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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7717622 No.7717622 [Reply] [Original]

Well /jp/, I'm one of the leechers that are a bit tired of shoddy translations in VNs, bending over and jumping through hoops to get scanlations and general e-drama. Sure enough, the answer is to learn Japanese, as we all know. And even if I weren't tired of the drama, learning Japanese would still be beneficial.

Hopefully there are many people like me on /jp/. I'm thankfully not too bad at self-studying, memorizing and not afraid of difficult material (provided that it's actually thorough). I've only memorized hiragana and katakana. My main goal is to become able to play untranslated VNs and read raw manga.

So if there are people on /jp/ who have been able to learn Japanese through self-study or otherwise (preferably not costing thousands in the process), can you share your success stories ? Yes, google, stfw, use Atlas (!?), we had this last week (regretfully I'm not always here) ... But I'd like to hear is advice from people who can understand my situation. Guides, books, dictionaries, software, websites... Please recommend them.

I actually half-expected a sticky thread about how to learn japanese on /jp/ like the sticky threads on /g/ and /lit/.

>> No.7717631 [DELETED] 

/jp/ - Korean Games.


>> No.7717637

Oh for fucks sake.
Just look at the archive you retard.

>> No.7717644

Would it inconvenience you that much to give me one link or the titles of 2 or 3 books ?

>> No.7717646

If you're too lazy/retarded to look on your own, you're too lazy/retarded to learn Japanese.
Just give up already.

>> No.7717650

http://pas(dasdasda) tebin.com/Y3eLSAqV

>> No.7717652

Why are people so aggressive.

>> No.7717658

Stop whining.

>> No.7717654 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 1288x297, you_REALLY_need_to_be_more_helpful_like_really_so_i_wont_let_you_live_it_down_fagglet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people are lazy as HELL but here

>> No.7717656

remove the (dsadasda) of course, part of my comment wasn't allowed to be posted.
Why does moot filter useless shit?

>> No.7717665

Why the hell would you save that image?

>> No.7717672


>> No.7717674
File: 22 KB, 299x289, yui_stear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm never ganna let that fagglet live it down
he got sent to HELL for a reason

>> No.7717692

FYI I'm already learning japanese, taking proper classes and reading books found online.

It is because I value the opinions of some of you on /jp/ (as you can understand my situation well) that I'm asking for your advice, as there are always hidden gems one can find on the internet. I'm afraid I can't quite find the ladder to help you get down that horse of yours.

Thanks, I've seen that thread.

>> No.7717848

Don't mind the trolls. They're just bored is all.

>> No.7717868

If you've seen the thread, that's pretty much all there is to see. If you've already got Hiragana and Katakana down, just go to kanjidamage and start shoving the Kanji into your brain.

I won't be saying it in the same way as some gentlemen in this thread have, but yes, this thread is really unwarranted by now. Everything that could be discussed about methods and resources, HAS been discussed and is now archived. You'll have a better and more pleasant experience checking old threads there.

Apologies. It's just that we already had this same argument, probably a thousand times with people who expected to be spoonfed as soon as they walked in here.

>> No.7717870

Your writing reeks of faggotry. Please don't post here again.

>> No.7717875

Yup, bored of seeing the same "Help me, I'm too retarded to search on easymodo" >>>/lang/ threads everyday.

>> No.7717881

Not OP but after how many kanji should one start grammar, in your opinion?

>> No.7717897

Not him, but I think you should instead begin grinding kanji after completing Tae Kims Basic Grammar.

>> No.7717906

I'm using genki, and it starts teaching you grammer the second you learn hiragana, but before katakana or kanji.

>> No.7717910

No idea. I did accompany the threads back in the day, before they became overrated and people started hating them, but that's pretty much it. I don't actually know a single ounce of Japanese.

Heck, I don't even know a tear of English!

>> No.7717914

You should be learning grammar before/while learning kanji.

An effective way at learning Japanese, I've found, is translating stuff like manga.

>> No.7717925

I was looking at it simultaneously, it doesn't matter if you don't know the kanji.

As for some threshold, personally, I started to understand written language with about 400 of them.

>> No.7717927

Thanks. I guess I'm a bit late at ~200, but should be okay

>> No.7717931

God, this is why I never come to /jp/. Full of elitist pricks.

OP, it really comes down to time spent, and figuring out what works for you. Most of the folks here seem to hate textbooks, but I believe in doing a bit of everything. Be prepared to spend at least a couple years from this point to actually feeling like you're getting a grip on the language.

The single most useful thing for me has been getting a dictionary for DS with handwritten input.

>> No.7717936

lol hes mad

>> No.7717945

If you never come to /jp/, then why are you here? Who're you, mister? A ghost? Some after-image of bitterness that got left behind by his owner after he left on a cuss of rage months ago after being kicked to hell and back by /jp/ denizens?

I mean, I don't want to get into privates here, but...

>> No.7717994

I just come around once in awhile to troll.

>> No.7718000

you sure trolled everyone hard here.
the pain in my butt is intensifying
