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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 906x261, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7699179 No.7699179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or is the new janitor abusing his authority? He's basically deleting nay thread he doesn't like whether it's board related or not. Not to mention the faggot appears to be here 24/7.

This thread will be deleted in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...

>> No.7699190

>Bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww why are my off-topic threads being deleted

>> No.7699187

>Appears to be here 24/7

That's good, now we have around the clock moderation. If you don't like it, stop making shitty threads.

>> No.7699200


>green text

/a/ is that way <- kid

>> No.7699201

You know he got a point.
The Kara no Shoujo thread was deleted due to QUALITY while /v/ and hotglue shit like Tera and Heaven and Harth stayed.

I am not OP but I am seeing a huge double standard here.

>> No.7699202

Seconed. People complaining about moderation should just leave.

>> No.7699207

We understand your compulsion to shitpost but just take it to another board.

>> No.7699208

I was merely quoting the OP.

>> No.7699210
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, getout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699211


AoC is our janitor again.

Only he can be this autistic.

>> No.7699212

You still make threads?
I just sage them, post pics and tell people to get out from time to time

>> No.7699215

>deleting any thread he doesn't like
>appears to be here 24/7

replace "delete" with "spam" and you'd have something very familiar sounding

>> No.7699216


That's how quotes work in /a/, get your ass back there scum

>> No.7699218

The janitor is obviously a hotgluefag it's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.7699219
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1304660427679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to taking it easy.

>> No.7699234

sounds like you spend a lot of time on /a/ maybe you should go back there

>> No.7699228

Janitor deleted my meguca thread, he's obviously a newfag

>> No.7699229

haven and hearth is not /jp/ related, so it shouldn't be sanctioned.

also, fuck off.

>> No.7699230

Janitors should always err on the side of deleting too little. It should be limited to troll threads and utter clusterfucks. You can't have the janitor delete bad threads just for being bad; might as well have him wipe his ass for you.

It's not like moderation doesn't do a shit job from time to time.

>> No.7699239

>go to archive
>touhou threads deleted
>VN threads deleted
>threads complaining about moderation deleted

>cousin doujin thread NOT deleted
>why are you not a homo/transsex NOT deleted

>> No.7699236

Are Artonelico threads being deleted?

>> No.7699237

>your ass for you

Also add relentless spammers to that list.

>> No.7699243
File: 19 KB, 400x500, hi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ ] Not told
[X] Told
[X] Fuckin' Told
[X] Neon Genesis Evangelitold
[X] Toldhou
[X] Cowboy Betold
[X] Told metal Alchemist
[X] Tolden Boy
[X] Record of Toldoss War
[X] Narutold
[X] My Neighbor Toldtoro
[X] My Little Sister can't be this Told
[X] Fate/Stay Told
[X] YotsubaTOLD
[X] Fractold
[X] Told aru majutsu no Index
[X] Azumanga Daitold
[X] Told Love-ru
[X] Dragon Told Z
[X] Panty & Stocking with Gartoldbelt
[X] Told Piece
[X] Fist of the Told Star
[X] Toldtami galaxy
[X] Space Battleship YamaTOLD
[X] Kara no Toldkai
[X] Toldadora
[X] Puella Magi Matolda Magica
[X] Zero no Toldkaima
[X] Toldere (b-b-baka! Its not like I got told for YOU or anything)
[X] Ore no Funimation konna ni Told wake ga nai
[X] Kamijou Told-ya
[X] Urotsukidoji Legend of the Tolderfiend
[X] Digimon Told Wars
[X] Tengen Toldpa Gurren Lagann
[X] Yu-gi-told

>> No.7699245



>> No.7699249

Holy shit that's a lot of threads. Some of them are obviously shit threads but a lot of them weren't.

Going Quality Control style and deleting threads just for being of sub-standard quality is really stupid.

>> No.7699246


>> No.7699247

i've been sitting here with the "quick reply" form open for the past ten minutes, speechless, trying to find the words to convey just how bad of a thread this is, and how bad of a person you must be for making it, but i just cant. the finest poet from any culture or time could sit here until the carbon in his body decayed into something else and never find the words to express just how gay you are. you're like every gay porn ever compacted into one superdense superfaggot. every opinion you ever hold is wrong, every idea you ever have should never be expressed, every ounce of effort you go through to think the thoughts you think is a waste, i'd say you should be shot into space, but you arent even worthy of the resources that would take. i'd say you should die, but you dont even deserve to be buried in the ground you walk on. the only thing i can think of that would make me happy is to lock you in a room with all the anime and terrible movies and terrible games you'd ever like, and just leave you there, forever, sealed by magic and technology, sealing away the ultimate gay, the faggiest fag there ever was. after this, the supreme court would unanimously pass a new amendment that this room should never be opened.... youre so gay it defies time, language, and even human concept... you're gay in every dimension, every space-time event after your birth has experienced noticeably higher levels of Gay

>> No.7699250

>implying gay and transsexual threads aren't /JP/
lol GTFO newfag

>> No.7699252

This is generally the process of non-successful biased moderation techniques on /jp/

He is currently building up the loathing and reloading phase. Testing permanent shit flooders and spammers in there own game, essentially. We all know that story goes

>> No.7699257
File: 37 KB, 704x480, Cosmos.1980.Part.02.One.Voice.In.The.Cosmic.Fugue.DVDRip.x264.mkv_snapshot_00.02.49_[2011.07.26_20.21.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7699255

Monthy MMO is always /jp/ related XDDDDDDDDD

Monthy MMO is always /jp/ related XDDDDDDDDD

Monthy MMO is always /jp/ related XDDDDDDDDD

Monthy MMO is always /jp/ related XDDDDDDDDD

Monthy MMO is always /jp/ related XDDDDDDDDD

>> No.7699256

Nobody can defeat /jp/ in an autism war.

>> No.7699260
File: 50 KB, 704x480, Cosmos.1980.Part.02.One.Voice.In.The.Cosmic.Fugue.DVDRip.x264.mkv_snapshot_00.44.31_[2011.07.26_21.07.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699269

It is good that he is deleting shit like >gaybar, >sudo, >pig, saten and assortment of other anime spam.
He just needs some consistency and purge /v/ shit as well. As it is, /jp/ is turning into /jrpg/ - videogames2.

Gust, corean MMOs, daily JRPG threads, H&H and etc. I wont be surprised if their presence beat Touhou sometime in the future.

>> No.7699264

which touhou could beat carl sagan in a fight and then fuck?

>> No.7699265
File: 51 KB, 704x480, Cosmos.1980.Part.02.One.Voice.In.The.Cosmic.Fugue.DVDRip.x264.mkv_snapshot_00.44.38_[2011.07.26_21.07.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699270
File: 51 KB, 704x480, Cosmos.1980.Part.02.One.Voice.In.The.Cosmic.Fugue.DVDRip.x264.mkv_snapshot_00.44.38_[2011.07.26_21.07.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699274

You're not asking the janitor to be consistent, you're asking to the janitor to delete things you don't like.

>> No.7699276
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>> No.7699283
File: 57 KB, 540x670, ea125a444bc4598a40d6520ec2c72e7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699277

/jp/ will surely crumble once the 30 2hu fuck threads are pushed off the front page.

>> No.7699279

Unless the janitor is a /jp/-er

Seriously though guys. If you don't like the job the moderation is doing, message moot or something, don't bring your frustration here. Its like making a "/jp/ sure is shitty right now" thread, you're just CONTRIBUTING to a problem.

>> No.7699280

Videogames aren't /jp/ related just because they're Japanese.

>> No.7699286

anime goes on >>>/a/
videogame goes on >>>/v/
How is this not consistent? Why allow one form of media and not the other? Why video game and not anime?

>> No.7699287
File: 229 KB, 2396x2340, 17468492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699288

>2 Tsukihime threads deleted



>> No.7699285

Best thread on /jp/

>> No.7699292
File: 248 KB, 809x804, Voile_at _his_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699293

Guro spammer, as much as your concern is appreciated, just stop it.

>> No.7699294

Janitor is a Sanaefan who gets angry when there's threads calling her a slut immediate deleting them yet lets threads like >>7694926 stay.

>> No.7699290

Short term vision and playing directly into their hands.
This IS exactly how they want the game to be played out.

What worth is one out of a thousand of the same daily shit posts.

He is walking up their slide, the real methods would be silent and would remove the whole structure outright.

>> No.7699291

We've been talking about JRPGs here since 2008. Get over it.

>> No.7699296
File: 1.31 MB, 2100x1530, d6fbe963caa638c29d34316765e1c74c4c8b636b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7699295


>implying moot gives a fuck and isn't even worse than his staff

get out newfag

>> No.7699296,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even come here for /jp/ discussion any more.

>> No.7699296,2 [INTERNAL] 

What do you come there for then, good sir?

>> No.7699296,3 [INTERNAL] 

My school of thought is that the janitor should only delete utter shit. Anime screencap threads are pretty much just shit. Threads that are arguably not /jp/-related but not total shit, if they leave /jp/, should be at the hands of the users rather than the one janitor, or else you're in a position of having that one guy dictate what is and what isn't /jp/-acceptable, which is stupid.

If somebody started a UBW movie thread that wasn't shit right out of the gate, it shouldn't be deleted if it's not total trash; /jp/ users should deal with it themselves.

>> No.7699296,4 [INTERNAL] 

I agree, I don't care about random shitty mmos or jrpgs so I've been coming less and less lately.

>> No.7699296,5 [INTERNAL] 

Purely out of habit.

>> No.7699296,6 [INTERNAL] 

There are at most ten threads out of a hundred fifty that are MMO or JRPG-related at any given time. I'm sorry the other 140 were insufficiently interesting to you.

>> No.7699296,7 [INTERNAL] 

shit threads that are still up on the front page while this one got deleted


>> No.7699296,8 [INTERNAL] 

Its a new janitor, they've yet to learn that.

>> No.7699296,9 [INTERNAL] 

I get the suspicion that the janitor leaves those up until they either sit a while doing nothing or turn in to more shit before deleting.

>> No.7699296,10 [INTERNAL] 

Well, there are other ways of thinking to, but I think mine is the safest.

I also actually think that janitors should leave almost all threads alone until sufficiently many people report it, which takes time. Deleting threads right after they're created denies them the opportunity to evolve into threads with redeeming value and the novelty of having the janitor delete your shit on the spot sometimes just inspires the spammers to step it up. Plus shit that people are actually interested in gets deleted.

>> No.7699296,11 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys, maybe you should bump or create some threads you're interested in instead of bitching all the time.

>> No.7699296,12 [INTERNAL] 

So why did they find a resident /v/ or hotgluefag to be the janitor?

>>7699138 - Kara no shoujo thread deleted
>>7697729 - Tsukihimi thread deleted
>>7699065 - Sakuya
For QUALITY reason I assumed?

And then we have threads about TERA pantsu, daily Heaven&Harth, hotglue fotm MMO, JRPG which are all /v/ crap.

>> No.7699296,13 [INTERNAL] 


And yet he deleted the KnS thread instantly. FLAWLESS LOGIC

>> No.7699296,14 [INTERNAL] 


I did, but they all got deleted

>> No.7699296,15 [INTERNAL] 


Quality or not, they were all board related. The janitor is not here to judge what's quality and what's not. And then delete the thread complaining about his shit moderation. THIS IS FASCISM

>> No.7699296,16 [INTERNAL] 

I'm bad at making good threads, but I'm good at shitty metadiscussion. I can count the number of good threads I've made on one hand.

>For QUALITY reason I assumed?
Presumably. But the janitor shouldn't be deleting threads just because they're "not quality enough". A thread about Inu-Sakuya is on-topic even if is just an image dump from somebody who uses emoticons.

>> No.7699296,17 [INTERNAL] 

>The janitor is not here to judge what's quality and what's not.

>And then delete the thread complaining about his shit moderation.
No, that's definitely part of his job.

>> No.7699296,18 [INTERNAL] 

Just look at >>7699240.
/v/ style QUALITY greentext and blatant offtopic shit but it is untouched.

>> No.7699296,19 [INTERNAL] 

Oh no, a thread you don't like is still there.

You should email moot about it.

>> No.7699296,20 [INTERNAL] 

I want an answer to this. Why are threads calling Sanae a slut immediately determined to be shit threads yet a thread calling Remilia a slut is okay? Note: I am not calling lolsanaeisaslutXDDDDDD threads good I'm just wondering why they get deleted when the exact same type of thread gets left untouched.

>> No.7699296,21 [INTERNAL] 

how is this thread /jp/ related?


>> No.7699296,22 [INTERNAL] 

Presumably it's because Remi thread became an actual Remi thread while the Sanae thread stayed a slut thread. Not that it's a good reason.

>> No.7699296,23 [INTERNAL] 

For one its not a shitfest, and 2 its about the boorus, I'm not sure how that isn't /jp/ related when they're the #1 source for /jp/'s images

>> No.7699296,24 [INTERNAL] 

From what I gathered
1) Janitor is a sanaefag
2) Janitor hate Tsukihime/Kara no Shoujo
3) Janitor likes MMOs and JRPGs

Some of the most blatant bias moderation at work here. Not even QUALITY CONTROL or AOC is this autistic.

>> No.7699296,25 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.7699296,26 [INTERNAL] 

Gee, I don't fucking know. Let us put our heads together and figure out why precisely /jp/ users might visit Danbooru. Help me out here, I'm totally stumped.

>> No.7699296,27 [INTERNAL] 


It's a retarded request thread. You don't need to make a thread asking when you can just go to the fucking sites and figure it out in 5 seconds.

>> No.7699296,28 [INTERNAL] 

Well that's the thing the Sanae slut threads usually get deleted so quickly there isn't a chance for them to become actual threads.

>> No.7699296,29 [INTERNAL] 

>>7699296,21 said it wasn't /jp/-related, not that it was a useless thread.

>> No.7699296,30 [INTERNAL] 

Please, you guys thought I was a hotgluer and an idolfag for working those threads. Moderation is based on policy, not personal preference.

I don't think I have much to add now after those long posts earlier. The deletion for global rule six is a tricky thing and I fear for the janitor if they are trying to uphold it at all times. It's impossible to keep everyone happy, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.7699296,31 [INTERNAL] 


He doesn't seem to be very appreciative of touhou either. He deleted my thread about remi locking flandre in the basement even though it turned into an actual discussion.

>> No.7699296,32 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe they're being mass-reported by buttdevastated Sanaefags.

Well, that's probably not it, but it's not impossible.

>> No.7699296,33 [INTERNAL] 

If a regular Sanae thread can't even go without being turned in to a slut thread, what makes you think a sanae slut thread will do any better?

>> No.7699296,34 [INTERNAL] 

Bad thread? SPAM IT WITH GURO.

Can't he just hide it and move on?

>> No.7699296,35 [INTERNAL] 

Is "fascism" some new /jp/ meme like "autism"?

>> No.7699296,36 [INTERNAL] 

Retarded children are everywhere. Do not question their ways.

Anybody with power over anything gets accused of being a fascist when he does things that people don't like, on and off the internet.

>> No.7699296,37 [INTERNAL] 


Only when abusing their authority and being fascist ... which is undoubtedly what most people with power do

>> No.7699296,38 [INTERNAL] 

Has it ever occurred to you that some people actually LIKE guro?

>> No.7699296,39 [INTERNAL] 

So now that guy from this thread who seems to get super asspained at JRPGs has resorted to spam. What a loon.

>> No.7699296,40 [INTERNAL] 

That pretty obviously wasn't the case.

>> No.7699296,41 [INTERNAL] 

There have been a flood of Tsukihime threads in the past week or so, and the majority have been from the same guy (similar filenames), so I can understand why the janitor wants to delete those blog-esque posts.

>> No.7699296,42 [INTERNAL] 

Has it occured to you that RULE #3? That and the purpose wasn't even out of fetish, he's just leashing the janitor to delete the crap threads rather than letting them eventually fall of the board

>> No.7699296,43 [INTERNAL] 

dont like it get out

>> No.7699296,44 [INTERNAL] 


Maybe if he didn't keep deleting my shit I wouldn't have to keep making new ones. Ever thought about that? Faggot.

>> No.7699296,45 [INTERNAL] 

And yet it worked every time.

>> No.7699296,46 [INTERNAL] 

That sort of retarded behavior shouldn't be encouraged.

>> No.7699296,47 [INTERNAL] 

Sure it does, because its on the front page, there'd be less of an issue and annoyance if the guy could keep cool.

>> No.7699296,48 [INTERNAL] 

It eventually turns back on the spammer. It's not unheard of to methodically delete the spam as it's posted while leaving the thread untouched.

>> No.7699296,49 [INTERNAL] 

I am

I am not that autistic to spam a thread copypasta. Also I like Legend of Heroes but I still believe that /v/ threads should stay in /v/. Lets see if the janitor delete this >>7699424

>> No.7699296,50 [INTERNAL] 

Is it that hard to think that a lot of /jp/ topics could be considered in overlap with /v/? You try to be strict about that, you'd have to push touhou games discussion off to /v/ as well.

>> No.7699296,51 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, the moderator should delete everything I dont like

Touhou should also go in /v/, along with VNs. "Otaku Culture" isn't without meaning on /jp/, its for things that would fit by technicality on other boards, but have a thing about them that is for of or related to otakuism

>> No.7699296,52 [INTERNAL] 


I put money on it he doesn't

>> No.7699296,53 [INTERNAL] 

Why would he delete a Falcom thread? That's silly.

>> No.7699296,54 [INTERNAL] 

You should just get the hint and stop making them, or be more subtle at least to avoid the janitor's attention. It's basically spam at this point.

>> No.7699296,55 [INTERNAL] 

It is the double standard.
Same reason why anime is not allowed to be posted in /jp/. If /v/ can have discussion on YMK and Katawa Shoujo, they wont be bashing JRPGs?

>Touhou should also go in /v/, along with VNs
This is ridiculous. You guys know full well that /jp/ was made for Touhou and VNs.
Are you guys really gonna say that mainstream JRPG contents are lacking a board to be posted in?

>> No.7699296,56 [INTERNAL] 

You could never throw Touhou out, but you could easily throw out some of the shumps and fighters, but that would be stupid. A single stray Legend of Heroes thread (or any stray thread, for that matter) isn't going to kill anyone.

>> No.7699296,57 [INTERNAL] 


They're /jp/ related, I'll make them as much as I need to. And there's no way to be subtle on /jp/, threads stay on the front page for hours after being made, is it your first day? Also, I only make one at a time, I don't think you even know what spam means.

>> No.7699296,58 [INTERNAL] 

Its not out of the realm of possibility that the JRPG threads on /jp/ would just plain get run out of /v/ for being "weeaboo shit" /v/ is a difficult place to work with, its a safer bet to go to /jp/ with it.

But now we've got these guys running about spamming them because they feel like they have the backing of the moderation now, that or the "My shitty thread got deleted, I say this thread is shit too and should be deleted"

>> No.7699296,59 [INTERNAL] 

>/v/ is a difficult place to work with, its a safer bet to go to /jp/ with it.
/a/ is a difficult place to work with, its a safer bet to go to /jp/ with it.

>> No.7699296,60 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is a difficult place to work with.

Such is life in 4chan.

>> No.7699296,61 [INTERNAL] 

Well, I hope you guys are happy, because it looks like meido stopped caring about /jp/! Well done everyone! Now we can have all of those great threads again.

>> No.7699296,62 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Well, I hope you guys are happy, because it looks like meido stopped caring about /jp/! Well done everyone! Now we can have all of those great threads again.

>> No.7699296,63 [INTERNAL] 

People are angry because bread and butter board contents like Touhou and VNs are getting deleted while blatant offtopic /v/ shit are untouched.
You wouldnt get these kind of backlash against /v/ contents if janitor didnt start his QUALITY THREADS crusade.

>> No.7699296,64 [INTERNAL] 

None of the threads on the front page are shitty you know, all are capable of forming decent discussions, don't write them off so quick. Alternatively, janitor is taking a break, being human and all.

As many complaints as I have and see, you really can't say much to "its an improvement to last month"

>> No.7699296,65 [INTERNAL] 


yes, I'm sure this thread will make a quality discussion >>7699425

>> No.7699296,66 [INTERNAL] 

>waaaaaaaaah no meido too many shitposts
>waaaaaaaaah no posts at all shit meido

A never ending cycle.

If only, if ONLY, you faggots could just ignore threads you don't like. /jp/ would be wonderful.

>> No.7699296,67 [INTERNAL] 

Whoops, wasn't on the front page when I looked, that is a shit thread, but the others aren't that bad.

>> No.7699296,68 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.7699296,69 [INTERNAL] 

Created after I posted, your point?

And those are just plain shit and meant to be plain shit, seriously, whats your point

>> No.7699296,70 [INTERNAL] 


You just claimed the "rest" on the front page were good threads. And shit threads are shit, faggot. Here's some threads that were on the front page when you fucking posted.


My point is you're a fucking retard with no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7699296,71 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, and you're obviously the better man with those fancy words like "faggot" and "retard"

Christ, you knew what I meant, the JRPG meant-to-be-spam threads can be good, those aren't

>> No.7699296,72 [INTERNAL] 

Is sad when the only /jp/ related thread on page 0 is a Kigurumi thread.
Why is there a fucking minecraft thread? Is not even a word of minecraft server.

>> No.7699296,73 [INTERNAL] 

Just an outside observer on the Ghostboard here,
but threads like these are why the ghost board was taken away

>> No.7699296,74 [INTERNAL] 

Close, but no cigar.
Having a place to discuss the moderation policy away from the janitor was what brought Separatist Fuck The Police Mode to be. Spammers complaining about their threads getting deleted by bumping them here was what brought our hiatus.

Eksopl would be more fit to say how it went.

Not defending such an awful thread. Just saying that if there's any place for metadiscussion is here. The "meido is retarded because he deletes my shit threads" is bullshit

>> No.7699296,75 [INTERNAL] 

You summed it up perfectly. It was a thread like this that resulted in the birth of the ghost board. In my opinion the ghost board is at its best when people use it to continue discussions that were deleted on /jp/.

Easymodo at its core is a service for archiving threads but with the addition of the ghost board it's also a place for soaking up meta discussions.

>> No.7699296,76 [INTERNAL] 

What I don't like about the moderation currently is that this thread http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/7703805 gets deleted within 5 minutes, while this shit http://boards.4chan.org/jp/res/7703634 is still alive after an hour. While I have no problem with anime threads being deleted, it seems like the Janitor ignores all the other non-board related garbage.

>> No.7699296,77 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. I reported 7703634 behind 4 proxies too.

>> No.7699296,78 [INTERNAL] 

Today was a good day. Janitor did a good works today, not perfect but good. At this hour page 0 is full of /jp/ related threads, excluding that yugioh one.
