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7677585 No.7677585 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here masturbated with their own tears?

>> No.7677589

Cant say i have.
If i ever was to cry i dont think i would be in the mood to fap.

Though i did get raped once and i cried then, does that count?

>> No.7677590

You got a bucket I could use?

>> No.7679906 [DELETED] 
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Wow. This is the best thread I've ever seen on /jp/.

>> No.7679932

The other night my nose was running horribly, so much that I strongly considered putting it in a bottle to use as lube with my onahole. I ultimately decided against it as I'm not sure how well bodily fluids hold up outside of the body.

>> No.7679935

I have masturbated while crying and liking the tears off of my face. I think I raped myself.

>> No.7679945

natural vaginal juices are essentially mucous. Too bad runny nose juice is usually too thin.

>> No.7679949

Oh wow that's pathetic.

>> No.7679947

It was like a thin lugey consistency. It was slippery, but maybe not slippery enough. It will forever be a mystery.

>> No.7679952

How does one do something to themselves that they don't want to do?
Not that I know of, but I have some interesting "fapping" experiences. I can fap (until achieving an orgasm, or multiple) for any period of time, between 2 minutes and hours, although it's rare for me to actually go to such extremes. The most unusual thing that I can do is that I (male), can actually "masturbate" completly mentally if I want, and thus achieve fairly considerably more powerful orgasms, despite not doing anything physically. I attempted that as I wanted to disprove to myself that only females can achieve orgasms that way, it proved to be an useful experiment.

>> No.7679958

I've always gotten a boner if I cry too much. Why does this happen?

>> No.7679960

When I was younger I used to get a boner whenver I had diarrhea. I don't know why.

>> No.7679970
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>> No.7679968



>> No.7679971

I've experienced both these things. The worst was sitting on the toilet letting a big load of diarrhea loose and my penis started becoming erect and went into the stream of shit without me noticing.

I think masturbating while weeping is something everyone should experience once.

>> No.7679974
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As much as I would love to be a masochist, I know I ain't one.

>> No.7679976

>becoming erect and went into the stream of shit without me noticing.

Your penis goes towards your ass when you become erect?

>> No.7679981

When you sit on the toilet bowl I put my penis underneath the seat so I can piss downward, when you become erect there's not much space avaliable down there and pretty much all of it was taken up by the jets of feces.

>> No.7679983

But I don't think I am anymore able to cry.

>> No.7679993

I am so confused trying to imagine this. You put your dick between the seat and the bowl? Does it get smashed when you sit down? How big is your shit stream when it comes out of your ass?

>> No.7679998


If that helps you sleep at night

>> No.7680002
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There's a difference between being self-destructive and being a masochist

>> No.7680012


fapping using your tears as lube sure as hell isn't "self-destructive". the pain is turning you on, M

>> No.7680015
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Like this, put it down so it points into the bowl.

>> No.7680019
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I started to cry once in the middle of a fap session

>> No.7680029

I love you sometimes, /jp/. Never change.

>> No.7680027

Oh, like that. I do that too. No idea how I'd get diarrhea on my penis though.

>> No.7680035

Have you ever had explosive diarrhea? It sprays out into the whole bowl.

>> No.7680053

Maybe mine's not explosive enough...

>> No.7680063

My explosions usually resemble a jet enough to largely stay shaped until impact.

Though, the beam hasn't been as tight since I ravaged my asshole trying to deal with the aftereffects of eating nothing but ramen for seven months.

>> No.7680085

Went through the whole spend three hours on the shitter trying to pass something that isn't there?

>> No.7680089

Uhm, yeah... actually.

Is this like a common thing?

>> No.7680093

Who knows.

>> No.7680099

I had a feeling similar to this yesterday, except it was coming from my penis and started after I finished masturbating and wrapped my dick in an old white t-shirt to soak up the semen. It felt like I needed to urinate very badly. I think the t-shirt was dirty, or perhaps the towel I wipe my dick on after I take a piss had toothpaste on it since I also use it to wipe the toothpaste off my mouth when I brush my teeth.. I even masturbated again, thinking maybe something got in there and ejaculating would help, but it didn't. It bothered me until I went to sleep. I've replaced both the t-shirt and towel.

>> No.7680106

You probably just masturbated too much.

>> No.7680116

I had an infection on my dick once.

I pissed brown, like shit brown. For a few months, then it always stung an burned all the time, the I got spots and the pain upped some. Then the thing turned grey, and shrunk. Now it's back to normal size and color but the skin is tough and wrinkled and it smells like chemicals. Though I've got no pressure behind my stream anymore, fapping results in an ooze. I miss the days of hitting my chin ;_;

Stay clean /jp/!

>> No.7680119

Why is this called "EVOLUTION" when there's no white people in it?

>> No.7680125

wow, this is a good reminder to always wash your hands before you fap.

>> No.7680132


I certainly understand social phobia, but at some but I would go to a doctor.

>> No.7680136

It's probably this, that can happen when your nerve endings get overstimulated.

Same thing happened to me once, I freaked out and searched the internet, it turned out to just be this.

Sage because I'm not even from /jp/, but I can't let anonymous go on without reassurance that his dick wont fall off

>> No.7680142

Social phobia is only part of what kept me from doing anything about it. The other part was that here in good ole murika the poor can't afford to do that. The other part was just too much depression to really care. I mean really, you lose that last ray of hope when lose the ability to fap, or even get hard at all. (though that's returned in most capacities).
