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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7656920 No.7656920 [Reply] [Original]

>He learnt japanese just to fap to some shitty erotic games

>> No.7656925


>> No.7656924

>Quoting nothing
>Fapping to VNs

>> No.7656937

Where did you read the first quote? You're just as bad as OP.

>> No.7656949

madoka a shit

>> No.7656953

>He knows less than 4 languages
Oh man, I'm surprised you can even figure out how to dress yourself.

>> No.7656997
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>learning English just to shitpost on a slow moving board

>> No.7657003

Fucking retard. I speak:
Polish (native)

Currently I'm learning german. I can speak well because I have family in that countries except Japan. They're same kind retards like you that speak only one language so enjoy your language barrier.

>> No.7657039

>Be English
>Never learn other languages
>Go to other countries
>They speak to me in English
You don't understand how hard it is to learn man.

>> No.7657068

Yeah, that's exacly what I did. Feels good man.

>> No.7657088

How did you learn?

>> No.7657102

Watching anime and learning the most common vocab. Sugoi.

>> No.7657103

Actually I fapped to shitty erotic games to learn japanese.
I would share my methods but my bomb collar is programmed to explode if I do that.

>> No.7657123


Kanji is the most difficult part. You should learn the kanas, grammar and tons of vocabulary first. Then, you should learn about 100 of the most common kanji by heart. At first, it takes lots of time and effort, but you should be able to read simple VNs without having to look most words up in a year or so.

>> No.7657137

In b4 the Op is called Marc Bentley

>> No.7657150

If anything I regret not learning Japanese. My friends took me out recently and I realised that I am now disgusted by real women, especially when they're really into you and touch you and try to get you to sleep with them (100% serious here).

>> No.7657153

Are there any good ebooks for this?

>> No.7657154

And I also learned French and Spanish because I felt like it.

>> No.7657158

The fuck? Where do you get the time?

>> No.7657170


Spanish I learned while I was in High School, I had enough free time for that. French, I took a year off before getting into the University and I studied during that time. French is easy modo once you know Spanish and English.

>> No.7657171

If you took all the time you spent doing useless shit and spent it learning a language you could probably have the basics in a year.

>> No.7657187

Using the countless hours normal retards spend on watching mindless shit on TV would be my guess.

>> No.7657189

I'm too lazy though. I tried learning C and gave up because it's boring.
