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7648275 No.7648275 [Reply] [Original]

How to make JRPG good again?

>> No.7648281

lol ask /v/

>> No.7648284

Fuck off, gorespammer

>> No.7648320

I think all the best tricks have been already used. Thats why there wont come out any good JRPGs unless they are remakes.

Ofcourse most of the old jrps werent even THAT good. They just have so much nostalgy value.

>> No.7648340
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>asking /v/

>> No.7648347

JRPGs are video games, right?

we only play flavor of the month MMOs and VNs here, bub

>> No.7648358 [DELETED] 


>> No.7648361

How do I wrong board?

>> No.7648377

The 90s list includes a lot of bad games. The image as a whole excludes a lot of good games.

However, JRPGs are certainly in decline, but this is a social, economic and technological problem.

Fewer westerners are interested in JRPGs due to 1) backlash against Japanese culture combined with 2) traditional PC genres (WRPG, FPS) finally being discovered by the console kiddies.

Interest in consoles has decreased drastically in the east, while the west still doesn't have much love for handhelds. This makes choosing a platform for any Japanese game difficult, and no viable platform means no release.

Development costs continue to increase, making large games, niche games, and games produced by relatively small companies (JRPGs often being all of the above) much less viable.


>> No.7648384
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>we only play flavor of the month MMOs
>playing multiplayer games

>> No.7648398

So we can idle in dark corners, just like real life.

>> No.7648401

I don't really buy into that. If a good JRPG is made on the right console, it will sell well. Look at VC, it sold what, almost a million units?

And the development costs seems overblown to me. Not everything needs tons of CG video like FF. Look at the Ar Tonelico series, they're perfectly fine, niche RPGs and only sell like, 200k units.

I think it is more an issue with an ageing Japan, and shifting tastes. There are less and less young people each year.

>> No.7648434

Remember when Capcom still make RPG?


>> No.7648439

VC is a turn-based shooter, not an RPG. Since the west loves shooters, it naturally did well.

Development costs on the PS3 are about $20 million. Development costs on the PS2 were about $4 million. Gust, Compile Heart, Idea Factory, etc. manage by having the worst graphics this gen by far, and most of their current gen games are substantially worse than their earlier products.

Ageing might be relevant, too, though.

>> No.7648440

Tunnel run rpgs dont sell as good as they used, thats why companies dont waste resources to make them. Good jrpgs need lot of resources and that costs. Nowdays people play social games like wii-games, war fps games and MMOs.

>> No.7648456

Huh.....it never occurred to me that Princess Maker 2 was an RPG. I always thought of it more like a Harvest Moon type of game. Well, I guess since there are stats and crap in it..(Loved Princess Maker 2 BTW)

>> No.7648458

Looks like J-rpgs got a lot less gay.

Op likes to play as men in tights.

>> No.7648464

Most boring thing i've ever seen.

>> No.7648468

Go back to /v/. All of you.

>> No.7648472

It's still a SRPG. Just because the weapons are guns doesn't make any difference. And it sold just as well in Japan as it did in the US.

Development costs on the PS3 are not consistent. If it cost 20 million dollars to make any game on the PS3, I'm sure Gust would be bankrupt right now, as they wouldn't have even made half that back from Ar Tonelico 3. Graphics in AT3 and PS3 atelier games are perfectly fine anyway, and the games being worse than their predecessors is just opinion.

They just need to change the way they do things to sell more. Look at Tokimeki memorial. The first one sold a million units 15 years ago, yet the latest one, 4, didn't even break 100k. You could extrapolate and say that the dating sim is dying, just like people do about the JRPG genre, but then you have dating sims like Love Plus which come along and sell loads again.

>> No.7648484

PM2 was very popular in my country back in 90s
I think it's becuase the RPG elements

>> No.7648501

It's not just that the weapons are guns. You aim the guns and tell them when to shoot. You take cover. You aim and throw grenades. It's turn-based Call of Duty.

I already acknowledged differences in development costs, as you know, by pointing out that games which avoid high development costs have bad graphics and are still GENERALLY CONSIDERED BY FANS to be worse overall.

Also, if JRPGs have to change in order to sell, that's meaningless. If they change, they won't be JRPGs anymore -- the same as how Resident Evil is generally considered to no longer be survival horror.

>> No.7648506

> Love Plus which come along and sell loads again.

surprisedly, Love Plus sold only 240k

>> No.7648518

>How to make JRPG good again?
Hyperdimension Neptunia 2

>> No.7648519

What the heck are you talking about? Because it adds depth to the strategy element by requiring aiming, and allowing cover, it is somehow not an RPG any more? What do you even define as an RPG then?

That's quite a bit, quarter of a million, for the type of game it is. And then LovePlus+ with minimal changes and obviously a small development cost sold another 200k. Whether or not it sells millions of copies, it still was extremely profitable for Konami, which is all that matters if we want more dating sims.

>> No.7648521
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>no Nier on the list

>> No.7648523

I think advertising is a much more important factor these days. before you could get by with a few magazine ads and word of mouth, but now you can't compete with million dollar ad campaigns.

>> No.7648524

Nier is shit.

and no, the music is not so special either. No variety.

>> No.7648525

Nier is pretty awful until the second timeskip just because the story doesn't move at all. This turns a lot of people off of the game.

>> No.7648527

sales figures for New IPs

>End of Eternity or Resonance of Fate(PS3):184k (360):41k

>>Valkyria Chronicles(PS3):142k、(psp):83k → Valkyria Chronicles 2(PSP):147k

>Blue Dragon (XBOX360):208k

>Demon's Souls (PS3):169k

>The Last Remnant (XBOX360):160k

>The last story(Wii) 150k

>NieR Replicant(PS3):134k

>Infinite Undiscovery(XBOX360):113k

>Lost Odyssey (XBOX360):109k

>> No.7648538

nintendo DS killed jrpgs

>> No.7648535


This Virtual Reality program is insane, it's like I really am browsing /v/!

>> No.7648536

Nier has a good soundtrack but it fails as a game.

recent JRPGs that should've been on there are Radiant Historia and Recettear.

>> No.7648537
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You're shit, and the music is great.

>> No.7648539

The game is almost entirely devoid of RPG elements in the first place. What makes you call it an RPG? Anime graphics and turn-based gameplay? The RPG elements it does have are similar to those of Devil May Cry 3, and no one calls it an RPG.

>> No.7648542


>Nier Shit
>No variety in music.





Sound the very similar to you? Are you tone deaf perhaps?

>> No.7648543

How many sales is 'Big' in Japan?

>> No.7648548

It really depends on the budget of the game. You can't compare something like FFXIII versus Disgaea 3.

>> No.7648558

maybe we just differ in taste. to me these DO sound all the same and super bland.

this is good RPG music in my book

>> No.7648562

2010 yearly sales

1 Pocket Monsters Black / White (DS) 5,050,908
2 Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP) 3,762,348
3 Wii Party (Wii) 1,682,199
4 New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) 1,455,548 (Tatal 4,202,418)
5 Dragon Quest VI: Maboroshi no Daichi (DS) 1,341,074
6 Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 (DS) 1,227,261
7 Tomodachi Collection (DS) 1,047,336 (Taotal 3,552,501)
8 Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) 940,767
9 Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!! Bomber / Spark (DS) 875,110
10 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP) 834,992

>> No.7648563

Recettear is nearly 5 years old, champ.

>> No.7648565


Yeah, neither the tempo, beat, structure, nor style of any of those are really similar.

It's odd to see someone state this with that style of music though. I've heard a lot of the old "all metal sounds the same" stuff, but this is a new one.

>> No.7648567

Speaking of which, holy shit the Wikipedia page for Recettear is about 6 straight paragraphs of sucking Carpe Fulgur's cock for "adding plurals to items that don't exist in Japanese" and "being only one of a handful of Japanese games to succeed in the last ten years."

Jesus christ.

>> No.7648575


Good music:

>> No.7648577

>I grew up, why don't video games for children appeal to my adult tastes.

>> No.7648583
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>adult tastes

>> No.7648585


>can't into sarcasm

>> No.7648593

What makes you call it not an RPG? I constantly see it described as an SRPG with action elements, from the west and Japan. I don't see how having the ability to cover and aim, make it less of an SRPG. You still level up, you still manage your party, you still have the strong narrative, you still have items and everything I find in other SRPGs. I'm not sure what RPG elements it is lacking to make it lose that title.

>> No.7648594

decent enough

>> No.7648598 [DELETED] 

On the grand scheme of things, it's still considered juvenile, no matter how these days there are more frat boys and niggers manhandling their controllers.

>> No.7648599

So anyway, what good JRPGs are on the horizon? Dark Souls and Devil Survivor 2 are the only ones I can think of. FF13-2 might be okay too, but I'm not excited for it.

>> No.7648602


One's actually good.

>> No.7648605

> You still level up
No. You level up certain jobs and anyone assigned to one of those jobs is more effective because of it. Same as DMC3.

>you still manage your party
No. You manage units which are identical aside from their jobs and a few throwaway quirks. Choosing between Sonic, Tails, or Sonic and Tails in S3&K is more like "managing a party" than this.

>you still have the strong narrative
Not even close.

> you still have items
You have weapons. That's it. Nothing else.

>> No.7648610

Wow, VC must have really upset you somehow.

>> No.7648608

Valkyria is a turn-based strategy game.

>> No.7648611

Final Fantasy Type-0 looks like it could be much better than XIII or XIII-2, but it might be a ways away.

>> No.7648618

It was my first PS3 game and I like it quite a bit. It's simply not an RPG, and it never will be, no matter how much you or anyone else says otherwise.

>> No.7648623

But you still never described any of the RPG elements it is lacking, and instead argued semantics. It's considered an SRPG anywhere you go.

>> No.7648628

You just listed all of the RPG elements you think it has and I demonstrated that it's lacking all of them. Is that not enough to satisfy you? You're being unreasonable.

>> No.7648649

VC is a tactical RPG, not a strategy RPG.

HUGE difference to atustimics.

>> No.7648702


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

>> No.7648771

It's like I'm on /mu/ discussing music genres (I think, I don't go actually on /mu/)
Who cares about labels

>> No.7649072

I gave up on JRPGs mostly because they cram too much into them these days.

I just want a game to walk around, find new items, and slay monsters. Every time I run into a "gambling place" in these games, where they want you to waste hours on hours on random luck to get items, I feel like quitting and never returning.

In other words, I like JRPG, but they only sell JAmusementPark these days.

>> No.7649082

I don't think I've ever come across a gambling area that wasn't completely optional.

Try out The Last Remnant if you want a good RPG. It's the best game Square Enix has made in the last decade.

>> No.7649084
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This picture is ridiculous troll material, it lists a lot of shitty games and ignores great recent ones like the Disgaea series. And lets not forget how much fun we all had playing RANCE.

I can only imagine it was made by 15 year olds who just discovered older games and think they were all awesome when that simply wasn't true.

>> No.7649091

>Dark Souls & Demon Souls
>Bad RPGs

Nearly got me there, OP.


>> No.7649088

Rance isn't a JRPG...It's a porn game.

>> No.7649103

Very few jrpgs are objectively good

That you remember so many of them being "good" is merely nostalgia

>> No.7649162

Almost ten years and I still have to say Disgaea is pretty shit.

Then enlighten, dear anon. What objectively makes a good RPG?

>> No.7649171
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kill OP

>> No.7649177

I chuckled

>> No.7649191
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Best video game genre out there next to 2D fighters and shoot-em-ups.

I wish modern FPS games weren't so dumbed down. And I wish Western Adventure games weren't so dead.

>> No.7649195
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Sorry, your opinion isn't shared by everyone.

>> No.7649196

>tries to make a list of good JRPGs in the 90's
>doesn't even include Phantasy Star 4, probably the best of them

Go eat a hundred thousand dicks and don't come back until you're done.

>> No.7649225

And where is Persona 1? That game was good man.

>> No.7649230
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Funny thing? Neither is yours. Welcome to the world, my friend.

Second one down in the 1993 column, you blind human.

In any case, what's with the huge skip between 99 and 09? There was plenty released between then that wasn't dismissible as bad or mediocre.

Besides which, one toting the idea that jRPGs/RPGs have declined should already have at least ONE idea they think would put them back in strength.

>> No.7649235

>Mother 2
>not just Earthbound
holy dryhumping weeaboo, what is this shit.

>> No.7649236

That game is for girls.

>> No.7649247

How to stop JRPG's suffering:

Morality system that ultimately changes nothing but a few lines of dialogue.
Dialogue choices. Bonus points if text is highlighted blue or red in order to tell you if it will make you good or evil.
Lots of romance subplots, that end with you fucking your whore of choice
A gigantic open world that you spend more time traversing than actually playing the game

>> No.7649254

>What objectively makes a good RPG?

Pick a jrpg from that list
Sit down a person that has never played that game or any in it's series and have them play it.

Do they enjoy the game beyond the flaws of the timeframe? Has it aged well?

That's an objectively good rpg(or game).

Inflict that brutal test on any year on that chart and you'll find only a handful of games that are actually good. Just slightly more than there nowadays.

>> No.7649287

I was about to say you make a shitty scientist, but then I realized something. In my smartassed attempt, I asked from the wrong angle. The only ones who should really be asking what "objectively" makes a good rpg are actual developers. And not fans.

Because quite frankly, new on the block or old hat, our tastes are diversified as fuck and no two games are going to bear the same experience. Without certain control factors, it's just not worth it to ask our opinion on jack-shit.

Being a textbook example.

>> No.7649290

What a great idea. Let's go and show Final Fantasy to a COD retard.

>> No.7649294

>List old Atelier games

>Don't list Totori and Meruru

It's like I'm really in /v/!

>> No.7649298

It's a /v/-tier chart what did you expect?

>> No.7649503
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I hate to spell this out ... AGAIN but there are only 2 methods by which artwork can be measured, how it's received by critics and how it's received by the public.

Disgaea was well received by critics, it also sold well. Your individual opinion that it was shit matters 0 in the face of evidence to the contrary that, yup, Disgaea was a great game.

Sorry to rain on your parade my friend but my opinion, only when shared by the population, is greater than yours.

>> No.7651633
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Right. Let's destroy that thought.

Your logic justifies all pop music, all blue grass, all R&B, ALL forms of rap. You just said Justin Bieber is a wonderful and talented artist because he's popular and sells out venues. And yes, there are plenty of critics and serious journalists that have no problem with the majority of those subjects, both for hideous reasons and also illogical, pure ones (being "fans").

And that's why I can't follow your theory. It's JUST your theory, and a dangerous one at that.

To take it a step further...artwork? Really?

>> No.7651653

Actually, because everything is subjective, the only way to measure the quality of things is by the overall opinion of society on the subject.

Not that I agree with this idea, but it is logical to use society's take on something on a matter when it is impossible to be objective on said matter.

After all, we are human. We are part of a society of humans. This society is our law, what they want, what they believe; those are the rule. Because we are part of the society.

That said, I also believe being illogical and opposing such dumbassery is fine too, as humans are illogical. Then again, one's illogic is another's logic, right?[

>> No.7651712

>tries to make a list of good JRPGs in the 90's
>doesn't even include Phantasy Star 4, probably the best of them
>Go eat a hundred thousand dicks and don't come back until you're done.

This is the reason why I don't like baka gaijin talk about 90s JRPG

Becuase you can't recongazined box art for japan version

And you probley barely know any classic JRPG on the list

>> No.7651843

don't talk shit about bluegrass or I'll come to your house and poop on your lawn
