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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 500x400, moon invasion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7658413 No.7658413 [Reply] [Original]


So the Lunarians did go to war with modern earth humans.

Any theory of the outcome ?

>On one night of a full moon, Reisen received a transmission from other surviving moon rabbits. It said:

?"These filthy humans are exploiting the power of the moon and trying to build a base here. We've been urging them co-exist peacefully with us, but they never listen. We're up against a wall. We've decided to declare a final war against them.

>"The tide of war is currently slightly in their favour... Their modern weaponry is far better than we expected. But don't worry, we have the wisdom and pride of our millennia of history... We will never lose.

>"Dear Reisen, a war will be starting soon. Please come back and fight at our side.

>"Also, please tell the humans you're living with... That we're coming to take you back with us on the next full moon. Refusal is not an option."

Despise the Lunarian society's portrait of being extremely advanced appears only to apply defacto for Gensokyo while the gap between the moon and Earth is either small or balances a little more towards earth.

>> No.7658435

I'm not sure which war you speak of.

Is it the one where Yukari was the commander? If so, she lost that one.

>> No.7658434

Moon defense corps = 12 badly trained rabbits.

>> No.7658437

Their ultimate weapon turned all astronauts into little girls and they joined the Lunar Capital, bringing their advanced technology with them. As the Lunar Capital is free of impurity and those within are eternally frozen in time, pregnancies and births are as impossible as deaths and the only way to increase the population is converting worthy outsiders. Divine ascension spoken of in many religions usually takes form of the mortal shedding his physical body to rise to the sky in form of a bird, that is actually how Lunarians recruit humans into their ranks - the "enlightened" ascetic, now free of Earth's impurity, rises to the sky and wakes up as a pure little girl on the Moon.

Alternatively, since Toyotamahime and Tamayorihime are daughters of the dragon god and their true forms are those of saltwater crocodiles or sharks, they just stopped pretending to be little girls and ate all the astronauts.

>> No.7658449


The Lunarians saw the moon landing of 1969 as the first invasion by earth and the Kaguya's profile give us in the face hints that the lunarians went to war with humans by the timeline of Imperishable Night,

>> No.7658450
File: 41 KB, 735x813, 1311544040297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7658533

>>The tide of war is currently slightly in their favour... Their modern weaponry is far better than we expected. But don't worry, we have the wisdom and pride of our millennia of history... We will never lose.

>> No.7658547

is like i am reading one of those muvluv monologues.

>> No.7658560

The secret of Yukari's "loss" is she opened her gap to the lunar surface by accident and all her youkai standing by got sucked in and explosively decompressed.

>> No.7658583

The secret of Yukari's loss is she told the Lunarians about the incident beforehand and had her team's ass kicked on purpose so that they don't get too cocky and start having any funny ideas about invading other places.

Then she does it again and gets some good Lunarian booze for her troubles.

>> No.7658586

I always thought Yukari botched it on purpose

>> No.7658602

Moon rabbits -> Koreans with rabbit ears (Japs are jealous and feel inferiority complex towards Koreans so Zun had to put them in disguise of "advanced civilization") and with ASIA STRONG attitude.

Because true Asian can take down whole modern army using only his glorious Asian weapon of choice. Fuck progress

>> No.7658618


>> No.7658613
File: 734 KB, 1000x1000, 1311547085394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gensokyo makes everyone easy-going and peaceful... It really was like a paradise.

I want to be there.

>> No.7658617

that's probably the only logical explanation...

>> No.7658647

Didn't EXY win the Blissful Death Wars? Technically, I suppose, what with the subsequently going rogue and all.

>> No.7658661


This worked so well for Japan in WW II, oh wait.

Is it just me or this was actually an intentional reference to WW II ?

>> No.7658669


>> No.7658719

The Moon got nuked.

>> No.7658741

This picture makes me laugh every time I see it.

>> No.7658739

I can never not laugh at the gerwalk space shuttle

>> No.7658778
File: 46 KB, 500x400, 1311549394171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The touhou wiki has moved to http://touhouwiki.net , update your bookmarks (dear summerfriends).

>> No.7658816

Which thouhou game should i play first? just got a controller.

>> No.7658823

Start with the first one, then the second one, etc.

>> No.7658828

Phantasmagoria of Flower View

>> No.7658831

all of them

>> No.7658853

I'll just put this here.

>> No.7658856



>> No.7658879


>> No.7658899



man I sure love reading about random characters from shitty fanfics! they totally deserve a wikipage in a touhou wiki.

>> No.7658925

Oh wow . . And I thought Flandre Scarlet was the worst fanfic character.

>> No.7658949

Is it possible that the human world in touhou is a parallel world of sorts? Keep in mind that Renko is studying unified physics already and the entire plot of touhou 3 suggests that humans are extremely advanced in science already.

That would explain why the lunarians had trouble.

>> No.7659035

That would also explain the plot of dim.dream, even though we all know that pc98 games are not really canon

>> No.7659046


Do people have no shame?

>> No.7659045

>Flandre Scarlet was the worst fanfic character

yeah, that ZUN guy is so bad at fanfics.

>> No.7659053

If people did, there'd never have been a fanfic community.

>> No.7659061
File: 1.46 MB, 1779x3323, 1311555873137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't be so negative. Can't you see how great this art is? It's a character from an upcoming doujin so it's more than justified to include him in the fanart section of the wiki. Atleast this character is not a blatant self insert of someone like ZUN did with Suika.

>> No.7659065

Fucking hell, how is it that these drawings are even worse than zunart?

>> No.7659067
File: 18 KB, 108x114, 1311556005165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what basically happened on the moon.


>> No.7659069
File: 1.57 MB, 1848x3258, 1311556187303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7659074

Now I want to start another of those "Draw a Touhou character using Paint, obscure local myths and ZUN teaches drawing.jpg" threads.

Those are always fun.

>> No.7659085
File: 235 KB, 540x580, 1311556516982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should, /jp/ has a lack of good content at the moment.

>> No.7659093

>You succeeded Stalin as leader of the Soviet Union, 31860736 died in the war you helped plan


>> No.7659103


Sort of, you got second place.
Love it, hate it, ignore it - Stalin still won.

>> No.7659118

>Profile: Kagu says she is from the world of Pokemon, but that hasn't been confirmed and she has no evidence

Holy fuck, does this faggotry have no limits?

>> No.7659133

>expecting a wiki editor to not be autistic.
Your life will be hard if you do this.

>> No.7659436

The other wiki manages to avoid faggotry like this though.
