most entertaining VN out there with hardly a dull moment.

No, it doesn't. After the mind blowing plot twist it starts again with the pantsu jokes and the repetitions text

>You think it's bad because you have no taste, as expected of an Umineko fag

>Use an umineko reactionface
>Is an uminekofag

Your logic is perfect, i really can't see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7718848

>convoluted as fuck
So you've essentially admitted that the writing, which the rest of us followed easily, was on a level too difficult for you.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike something, lacking reading comprehension is NOT one of them.

>> No.7718849

Complete crap.

>> No.7718850

>After the mind blowing plot twist it starts again with the pantsu jokes and the repetitions text
The repetitive text come from the fact that it's a loop and you really overstate it, starting from Kiri's loop the game become really interesting.
And the "pantsu jokes" like you call are integral to Taichi's character and are most of the time pretty clever. But the game isn't about them, it's not a comedy.
You are just retarded, that's all.

>> No.7718851

>complicated = good!
What are you, twelve?

>> No.7718853

Um no, It was convoluted as fuck, without going crazy with it you wouldn't know shit. He also got fucking superpowers out of nowhere, the whole story was random. It had nothing to do with reading comprehension.

>> No.7718857

He didn't say it was complicated, he said it was too complicated for you.
CC isn't hard to get, it's not convoluted either, you just lack reading comprehension and/or a brain.

>> No.7718861

that's not how you quote someone.

>> No.7718864

How does it feel to be brain dead?

>> No.7718869

Probably wouldn't feel like much of anything, really.

>> No.7718870
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>The repetitive text come from the fact that it's a loop and you really overstate it, starting from Kiri's loop the game become really interesting.

This doesn't stop it from being annoying as fuck. The execution could have been better, and more importantly they could have added a skip fuction that actually worked.

>And the "pantsu jokes" like you call are integral to Taichi's character

Well yeah, Taichi is fucking clown, lolusofunny.

>nd are most of the time pretty clever.

Yeah, if you are 12

>But the game isn't about them, it's not a comedy.

Then why is 90% made of pantsu jokes?

>You are just retarded, that's all.


>> No.7718881

Do you guys enjoy anything?

>> No.7718886

I'm pretty sure without taking time going into the deep part of it ,you really wouldn't understand 85% of the shit that happened or even the point of the story. It was really convoluted and didn't have a good set path.

>> No.7718888

Inganock is too furry for me, and I don't really like the themes in Cross Channel, not to mention I'm not a Romeo fan.

>> No.7718893

Not translated visual novels, no.

>> No.7718896


I enjoy VNs that have a plot beyond "LOLSCHOOL" for the first two hours.

>> No.7718904

>Well yeah, Taichi is fucking clown, lolusofunny.
As I see it, its not comic relief as you see it everywhere else. In CC, all of Taichi's jokes are there to show how fucked up in the head he is. He can't stop behaving that way, he really is one-third retarded.
That's how I see it, anyways.

>> No.7718912

What do you have against schools, Anon.

Damned hipsters reading their eroge in Jap at Starbucks while drinking german coffee!!

>> No.7718920

Reading things at face value is elementary-school level, you know. Higher reading involves drawing the correct conclusions from the given clues, and if one can't do even that while others can, how can one have the authority to judge the work in question?

>> No.7718921

Don't forget, on their iPads, even!

>> No.7718925

>mfw I do that
>mfw I have no face

>> No.7718930

You better not show that face of yours around here anymore either!

>> No.7718935

Oh come on, Some parts were just a little out of nowhere and could of at least been explained a bit. The setting could of also been explained a little more.

>> No.7718939

The more you don't explain, the deeper your story. It's writing 101, friend.

>> No.7718941


>> No.7718942

Well, yea. Doesn't the OP ask for our opinions?

>> No.7718944

I really don't think DEEPNESS means your story is any better.

>> No.7718946

OP never mentioned a comparison. Ya'll just did the trolling for him.

In my own humble, subjective, non-invasive opinion I enjoyed both VNs immensely and would not trade either reading experience for any other. I feel that both novels take their time in getting to their first big hook, but I would also say that those first hooks were wildly successful. Inganock would have better for me if there were a bit more of a humanizing factor to Kia rather than childlike innocence. The tired and worn brightened by young and bright paradigm always seems like a cop-out to me. In Cross+Channel I thought Misato's route was undeniably lacking and that the conclusion of Kiri's route could have been handled better.

That being said, I would second the motion that those who do not enjoy Cross+Channel most likely do not have souls.

>> No.7718949

Of course not. But by being deep it tricks the less intelligent readers into believing that it is good. Don't explain everything > readers form their own conclusions and think about stuff themselves > readers believe the project is deep just because the writer was lazy > readers believe the project is good because it is deep.

>> No.7718950

You must be some kind of retarded landwhale.
Why are you playing eroge you retard?

>> No.7718955

Literally everything of value to the story is explained or inferred. Every loose end is tied up, the very few that were not were left to the extra materials and Tower of Friends.

If you read and understood Cross Channel, there should be little to no questions in your mind. If there are, someone else has arrived at the answers from the same source, the game itself.

>> No.7718958
File: 96 KB, 800x600, nanaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, motherfuckers.

>> No.7718961

If vapid stories where everything is clearly dictated and spoonfed to you are what you prefer, than sure you can go back to reading Bleach and Naruto and other childrens' books as you will enjoy them much more.

>> No.7718964

Woah, I think you need to calm down hipster. DEEP =/= good.

>> No.7718971

Speaking of inganock: can someone explain the ending?
What happened with Gii and Kia after the fantastic city vanished? Are the still alive?

>> No.7718979
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After watching this two hour-long set of videos, Nanaca Crash is over for me, I can never play it again.

>> No.7718977

You sound fucking retarded, thats like calling zeta gundam,Lupin the 3rd,sdf macross not good because its not deep.

>> No.7718985

The more you brandish unspecific terminology rather than providing detailed explanations of what you actually mean the more your words cease to have meaning.

There's a lovely video from Noam Chomsky that goes over the basics of just that around the term 'concision'. Perhaps some of you would benefit from searching such a thing in Google.

>> No.7718984
File: 253 KB, 1193x923, nanaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even sure how this happened, but it's never getting deleted from my hard drive.

>> No.7718991

Fucking nips...

>> No.7718999

Perhaps you've heard of cookies.

>> No.7719002

More like, I argue that being "deep" is but one quality that defines a work, and that disliking a work on such grounds is sheer idiocy.

Deep != bad, disliking something for being as such when it is used legitimately as a device to convey a story may be one opinion a person can have, but unfortunately it is a wrong opinion motivated by the wrong reasons.

>> No.7719006

Or even Photoshop, but it doesn't matter since that guy on Nico tripled my score. I was actually getting bored of it by that point, so I guess I'm somewhat thankful I didn't end up going on to 150k. Still, it was some ridiculous luck I had that time.

>> No.7719009

Nobody is saying that deep = bad. But the idea that because something is deep it is good, or that deep is a positive quality is false. Some people like it sure, but that doesn't mean it makes the work better necessarily.

>> No.7719022

P.S.: There is almost no philosophy whatsoever in the entirety of the story, and the book quotes are sparse after the prologue, acting primarily as something for characters to talk about once in a long while between more important subplots. You need not understand nor have read any of the books SubaHibi references in order to understand the entirety of SubaHibi.

>> No.7719025

Yea but regardless, SubaHibi is rubbish.

>> No.7719055


You're an idiot.

He's quoting Ixrec's ridiculously terrible and trollish review.

Ixrec did the same thing with Rewrite. He's been absolutely refusing to give VNs a score higher than 9 anymore and justifying it as "I've already read all the good ones", and I hope we never have to suffer through him translating anything ever again.

>> No.7719059

He hasn't reviewed anything recently that deserves a 9 or higher though so what are you complaining about?

>> No.7719061

Why not? His TLs are good enough, and I'm sure most would prefer that to nothing.

>> No.7719072


Oh, please. Go look back at the scores he gave to crap like Chaos;Head and G-Senjou no Maou. They don't deserve to be rated higher than Rewrite or Subahibi. I even liked Chaos;Head and it doesn't deserve higher than a 7.5.

And really, him giving 10/10 to anything at all destroys all credibility he has as a reviewer. Perfect 10s don't, by definition, exist.

>> No.7719082

9.5 or higher rounds up to 10, idiot.

>> No.7719078


He's responsible for some of the most retarded drama to ever happen in the western VN fandom, and I really hope you're not forgetting about what he tried to do to Alternative.

>> No.7719083

I dunno about SubaHibi, but Rewrite isn't particularly better than Chaos Head. Terra being ok does not redeem all the shit before it.

>> No.7719098

>Terra being ok does not redeem all the shit before it.

And yet the last fifteen hours of Alternative redeems all the shit before that? And yet Coco's route redeems CHICKEN SANDWICHES?

>> No.7719102


Never round.

>> No.7719104

>And yet the last fifteen hours of Alternative redeems all the shit before that?
Maybe to some people, but to me. (Nor do I think the last part of Alt is particularly good). I'm not saying ixrec's reviews are good or anything, but I don't see the point in complaining about games like Rewrite getting 8.5, when that is a pretty high score for the content of the game.

>> No.7719115


Oh, sure, I agree with you there. That'd be a fine score if Ixrec had reviewed his first few eroge properly.

>> No.7719122

>And yet the last fifteen hours of Alternative redeems all the shit before that?
Alt is shit

>> No.7719120

Maybe he has just matured in taste or something and decide to review more critically.

>> No.7719126


He clearly has, but not only does he refuse to admit it, it makes newer games look worse.

That is, until you actually read his older reviews. They're hilarious.

>And on that point, it delivers in spades, with each major case containing numerous twists, many of which can probably be reasoned out in advance if you are a god or have way too much free time, but for the most part are beyond human ability to predict. Especially in the final chapter, the true nature of what's going on can be simply mind-blowing.

>> No.7719128

It’s weird how some of the (few) people who try to support my review advance this argument, when it’s completely untrue. I do think Chaos;Head is better than SubaHibi (by a small margin, but who cares about that).
Without arguing the relative pros and cons of Chaos;Head and SubaHibi, I’ll just point out that everyone I know thinks C;H is far far worse than 9/10, and it’s very unusual for my scores to be that far from general opinion. So any attempt to criticize my SubaHibi review based on a comparison to the C;H one is pointless, because the real issue there (whatever it is) is unique to C;H and has nothing to do with any of the other games I’ve played.
Now to very briefly sum up my opinion on said relative pros/cons: Every criticism I’ve ever seen of C;H has, frankly, been laughable. I don’t see how any of them are valid and it baffles me how many people agree with them. The big thing that did bug me about C;H was that it failed to explain everything. SubaHibi also failed to explain everything (though it came significantly closer, hence it could’ve been 9.5), and on top of that had a ton of unnecessary text.
I will probably not respond to anyone trying to convince me C;H was shit.

>> No.7719132
File: 440 KB, 583x449, 123123453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I read this thread expecting civilized discussion

I know that most eroge from the babby's first VN list usually turn into a nightmarish trolling echo chamber at some point, but I didn't think it would happen this quickly, at least not for these games. A Saya or Umineko thread merits this kind of stupidity, not CC or Inganock, give them a chance.

>> No.7719136

>but for the most part are beyond human ability to predict.
Did he actually say that? That's pretty funny.

>> No.7719142

>Every criticism I’ve ever seen of C;H has, frankly, been laughable. I don’t see how any of them are valid and it baffles me how many people agree with them.
Huh, there's someone who has the same opinion on C;H as me? Nice to know.

>> No.7719139

>The big thing that did bug me about C;H was that it failed to explain everything.

...That is completely untrue. It explains everything, but not, perhaps, to everyone's satisfaction. The biggest problem with C;H was all the extraneous characters and sudden atmospheric shifts.

Criticism about something that self-evident is laughable to him? With lines that that, and the Alternative debacle last year, I'm still not sure whether he's trolling or just stupid.

>> No.7719145


It's right there in his review.



Only untranslated eroge are good, didn't you know?

>> No.7719210
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>> No.7719218

Do you even PLAY eroge.jpg

>> No.7719515

>The biggest problem with C;H was all the extraneous characters and sudden atmospheric shifts.

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.7719521
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Sona-Nyl > Sharnoth > Inganock.

>> No.7719527

If it was just about a yandere stalker,it would of been a 10/10.

>> No.7719536

>would of
Think for a few seconds about how a preposition can take place of a verb.
I don't know what kind of answer you arrived at, but in this case it certainly cannot replace the verb which should be there: "have".

>> No.7720183

You just have a fetish for dark men.

>> No.7720194
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>> No.7720203
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You forgot this. Then again, everybody forgets Celenaria. Isn't it sad?

>> No.7720254

First, Tanaka Romeo's writing style is absolutely insane. It actually manages to make me feel like every single line in the game has a point, and that if you removed any one of them the scene simply wouldn't be complete (this probably isn't true, but it sure feels like it). When asked how to describe it, I usually say it's something like a combination of Shakespeare's elaborate descriptive flourishes and Hemingway's straightforward exposition.

>> No.7720265

Oh Ixrec, you so crazy.

>> No.7720268

>People who didn't like CC
Kill yourselves.

Also, Inganock was alright too.

>> No.7720269

I hope you're not implying Shakespeare is a good writer.

Suicide is awesome

>> No.7720276

I hope for your sake you're not implying he isn't.

>> No.7720285

Maybe if you think dying for love is sad and romantic. Otherwise,no.

>> No.7720286


>> No.7720329

>It actually manages to make me feel like every single line in the game has a point, and that if you removed any one of them the scene simply wouldn't be complete (this probably isn't true, but it sure feels like it).
Funny, that's how I felt when I read oretsuba, not so much for CC which I'm reading right now at a snail's pace.

>> No.7720358

I hope you're reading the original, at least

>> No.7720409

I don't know how good Ixrec's translation is, but I think I'd do the game and myself a disservice if I didn't play it in Japanese.

To elaborate on something I said earlier: the writing is far, far from bad. But for some reason I'm not getting the same vibe as I did from Oretsuba even though both games have spectacular writing. Might have something to do with me being stuck at the beginning and getting used to the writing, since I just got to the part where Daichi loses himself after seeing meganekko's blood and that's like only 3-4 hours into the game or so, so yeah.

>> No.7720417
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>spectacular writing

>> No.7720419

And great comedy.

>> No.7720429
File: 467 KB, 799x598, ohyouhayato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly sure what you're trying to prove here other than the fact that you took that image from VNDB.

>> No.7720442

I remember I liked CC very much but not to a "GOD TIER" level.

I read it time ago and now I realize I forgot almost EVERYTHING about it. I'm listening to the OST and I'd love to re-read it but I also have to finish a lot of other VNs. My memory sucks balls.

I hate myself.

>> No.7720686
File: 70 KB, 227x230, beatodeliciu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is this

>> No.7721775

CC is pretty good, even though the dialogue is almost Nasu-tier self-wanking. Bad H scenes, though.

>> No.7721814

>Bad H scenes, though.

Touko's scenes were godly, just like Touko herself. <3

>> No.7721949 [DELETED] 

incredible how half the thread is filled with:
CC is incomprehensible!
no ur just dumb
no it really is
no it's not
look it is
no not at all

and so on

>> No.7721958

Removing quote characters out of your shitpost doesn't automatically make it a good post, anon. Also, you've not yet learned the meaning of sage, so I suggest you go think long and hard about it.

>> No.7722002 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7722035 [DELETED] 
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Jesus Christ!

>> No.7722055 [DELETED] 
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Oh, wow, we are on a roll here, /b/itches!

>> No.7722110
File: 77 KB, 624x880, hnk manly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life was one lived without a single sage!

>> No.7722466


Someone hit a nerve.

>> No.7722576

His name is Taichi.

>> No.7723219
File: 1.26 MB, 795x601, rose witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't, actually. Sona-Nyl just happened to have a lot of things I like in it.

>> No.7723263

Oh shit, that site still has my best record from the last time I played it like three years ago

>> No.7723303
File: 195 KB, 800x600, 0562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious rose witch.

>> No.7723312

>look up inganock in vndb
>tagged Unlockable Choices and Linear Plot
how does that work?

>> No.7723318

If you don't get the unlockable choice, you get a bad end.

>> No.7723344

Inganock could've been a lot better. It was somewhat poorly edited. Some segments were tedious to say the least.

>> No.7723388

This still exists too.


It's partly my work, dammit.

>> No.7723460
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>> No.7723477
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>> No.7725477

You're a good person for that
