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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7665012 No.7665012 [Reply] [Original]

Social retard is killing japan video game

Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive
>"I'm talking about social skills. I'm sure you're interviewing a lot of people, and maybe you meet people at parties, Japanese developers. Japanese developers, they don't have the necessary social skills. The American social skills, European social skills."

>"You know, maybe they don't have humor; they don't know how to joke around. Maybe it's a problem with their manner. So if those people don't have those necessary social skills, and if those people are the ones who are developing the game, no matter how much they try to make globally accepted, globally popular games, that work in different cultures, that might be very difficult."


>> No.7665022

okay gorespammer

>> No.7665037

Socially inept video games by socially inept developers for socially inept consumers.

The system works.

>> No.7665046 [DELETED] 

The entire system is actually

>> No.7665065

is cookieface going to make a new game?

>> No.7665066

How the hell do social skills of the developer make for a better game? If anything, it should make it worse, since the dev is using less of his time coding and designing and more doing... whatever the fuck it is that social interaction does in the creation of a game.

>> No.7665076 [DELETED] 


Games involve many social elements, from marketing to the interaction of the characters.

>> No.7665085

lead developers hardly do any actual work. they're basically management.

>> No.7665088

Marketing should be handled by the marketing dept, not the devs. Interaction of the characters... well, that's somewhat true I suppose.

>> No.7665090

This wasn't so in the time of 8-bit games... I wish things were still like they were back then. Now we have women, who don't even know anything about coding, 'designing' videogames.

>> No.7665094

I don't seem to recall social skills being a problem when Japan was making games like Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, and the like.

The problem isn't the developers, its the consumers. Maybe I've just gotten old and cranky and tired of people who like to play Angry Birds on their mobile phone for 5 hours a day dictating what developers make.

>> No.7665098

People actually play Angry Birds? I thought everyone would just buy it because its a dollar and always #1 on top app lists

>> No.7665112

Social people don't have the creativity it takes to make amazing games, and make boring shit for boring people.
This guy is just another director buttfrustrated about "otaku pandering" games are selling more than his cheesy fighting games which have more budget under boob physics than actual gameplay.

>> No.7665181

>more budget under boob physics than actual gameplay.

and he complains about pandering.

>> No.7665215

I'm pretty sure ninja gaiden sold way better than anything gust ever made

>> No.7665225

That kind of game is more addictive than anyone wants to admit. Not that I've played it, but I have seen the types who like Farmville. Scary.

>> No.7665241

I simply love Itagaki.

Are his opinions really that different from the ones of Inafune, who said that "people at management are the ones who keep destroying Capcom"?

>> No.7665261

>American social skills, European social skills.
>We need them !
Now that was some stupid thing to say.

>> No.7665276
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Ill be happy if they discovered self-distance. A large serving of self-distance would do Jap game developers good.

>> No.7665294

American social skills = listening to the player's wallets, which results in every game being a shooter.

>> No.7665318

He isn't saying anything new. This is the sort of thing they have been saying in the business community about the Japanese for years now. All he is doing is applying it to game development.

>> No.7665319

If they are that worried about it, why don't they hire professional writers and screen players to plan the game's plot and character interactions?

>> No.7665326
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To be honest, I think Japan needs its own brown shooter to succeed on the game market.

>> No.7665334

Haha, as if you've read or heard anything of the sort. Stop making shit up.

>> No.7665348

American social skills == the ability to convince people to eat shit, which results in players buying shooters.

>> No.7665361

Heheh, good point.

>> No.7665369

Who thought it was a good idea to make games as realistic as possible anyhow?

Oh yeah, the normals they're pandering this shit to.

I wouldn't even mind if countries ban 'realistic' FPS's for inciting shootings if it means we'll be rid of this horrible genre.

>> No.7665379

Itagaki got a sexual harassment lawsuit filled against him by a female co-worker, who the fuck qualified him to preach about social skills?
He's about as mentally balanced as Hideo Kojima.

>> No.7665434


Japan is stuck in 1953 in terms of workplace ethics. That sort of thing isn't any more strange there than it was 50 years ago here.



>> No.7665475

I really disagree with all the badmouthing of the Japanese game industry, I could blame several other things for its demise.

The decline of CRTs and rise of high-definition screens would be the first. To capture high-definition material you simply need a better camera, but to render a game in high-definition you need better hardware. Somewhere during this change, they also decided that we needed much better textures and geometry. If you compare PS3 graphics to the PS2 you'll realize everything is a boatload more detailed and it costs quite a bit of money to achieve this. = requires more budget

The PS3 itself is a culprit. Japan has a hard-on for the console (didn't help that MS had a poor start with all the RROD problems), but the hardware behind it is quite difficult to develop for. Any programmer will telling you threading a program for more than a dual-core gets hard, well the PS3 has *6* SPUs to program for. It gets worse in that the PS3's GPU is lacking compared to the 360, so to compensate they use the Cell to help render graphics but the Cell is a CPU not a GPU hence more effort. difficulty programming on preferred console = more money

Japan's solution? The PSP; it has an enormous library of games in Japan. The PSP has a fixed screen that displays SD graphics (480x272) so they can get away with poorer art assets as opposed to on a HD screen (720p/1080p). That and presumably the PSP is easier to program for than the clusterfuck that is the PS3.

>> No.7665476

I sure love pandering to shitty Western teenagers tastes.

>> No.7665481 [DELETED] 

>That sort of thing isn't any more strange there than it was 50 years ago here.
Are you really, really saying that sexual harassment widespread in Western workplaces as well? Get a clue, please.

>> No.7665482
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>Tomonobu Itagaki

>> No.7665483


It was 50 years ago.

>> No.7665484

>That sort of thing isn't any more strange there than it was 50 years ago here.
Are you really, really saying that sexual harassment isn't widespread in Western countries' workplaces as well? Get a clue, please.

>> No.7665496

As I said, get a clue. It's pretty acknowledged that it is widespread. Just because it's "more" widespread in Japan does not mean it's not a problem in the States. People are usually blind to their shortcomings and would rather point out the faults of other countries. E.g. Americans calling Japanese people pedophiles when pedophilia is just as rampant in the states as it is in Japan, if not even more.

Random article: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb4859/is_1_34/ai_n29447435/

>> No.7665515

Nobody is forcing you to play FPS games.

>> No.7665524
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My god, how they've changed over time! It's funny, because people who usually badmouth JRPGs think FPS games are the best shit ever.

>> No.7665534

DoA is shit.

>> No.7665536

Itagaki, a man who has had at least one sexual harassment complaint whenever a female was transferred to his department, is complaining about people lacking social skills.

Itagaki I love the fact that you push boundaries and try to challenge players far more than most developers, but sometimes he says the dumbest things.

>> No.7665546

No kidding.

I was very worried when I heard Nintendo hired them to do Metroid: Another M.

Turns out my fears were correct. Turning Samus into a moe moe insecure moeblob was not what I hoped for. But at least you can bodyslam the enemies.

>> No.7665773


>As I said
>Are you really, really saying that sexual harassment widespread in Western workplaces as well? Get a clue, please.

Also, I never claimed that there was none in the west. You are the one who should get a clue.

>> No.7665825

By usurping all the developer's resources, the normals are indirectly forcing me over to their genre.

>> No.7666041
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>The American social skills, European social skills.

Made me cringe to read that.

>> No.7667930

They had one, Resident Evil 5.

Also, reported.
