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7651047 No.7651047 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else play this game?
I need a friend.

>> No.7651054

Maybe you'd find a friend in a good game.

>> No.7651053

Did you just start playing?

>> No.7651068

I just fap to it now

>> No.7651073

Everyone in game is either a complete idiot (whats lol mean?"), a powergamer, or a bot. I haven't met a real person yet.

>> No.7651075

What server OP? I'm on Alexina.

>> No.7651081

Nao is cute.
That's all I've got.

>> No.7651097

There is only one way to group up with someone in this game: start playing at the same time.

New character with old character does not mix. Neither of you will have any fun.

>> No.7651090

I am on Tarlach. I don't suppose you are able to switch, or transfer items to another server.
I mean like, I was just looking for someone or a group of people to do dungeons with, or other such quests. Doing stuff alone is fine, but I'm an archer and its tough to keep stuff at arms reach with this combat system.

>> No.7651091

Have fun paying $20+/mo just to get anything out of the game. Especially since the prequel is already out.

>> No.7651104

Unless the game is less cash shop reliant now than it was when closed beta ended I'm not going back.

>> No.7651118

It's not.
I just got my bank space cut in half quite abruptly, and that really pissed me off to the point of quitting.
You can't make a game free to play, and then make it really really shitty for the free players.

>> No.7651121

>Paying for Mabinogi

I play on Ruairi so the chances anyone else in /jp/ is on the same server as me is low.

The game is developing nicely as of late, but why the hell do bots have those world casting horns now? WASD running is cool but I wish we had a jump function too.

>> No.7651129

Like seriously, there's no auction house, and you can't sell items in a stall without paying money. So I end up having to vendor really expensive items.
What kind of crap is that?

>> No.7651137
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there is still people playing that game with PSX graphics?

>> No.7651138

Asides from the bank/those shop bags and guilds the game doesn't require you to pay for anything.

You don't need that bank space anyway. Just mail anything large to a second account (or a friend who will return it) or just get it sent to the lost and found. Or quit being a Jew and buy a pet so you can swap items between the 3 free characters you get.

>> No.7651144

Three characters per server, or three characters total?
I tried creating a new one, but it wouldn't let me.

>> No.7651160

You get a free human, a free elf for visiting the elves and joining and a free giant for visiting the giants and helping them. (you can choose to help one, get the card, quit their side, and then help the other for their card)

So that's what I mean by three characters for one account. And it's only three total. You can make more if you buy cards but I don't see why.

>> No.7651161

Graphics don't make a game fun, look at Eden Eternal. Just stand in one spot and no knock back.

>> No.7651165

I would like to try this game out but i have no idea what it's like.

Is there anything you can compare it to? Or perhaps recommend any other decent game where you can create a cute girl to play as.

>> No.7651179

Do you guys suggest any other games that are similar to this in fun and are free?
I'm not overly weeaboo, this game was almost over the top with the :3 faces, but the music made it alright

I would compare it to Runescape.
The combat system is the worst thing about it, imo. At least in runescape, you don't get gangraped by wolves.
You can definitely make your loli waifu of choice (admittedly, I myself play a female). But honestly, without paying money, it is a huge pain in the ass to do stuff. I played WoW, and not having an auction house and big bags seems almost crippling. Even runescape now has an auction house.

>> No.7651183


>> No.7651212

>It's like if Harvest Moon was an MMO was old /jp/s usual description of it.

The only game it plays similar to is SMT Imagine, which stole Mabinogi's battle system.
It's a low HP, skill based game in which the same things you fought the first time you got to level 10 will still kick your ass a year later if you fuck up.

Fighting is sort of like rock paper scissors, the kind that has like 20 other things you can throw.

You get EXP for literally everything you do. And skill points to level skills just for existing on the game every week in addition to leveling or exploring. You also rebirth whenever you get to age 20 and level up again while keeping a fraction of your stats. (most permanent stats come from leveling skills)

There are a bunch of distractions and minigames you can do like contests and jousting and flying around in hot air balloons.

Also there's a bunch of other shit you can do that no one remembers because there's so much shit to do and they only run shadow missions all day. Oh one of those is the ability to compose and play your own music.

>> No.7651217

I started getting sick of the dungeon music, so I replaced all the mp3 files with Brave Fencer Musashi. It was VERY worth it.

Lets compare dungeon themes
Brave Fencer

>> No.7651230


I uploaded a video that should show you what combat is like in this game, for anyone who's wondering.

>> No.7651224

>I played WoW
This is your problem.

>> No.7651238

Someone else that plays on Alexina? Remarkable.
Even though the server is horrible I can't leave behind all of my junk.

>> No.7651250

WoW has its flaws, but its combat system and item management, and economy are very well thought.
For example, its PvP is garbage and its lore is shit, but honestly the same is true of Mabinogi too.

>> No.7651269

WoW is a casualized MMO that holds your balls for you and makes everyone think all games should be like WoW.

>> No.7651298

>and makes everyone think all games should be like WoW.
I'm waiting to be proven incorrect.
Also I only said parts of WoW were exceptional, not the whole game.
I'm like you, for years I scorned people who played WoW. I finally played on my friends private server, and it really changed my mind on a lot of it.
I would still never go back to playing it.

>> No.7651342

>I'm like you
No you're not. I never played Runscape. I played RO and thus think all games should be like RO.

>I scorned people who played WoW.
I'm not scorning them, I'm just saying it has the tendency to make people want all games to be WoW. All I hear from people who played WoW playing Pre-WoW games is how it's not WoW and should be WoW but free.

>I finally played
No. I've tried enough WoW clones to know I wouldn't like actual Wow.

Also Mabinogi's battle system is one of the best things about it. Most MMOs have the most horrible battle systems.

>> No.7651357

I played for a long time, but quit because I kept spending so much money on it.

>> No.7651365


Too bad you can kill most things by standing in one spot and windmilling forever.

>> No.7651384

I talked to one person who had spent over $500 on this game.
How the hell does that happen?

>Also Mabinogi's battle system is one of the best things about it. Most MMOs have the most horrible battle systems.
>best things about it
>be archer
>magnum shot enemy
>enemy is knocked back
>magnum shot again
>they barely even flinch
Only in rock paper scisors type games, would the same move produce completely different results each time
Cool combat system, so edgy, so unique.

>> No.7651409
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EverQuest 2 is free. Why would you want to play this cash shop ridden corean pile of shit, exactly?

>> No.7651423

Mabinogi is a dress up game. Nothing more, and nothing less.
Nothing else matters but money.

>> No.7651451

>Anybody else play this game?
No, I will not play Job Simulator #6812. If I'm gonna play an MMO it better have some fast action.

Vindictus is going to be updated soon (still sucky).
Dragons Nest beta is about to start.
Rusty Hearts closed beta is about to start (I have a key).

I'll be enjoying my action MMORPGs

>> No.7651452


The knockback system is made so that you won't be able to knock something back too quickly. The real problem with archery is how you have to deal with hit/miss bullshit.

>> No.7651458

I really, really, REALLY wish Runescape was good.
The good parts of the game are incredible; the quests are EXCELLENT, the plot/lore is surprisingly good, there's TONS of different things to do, lots of skills and crafts, good music, and it has CHARACTER. I want to stress that last one; the characters, including your own, feel like actual characters, not interchangeable mooks that are just there to tell you to kill some pigs 5 feet outside of town. The game's even funny.

...and it also has the worst combat, leveling, and death systems I've ever seen. God damn it, Jagex.

>> No.7651468

Online RPGs aren't exactly the best when ti comes to fun gameplay.

Most people play them to dress up their character, explore the in-game world, and to play something together with their friends (if they have any).

>> No.7651487

I understand their rationale, I just disagree. PvE is all about dominating enemies, it doesn't need to be fair. When a troll can 3 hit kill me in a single combo, the game is no longer fun. When dying means there's a 1 in 10 chance that i'll randomly drop an item, dying becomes no longer fun. When you are playing a character decked out in gear, at high level, and still get 1 shot by the boss of a dungeon, the game is no longer fun.
I can *easily* deal with the hit/miss mechanic, because that's not detrimental to your fun. What is detrimental is when you are counting on a shot to perform one way, and it performs exactly the opposite, just because the game has to be "fair to the monsters"

>> No.7651495

Magnum shot will always knock something back. You just used a normal shot the second time or something in that example.

>> No.7651500

I'm one of those people who've probably spent over $500 on this, but that was because I played back when rebirthing wasn't free ($9 a pop), the complete pack got you free revives and free stuff in addition to what they offer now, and I played 8 or 9 hours a day for an entire year.
I've wanted to come back but my laptop sucks, I'm not motivated enough to walk across the house to the gaming pc, and frankly, bots and hackers have completely overrun this game. Nothing demotivates you like grinding for imaginary gold, then someone magicks up 400x what you've just 'earned'.

>> No.7651512

You shot it when it was getting up or something, and so "reset" the animation. It's a glitch, and Nexon doesn't fix glitches.
The combat system takes a bit to get used to, because you're NOT supposed to get hit (although they have mana shield now so you can miss up a little), but it's not hard once you figure it out.

>> No.7651506

The second shot gives the enemy a higher priority in the rock/paper/scisors game. They explained it in the tutorial at school. Believe me I've tried. The extra damage stays, but they only flinch.
If you hit them with two normal arrows, the first one stuns them for a short time, but then the second one only flinches them.

Its the same as if you hit someone with a sword and knock them back, and then run up to try and hit them again. The game prioritizes them over you, because they are on the defensive, so they get first strike.

>> No.7651517

Mabinogi now has WASD movement and shows you the enemy knockback meter, it's kind of weird.

>> No.7651522

Seems like Nexon has given up on this game. Feels very deserted.

>> No.7651558


I disagree because you can expect that troll to kill you in three hits, and you can expect a boss to one-shot you, and you can expect your magnum shot to not knock back if you shoot the target while it's already knocked back or down, but having your shots miss and do nothing, allowing a monster to run up to you and slap your shit is pretty much the definition of "counting on a shot to perform one way, and it perform[ing] exactly the opposite." That's what I hate about archery.

>> No.7651568


>Also Mabinogi's battle system is one of the best things about it. Most MMOs have the most horrible battle systems.

Mabinogi has the worst combat system that was ever made in the history of MMOs. The only redeeming quality about this game is that when you're done grinding to 80 after you rebirth (in about 4-5 hours), you get to dick around in Dunbarton and play the music you composed for fun to impress others.


The game heavily favors the glass cannon builds. Nobody goes for tanky enchants unless you're someone that uses nothing but golems, in which case it becomes a viable option for you. There are measures you can take to avoid being hit, and if everything fails, you have to put your mana shield on and get knocked around for a bit until you can control the battle again.

>> No.7651564

I love how Mabinogi makes people who can't play skillfully butthurt. Go back to your stand still and press the f/number keys in-between auto-attacking games.

>> No.7651571


I'm pretty sure that two normal shots would have the same amount hitstun. Also, I've never noticed that priority system that you mentioned in game before, and rock paper scissors doesn't apply to archery. As far as I know, the three outcomes of you hitting the monster, cross counter, and monster hitting you are equally likely when both of you try to attack each other.

>> No.7651586

Why do people care so much what others have? Do people just play MMOs to go "I'm better than you because I have more gold and levels?" Is that why people always clamor about PVP? Is that why people demand equal abilities to get items and stuff?

No wonder you lot can't have fun.

>> No.7651591


That's because elf range is the most overpowered skillset in the game right now. Missing used to be the redeeming quality for how overpowered it was, but with the recent g15 update, they get to aim at 100% if the monster isn't moving.

Strongest elf archer in NA right now has about 500 max damage. With the introduction of a new item called Masterpiece Bow which has about 90 max damage on the weapon itself, DevCat pretty much made it clear that they love elves and hate everything else. Unless you're running an elite mission, there isn't a reason for you to fire a second shot after shooting a magnum.

Unless you haven't grinded enough dex. In which case, go grind dex.

>> No.7651589

The overall idea is quite good, I think, just improperly balanced, so that "strategy" only really involves 1 skill spammed over and over. The real flaw of Mabi's combat system is the monster AI, notably that it doesn't really have any.

>> No.7651592

I think after the dawn of the 21st century, MMOs starting turning away from grand adventure and into e-peen waving contests. When developers found out how well that sold, they just went with it, and abandoned most of that old feel of discovery and adventure.

>> No.7651599

Tragic but true. It's so sad...

>> No.7651600


I got to piss people off by being a 1/1/1 golem user in g13. 777 max damage on a snow golem ,outDPS elf range due to the massive windmill radius.

Level 600-700 character overpowering level 3000s. It was pretty retarded and hilarious.

>> No.7651607


I personally think there would be better ways to implement balance than a using bullshit mechanic based on random chance, not that forcing you to grind a bunch of marginally useful lifeskills in Job Simulator by Devcat to bring dex up is any better. I've thought that alchemy and melee were their favorites anyway, considering melee has the best AOE attack in the game and Alchemy can use that through golems and also has skills that seem to be a little bit like magic except they aren't shit.

>> No.7651610

Its as if you just found out that Devcat can't make games. Find another to play, save yourself the hassle.

>> No.7651613


What makes you think I haven't?

>> No.7651615

I remember using touhou BGM to replace the BGM in this a few years ago. I still have this installed somehow, but being on Mari I doubt that I'll run into anyone even if I picked this up again.

>> No.7651617 [SPOILER] 
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Unfortunately, the introduction of crash shot, windmill became old news. Imagine windmill except with an arrow.

Alchemy is relatively easy to hit high with. For example, with all your enchants in, you can hit 1000 damage with a five charge flame burst and about 2900 or so with crits with a specific upgrade, but you will never reach endgame giant melee or endgame elf range tier damage.

It's sad to say, but I can't expect anything other than "grind to improve damage" concept from a Korean MMO. The only reason I play this game now is for the music composing. I have been playing on a Korean test server (only need 10% exp to rank skills, gain 5 AP per level, daily rebirths till level 100 and weekly afterwards), and honestly, taking the grind away from this game makes it infinitely better.

>> No.7651622

I'm on Mari, if any of you want to actually play with me I might start running things again.

>> No.7651625


I'm not on as much, but feel free to add "Riph" on Mari. When I get bored of the Korean test server, I'll probably go back to Mari.

If I'm not sick of Mabi entirely at that point, that is.

>> No.7651627

Anyone still play maplestory? I hear they finally added PvP...

>> No.7651630


If 1000 damage in a flamer isn't endgame level, then I don't think anyone seriously needs that much damage.

>> No.7651640


If you think about it, you really don't. It hits five times, ignores protection when calculating crit, and hits anything in a cone shape in front of you.

I dunno. I ended up getting caught up in the whole min/max mindset in Alexina. I could've established myself as the best alchemist, but the game became very dull after I realized how awful the game actually is. What kept it fun was the fact that I had a bunch of people to play it with, but that eventually fell apart due to some unnecessary drama.

I made a character on Mari to avoid some painful memories in that server, but things just aren't the same again.

>> No.7651644

Alright I'll log in for a bit and send an invite and see what's new.

>> No.7651648


I'm Lynessa ingame.

>> No.7651682

Do any of you guys do any of the minigames or any of the other content besides leveling your characters?

>> No.7651691


Do lifeskills count? I'm not too sure because I thought games were supposed to be fun.

>> No.7651693


I can't recall any mini games in the game, unless you're talking about screwing around with life skills.

I ranked cooking after my character got married so I could make better dishes for my ingame husband.

Yes, it's as gay as it sounds.

>> No.7651740

Those lifeskill "minigames"?
Those get really tedious. Some are still incredibly broken.

>> No.7651748

Iive on Alexina

Still need to reinstall the game, but I doubt have anything else to fucking do after wasting some cash on that gay gachapon just to get Nuadha set.

>> No.7651754


They're mostly just distractions and contests but jousting is an actual game. I've never heard anyone even mention it ever.

>> No.7652113


Nobody really jousts unless they need the rewards. I specifically had to joust for the explosive enchant reward that adds fire damage.

Lots of people do participate in the fashion contests, but it's mainly people with less latency that ends up winning these.

Cooking contest is a necessity to advance your cooking skill, so people normally participate because they need to, not because they have to.

Farming is an excellent way for beginners to acquire lots of gold early on, but you'll never see any endgame characters farming.

Same story with the banquet: it's an excellent opportunity for you to earn 90k exp just by sitting still for an hour. As for me, I could've gone to the banquet or gain around 200k exp in five minutes by soloing a Shadow Cast City hardmode run. I do go anyways, though, for the social aspect of the game.

Rafting is done for the necessity more than anything else, since it's an easy way of gaining exploration exp if you have thunder or crash shot.

Unless you're ranking cooking, you won't use the hot springs for anything. Even if you do end up using these, you're most likely gonna end up using the diet springs to lose the weight you put on from having to eat a bunch of things at once for ranking cooking.

Hot air ballooning is pretty much same as rafting, except one of the rewards at 10+ stars is a viscount enchant. Archers want the enchant, and it eventually becomes a more efficient way to gain exploration exp later on.

>> No.7652117

So people just like grinding until they bore themselves and then say games are shitty grinds?

>> No.7652233

Welcome to Mabinogi.

Enjoy your stay.

>> No.7652705


>> No.7652709

I wish Nexon weren't so restrictive about europeans playing on NA servers. Only friends I have are in the States and I don't feel like playing alone on NexonEU.

>> No.7652718

holy moly, smoked cheese on /jp/?

>> No.7653296

Dude, Mabinogi is the only MMO I can actually play and enjoy these days. I started it back when it got out of open beta, and I've been hooked ever since. It's perhaps the only MMO that has ever kept my attention for so long, probably because it's just my kind of game.

The only thing I don't like about it is the community, but I tend to avoid most people when I do get a chance to play it anyways. I don't like (other people's) kids after all, and they really did market this game to underaged b&. I still like it despite this, especially since there are things in this game I can't do in any other.

I mean, what other game is going to allow you to make a loli, dress her up in the whole zettai ryoiki thing, feed her booze and then have her go shoot bolts of ice at skeletons? I rest my case.

>> No.7653303

>I mean, what other game is going to allow you to make a loli, dress her up in the whole zettai ryoiki thing, feed her booze and then have her go shoot bolts of ice at skeletons?

That sounds really exciting lolololol.


Are you a lolicon?

>> No.7653320

Are you lost?

>> No.7653345

Must be your first time on /jp/.
