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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 704x396, urobochigen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7665597 No.7665597 [Reply] [Original]

Accomplished writer.
Released highly controversial and highly rated eroge.
Wrote probably the biggest commercial success anime in 2011.
Getting paid to get his dick suck by his own character in 3D form.

Can any other writers claim to have as much success as him?

>> No.7665603

>released highly controversial eroge
huh? such as?

>> No.7665610

>Getting paid to get his dick suck by his own character in 3D form.
Ume-sensei doesn't have a dick.

>> No.7665614

Debatable but he gave the character the personality.

>> No.7665619

source on pic OP?

>> No.7665623

Madoka was Ume-sensei
Homura was Urobuchi

Just fuck already.

>> No.7665624

>Ume-sensei doesn't have a dick.

That's what she wants you to think.

>> No.7665631

Oh shit, is that why Madoka has the nutbladder head thing going on?


>> No.7665639


But we all know that Ume-Sensei is a hardcore lesbian.

>> No.7665644

Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.7665653

Oh man, this scene was so disappointing.
Small dick, ugly whore, pathetic sex scene and bad cosplay. I don't think I even got so much as a wiggle out of my dick and I for some reason, watched the whole scene. Total waste of time and drive space if you ask me.

>> No.7665656

Wait, huh? Someone explain.

>> No.7665664

Get the fuck back to /a/

>> No.7665666
File: 41 KB, 697x591, 1311696064614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small dick
How dare you insult Urobochi Gen. You are just jealous he is getting all the pussy while faggot like Maeda looks on in jealousy.

>> No.7665669

But I'm not asking for sauce, I just wanna know what the fuck Gen is doing in a porno, unless it's a lookalike actor.

>> No.7665691

Wait, hold on, back up,

Is this for real? Can someone provide some background on this?

>> No.7665697

Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.7665711
File: 176 KB, 1920x1080, 1311696898300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as we're posting VN staff members, here's Chiyomaru Shikura.

>> No.7665718


Instead of writing that and >>7665664, why don't you contribute something useful?

>> No.7665724
File: 63 KB, 474x351, 1311697401734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you've just entered puberty and think darkness is deep.

>> No.7665736

Yes yes secret garden teatime etc. What the fuck is going on in that picture?

>> No.7665738

You should realize by now most AV actors and actresses do not use their real name when they act in porno. They go by alias.
Tsubomi might be just a normal office lady during the daytime and just do porno for extra income.

Just match Urobochi Gen face to the AV. You will not find his name on the cast list.

>> No.7665747

You know, I've never been a fan of Gen.
Personally, I think Nitro+ did most of their best work without him.

>> No.7665743

>just a normal office lady during the daytime and just do porno for extra income.
That does not sound plausible at all

This is 3D and you're expecting /jp/ to know about it?

>> No.7665752

>Implying death and depression in children's show isn't the most revolutionary deep and real deal thing.
>Implying nerdy schoolgirls running through time in slow motion, stealing big "cool" guns and explosions from yakuza and turning into grim emo bitches because her lesbian lover dies, isn't the best plot seen in anime since Bakemonogatari.
Anyway, topic got nothing to do with /jp/, reported.

>> No.7665753

My favorites are Sumaga and Hanachirasu, so I'd agree, but Saya and Kikokugai I liked a lot too. And Madoka. I thought Fate/Zero was terribly written, but that may have been the translation.

>> No.7665762

Most of Fate/Zero was translated from the chinese version and by multiple people, so you're looking at a patchwork translation of a translation.

>> No.7665767

Saya and PoI are decent but Kikokugai and Madoka are bad and Vjedogonia is downright terrible.

>> No.7665778

source op?

>> No.7665787

I've been meaning to ask this, but who wrote Demonbane?

>> No.7665814

Haganeya Jin, wrote the two Demonbanes, a Muramasa fanfiction and Dra+Koi

>> No.7665818


>> No.7666529
File: 88 KB, 928x1019, 1311712461551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is legit I'm going to need the fucking sauce on this please.

>> No.7666536

Go back to /a/

>> No.7666541

Sauce is this.


Be warned that the girls are as ugly as sin.

>> No.7666546

She's married. To a man.

>> No.7666560

superior mami cosplay

>> No.7666571 [DELETED] 

>Bimbo and some ugly nigger
Get the fuck out right now you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.7666572 [DELETED] 

>Can any other writers claim to have as much success as him?
J.K. Rowling

>> No.7666767


Is there somewhere I can just stream a minute or two of it to see what it's like? These girls are too ugly to fap to

>> No.7666805

Urobuchi suspiciously looked a lot like Yazan a couple years ago.

>> No.7666822
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>> No.7666838

>Can any other writers claim to have as much success as him?

yes i can. the answer is "girlfriend". i have the luck, that she looks good in cosplays and that she isnt a fatty or ugly chan

>> No.7666843

Worst post of the year

>> No.7666845

Who the fuck let Ken Akamatsu in?

>> No.7666850

>Wrote probably the biggest commercial success anime in 2011.

>> No.7667038

I'm not really sure Tsubomi even does other stuff aside AV's. I've seen her release new ones almost every week.

Also, the only thing redeemable in this is Tsubomi herself.

>> No.7667054

>biggest commercial success anime in 2011.
That's not Tiger and Bunny

>> No.7667088 [DELETED] 

Used up Hag.
She must have a vagina like a Wizard's sleeve by now.

>> No.7667096
File: 76 KB, 358x361, 1311723137691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy... is that Mageres?!

>> No.7667107

I know, but nevermind I want to marry her.



She's just so cute

>> No.7667136

Tiger and Bunny is doing really well but it's still incomparable to Madoka's tremendous success.

>> No.7667166

>Training for porn

>> No.7667173
File: 749 KB, 1280x720, 1311724560968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still claiming not to like Madoka
I don't understand.

* Ume Aoki was not aware of the true nature of the show until she learned they were planning to kill Mami Tomoe, her favorite character in the show.
* Episode 10 made Ume Aoki cry multiple times.
* Emiri Kato (VA of Kyubey) is a fan of the Mahou Shoujo genre. She only learned the grim nature of the show when she read the script.
* Shinbo liked Sayaka's character so much that he asked Urobuchi if there was some way to bring her back to life. Urobuchi said no.

Still literally fucking the characters would be a new low.

>> No.7667189

i heard that madoka was shitty (rumor)

>> No.7667196

Madoka is probably the worst anime so far to air this year. The only positive things that the madoka defence force has to say about it, are that it's 'not what they expected' or that it's 'mahou shoujo with dark themes' as though that somehow makes it good,

>> No.7667214

>Her hips will never move on their own


>> No.7667219
File: 594 KB, 1400x1408, 1311725070043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urobuchi said that since he's not good at making that type of character he based Madoka's personality on Yuno. He still created both characters.

How would you be able to tell it's him for sure? They all look the same after all.

>> No.7667239

>I don't understand.
People have these things called tastes, and they're usually different from person to person. That's why you don't like Naruto, but that annoying 12 years old kid does.

I enjoyed Madoka, by the way. Also, thanks for the little trivia. Hoping for a SoL spin-off written by Ume-sensei.

>> No.7667248
File: 36 KB, 404x364, 1311725313636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst anime so far to air this year
Do you have any idea of the shit that aired this year? Or any year for that matter?
Madoka is way above the average, even if you utterly dislike it you can't deny it will be (one of) the best of 2011, probably going to be representative of the decade.
Deal w/t it.

>> No.7667270

Madoka was... entertaining?
No masterpiece, but once it was going(from episode 9 or so) it made up for everything.
It was hurt the most by the extremely poor pacing and weak main characters outside of Homura and maybe Kyoko. I didn't care much for the ending as well, but it did go in hand with the general themes of the show, as uninspired as they might've been.
I enjoyed it well enough.
But I'll laugh in the face of everyone that tries to say that it was "not what they expected" - the "dark" theme of the series was set right in the goddamn previews, and everyone who was surprised by Mami's death must have been fucking blind.
I mean fuck, it was even obvious that it was going to be a time loop right from the first episode - the only difference was that I thought in the beginning that the time loop was caused by Madoka's wish, not Homura's powers.

>> No.7667276

Madoka is the only original anime series worth watching since TTGL.

>> No.7667277

Madoka is above average if you're a fucking retard. Even Nichijou, K-ON, Kore wa Zombie, Shuffle!, etc are better than this shit. And those shows are eye bleeding terrible.

>> No.7667283
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>I don't understand.
It was just qb quoting.
It's not having different tastes taste but "trolling madofags" that baffles me.

Ume sensei did a Madoka Doujin, there were a few pages about SayakaxKyouko too (real classy) and there are the 4komas in the dvds.

I didn't like the official comic spin-of personally, they kinda were what the haters said about the show.

>> No.7667298
File: 644 KB, 1280x720, 1311725924720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hating on Nichijou
Oh you card.

>> No.7667299

K-ON>Nichijou>Madoka=Shuffle>Kore wa Zombie.
Serious opinion.

>> No.7667295

>He still created both characters.
Is my reading comprehension shit, or did you just say he created Yuno?

>> No.7667300

shit>K-ON>Nichijou>Madoka=Shuffle>Kore wa Zombie

>> No.7667303

Also, anyone who watched second season of K-ON and doesn't agree it's a brilliant anime should be shot.

>> No.7667305

madoka a shit

>> No.7667311

>Nichijou>Madoka=Shuffle>Kore wa Zombie>K-ON!


>> No.7667312 [DELETED] 

That video is disgusting, without make-up, she has a face like a chipmunk.

>> No.7667314

Madoka>Nichijou>standard good show>K-ON=Shuffle>Kore wa Zombie
Serious opinion

>> No.7667324

It's popular.

>> No.7667318

I really don't understand the K-On hate. It's nothing overly superior, but it was a decent show.

>> No.7667325

Go watch K-ON!!
No, seriously - this show is so good that I got an adamant belief that anyone who claims it's bad is either trolling or didn't watch it.

>> No.7667332

I don't really understand the appeal. Popularity of a show doesn't bother me so I tried watching it, but it was just really boring.

>> No.7667326 [DELETED] 

No anon, sounds like you're the one who needs to deal with it.
People are allowed their own opinions, even if they different from yours.

>> No.7667329

>good show or better
It's not funny and it's bombing for a reason.

>> No.7667330

People feel the need to hate on popular things.

>> No.7667337 [DELETED] 


>> No.7667347

I wanted to strangle half the cast.
When my rage subseeded, I got incredibly bored.

>> No.7667340

Don't you literally hate anything that doesn't have lolis?

>> No.7667349

What? That's pretty ridiculous.

>> No.7667352 [DELETED] 

>They just hate my favorite show because it's popular
>Popular show = good
Jesus fucking christ, summer......
Get the fuck back to /a/ seriously.

>> No.7667353

All they ever did in K-ON was drink tea and eat cakes,

>> No.7667362

Some of the jokes don't work for me(like everything to do with Hakase), but it's still a great show in pretty much every aspect.
The problem is none of the girls have particularly wide moe appeal(save for, maybe, Mai), so the usual demographics of this kind of shows won't necessarily enjoy it.

>> No.7667363
File: 103 KB, 798x746, 1311726678138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny is not an absolute and it isn't really bombing. It has haters because of the viral marketing and because "kyoani is killing the industry".

>> No.7667368

No, he created Madoka.

>> No.7667369 [DELETED] 

All your Mother does is suck dicks and moan.

>> No.7667381

There wasn't much to "create" in Madoka - she's not a character, she's a plot device.

>> No.7667385

Nobody implied that, you dumbcunt. Everyone hates Naruto AND it's popular, but people hate Madoka BECAUSE it's popular. If you can't understand the difference, you should just go back to pre-school or something like that.
Yup, you should go back there indeed.
You obviously have never watched it.
I am a huge moefag to the point of giving any show a chance if it has cute characters, and I felt that I should tell you that I absolutely love Nichijou. Usual demographics? What are implying with that?

>> No.7667410 [DELETED] 
File: 610 KB, 586x487, 1310841510690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post = grammatical abortion.

>you should just go back to pre-school or something like that.
Probably the weakest argument I've ever seen in my entire life, you should just go back to pre-school or something like that.

>> No.7667415

Do you watch shows with cute girls because you want to have a pretend relationship with those girls?
That's what I mean by usual demographics of slice of life, usually moe, shows.
It feels to me as most characters in Nichijou are cute the same way you might find a child or a pet cute - not waifu cute.
Unless you're one of those people for whom there's no difference.

>> No.7667419

Don't worry, I am already in pre-school or something like that.
Let's go to pre-school or something like that together, Anon.

>> No.7667428 [DELETED] 

I would have never guessed, dumbcunt.

>> No.7667439
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1311727680234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukko for one is made of pure sex.
Then again I like little girls.
But I don't think the cutesy is the problem, nothing is too cute not to be sexualized. Lucky Star was ten times more sugar cute and was a great success, expecially amongst the demographic you talk about.

>> No.7667440

No, I watch them mostly because I like cute things. Thankfully, some of them end up being funny or interesting in another way, but a lot of them are absolutely horrible. For example, in the current season there's Itsuka Tenma ni whatever. Looks beautiful and the girls look pretty good, but everything about it is worse than my grammar on that other post (and possibly this one as well).

Also, people watch cute things specifically to look for waifus...? What the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.7667448 [DELETED] 

Called the FBI by the way, enjoy prison pedos.

>> No.7667453

You tell em bro, this board has been pedo-clean for years now. I just got done reporting some CP threads on /b/ so lets get these fuckers locked up.

>> No.7667452


>> No.7667460

>Everyone hates Naruto AND it's popular, but people hate Madoka BECAUSE it's popular.
>hate Madoka BECAUSE it's popular.
Nope. I dont hate Madoka. I hate retards like you that keep saying Madoka is the best thing and people only hate it because of its popularity. People hate on Madoka because of its flaw. The reason why Madoka became so hype up and popular was due to its speculation nature. People were going batshit insane with all the small details that seem to foreshadow the future plot.
I dont hate it, to me it is just average. That is why when I made the OP post, I used "biggest commercial success anime in 2011" instead of "best anime of 2011".
To me the biggest flaw of Madoka are their unlikable cast outside of Mami and Homura.

>Shinbo liked Sayaka's character so much that he asked Urobuchi if there was some way to bring her back to life. Urobuchi said no.
I also hate how such a big part of show was taken by stupid Sayaka. The middle episodes of Madoka were so shit that if it werent for ep10 making up for it, Madoka would have failed. Thank god for Gen saying no to Shinbo. Madoka would have been classified as shit instead.

Madoka isnt even the best show in 2011.
That distinction goes to yuru yuri.
Come at me.

>> No.7667469 [DELETED] 

Naw man, we need to dish out some biblical punishment to these deviants.
I say lock 'em up with a buncha rapists and murderers.

>> No.7667477

That works too. Whatever happens to them, happens. Serves the scumbags right for sexualizing children.

>> No.7667481

Did you really just bring up Lucky Star?
It's not about being "too cute to be sexualized" - Lucky Star was as much otaku-pandering as humanly possible in an anime series, including the usual moe stereotypes and all.
(full disclosure: I fucking loved Lucky Star)
...I think we have seriously differing understanding of what constitutes moe(well, everything can be moe for some people, but you know what I mean)
Not exactly - they would say they watch it because they like cute things, just like you - it's just different understanding of what finding characters cute entails. And no, for them it doesn't necessarily mean sexualizing the characters, by the way.
>yuru yuri
Way, way, way too obvious.

>> No.7667483 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 470x368, 1311728373197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuru Yuri
Mah nigguh, internet bro fist.

>> No.7667487 [DELETED] 

>>yuru yuri
>>Way, way, way too obvious.
You win the award for worst post of the day.

>> No.7667489

>biggest commercial success anime in 2011

You mean in the last 15 years.

>> No.7667493

Notice how I said that -everyone- hates Naruto, but -people- hate Madoka. I never said anything about Madoka being the best anime ever, either, but I admit that I implied that people only hate it because of its popularity. Sorry about that.

I don't think there was anything I disliked about the show, since even most of the slightly annoying things like Sayaka becoming a dumber bitch and dying seemed to have some meaning at the end. The cast... wasn't anything too special, but I didn't see any reason to hate them either. The whole Sayaka part didn't annoy me much because if it weren't for it, shit wouldn't have gotten real, and the plot would have forever stopped at some kind of DBZ-ish Sayaka X Kyouko.

>> No.7667491

Clearly you have all trips filtered.

>> No.7667492
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>implying that Madoka isn't Naruto-tier

>> No.7667495
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>> No.7667496

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you compare that pile of shit to Naruto?

>> No.7667509 [DELETED] 

This man is right, give him some money

>> No.7667522

I'm still not understanding why some people consider Madoka good. I've read plenty of criticisms for the show, but no real positives. So, why exactly is Madoka 'good', for the people that like it?

>> No.7667518

>isn't really bombing

>> No.7667520

Only people who hate anime is retards.

>> No.7667521

You know, just because the writer used one way to progress the plot doesn't mean it was the ONLY way to progress it - in other words if it weren't for it, there could've been a better development instead.

>> No.7667538

IT's barely selling above 3000/ep and with the kind of animation it has it's probably not producing profit.
>Funny is not an absolute
It fails to appeal the people who should find it funny and there are more people that dislike its humour than like it
>It has haters because of the viral marketing and because "kyoani is killing the industry".
Keep telling yourself that and that peopel don't hate it bcause it's a really unfunnt comedy anime.

>> No.7667541

I'm still okay with it, as because of that whole thing Madoka could get a better understanding of the world she lived in to make her wish. It wouldn't have worked as well if everyone stayed alive and fought Waluigi's Night together, because that would imply they were still doomed to become witches in the end and Madoka would still turn into that gigantic destroyer of worlds.

I really don't see any other way in which the plot could have progressed, given its basis, other than the one we were given. And I'm okay with that.

>> No.7667542

its like mahou shoujo but like grimdark as hell OMG o_O

>> No.7667546

I didn't think Madoka was terrible (it still had plenty of flaws and was far from great) but I'll admit that all the retards going around calling it revolutionary and the best anime of the decade have affected how I think of the series.

>> No.7667549
File: 32 KB, 510x286, 1311729383009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Talking about Puella Naruto Shoujo Magicka Whatever
>Not talking about the best anime this season.

>> No.7667553 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 600x450, 1311729433394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep telling yourself that and that peopel don't hate it bcause it's a really unfunnt comedy anime.
the FUCK are you even SAYING?

>> No.7667559

It had a good setting, good animation, good coobies and meducas, a good soundtrack and the plot was interesting. Said plot also made everyone think it was just going to be a common magical girl anime at the beginning, didn't seem to be going anywhere near the middle, but made at least some sense at the end.
Overall, it was an enjoyable experience. Not the best series ever, but still pretty good.

>> No.7667561

This season is pretty disappointing.

>> No.7667562


Great atmosphere, good story, good music, interesting setting, no plot holes, much to discuss, everything properly foreshadowed, perfect execution.

>> No.7667567 [DELETED] 

I like their chests, they're so small and flat and lovely.

>> No.7667573

Girls are cute, but the rest is shit.

>> No.7667569


>> No.7667571

Summer tier trolls on /jp/? Seriously?

You came here because everybody on /a/ ignored you or something?

>> No.7667578

>Said plot also made everyone think it was just going to be a common magical girl anime at the beginning
Sure, if you're a complete moron.

Also I can't believe you just claimed that Madoka has good animation and characters.

>> No.7667585

It kept me entertained ( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.7667586 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 717x641, 1311729779681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny because your mother ALWAYS says that about you.

>> No.7667583


Actually good things about Madoka - everything about Homura, Madoka and Homura's part of the ending, Shinbo's directing(not his strongest work, but still good), character designs, art direction, action scenes, music, some side characters(Madoka's parents particularly). Plot twists were predictable as in it was obvious they were going to be there, but still entertaining when they happened.
I don't think it was a masterpiece mind you - it had potential to be much better, but it was still enjoyable.

>> No.7667593
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Well, Urobuchi aside, there were really no signs that it was going to turn out that way before Mami died. I didn't see any of them, at least.

Not sure if the characters can really be considered good, but I didn't see anything wrong with them. And how can you say this animation wasn't good?
I was referring to the witch barriers, by the way.

>> No.7667594


You mean the girls are cute, because that's all Yuruyuri is, cute lesbians doing cute things.

And I fucking love it.

>> No.7667595


Animation was very good in important scenes.

>> No.7667603

No, sorry, the foreshadowing couldn't be more obvious unless they spelled out everything that was going to happen in big red letters right on the fucking opening screen. It didn't even start in the first episode, it started in the previews.
You'd have to be blind to think it was going to be just your regular Mahou Shoujo series.

>> No.7667607

Actually, it's supposed to be a comedy.
The girls are cute, but the rest is shit.
Also, they act the same as real life girls do around that age. That's not real yuri.

>> No.7667609 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 432x396, 1311730244760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animation was very good

>> No.7667615


what the fuck is going on with her hand? Is it fucking melting?

>> No.7667613

Maybe it's because I am retarded, but my opinion of the show only changed when I got to the episode with the soul gem being thrown and Sayaka nearly dying. I was, indeed, expecting something "happy" like Madoka using her wish to bring Mami back, or some other silly thing.
As for foreshadowing, I've never been too good at noticing that. Well, there was the sad BGM everywhere and the scene from the first episode, but from there up until Mami's death I thought the show was going to be another monster of the week thing.

>> No.7667614

If you don't like Yuruyuri you've probably never seen Minami-ke, and that is horrible.

>> No.7667616

Wait, what the fuck are you doing here.

>> No.7667621

Don't act like they're on the same level.
Go and wash your mouth out with soap.

>> No.7667626

Just fucking stop with that retarded bullshit.
Yes, I love slice of life.
Yes, I've seen(and enjoyed) Minami-ke, as well as 90% of other slice of life shows.
Yuru Yuri is still a goddamn abomination compared to every single one of them.
There's nothing good about this show other than the girls being sort of moe as long as they don't interact with each other. And decent visuals, I guess.

>> No.7667635
File: 482 KB, 1500x938, 1311730975307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like how you can like Madoka, I can like Yuru Yuri.
I do not need to conform to majority thinking to justify what I like.

This is >>>/jp/ and not >>>/a/. I am not like those madokafags that feel so insecure that they need to bring madoka shit to >>>/jp/.

>> No.7667629

Why are you so mean?

>> No.7667637 [DELETED] 

can't you read?

>> No.7667645


>There's nothing good about this show other than the girls being sort of moe

>> No.7667651 [DELETED] 

Fuckoff faggatron

>> No.7667652



>> No.7667654

Is Yuri Yuri good? What are its selling points?

>> No.7667659


>> No.7667660 [DELETED] 

>name = trip
The FUCK are you even SMOKING?!

>> No.7667661
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>Not the best anime of 2011
Pick one.

>> No.7667662

Maybe you should ask /a/.

>> No.7667665

You will be grinning and smiling like a little girl for the duration of the show.
I am not sure why some of the people here hate it.
Probably because it isnt DEEP, GRIMDARK or REAL DEAL like Madoka.

>> No.7667667 [DELETED] 

My foot in your face if you don't go and fucking watch it RIGHT now

>> No.7667666

that guy is dumb as HELL

>> No.7667668

It appears to be a slice-of-life with little girls. At least four of them are lesbians.

>> No.7667673
File: 305 KB, 330x331, 1311731554377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Yuru Yuri because they're always bullying Akarin.

>> No.7667674

Wow. You must be pretty sore if you had to play that card.
Don't expect to laugh, you may smile once or twice, but that's about it.

>> No.7667677 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 500x359, 1311731584126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL yeah it is, well i like it.

>> No.7667678


I like both Madoka and YuruYuri.

Just like everybody who is not a butthurt faggot with superior taste syndrome.

>> No.7667681

Which show is the one with random Touhou doujin artist guest appearances?

>> No.7667683

>>get his dick suck by his own character in 3D form

Living the dream of every artist out there.

>> No.7667684

Nice hypocrisy.

>> No.7667685 [DELETED] 

Get a load of this faggot, he's a real revolutionary.

>> No.7667686

>Probably because it isnt DEEP, GRIMDARK or REAL DEAL like Madoka.
You've been rebuked and yet you still keep repeating this shit, proving just how retarded do you need to be to enjoy this stinking pile of crap that is Yuru Yuri.

>> No.7667690

Nekogami Yayoizuru.
It has something to do with FLIPFLOPS.

>> No.7667696
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Before I...die...promise me...promise me /jp/ will have a good thread some day...

>> No.7667692

don't you have nicer thing to say othr then "faggot" ?

>> No.7667693

>Just like everybody who is not a butthurt faggot with superior taste syndrome.
Why are you insulting yourself?

>> No.7667698 [DELETED] 

That's the joke, RETARD

>> No.7667699

But monkey-kun, you've been like that for a long time already. People have even forced you to cosplay.
You're not going to die any time soon.

>> No.7667700

You're couple years too late, I'm afraid.
Also, I knew some reasonably cute - if a bit too brown - Armenian girls, what the hell man.

>> No.7667704 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7667706


Yuru Yuri is more of /jp/'s kind of show.

Then you get the "Lolhurrdurr moefags I troll u" kids from /a/ who don't know how it works here.

>> No.7667711

Let me guess, you frequently post in Saten threads, right?

>> No.7667713

If /jp/ ever has a good thread it won't be one that belongs in /a/ like this one.

>> No.7667717

...fuck that shit, I'm going to sleep.

>> No.7667718

armenian girls rock, here is my armenian girlfriend goofing off

>> No.7667721 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 212x225, 1311732237703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot her pic, how embarrassing (she has shorter bangs now though)

>> No.7667724 [DELETED] 

fuckoff then you fat fucking faggot, see if we care.

>> No.7667726
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So desu ne? ^^;;

>> No.7667733
File: 24 KB, 582x329, 1311732378856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me /jp/ if you can, you have destroyed so much, what is it exactly that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not.

>> No.7667736

Why do people always post that dying babby monkey man. So sad.

>> No.7667738

If you cant win an argument in /jp/, fuck off back to >>>/a/.
Keep your my taste > your taste shit on >>>/a/.

>> No.7667742

Any show with a Hime cut girl is instantly /jp/'s favoreet

>> No.7667745

It can't be helped. /jp/ is the Lord of the Dance.

>> No.7667747

That's true enough for me

>> No.7667755
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1311732927663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's only true when it's a loli with the hime cut.

>> No.7667760


She's the MC with absolutely no screen time

And it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.7667759

How could anyone resist such a thing?

Homu is inferior.

>> No.7667780
File: 362 KB, 1023x1000, 1311733439936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like homu homu, Freezing? Or the one girl with the big boobies.

>> No.7667832

Oh good lord what the fuck is this...!? !!
Is this for real!?
He did the meguca show and he is also a high functioning pervert and receiving blowjobs from his fans?
Why isn't anyone shocked as i am?
Is it because i am normalfaggot or something.
This world has gone insane.

>> No.7667839

You need new Homu pictures ZUNbar

>> No.7667840
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, 1311735116144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This world has gone insane.
You realize this just now?
where have you been these last 10 years?

>> No.7667841

I'm just disappointed he'd stoop to a cosplay pornstar blowjob. But hey. Japan.

>> No.7667859

What is your problem?
It is still a respectable job compare to acting like a damm retard just to earn a free welfare check.

>> No.7667863

I disagree. I think even welfare bums have more self respect than that.

>> No.7667907

I don't even get a welfare check, though I do survive on handouts.
You mean pornstar? As respectable as any prostitute (and I say that with no ill will towards prostitutes, I think it's a legit field to work in).

I'm more disturbed by the "pleasured sexually by a stranger and videotaped for the masses." It's just weird. If he's getting blown in a backally or his own house by a girl in a costume, well, bully for him. Making a porn out of it seems like a rather egotistical stroke, but I get the impression the idea may not have been his anyway.

>> No.7667941

I thought that the show was kinda sweet. But that the things around it are this fucked up. Creator must have been masturbating years to some animation and now when he finally succeeds in making his own break-through he goes to screw his own characters.

I've lost faith in everything. I need to shut myself in....

>> No.7667958

Wait, you really think that's Urobuchi?

>> No.7667969

sauce on op

>> No.7667984

No idea.
I'm merely commenting on the idea.
Whether it's real or not is immaterial.

>> No.7668022

I highly, and I mean like, REALLY sympathize with Urobuchi for various reasons, but one of them really makes him stand out in my book.

I've met a bunch of "writers" in my life, and to put it bluntly, 90% of them were horribly awful and pretentious pricks, who thought they were masters of literature and writing just because they spent their whole lives reading old stories. Nothing wrong with the classics, except those guys are the same people who are totally out of touch with the meaning of "entertainment", so everything they write is boring crap filled with unnecessarily convoluted story-lines and boring writing.

What made him a exception for me was the fact that he once stated that "had no real interested in literature, just wanted to write stories with guns and big tits". Dude, that is freaking great. It's thanks to this that we could have awesome scenes like the 400-long massacre in Django, or a mahou shoujo gunning down her enemies with a motherfucking M249. It's the kind of thing that makes the aforementioned writers bleed through their eye-sockets, but to me, it's the kind of writing that should be around more often. Here's hoping we get more Urobuchi from now on.

>> No.7668025

In my opinion , even if we dont see the good points of Madoka. there must be some good points, I mean , after all , its popularity was constructed based on something other than the show trying to be deep. I mean, we have seen other anime trying to do this but failing.

what I mean is , for something Madoka has its popularity. regardless of its quality.

in my opinion this is something we should not discard.

>> No.7668039

>Accomplished writer.
>Released highly controversial and highly rated eroge.
>Wrote probably the biggest commercial success anime in 2011.
>Getting paid to get his dick suck by his own character in 3D form.
>3D form.

You're really going for broke now.

>> No.7668044

An unpretentious eroge writer is hardly a rare thing.

That something is most likely hype.

>> No.7668054

Moe is subjective so everything I like is objectively good and your a fag

>> No.7668079
File: 39 KB, 469x428, 1311742478349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard that Nasu is pretty unpretentious

>> No.7668099

Since this is what I assume to be one of those "Everyone share their opinions on x" threads I have to say, I really didn't mind Madoka. In fact, I liked it. My only true complaint being that the characters were, in retrospect, pretty bland and uninteresting. But the animation( in particular the animation in the barrier scenes) was very eye-catching to me. The story was paced pretty steadily until Sayaka's blow up which is when I was really hooked. All in all, I think I give it around a 7/10.

>> No.7668184 [DELETED] 

>REALLY sympathize with Urobuchi for various reasons
He is successful, rich, highly rated by the majority and get paid to his dick suck.
I dont think he need your sympathy. If there is any writer that need symphathy it is R07.

>> No.7668186

>REALLY sympathize with Urobuchi for various reasons
He is successful, rich, highly rated by the majority and is paid to get his dick suck.
I dont think he need your sympathy. If there is any writer that need symphathy it is R07.

>> No.7669109

moot, you will never get your dick suck by the japs.

>> No.7669168

Shit I didn't know he wrote the moe version of Django, chances are he was just being true to the original with the massacre thou.

>> No.7670123
File: 41 KB, 704x396, 1311784744487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really hope Mami gives blowjobs

>> No.7670134

Why would you bump such a shitty thread?

>> No.7670230

Madoka gets bonus points just for being an original anime; so few of those these days.

As for Nichijou, it's difficult to imagine a better adaptation. The voices are spot on.
People complain about viral marketing, but at the same time they don't buy any DVDs. DVD sales have been continuously sagging, the industry is shitty, it produces shit. How many studios can you name that produce consistently good work?

People complained about Lucky Star and viral marketing, but they forgot that the 4koma series itself was a marketing vehicle in Comptiq.

>> No.7670244
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 1311787960660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many studios can you name that produce consistently good work?

Only the H-studios do that.

Though JC staff has consistent work, which is more than what could be said about the others. I can't really think of a non otaku pandering piece of shit that was made by them in the passed several years.

>> No.7670245

>Original Anime

>> No.7670249

>Madoka gets bonus points just for being an original anime

Go back to /a/ and ask them to post that Kamen Rider/Madoka comparison.

>> No.7670250

The Texas sharpshooter fallacy is a logical fallacy in which information that has no relationship is interpreted or manipulated until it appears to have meaning. The name comes from a joke about a Texan who fires some shots at the side of a barn, then paints a target centered on the biggest cluster of hits and claims to be a sharpshooter.

>> No.7670252

You're kind of retarded.

>> No.7670255

>Aoi Hana
>Otaku pandering piece of shit
Whatever you say, anon-kun.

>> No.7670257

Why may I ask?

>> No.7670260

He meant original as in not an adaptation.
Yeah, you made fools out of yourselves.

>> No.7670263

kind sir, let's give this pitiful anon some sauce now shall we

>> No.7670266

Looks like Hidan no Aria

>> No.7670275

YYou know what anime I think is original

Hourou Musuko

Instead of sexualizing Nitori because he wants to be a girl like anime these days seems to like doing they turned him into a deep character.

Not to mention I like DoixNitori

>> No.7670276
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>198 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7670278
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1311788699812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when am I kind?

>> No.7670283

I'm confused at how it's managed to escape deletion.

>> No.7670289

facepalm, not even a hentai

>> No.7671418

They already adapted hourou musuko.

>> No.7671425

You mean b-gata h-kei
