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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7652496 No.7652496 [Reply] [Original]

You know what? Staying inside all day doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.7652503
File: 17 KB, 306x423, 5000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course its bad. You need exercise. Why don't you come to camp with me?

>> No.7652507

Chris Rock crazy white people sketch.wav

>> No.7652547
File: 69 KB, 419x248, 1311426319739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jebus camp? No thanks, strange white man with a submachine gun.

>> No.7652572


Democratic Socialist youth camp*

>> No.7652607

Social democracy, youth camp.*
Not to be confused with democratic socialism.

>> No.7652609


Both labels are claimed by the Norwegian Labour Party.

>> No.7652655

The shooter is a confirmed Christian, so he would be more likely to take you to Jebus camp.

>> No.7652675

So, what's Jaan thinking of this? Obviously the country with the broadest far-right mainstream might have sentence or two to drop regarding this.

Do they want to kill Koreans and Chinese now too? Or are they denying it desperately?

>> No.7652686

Can someone explain what this is all about, or why I keep seeing this white guy floating about? A link would suffice.

>> No.7652689


>> No.7652693


Government offices in Oslo got bombed yesterday. 2 hours later some gunman opens fire in a youthcamp.


>> No.7652698

>“I saw many dead people,” said Elise, whose father, Vidar Myhre, didn’t want her to disclose her last name.

Hilarious breach of journalistic trust.

>> No.7652707
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Thank you, Anonymous. You made me laugh for the first time in a while.

>> No.7652708

japan cannot into last name vs. first name

>> No.7652710

The entire article is directly ripped from the Associated Press, so there's no excuse for whoever wrote that.

>> No.7652726

I still haven't understood why he pulled it on a Friday so late in the day.

Wouldn't it be more efficient if he did it at 10 where everyone is working?

>> No.7652732
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Probably too hard for him to drop the bomb with so many people looking.

And then we have people complaining about sex in games. Eroge should not be persecuted of poisoning the mind and morality of the players since they promote love and peace.

>> No.7652743


It has been speculated that the bomb was a diversion. It worked to some extent seeing as every ambulance in the region was unavailable.

On the other hand the bomb put authorities on red alert which means that specialist units were already mobilized when the shooting started. This allowed them to arrive at the scene faster than they normally would have done.

>> No.7652748

Yeah, I guess you're right.

>> No.7652758



He was on the island, for 3 hours, shooting shit up, before getting arrested.

>> No.7652781
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At least something interesting finally happened in this backwater country.

>> No.7652785

93 dead bodies so far. All that time playing Modern Warfare finally paid off.

"I can't belive this is happening in Norway"... HAHAHA

>> No.7652788

It seems highly likely that it was a diversion, yes.
So I guess his strategy worked.

I only hope the police force in my country (Denmark) learns something from this.
Of course, response time to the scene is important, but they should know what major gatherings are going on at any time so that they can deploy people to potential other targets fast.

Bombing government offices is crazy as it is, but shooting up unarmed kids on an island is just fucked up.
Nothing could make me do that unless it was a terrorist training camp or something. Of course the shooter could think of those kids as the root to all evil (some of them might grow up to be politicians to let more immigrants into the country).

I can't even begin to think of the havoc someone could wreak with explosives at a place like the annual Roskilde Festival (110.000 people gathered in a relatively small area).

>> No.7652795
File: 115 KB, 250x331, 1311434024855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the guy? Seriously?
Why do the smart, handsome guys with a belief, a plan and conviction to act on it always have to be crazy and kill people?

>> No.7652806

But you know... he is a fairly boring person. Idealistic, but quite common. Just your average joe with guns.

Makes me wonder just how many more of him are around the country, just waiting for their chance.

>> No.7652813

Typical Goblin player.

>> No.7652830

Note to self: purchase first aid compression bind kits, always have two in my bag.

Really, of someone tries to pull off a bombing here in Copenhagen (Denmark), surface wounds from explosions could be treated on-site.
Either for myself or for some girl I could rescue.

Hell, I don't even have a simple band-aid in my dorm apartment.
I've got duct tape and towels.

>> No.7652829


I know, just surprised by the concidence that the guy who carried out a major terrorist attack with some apparent esoteric motivation also looks like he should be living in Antarctica with his lynx buddy and quoting Ramesses II out of context.

>> No.7652835

dat island massacre
dat battle-royale vibes

>> No.7652849

At least in Battle Royale they were all kids and they all had some sort of weapon.

>> No.7652847

>some girl I could rescue.
Why would you do that.
It's not like she'll fuck you out of gratitude.

>> No.7652852

I don't know, it seems like a nice thing to do.

>> No.7652855

And the fat as fatass survived. Fucking Hamlet lied to me.

>> No.7652860

Nothing can defeat The Blob.

>> No.7652862

>It's not like she'll fuck you out of gratitude.

What the fuck

>> No.7652872

This proves that political analysis causes violence. I truly hope this will finally push the government to put some restrictions on this vile practice.

>> No.7652873

>battle-royale vibes
Heh, first thing that came to my mind when I saw this on the news.

>> No.7652875

Did he kill himself?

>> No.7652881
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Holy shit, he's hot.

>> No.7652888

Because people with conviction are repeatedly kicked in the face until they learn to conform with the status quo instead. Only the crazy people manage to hold on to their convictions after that.

>> No.7652886

He's pretty average looking.

>> No.7652890


Last I heard he's fine. Or at least as "fine" as you are after being arrested by the Norwegian police.

>> No.7652891

So you'd fuck a mass murderer? You piece of shit.

>> No.7652892
File: 42 KB, 634x423, 1311435890717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, those Norwegian prison cells can be pretty rough.

>> No.7652896

Hah, that's better than my room

>> No.7652898

"Fuck all the bros, imma save this girl with minor wounds."

>> No.7652906


After being taken in by the Norwegian police, you deserve a nice room even if you've just murdered 100 people.


Maybe he just appears that way since he doesn't seem to have any pics of him posing in cheap knockoff camo clothes with shaven head and smeared sweat and crap, brandishing guns in front of a bare wall with a nazi banner.
You know, the sort of pics the overwhelming majority of people who commit these crimes seem to fill the internet with.

>> No.7652907

By law it is possible to receive life imprisonment in Norway, but there are no examples of such after the latest correctional law passed in 2002. There are basically two types of maximum penalty laws:

The maximum determinate penalty is 21 years imprisonment, but only a small percentage of prisoners serve more than 14 years. Prisoners will typically get unsupervised parole for weekends etc. after serving ⅓ of their sentence (a maximum of 7 years) and can receive early release after serving ⅔ of their sentence (a maximum of 14 years).

The maximum indeterminate penalty, called "containment" (Norwegian: forvaring), is also set at 21 years imprisonment, and the prisoner is required to serve at least 10 years before becoming eligible for parole. "Containment" is used when the prisoner is deemed a danger to society and there is a great chance of committing violent crimes in the future. If the prisoner is still considered dangerous after serving the original sentence, the prisoner can receive up to five years additional containment.

If the additional time is served, and the offender is still considered dangerous, a prisoner can continue to receive up to five years additional containment, and this, in theory, could result in actual life imprisonment. However, the offender can be paroled or released at any time if it is determined that the offender is no longer a danger to society.

>> No.7652909

There's a lesson to learn from this: If you ever find yourself in a situation where you know the media will want to publish your identity to the world in a few days, take some professional pictures and make them easily available online for anyone who knows your name, so that journalists can start search for and publish those pictures as soon as your name is announced, rather than trying to find less flattering photos somewhere, or even worse, waiting for the mugshots. The first photos they acquire from you being mugshots is something that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

>> No.7652912
File: 60 KB, 700x525, 1311436396918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you feel better if his cell looked like this?

>> No.7652919

Just because some people in this world seek to spread misery, does it mean we should reduce ourselves to their level and aim to spread more misery?

>> No.7652924

Still bigger than my room.

>> No.7652925


Don't know about prison. Just know last time I passed through Gardermoen I got searched by policemen toting SMG:s.

If the treatment is proportional to the crime, this guy would probably have been better off if he shot himself.

>> No.7652929

I would, those who do not respect the rights of others can't demand to have their own respected.

>> No.7652932

That's strange. Normal airport security here do not wield any kind of weapons at all, and are sometimes even a little friendly. Must have been an exceptional case where they needed much tighter security.

>> No.7652933

/jp/ - International Prison Facilities

>> No.7652943


Criminals already have their rights constrained by way of the fact that they're imprisoned in the first place and institutionalized torture for revenge is bad for the health of society as a whole.

>> No.7652941


Was during the reconstruction in 2004. Maybe that was it?

>> No.7652942
File: 27 KB, 325x214, 1311437216261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing terror with a potential partner actually does promote bonding. The pop-science explanation I've heard is that the prolonged elevated heart rate, adrenaline etc is "misinterpreted" by both parties' brains as a sexual excitement response.

>> No.7652949

Fuck, next time I get arrested, it'll be in Norway.

>> No.7652959




>> No.7652960


The prisons may be awesome. But the jails are not. The 6-24 months while waiting for your conviction will be hell.

>> No.7652964


that feel when norwegian inmates have a better life than all of my neighborhoood

>> No.7652969

Are you.....me?

Fuck, always a catch. I hope I'd get time served for that.

>> No.7652987

Oh yeah.
She'll tell her future kids about the day where she was saved from a terrorist attack.

>> No.7653013

I still want to know what motivated him to do this, and if he belongs to a terrorist group or not.

Because I seriouly doubt this was the work of only one man.

>> No.7653028

Why not?

>> No.7653046

he is a freemason

>> No.7653165

One man with a farm could easily pull this.

The farm is needed for being able to buy 6 tons of artificial fertilizer, storage tanks, etc. without raising eyebrows, then it's just about driving to the spot.

Even I would be able to pull this shit off.
No chance in hell I will, though, but it's not that hard to do.

Not being in a group even makes it easier. No phone lines to be tapped, no group members to be suspicious of, and so on.

Posts like this would probably raise some flags around some government offices, but I think I'll be fine since I'm not in the US, and I'm not posting threats about bombing football stadiums.
Remember Jake Brahm who messed with the big leagues?

>> No.7653177

Reported for not /jp/ related.

>> No.7653190

/jp/ is about staying in your room and complaining about the outside world.

Deal with it.

>> No.7653269

>Not being in a group even makes it easier. No phone lines to be tapped, no group members to be suspicious of, and so on.
Yeah, special forces in most countries actually monitor internet and a lot of information in it. Yet some retards still plan their shit in social networks.

>> No.7653292

My neighbor was there, still no news, still not /jp/.

>> No.7653304
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The first threads on 2ch naturally blamed China, later they switched to artic juice.

>> No.7653510

Girls think guys who commit crimes are hot, even when they just look average.

>> No.7653520

And then you get caught for CP.

>> No.7653541
File: 476 KB, 1024x1168, 1311447083509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put this inside *(grabs dick*
