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7713117 No.7713117 [Reply] [Original]

Given the chance, which touhou would you rape and murder?

>> No.7713134
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>> No.7713132


>> No.7713136

Se introduce mi líquido magnífico

>> No.7713137
File: 13 KB, 117x107, sanae_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd rape the HELL out of Sanae
and then murder her
and cook the body
and then eat the HELL out of her-pussy
and then the neck, with the naizz tasty vains
and slap those tits in sandwiches

>> No.7713143

Youmu is the most rapeable Touhou

>> No.7713144

[x] rape the mamis.

>> No.7713145

Get the hell out of /jp.

>> No.7713147
File: 387 KB, 1000x1000, 1312097665318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7713149

This thread made me forcibly have my way with the report button.

>> No.7713155

';With this,'; sion said and held out a retarded report button.

>> No.7713154

This is why nobody shall ever love you, wtH.

>> No.7713156

Suwako. I'd stab her fifty times just to see if a frogs heart will still beat after all that. If yes, I'd drop a big rock on her.

>> No.7713157
File: 233 KB, 600x444, 1281694668946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7713159
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>> No.7713161

An excellent choice.

>> No.7713162

Aquila girl can be fussy to manage, often times she derps and gets stuck in a wall, burst fire and arty is instant win at that point.

>> No.7713166
File: 70 KB, 500x490, sanae_ahegao_ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7713195

lol wut

>> No.7713211

Rape? Plenty. Murder? None.

How am I supposed to enjoy continually raping, impregnating, and mind breaking them over a long period of time if I kill them?

>> No.7713221

Your options are limited, but it can be done.

>> No.7713231

Fairies and the immortals resurrect as soon as they're completely obliterated.

>> No.7713240

If fairies didn't remember the last bit of their life, you could have an eternal innocent little girl to befriend and then rape/murder as many times as you liked.

Except all her friends would know and would claw all your skin off with their cute little hands.

>> No.7713245

eirin, like always.

>> No.7713246

What sort of sicko would rape, torture and mindbreak a fairy while her friends watched anyway? You're supposed to do intimate things like that in private.

>> No.7713256

None of them.
You people disgust but do not surprise me.

>> No.7713259

You're favorite Touhou.

>> No.7713260

We've had this argument before. We don't know if the baby would be resurrected as well if a pregnant Mokou or Kaguya was killed.

>> No.7713268

You can't hide it forever in a place that small with that many eyes. Those idyllic days of fairy murder would be lived on borrowed time. Treasure every moment.

>> No.7713270

Babies are connected to their mothers via umbilical cord. They should have the same powers as their immortal mommies.

>> No.7713333

Damn!... I've been really REALLY busy lately to even drop by /jp/ lately but the scent of blood in this thread is irresistible...

>> No.7713339

How would they get pregnant in the first place?
The Hourai elexir prevents any change in or on their bodies

>> No.7713345

nice quads

>> No.7713346

So, which would you?

>> No.7713347

Go back to your onion smuggling, mugen.

>> No.7713356

>this thread
Is why you shall never go to Gensokyo.
