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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 172 KB, 800x500, 名称未設定-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7674142 No.7674142 [Reply] [Original]

We are the Japanese Dojin circle.not professional
We made a opening movie of our novel game.
So please look this video and write your impression.


Im sorry English ..unskilled...

>> No.7674153

What genre?

>> No.7674154

I'd fuck the twintail one

>> No.7674156

Well done, but fuck if I could figure out what it's about.
Secret society shit? I guess? Obviously with school setting.

>> No.7674160


>> No.7674162

Looks pretty good for a doujinshi production.
I will be looking forward to it.

>> No.7674166

Its a detective or mystery game.
for example you should recall Higurashi or Umineko.mi

>> No.7674170

I always like mystery games so great.

>> No.7674175

Dude with the moustache and beard looks like a boss.

Perhaps should not mention Umineko with regards to mystery.

>> No.7674174

sage for viral for a generic piece of shit

I guess japs will lap it up

>> No.7674179


>> No.7674185

Main girl looks like a guy.
Not sure if this is a plus or minus really.

>> No.7674181

The video suggests multiple protagonists, would be kinda cool.

>> No.7674183

>Its a detective or mystery game.

Sounds interesting.
I will be sure to check it out.

Oh, and your English is not that bad. It is understandable.

>> No.7674187

Will there be sex?

>> No.7674188
File: 59 KB, 852x476, 1311868051730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674190

She kinda reminds me of Ein from phantom, same iwth the masks of the guys at one point.

>> No.7674193
File: 40 KB, 582x475, 1311868169770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674194

So obviously the OP can speak English proficiently and is just pretending.
Whatever the reasons for doing that tho, it does look interesting. Yay for shota.

>> No.7674197


>> No.7674198

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.7674199

Calling your English unskilled rather than just bad sounds like something an inexperienced Japanese speaker would do.

>> No.7674202
File: 590 KB, 1200x1696, 1311868497338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for everyone.
this game is not contained R18.
But we think that you will be lost in wild fancies about fuck these girls.

I made a mistake to take picture.
This picture is the poster about this game.


>> No.7674205

>detective or mystery game
Sounds interesting.

>school setting
Never mind, fuck that overused shit.

>> No.7674207

Inexperienced Japanese speaker? So, you're agreeing with me then?

>> No.7674209

I don't really understand /jp/'s problem with school settings.
Most of them never even talk about what actually happens at school in the games, its just a meeting place and since most of the characters are young it makes sense for them to be there.

>> No.7674210

calm down nerd.
Yup, exactly my thoughts.

>> No.7674211

Why does the somewhat normal girl have zettai ryouiki, and not the girl with twintails and ツリ目? This is very strange.

>> No.7674213

Like there are no good games with school settings/high prominence of school life.

>> No.7674214

I'm just confused.

Getting tired of the uniforms maybe.

>> No.7674217

do you think he posted this because of the 2ch/4ch talk show yesterday ? well it's like it was a problem.
if you can have a relation with the little boy why not.

>> No.7674216

My waifu

>like Umineko
>no R18
Nevermind, I'm outta here.

>> No.7674215

I smiled at that. Well anyway, good luck with your project, I hope it goes well for you guys. It seems like it took a lot of effort.

>> No.7674218

Japanese speaker inexperienced in English.

>> No.7674220

>Getting tired of the uniforms maybe.
At least school uniforms give you a reason to repeat clothes, seeing normal adults wearing always the same clothes is disturbing.

>> No.7674227

With no spelling mistakes, I am impressed.

But all the school uniforms are starting to look the same really.

>> No.7674222

not like*
i hope you are not the red haired faggot by the way.

>> No.7674225

>seeing normal adults wearing always the same clothes is disturbing.

Okay... ;_;.

>> No.7674234


>> No.7674237

ITT: Boring school uniform design is holding back eroge, the school setting could be so much more.

>> No.7674242

>do you think he posted this because of the 2ch/4ch talk show yesterday ?
It seems that the Japs were more interested in /jp/ than the other boards. They really reacted to the Alice thread.

Anyway, the school setting is a huge turn off.

>> No.7674238


>Most of them never even talk about what actually happens at school in the games, its just a meeting place

That could be the problem right there. I mean,have you ever seen some Heisei Kamen Rider shows? Somehow,someway nearly all(If not a good portion) manage to work in some eating spot as a constantly visted location. After awhile it gets repetitive as hell and you want them to get some damn Cell Phones,invite them over, then rape eachothers man pussies.

>> No.7674239

Thank you, seriously.

>> No.7674247

It would be really funny to have /jp/ becoming some sort of embassy of 2ch in 4chan.

>> No.7674250

Except for the whole IP filter thing

>> No.7674249

Are you sure it wasn't just because moot made it sound like it was for Japanese culture in general?

>> No.7674251

I doubt anyone really cares enough to be an embassy for anything, let alone 2ch which most people here know nothing about.

>> No.7674253

but does it have time travel and people dying?

>> No.7674254

I'm interested to know if this will have animated cut-scenes in-between and/or animated endings.

>> No.7674255

...................................... holy shit

>> No.7674258

I'm inclined to think this. Not to mention we're exceptionally bitter people, but if there were any sort of influx of people from 2ch, it'd wash out our image of hating the japanese

>> No.7674259

I'm sorry for getting into trouble because I wrote it.
Thank you for the person who praised it.
To the person who assisted,We will work hard.

I disappear though I see here.
Thanks for everyone!!

>> No.7674262

Looks like this is a continuation with three parts already out.


From what I gather from the summary, there's a new law that establishes a town where they hold all the criminals and their family.
The protagonists change each episode.

>> No.7674264

I would fuck the ever loving shit out of the blonde girl.

>> No.7674267

>I'm sorry for getting into trouble because I wrote it.
You didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.7674265

Hey 日本人。
Translate it to english if you want people from here to play it.

>> No.7674269
File: 61 KB, 430x280, 1311869832173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting warmly.

>> No.7674270

I'd like to see it translated in to english with the guy's current fluency.

>> No.7674278

So moe~

>> No.7674274

There's a noticeable lack in hate that an outsider would expect in this thread.

>> No.7674275

Town for criminals and their families...?
Battle Royal?

>> No.7674276

Ah, so that's the higurashi/umineko parallel, also split into episodes.

>> No.7674283

/jp/ is full of weeaboos.

>> No.7674287

Outsider comes bearing gifts that is not utter crap, it's not so bad.

>> No.7674288

We tend to be kind to people that are actually respectful, even if it's viral marketing at least promotes something interesting.

>> No.7674290

This team has an actual product to deliver, one that looks pretty damn nice considering it's merely a doujinshi work.
I see no reason to hate on that, regardless the origin of the person in question.

>> No.7674293
File: 27 KB, 292x302, 1311870355306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've never fallen for something this obvious in a long time /jp/

is it the massive influx of summerfriends or is the board dying?

>> No.7674291
File: 230 KB, 966x1400, 1311870325035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twintails reminds me of Sonya from Kill Me Baby.

>> No.7674296

>fallen for something this obvious

>> No.7674297

Are they mutually exclusive.

>> No.7674299

I don't think anyone here really gives a fuck if the OP is a member of Antique Artworks or not.
In the end that doesn't matter.
What matters is he brought our attention to something that is of an interest to a vast majority of us.

>> No.7674300

You seem like the summer one here.

>> No.7674304

You're assuming anyone here actually pays for VNs.

>> No.7674303

No, didn't even notice the thread until you posted.
Still didn't read it so idk as HELL xD

>> No.7674305

It looks really well done. You can tell a lot of care and work went into it to make it that fluid. Really impressive while being a doujin product.

My issue would be with the setting and direction. They appear to be derivative, drawing from styles and designs done several times already. I would receive better something original rather than something inspired by the same pool of visual novels that it's going into. The school setting is part of that.

But you know, it doesn't mean it's bad. You can make a great product using the time-tested tools and practices from your predecessors instead of taking a risk with originality just for the sake of it being innovative, with no guiding goal or proper tools.

Do your best, I'll be keeping my eye out for it in C80.

>> No.7674309

I buy a couple a year.

>> No.7674313

>But you know, it doesn't mean it's bad. You can make a great product using the time-tested tools and practices from your predecessors instead of taking a risk with originality just for the sake of it being innovative, with no guiding goal or proper tools.

>> No.7674314


I was referring to the fact that OP is a trolling shitstain pretending to be Japanese.

>> No.7674321

Guess what - nobody cares.

>> No.7674332

are you retarded

>> No.7674339

So much butthurt.

>> No.7674344

( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.7674346

How would you know?

>> No.7674397

There's nothing wrong with "falling for it" if there's absolutely no harm resulting from falling for it. I could understand if someone managed to incite 300 replies of rage or mindless praise by telling obvious lies, but absolutely nothing problematic has come out of taking OP seriously.
