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7672959 No.7672959 [Reply] [Original]

miku is white and she was born and raised a japnese

>> No.7672973 [DELETED] 

Miku is black and she was born and raised a nigger.

>> No.7672971

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>> No.7672984

that's stupid look at her skin color
its white how could she be black and raised the n word

>> No.7672995

I hate these "all anime characters are white" dicussions.

There are barely any difneing racial features in anime.

Louise from Zero no Tsukaima is white but Miyuki from Lucky Star who looks an awful lot like her is Japanese.

Miku is sold as a Japanese Female so she is a Japanese Female.

>> No.7673008


>> No.7673011


>> No.7673011,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7673064

Miku is white? That explains why she sucks at singing and is such a slut.

>> No.7673076

japs are the tone deaf ones
and they have no rhythm

>> No.7673092

miku is a white girl with european blood that was born and raised as a japanese girl.

it doesn't matter what she's sold as bro, its the fans and the community that decide what she is. thats the beauty of vocaloid.

>> No.7673106

You are not the community for Miku and co you get Sonika and all the rest of the english rejects.(Besides even Vocaloid has canon if you actually read)

And dont call me bro asshole.

>> No.7673133

I know the pain of being confused of your racial stereotype. I myself am finn with my family coming from somewhere russian chinese border. Raised partly under chinese influence been through slavic influence. So what i do? Drive car badly while drinking.

>> No.7673163

You can make Miku whatever you wish her to be. After all, non-canon shit is what fuels VOCALOID.

>> No.7673272

Miku was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido. People in Northern part of Japan has white skin compared to the Southern part such as Okinawa.

>> No.7673275

No, you idiot, she was born at the Barcelona University.

>> No.7673281
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>> No.7673278

No YOU idiot the editor was made there derived from a previous work called "Elvis Project" YAMAHA paid for the research.

Miku was made by Crypton only YAMAHA and that no longer relevent university had no say in the creation of Miku.

I really hate when people speak out there ass about things they know nothing about

>> No.7673306

I can't believe you idiots are having this conversation.

>> No.7673309

I'm offended.

>> No.7673319

Biggest idiot in this thread? The OP.

>> No.7673670


American Miku same colour as pig.

>> No.7673682

Its shows just how shitty our user base now is.

>> No.7673685

It should be the other way you colourblind twat.

>> No.7673894
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