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7668808 No.7668808 [Reply] [Original]

Would you still love your waifu if she got fat /jp/?

>> No.7668814

Fictional characters don't get fat.

>> No.7668812
File: 294 KB, 250x250, 1311759384007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rihoko is mai waifu

>> No.7668816

I don't have a waifu.

>> No.7668819

What is it like loving a fat chick?

>> No.7668825
File: 224 KB, 614x780, 1311759665321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like bags of sand.

>> No.7668826
File: 456 KB, 1000x1000, Hell Raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More cushion for the pushin

>> No.7668833

2D is cute even if they are drawn fat.

>> No.7668834

I was about to say that!

>> No.7668851

she's healthy, not fat
if my wife would get healthier then I'd love her the same way as I do now
if she'd get fat, I'd encourage her to go on a diet and help her mentally during hard time

>> No.7668866


>> No.7669208 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 360x360, 1311767340491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having waifus is an /a/ related habit. It doesn't belong on /jp/. So if you have a waifu and intend to talk about it, kindly leave.

/jp/ is for translators, artists and scholars of Japanese culture only. It is a place to create original content and engage in meaningful discussions.

Now that this is settled, please continue.

>> No.7669223

attention, having daily doses is a /jp/ related habit

>> No.7670007

When I was a teenager I knew this guy that got raped by a landwhale when he was drunk at a party. He said it was like moist bread.

>> No.7670130


>> No.7670137



>> No.7670145
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I..I would.

>> No.7670147

The other day I stumbled on /a/ and they were having "divorce threads", it was like a whole new world of "what?"

>> No.7670148

Of course not.

Fat people are disgusting.

Next question.

>> No.7670159

I laughed.

>> No.7670161

Gonna have to go with this guy. Fat woman are literally the worst disgrace that happened in this world, no fucking joke. My waifu is now fat? Tough lucky baby, your fat ass stands from now on as dumped.

>> No.7670171

Considering how I have a fat fetish, I don't think I'd be able to keep my dick out of her.

>> No.7670174
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You guys would dump your waifu? How horrible.

>> No.7670177

As long as her personality didn't change along with her weight.
I'm not shallow, there is more to her than looks.

>> No.7670178

I'd marry fat NEET Mio.

>> No.7670182

You mean there are men who actually talk to woman with the intent of enjoying a conversation? Holy shit, now that's pathetic as fuck.

>> No.7670197

Personality and physical attractiveness are two sides of one coin.

I can't have one without the other.

>> No.7670205

I hate this joke.

It's like people think it's literally impossible for someone to get fat unless they are constantly eating for comfort.

Exercise be damned.

>> No.7670210

Source on this?

>> No.7670215

But fat people are always miserable.

>> No.7670214

That's how it is, fatty.

>> No.7670221

Sudo seems pretty content.

>> No.7670228

Stay alpha, Anonymous.
I guess I'd be lying if I said I would be comfortable with her being a huge, unmoving mass, but being fat is fine.
Too each their own.

>> No.7670233
File: 3 KB, 31x38, weird_girl_hiding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd dump her to HELL because i only liked her for her body, her personality is a bonus but i like her for her body mostly
i know im shallow, deal with it, pic unrelated

>> No.7670242

It's not a matter of being alpha or not. Woman are always annoying and noisy, talk about the most boring subjects ever and can't carry out a conversation about anything interesting. The only exceptions to this rule are so ugly that just looking to them in the eye is physically painful. Seriously, please don't be "that guy" who hangs around girls because he thinks they dig him. Talking to chicks seriously is bad and you should feel bad.


Thanks for reinforcing my point.

>> No.7670262

I would encourage her to exercise with me so we could both be sexy together. I mean, she's my waifu. I can't just abandon her because she ate too many calories!

>> No.7670268

>Woman are always x, y, z
When did we start talking about 3D women?
>please don't be "that guy" who hangs around girls because he thinks they dig him. Talking to chicks seriously is bad and you should feel bad.
Are you implying I go outside?
