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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2 KB, 465x198, fuckingkanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7672332 No.7672332 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain this faggotry to me, /jp/?

I spent half an hour trying to look up the kanji on the left (by radicals, stroke count etc.), only to finally realize it's 言. A fucking 言!

As far as I can tell, left form is used more often with Chinese fonts, but my source was a speech bubble hand written by a Japanese (from pixiv). Are they trying to make their own language as hard as possible on purpose, or is there some profound reason for this?

>> No.7672340

What I don't understand is why shitty threads are disappearing left and right.
To be sure, there are shitty threads that aren't disappearing, but this feels a lot different from the daily nuke I'm accustomed to.
When the hell did /jp/ acquire moderation?

>> No.7672339

Hand written characters will always look different than printed characters.

>> No.7672342

still makes a whole lot more sense than cursive with latin letters.

>> No.7672341

You see the left one in handwriting. RTK has an appendix with all the kanji in handwritten form, you should check it out.

>> No.7672343

Tons of shit looks different written from typed.

>> No.7672344
File: 235 KB, 650x771, 1311823216048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dumb can you be?

>> No.7672356
File: 7 KB, 720x516, 1311823584024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain this faggotry to me, /jp/?

I spent half an hour trying to look up the character on the left (alphabetically, by images, etc.), only to finally realize it's g. A fucking g!

As far as I can tell, left form is used more often with formal fonts, but my source was a speech bubble hand written by an Englishman. Are they trying to make their own language as hard as possible on purpose, or is there some profound reason for this?

>> No.7672362

g is the worst consonant, anyway. We should just phase it out.

>> No.7672367

I get why this should be understood, the problem is that say with the typed vs handwritten g for example, there isn't a character that looks as similar, whereas for the OP image, the first two strokes on the left kanji could logically make it a completely different character.

>> No.7672372

Actually, I think you can legally kill anyone who hand-writes their 'g's like that.

>> No.7672380

The typed g looks more like a B.

>> No.7672379
File: 4 KB, 21x27, 1311824323582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, when it looks like this, you can't help it but lookup using the 亠 radical.

>> No.7672382

Japanese is a shitty language?

Alert the universities

>> No.7672387

Do you mean the left "g"? ;_;.

>> No.7672388


Why don't you actually learn kanji instead of using the silly lookup method.

>> No.7672390
File: 476 KB, 851x572, 1311824531669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672394

But I did. After I looked it up.

>> No.7672424

Baka gaijin are not supposed to learn Japanese, my friend. Grorious nihonjin are the ones who are supposed to learn English.

And yet they suck at it, and that's why Japan is on an economic stagnation.

>> No.7672429

There's a reason why Chinese themselves have had numerous updates on their language.

And yet japs stick to their bastardized korean written in bastardized chinese

>> No.7672440

What can you expect from a race of people still using hieroglyphs for a language

>> No.7672451

Why does /jp/ sage so much?

>> No.7672457

Lurk until you see the copypasta, then read it.

>> No.7672458

It's a slow board. No need to constantly bump stuff already on the front page.

>> No.7672459

Blue is a cool colour to type in, you have to be at least twelve years old to be mature enough to appreciate the beauty of sage

>> No.7672462
File: 1023 KB, 1373x1027, 1311826532651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7672479


It was easier to print horizontal lines than slanty dots back in olden times, so printed kanji look different from written kanji.

>> No.7672526

It's hilarious that some faggot spent time to make rules for his precious internet forum

>> No.7672530


>> No.7672534

>He thinks 4chan is not a forum

Careful your summer is showing

>> No.7672536
File: 23 KB, 350x350, 1311828615332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those rules are supposed to help you not look like a retard.

>> No.7672544

>He doesn't know the difference between an image board and an internet forum
Careful, your summer is showing.

>> No.7672543


Its an image board, fucktard

I suspect this is a troll post though....

>> No.7672550

It's hilarious how butthurt faggots on this board can get in both the defense of their sugoi nippon and one of the worst boards on 4chan which is saying something

>> No.7672820

>There's a reason why Chinese themselves have had numerous updates on their language.
And I'm pretty sure it's not 言. Seriously, of all the things in kanji to bitch about. Who even needs to look up 言.
