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765431 No.765431 [Reply] [Original]

ZUN is obviously skilled at designing shooter games, or else we wouldn't spend all those hours playing them.

However there is a lot of room for improvement, especially in his later releases in my opinion.

So this thread is about what features would you include in the next touhou shooter if you had a say.

>> No.765406

I'd rather see how many sex toys you can fit inside a Patchouli.

>> No.765407

Not in my pooper

>> No.765408

the one in the middle.

>> No.765423

repost file plox

>> No.765435


I can't make that assessment until the image gets reposted.

>> No.765436

I really wonder how this thread will end... will it go places?

>> No.765437

Disable the use of bombs.


>> No.765443

A less shittier score system

>> No.765445

shootan is 0.5% of the game
rest is eroge

>> No.765447


>> No.765448

Fix the fucking bomb system

>> No.765450

For the bombing system, I'd like for capturing spellcards to grant bombs in some way. Perhaps relatively spellcards could reward stronger bombs (Master Spark as opposed to Stardust Reverie for instance).

>> No.765451


>> No.765453

The left one was a big pink one and the right one was a black long one with a ball (not THE balls) design now use your imagination.

>> No.765456

ero mind

>> No.765461

I posted it first, but got some error :/

>> No.765474

Focus on the already established touhous. Have the final boss and extra boss be new characters.

>> No.765484

Make it so Focus auto-collects all items on screen, Cave style.

>> No.765494

>>765461 :/

>> No.765490

What type of less shitty score system?

>> No.765505


>> No.765519


>> No.765529

Maybe I just suck at these types of games, or am just a noob, but I think they are too fucking hard.

I can barely beat them on easy mode using all the continues, so maybe I am just missing something that would make them easier, but that is the first thing I would fix.

>> No.765533

Co-op netplay, and unlockable hentai pics.

>> No.765553
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>> No.765556

Drink a lot

>> No.765561

You just fail at life sorry.

I beat imperishable night on easy mode without continues like three days after picking up the game.

>> No.765567

Make it it 3D. Like Ace Combat. Then Touhou will take off in popularity

>> No.765569

Because if you've captured fantasy heaven, you more than deserve to see official art of Reimu naked.

>> No.765576

You are either playing as Rumia, or against Mystia.
Or playing Doom 3

>> No.765582


do not want zun porn

>> No.765595

faster (Raiden-like) bullet speeds, oh wait Seihou has taken that already.

>> No.765598

Bring back the IN team system

>> No.765599

Wouldn't you have to dodge bullets MACROZZ STYLEZ?

>> No.765600


>> No.765609




>> No.765613

2 player Co-op mode.

>> No.765615

A reverse touhou

Each boss would be better at the last at dodging, you cant do much to avoid their fire so you have to play your spell cards right in order to kill them before they kill you

>> No.765621
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Lock-On system like the one Raystorm have.

>> No.765625

sorry -__-;;

>> No.765631


>> No.765634

Add an ammo gauge.

You won't be able to shoot anymore when it runs out.

>> No.765644


No. What would Touhou be without ZUN's unique style.

>> No.765645

I think there should be spaceships, everyone loves spaceships, don’t they? So you’ll select one of those at the start. Of course it needs girls in frilly dresses, though it would be much more edgy if the girl was some kind of mannequin, a bit like Medicine only with all wires and shit coming out of her.

Rivers and tunnels are pretty swell, but the backgrounds would be much more gnarly as futuristic cities and military installations. And bring back the tanks, why did he ever remove those? I think the nameless faeries also need to be reimagined as nameless flying intergalactic battle fighters.

I think SWR proved quite well that everyone loves combinations, so being able to string along enemy kills for points seems like a great idea too.

I think the Extra boss should be some kind bee, only it’s not just a normal bee, it’s on fucking fire. Also, when the boss just needs a couple more shots there should be some kind of vocal announcement.

>> No.765666

I see what you did there.

>> No.765668

Just a couple more shots..

>> No.765677


I like the way you think

>> No.765679

I would like to see some mechs.

>> No.765685

There already have been mechs.

...well flower tanks count, don't they?

>> No.765688

You know what I hate? Not being told when the game is starting. We should have a vocal announcement for that too.

>> No.765697

I've been actually thinking about this.

I was wondering about how another type of danmaku system would work, like maybe with stats of some kind. Or maybe both people casting tons of bullets all at one time would work. Or maybe being able to change course using a separate set of keys from left-right dodging so you're facing a different way instead of spending the whole game going perfectly straight forward, might change strategies on bosses a little bit.

>> No.765706

Turn-based danmaku


>> No.765709

Reimu should be able to use the Yin-Yang Orbs like some sort of shield, and fire them out directly in front of her. They'd also be able to shoot bullets, and she can recall them at will. Oh, oh, and she can attach them to the front or back of her ship and firing them, then colliding with them from the appropriate side.

>> No.765718

Maybe you have a shield. Bullets are two colors, and your shield can only absorb one of those colors. And as it absorbs bullets of the same color you power up.

Seriously people I'd like to keep the basic premise intact

>> No.765725

Primary and secondary weapon use different orbs to power up. You can choose which one to dump out 1/4th of to fire off a bomb.
You can only hold a total of 4 power ups between the primary and secondary. So you can either have a level 4 primary with a level 0 secondary or a level 3 secondary with a level 1 primary.
Depending on your character you can invalidate certain bullets just by being that character/absorb those bullets without worry, but the others will still kill you.

>> No.765726


Sorry, I dropped the ball.

>> No.765729


>> No.765736

Damnit I don't recognize this one.

Is this actually an original idea.

>> No.765738
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>> No.765747
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>> No.765755

Giant super robots, intergalactic armies and elves.

>> No.765770

>>How would you design a touhou shooter?

1.Put it on the nintendo DS

2.Make it wifi compatible for leaderboards and to mini games with other people.

3.Add tons of ecchi and yuri

Perfect Touhou game.

>> No.765772 [SPOILER] 
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That is awesome.

>> No.765774

>>How would you design a touhou shooter?

1.Put it on the nintendo DS

2.Make it wifi compatible for leaderboards and to play mini games with other people.

3.Add tons of ecchi and yuri

Perfect Touhou game.

>> No.765777

How the hell would that work?

A certain amount of time units to move in a set pattern?

>> No.765779

I'm now convinced that /jp/ hates touhou.

>> No.765784

They made R-Type: The TBS, I'm sure you can do it with Touhou.

>> No.765788

slow poke

>> No.765797

And yet half the threads on the front page always relate to touhou in some way.

>> No.765798
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>> No.765806
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You mean something like this?

>> No.765814
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>R. Option

>> No.765822

That's a terrible idea. I'm busy enough trying to not die, I don't want to have to deal with SWR-esque spellcard management cycling bullshit.

>> No.765827

Just give me Touhou on the DS and I'll be extremely happy.

>> No.765838

I never said there would be cycling. X would use the bomb available, if it wasn't as weak or strong as you wanted oh well, at least its a bomb.

>> No.765853
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...but then again, Raystorm already has Illusion Lasers, Homing Amulets and rechargeable Spellcards, so yeah.

>> No.765869

I don't get it, why does everyone want touhou on the DS so much? I mean I own a DS and wouldn't mind touhou on the DS, but I think it fits much better on the PC.

>> No.765895

Isn't there a vertical bullet hell shooter coming up for the DS in the near future? Who cares if it's not Touhou.

>> No.765912

The underlying mechanics are solid and get more polished with each release - even the bomb change was positive*.

I liked MoF, but it seemed to go for a CAVE style “spit bullets at the player” approach with a few orchestrated patterns (Hi, Sanae), which felt weird. SA has taken this on board, and most patterns are pretty and slow to descend on the player.

SA has a different problem in that he’s gone crazy with the gimmicks; the stage 2 boss has one on every spellcard and “working this out” spellcards only have appeal if they are rare.

ZUN just needs to focus more on the patterns, spread out the good gimmicks and make sure there’s a natural flow to where the enemies are showing up. Adding a Hyper will just fag it up.

* Rewards “oh shit” bombing, but punishes “I don’t like this boss” bombing. Power means something after stage 2.

>> No.765948

Make a pattern where its like one of Suwako's spiral danmaku but it ends up covering the whole screen slowling

>> No.765953

A beat-boxing Touhou.

>> No.765962

I disagree, I think it punishes ohshit bombing and rewards "I don't like this spellcard" or "might as well bomb this card because I'll be back to 5 power right afterwards" bombing.

>> No.765971


>> No.765981

How about buff spellcards?
like timeslow, bullet pause shit like that
or is there already something like that in a touhou game I haven't got around to playing

also some one here a few weeks ago was talking about a DS touhou/generic danmaku game, any updates?

>> No.766052

-Grazing charges an emergency bomb meter. (1 bomb, and then the meter needs to be charged by grazing) that does different things based on the person, but is always defensive only.

-Trapping spells. More spellcards that run along the sides and force you to the center or at least into closer range.

-More 3dness. Shots come from above and below, and you have to judge when they're on your plane.

-Maze level.

>> No.766066

Ever play that flash game where you guide a missile through a long tube and have to dodge shit?

Add in some touhoues and MORE BULLETS

>> No.766069

You gain power by grazing

>> No.766089

touhou ds
grazing = power
no reimu

>> No.766116

because some of us dont carry our PC everywhere we go

>> No.766124


>> No.766138


No undead zombie? Excellent

>> No.766187

>spend all those hours playing them

lol wut

>> No.766238


Some people actually play them

>> No.766251

A bomb uses a fraction of a life. All bomb tokens get converted to life fragments.

>> No.766253


or just draw like he did in LLS/MS/EOSD/PCB.

as for game improvements, team system from IN, but make the individual characters playable from the start.

no point of collection, but have focus slowly drag items to you.

and for the love of god, real bombs

>> No.766351

This is actually a interesting idea.

>> No.766521
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Keep 'em coming guys.

>> No.766537
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Why doesn't Zun just let one of his many artist fans do the game's drawings? Not only are they more skilled, but they would do it for free!

>> No.766550

I dunno, probably because beer.

>> No.766584

I imagine a 3d/2.5d game with a system not unlike Devil May Cry + danmaku. The grazing will work like the tasofro games, and with multiple completions you may unlock other character "paths," Reimu and Marisa would not be playable but would appear as bosses.

>> No.766655
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I keep getting ideas for a Touhou Dating Sim. I know it's probably shitty, but if I put it down here, then at least it wont be in my head any more.

First off, the player chooses one of the four new guys scenarios (I’ll talk about them in a minute) Gameplay is a mix the standard dating sim elements (making dates with characters, getting into trouble etc) mixed in with the more familiar Touhou elements. For instance, if you wish to travel to an area that you haven’t been before (or haven’t been invited too) then you have to play that area’s touhou level (the difficulty will scale depending on how far on the calendar you are) and defeat that level’s boss. Bosses can be defeated in the usual manner, or if you get close enough to them, you can enter a mini-game mode, where you attempt to woo the character with good performance, or gifts that they would like. If you raise your standing with that character high enough they’ll call off their attack. Instead of getting the spellcard you’ll get that characters Heart Card. Most mid-bosses can’t be stopped in this fashion (except by Fukujin Shichi, who is a filthy manwhore)
The game is split up into days, each with a morning, evening and night segment, and the whole game takes place over two months, ending on the 7th of February.

>> No.766705



>> No.766739
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You get a choice of four different male leads, you can’t swap these characters out, but if you get enough points with certain girls then they can partner with you like in IN. Also new is the special skill button.
Each character gets a special effect that’s activated by pressing this button, they are usually used to protect you in some way from danmaku.
There’s also an RPG like element, as your character gains levels and improves his passive and active skills.
Also, the new pick-up this time would be various items that you can collect to either sell for cash, or to give to girls.

>> No.766745

>You get a choice of four different male leads
Do not want!

>> No.766749
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New characters

Fukujin Shichi: A wandering luck god. He once beat the god of the four winds at mahjong and took his domain as payment. He grew up with Suika and the two were worshipped for good harvests and luck in general.
He wanders into Gensyoko and decides to set up a gambling parlour near to the shrine.
His canon ending is Suika, but he is also capable of getting the most different endings (mostly mid-bosses that no other character can even gain points with) he's also capable of the largest harem ends.
His special activates one of the four winds to cause all bullets within a radius to reverse direction. This can cause more problems than solutions if used on bullets that were travelling away from you.

>> No.766750


Futa Marisa is the only lead

>> No.766760

Not as bad as I expected, but I'd prefer touhou stay all female.
Still do not want.

>> No.766764

Anon likes dick up his ass.

>> No.766775
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Don't worry, that's what all of the harem ends are for, Lesbian orgies abound.

Shingaisha Kagatsu: When he was alive he was a troublesome individual who could not be contained or restrained in anyway. In the end he was hung for theft. As a ghost he is able to completely ignore any and all barriers, as a result he often wanders in and out of the underworld, even the Gensyoko boundary itself. As you can imagine he quickly gains the attention of Yukari.
With his sticky fingers, he often ends up taking items he finds on his travels, and Kagatsu's player will have access to many strange and usual items to either sell to Rinnosuke, or to woo girls with. His canon end is Yukari.
His special makes him intangible for a short period, essentially making him invulnerable, but he cannot shoot during this period.

>> No.766799
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Colazione: One day Marisa found a strange egg in Rinnosuke's store. After paying... sorry, stealing it she took it home to cook it for breakfast. Unfortunately the strange egg sucked up all of the heat, so she lit a massive bonfire with the egg inside. Reimu saw the smoke and investigated, she then ingratiated herself into Marisa's scheme. Three hours later the two had forgotten about cooking the egg and were instead having a contest to see who could make the bonfire the hottest using their magic. Thankfully the egg hatched before too much damage could occur. The egg contained a dragon spirit, but since the creatures that had hatched him were human, he was hatched in the form of a fully grown (for Touhou at least) human being.
Marisa named him Colazione, and apparently nobody else in Gensyoko knows italian. His canon route is Marisa, but is the only character who can gain the all humans harem end. He's also the only one capable of visiting the Hourai mansion.
His special is his ability to use his claws to swipe nearby bullets and enemies away ala chaos field.

>> No.766818

Your idea is fail incarnate.

>> No.766838


No. Get out.

>> No.766841
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Ketsuto Ringo: One day a vampire was staked and buried in the earth. Over time that stake took root and became a cursed apple tree whose fruit was always a bloody red. However the vampire was not dead, and eventually after spending over thirty years buried alive, broke free. But the vampire’s powers had now changed, instead of blood, he fed on the colour ‘red’. Anything now coloured in his totem he gained partial dominion over, and he could drain from any red he could see. Things came to a head when he absorbed the red of a red moon, and earned the ire of 7 rival vampires. The seven eventually defeated him and cast him into a temple so that he would be purified and destroyed.
Unfortunately for them, the temple they picked was the Hakurei Shrine. Remilia was drinking tea with Reimu at the time, and she recognized Ringo immediately. The vampires complained about this, which irrated Reimu, so she took one step outside, and 30 seconds later, the world had seven less vampires in it.
His canon end is Remilia, but he is also the only character who can get Flandre.
His special is his ability to absorb all red coloured bullets, which act like red power-ups, pressing the special button draws red bullets towards him. (Watch out for colour changing danmaku!)

>> No.766852

"Disable the use of bombs.

Actually I would or at least make it so it would disable the lock up stuff or make so it only can be used one time ONLY. much like Sentimental Shooting

>> No.766872


No. Just no. Any project led by you is bound to fail just because your ideas suck so horribly.

>> No.766938

How would I design a Touhou shooter?

When bosses take damage, their clothes pop off.

>> No.766941
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The Extra 'Stage' as it were would take place over the last week leading up to valentines day with the player having to solo the following route.

STAGE 1: Get Chocolate
There's some in the Scarlet Mansion kitchen, steal some from their. Have to face China, Sakuya and then Patch out for a late snack.
Ringo can walk right in, but then has to fight Flandre for the bar.

Get cream from the celestial cow that exists in the underworld. You have to fight the Prismriver sisters and then Youmu to get it. Kagatsu can walk right in, to discover Yuyuko about to turn the Cow into hamburgers. You have to fight her instead.

Sneak into Rinnousukes shop and steal some thing to add to the chocolate. End up having to fight Rinnousuke and OH GOD WHAT? THAT'S NEITHER SEXY OR A BEAM, DAMN MY FOREVER VIRGIN EYES! AIEEEEE!.


>> No.766959

Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.766964

Everytime their clothes pop off, they moan.

Also, have Kourindou as an in-between stage shop.

>> No.766977

You can buy items like lubricant which increases your grazing bonus, and various fleshy rods with unique bombing or shooting abilities.

>> No.767002


This is horrendously bad and you should FEEL horrendously bad for thinking of it.

>> No.767007

New touhou game?

Silent Sinner in Pooshlmer/jp .

>> No.767043



>> No.767044

How about doing the game ala Tekkaman Blade? The stages are scrolling shooters, but the boss fights are fighting game style.

So the bosses play ala IaMP.

>> No.767075

Reipu and co. go to the Moon. Three-way war between them, the Moon, and America.

>> No.767105
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Negroman: One day after kicking back from a hard day's work of stealing cars, bikes, yay leavin san fierro, etc. Negroman was chillin' in his trailer with his mystical artifact, "The unending bucket of fried chicken", which was granted to him since birth. After much lounging, the leg on his PVC pipe constructed chair set snapped and he plunged headfirst into his bucket. Many days past, and when he awoke; he was in a world of silly hats. Your goal is to find your bucket and return to the world of non-silly hats. His canon end is Suika.

>> No.767166

Different paths depending if you lose or win a fight

>> No.767188


You suck, get out, we hate you, etc, etc.

>> No.767203


>> No.767229



>> No.767241

>Your goal is to...return to the world of non-silly hats

>> No.767256
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I am not regret.

>> No.767280

Quadruple the hitbox sizes, double the danmaku, and your shots go in completely random directions

>> No.767321
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Touhou kart racer.


>> No.767341

Touhou flight sim.

>> No.767362
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Super Touhou Wars

>> No.767367

Ace Combat Touhou.

>> No.767413

Even in my Kart Racer, F.O.E

>> No.767440

As amusing as Ace Touhou Combat sounds, if there were to be a 3-D Touhou game, I'd rather see something closer to a Fantasy Version of Star Fox 64, only with more quirky dialogue with bosses and less GET THIS GUY OFF ME.

>> No.767442

If only there was an engine to do SRW-type games with. IF ONLY.

>> No.767454

Immaterial and Missing BRAWL!

>> No.767465

I think there is, but only in moon

>> No.767493



>> No.767520

" Marissa get this bitch off me!"

>> No.767673

Touhou DS: phantom world and real world are splitting apart and the IN teams have to figure out what's going on. Split screen action as you control both at the same time in separate worlds. D-pad moves both characters at the same time unless you're holding A or B to hold one or the other character still while you control the other one, otherwise they both fly in the same pattern. L/R fire one or the other's bombs, otherwise both automatically continuously shoot because its not like anyone who isn't showing off ever lets their finger off the shot button.

This would totally suck to play/be awesome.

>> No.767729

It was certainly like that in MoF, but power-up items are much rarer in SA. You can't really bomb your way out of bosses like you could before.

>> No.767889


it's not like bombs have a purpose other than extending your life anyway

why does it matter if it's "i don't like this boss" or "oh shit"?

>> No.768087
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Oh her? Yeah, I know her. It's going to take a while. It happened years ago. Did you know there are three kinds of touhous? Those study magic, those who sleep all day, and those who can graze through danmaku. Those are the three.

>> No.768099


And her? She was a true miko.

>> No.768100

Itano circus = danmaku?

>> No.768101

Tell that to the beginners.

>> No.768464

>room for improvement
Why not have an option where we control them using... mouse...

Left Click = Fire
Right Click = ????

>> No.768485

3 types of missiles. For example, Reimu's Z button would fire talismans at a straight line, X button fires large yingyang balls at a random directions, C button would launch squarish lazers in a zigzag manner.
