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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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764866 No.764866 [Reply] [Original]

Really, I'm not sure which one of these girls I dislike the most. Hisui is the only one who shows you unconditional love, the others lie and manipulate and try to get you to kill your family.

>> No.764870

Akiha clearly worries about you.

>> No.764878

incest is best

>> No.764881
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>> No.764884
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>> No.764882

Oh you. Akiha's the most selfish.

>> No.764924

OP is a terrible person. How can you feel any dislike towards Kohaku? ;_;

>> No.765077 <--- west coast, hard mode

>> No.765085

Hmm, she saves Shiki's life by sacrificing her own.

>> No.765099


>> No.765617

OP needs to go through the twins' routes again.

>> No.765646
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>> No.765972

> I let out a deep breath.
> Before my eyes is yet another dead body.
> In my hands is my steaming knife.
> The killer is dead, and the town is now safe like before.

> ---But that still leaves me.

> Even if the town returns to normal, I still remain affected.
> The killer still exists.
>"............ Let's go home."
> Yes, I should go home.
> Affected as I am, I should go back to the mansion.
> Nothing has changed.
> I'll live normally as Tohno Shiki, and continue the nightmare at night.

> ---Really, nothing at all.
> It's just a matter that instead of dream becoming a reality, it's just that I won't wake up from my dream anymore.

> I think I heard the faint chuckle of a small girl.
> That's just a trivial matter, though.
> I have to go to sleep, and wait for my dream to continue again tomorrow night----

Yes, Kohaku is a kind person deserving of your love.

>> No.765980


She's a conniving slut that is responsible for every bad thing happening the game, including Arcueid's death.

>> No.765985

Actually Arcueid's death is Roa tuning with you for the first time, causing you the impulse + Encountering the most inhuman creature possible.

>> No.765992



>> No.765993


Knowing Kohaku, she slipped something into your food to make you impulse, in the hopes that you'd kill Akiha.

>> No.766003

...Her approaches were always more subtle, and she knew the timing for the poisoning.

If she wanted you to kill Akiha, she'd do it during dinner where she is at home, not breakfast when you go to school.

>> No.766009

...Her approaches were always more subtle, and she knew the timing for the poisoning.

If she wanted you to kill Akiha, she'd do it during dinner where she is at home, not breakfast when you go to school.

Finally, she can't cause an 'impulse', she can only give suggestions' while you are asleep, like 'you are a murderer', or 'go wander at night'.

>> No.766011

I can't really bring myself to dislike anyone from Far-Side. Even Arc isn't that bad....As for ciel....

>> No.766017

The one who has suffered the most in her life deserves no sympathy, amiright?

>> No.766024


Kohaku was raped as a child until she could no longer feel anything as a human. At least Ciel has curry.

>> No.766032

And Ciel was dissected till fucking Vatican got bored of cutting her up, not to mention being involuntarily responsible for killing everyone she knew about.

She was just lucky to not be completely broken.

Actually, excluding Hisui, everyone has had too much trouble and burdens in the past in this game.

>> No.766030

And Ciel was dissected till fucking Vatican got bored of cutting her up, not to mention being involuntarily responsible for killing everyone she knew about.

She was just lucky to not be completely broken.

>> No.766039

Meh, I think getting raped daily by a demonic middle-aged man is worse then just dying over and over.

>> No.766046

I pretty much would choose neither, truth be told.

Not carrying three people's heartbeat either.

>> No.766048

Not to mention seeing your little sister and her friends playing outside, every so often be called out to and waved at by Shiki asking her to come out and play with them.

>> No.766053



>> No.766054

...Both are too fucking bad actually.
I can't say what's worse.

Carrying another heartbeat in you and almost always be in fear of losing your self doesn't sound too good either.

>> No.766067

Actually Akiha's love is also pretty unconditional. She loves him to the point of death in Kohaku's route.

>> No.766073

OP, screw you.

Kohaku cares, but she's so batshit insane she can't stop herself.

Akiha clearly cares, maybe you should, you know, ACTUALLY PLAY THE ROUTES?

Hisui is the most boring heroine in the game.

>> No.766074

Well, it's the one route where Shiki stays at home (and suffer from a motherfucking curse) and he pretty much ignores her for Kohaku's sake.
Add the fact that after killing SHIKI , she got a weird influence, and you react the point where as she says 'Your feelings don't matter, as long as you are here'.

Of course, she loses it completely in the end.

Shiki is kinda a shitty brother though at most routes, either always leaving, falling to motherfucking curses or ignoring her.

>> No.766075
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>> No.766081

I'm a sucker for Reidere so Hisui is my favorite.

Fuck you if you don't think her true ending is the best one in the game.

>> No.766084

I do not dislike any ending of the game.

Even Ciel's good is the cheesy, harem ending an Adult game should somehow have.

>> No.766085

Best good ending, yeah, but there are lots of (even better) bad endings.

>> No.766086


It is, but as a route, it's pretty pathetic. Kohaku and Akiha have better routes overall.

>> No.766088

HERE WE GOOOO. Also Akiha is the best.

>> No.766090
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Let's not forget the purest love of them all

>> No.766092



lolwut, how is Hisui's True ending a GOOD end?

Everyone fucking dies except Shiki and Hisui. Her good end is plain lame.

>> No.766093

I never got exactly why Akiha was such a bitch to SHIKI.

>> No.766095


Only good H scene in all of the series.

>> No.766097


Because he tried to kill her and killed the person she cared about most?

>> No.766113

Akika > Everyone else

>> No.766134


He was becoming less crazy as evidenced by Roa starting to resurface. They could have worked things out.

Don't know how they'd deal with Roa, but they don't know about him at that point, so it's kind of inconsequential till Roa comes out of nowhere and slaughters them all.

>> No.766146

When someone tried to kill you and hurt and eventually caused you to be unable to see the one you loved the most for 8 years, you don't try to talk things over.

>> No.766150

No, just...no

>> No.766214

ride a dick, get a cookie.

>> No.766221


you fag

>> No.766235

Amusingly enough, Far side SHIKI was able to suppress Roa (probably in Kohaku's ass) but lost to his Tohno impulse. Which seems pretty much irreversible unless Shiki and Akiha both die.

>> No.766246

Which is sad since he sounded kinda cool

>> No.766284


>> No.766301

>>766284 ARC = BORING SHIT
No, Chieru is shit.

Arc can be a boring bitch though if you want to. But Ciel is definitely shit.

>> No.766304

I, for one, find Ciel slightly more interesting.

>> No.766310


Ciel is shit, but her route is alot more intresting than Arcs

>> No.766323

arc route has epic fights though

>> No.766325

Still shit

>> No.766344

And Ciel's has most of them too and the rest is more epic, your point is moot.

>> No.766354


>> No.766361

Far Side of the Moon >>>>>>>>>>>> Near Side of the Moon.

I think we can all agree on that.

>> No.766382


>> No.766412

But that does not mean at all that the Near side is bad.

>> No.766420


near side is shit

>> No.766439

>Hisui is the most boring heroine in the game.
Hisui's route is boring but it isn't because of Hisui. It's because half of it is just Shiki suffering in his room.

>> No.766447
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The only person you should dislike in Tsukihime.

>> No.766458

You know you are wrong. Shiki is awesome during several moments in the near side, and there are some epic bad ends.

>> No.766464

Pretty much.

>> No.766466

The only people that like her are the ones that like all the shitty characters because theywant to be unique.

>> No.766626
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>> No.766667



>> No.766704

>>Hisui is the only one who shows you unconditional love

>> No.766707


A School Maid's Festival, look it up on /rs/

>> No.766715


Epic? More like fucking annoying. Ciel comes out of NOWHERE and fucking KILLS YOU if you pick Arc in her route.

>> No.766719

And this is why Ciel is shit.

>> No.766723


Let's just forget the RAPE THE MAIDS where if you didn't save you're essentially fucked.

>> No.766737


Half of it is untranslated.

>> No.766741

I swear to god, I get upset everytime I see Kohaku smiling or laughing now.

>> No.766742



>> No.766747

pic unrelated.

Battle mode Ciel is awesome. Ciel-senpai is the shit character.

>> No.766768

I rage whenever I see Magical Amber.

>> No.766777

You are now imagining the needle time image manually

>> No.766779


source on this?

>> No.766805

Sage this shit.

Kohaku's my favorite along with Arcueid, and Akiha's not too far behind.

>> No.766815

So tell me anonymous, did you like the dream at the end of Kohaku's route? It was such a happy dream, too bad it could never work out huh?

>> No.766819


I don't see why you think it's a dream.

>> No.766825


Except it did.

>> No.766836

Hisui is my favorite character. She doesn't mess the fuck around with shit. She's like, "Yeah, man. I'm here for you. We'll get through this together, dawg.". There need to be more women who act like bros. That would be sweet.

Arc is an annoying bitch who acts like a retarded child. Ciel doesn't leave you alone. That bitch is crazy. Akiha is my second favorite heroine, due to WINCEST. Kohaku is okay, too.

>> No.766839

Shiki falls asleep on the train and sees a happy dream. The end.

>> No.766840


THat's why I hate Hisui.

She's so bland. There's nothing different about her character at all.

I don't like characters like that.

>> No.766843


Hisui is so dull that they had to make her route about her cuter and more interesting sister instead.

>> No.766844

Is that why you hate yourself? Don't worry, I feel the same way.

>> No.766858


You're an annoying bitch who acts like a retarded child.

Arcueid is awesome.

>> No.766877

What's the matter, Anonymous? Too NORMAL for you?

>> No.766885


Well, of course. Like I said, Hisui doesn't fuck around with shit. She won't force you to go kill a vampire with 666 lives, or your demonic stepbrother. She is the type of woman that would dick around and call you a pansy faggot for being sick in bed while serving you chicken noodle soup. Well, once she loosens up. Expressionless Hisui is pretty boring, I'll admit, but part of the reward is knowing that you helped her go back to the awesome girl that she used to be.

>> No.766897


What makes you think it's a dream?

We already know she's alive and well.

>> No.766900

Arcueid is a child. Not a retarded child, but a child all the less. She's been awake for around a year.

>> No.766908

Kohaku-disguised-as-Hisui sprite for Hisui before you leave the mansion felt kind of out of place, didn't you think?

>> No.766929


If KT and MB are any indication, then that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Besides, why not go with the one that's already there? Her route showed that all that she needs to be convinced to back down is a little TLC. And the personality that she normally shows has become her real one. She's smarter and all around more interesting than her sister will ever be, too.

>> No.766930


There was no such sprite, Anon. I'd like to assume that we would have caught something as blatant as that.

>> No.766940



>> No.766946

Arc's my favorite heroine since she had the only real romance in the game. The Far Side of the Moon routes depend far too much on "I fell in love with you ten years ago" and Ciel is just shit.

>> No.766986

>Ciel doesn't leave you alone.

I like how badly she wants dickings from you in the other heroine's routes.

>> No.767054


What's the actual command to get this and in which route?

>> No.767082


Ciel was always shit. Even before Roa possesed her.

>> No.767099


I disagree with you on this. Elesia is hot. Ciel is pig disgusting.

>> No.767109

There is only one maid to rape and it's in Ciel's route.

>> No.767127

You can rape Kokahu pretending to be Hisui in Hisui's route.

>> No.767138

Right, that too.

>> No.767147


Just found out it was a meme. Fuck my ignorance.

>> No.767233


because arc is a boring bitch?

>> No.767394
File: 63 KB, 666x480, his_t18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.767569


Hisui has that sprite by default

>> No.767608
File: 315 KB, 640x479, untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hisui has circles inside her eyes.

>> No.767614
File: 63 KB, 666x480, his_t01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck're you talking about? here's her default

>> No.767620


And Hisui has circles inside her eyes when not making that face in the ending.

Hisui also loses the circles in her eyes whenever she blushes too.

>> No.767623

Wow, you're unobservant. Never noticed the eyes change, huh?

>> No.767627


I'm saying she HAS the sprite for HERSELF by default, it's not Kohaku only.

>> No.767633


To be fair, it's not like the artwork is good enough that you'd bother to notice every little thing.

>> No.767646
File: 181 KB, 1440x909, Shutup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHe has her normal eyes.

Stop pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.767653


No, for fucks sake.

I'm saying Hisui, has that sprite.

Not that it's her default sprite.

It's that she HAS that sprite, and does those eyes even when it cannot possibly be Kohaku.

>> No.767660

Point there.

>> No.767668


Even if that comment was a joke, it still is cancer of the highest caliber.

>> No.767727

It's amazing how snobby, pedantic, elitist and argumentative we can be over fictional girls in a porn gave.

>> No.767764


You're right and it's awesome.

>> No.767768

Plus disc tells you how to differentiate between the two.

Hisui refers to her sister as Nee-san. Kohaku actually says sister.

Hisui says Nee-san in the ending, thus it's Hisui.

>> No.767790

Huh. I used it for the joke, but yeah, I forgot it is labelled as a hisui sprite.

ld c,":a;image\tachi\his_t01.jpg",%type_lshutter_fast
` "Shiki-sa---ma. You almost forgot your bag!"@
` I smiled awkwardly and took the bag from her.
ld c,":a;image\tachi\his_t19.jpg",%type_crossfade_fst

>> No.767794



Let's never stop.

hisui is the best btw

>> No.767792


>> No.767806


Shine on /jp/, you crazy diamond

>> No.767821
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>I'm a sucker for Reidere so Hisui is my favorite.

That's one I havn't heard before. What's Reidere?

>> No.767830


>> No.767838



>> No.767842


Like Rei from Evangelion, they start out quiet, emotionless and serious but over time become dere.

It's a term that got made up on /a/.

>> No.767854

And what's preventing her from using alternate methods of reference?

>> No.767873


Because the fucking plus disc legitimately explains how to tell the two apart in such situations, and it SAYS that ONLY Hisui says Nee-san and ONLY Kohaku says sister.

>> No.767881
File: 31 KB, 314x454, 1211677955261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And what's preventing her from using alternate methods of reference?

The author purposefully writing her not to do so.

Anyways, who cares if it's Kohaku or Hisui, Akiha is the better choice.

>> No.767925


You're wrong.

And I have my sense of self-worth for my opinion, my ego and heavy elitism to prove it.

>> No.768004

>You're wrong.

>And I have my sense of self-worth for my opinion, my ego and heavy elitism to prove it.

Let's be honest. You're not really that elitist.

>> No.768022
File: 16 KB, 317x318, TOHNO AKIHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right....I'm not.

>> No.768046
File: 112 KB, 841x492, Sleepyhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel to bad, not everyone can be me.

>> No.768065

That's the doujin where Hisui knife-hands Shiki in the balls to wake him up, right?

>> No.768068


>> No.768070

What is this?

>> No.768080

A miserable pile of faggots.

>> No.768082


her neck was far too short in this

>> No.768098

Akiha's neck is always fine.

>> No.768182

I'd her neck

>> No.768189
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Bite it?

>> No.768221
File: 45 KB, 400x598, 1212726107300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bite it.
