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7639789 No.7639789 [Reply] [Original]

Idolmaster 2 (PS3) - 27 Oct

>> No.7639802

scamco love money

>> No.7639811

360 is finished

>> No.7639820

I'd master this idol if you catch my drift

>> No.7639843

Source? Being too poor for both a 360 and a PS3, it would please me greatly if there was one less reason to get a 360?

>> No.7639841

So that means a boatload of fresh doujin for winter Comiket, yes?

>> No.7639862

What has lying on the internet ever got you OP?

>> No.7639874

There isn't a source. I doubt it'll happen anyway. You guys need to quit your delusional bitching and get a j360 if you actually want this stuff.

>> No.7639879
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It's in the new Famitsu, along with a new Grasshopper PS3/360 game, Lollipop Chainsaw.

>> No.7639900

And here's another source: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/07/20/idolmaster_ps3/

360 is for visual novels and shooters now, we've lost our lolis.

>> No.7639905

I met Suda51 in Sydney a couple of months ago. He's a funny guy and flipped out when I brought up AmiAmi and figs.

>> No.7639933

I am gelatinous.

>> No.7640004

T'was a good time. Having free, all you can drink alcohol was something of a bad idea though. I ended up completely fucked.

I kinda wish exciting things like this would happen more in life.

>> No.7640022


>Idolmaster 2 was originally released in February exclusively on Xbox 360

Come on, at least read the article

>> No.7640032

>"Idolmaster Gravure For You!", a PS3 game that lets you take gravure shots of the idols.

>> No.7640034
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About fucking time, Namco.

>> No.7640036

I think everybody knows that the 360 has three Idolmaster games.

>> No.7640057

Yes, and now the series is moving to PS3. As long as this sells well, of course.

>> No.7640070


>> No.7640145

Hopefully the grasshoper game sells more than 13 copies ala Shadows of the Damned.


>> No.7640167


well I guess this means I can sell my japanese 360 now.

>> No.7640180

Loving that source. You guys will believe anything.

>> No.7640190

Andriasang doesn't post bullshit.

>> No.7640237

Loving that denial.

>> No.7640250

Oh fuck yeah, I was bummed earlier not having it on PS3. Maybe I'll finally get to play one of these.

>> No.7640264

Speaking of Idolmaster, I just botched my first attempt on the PSP because I apparently failed to level up my idol to the next rank.

But I never saw any option for auditions in the schedule other than for the first tutorial. What.

>> No.7640268

They are releasing a game for an audience that is interested in buying it, that alone makes them better than Crapcom.

>> No.7640288
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sinobi cites famitsu magazine as source.

It's coming to the PS3. Deal with it.

>> No.7640301

Aww, yeah. Makes sense too, what with the animu and whatnot. Moonlanders are also all sorts of mad about the DLC exploitation on the second game.

>> No.7640302

This is the best news I've heard all day. My import selection is slowly starting to outgrow my domestic games.

>> No.7640303

I am actually kind of disappointed, I thought the anime was a huge marketing ploy to push Im@s 3, not just a shitty port.

>> No.7640311

Time to pickup learning Japanese again.

>> No.7640322
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Well, there goes the last reason anyone in Japan had to own an Xbox 360.

>> No.7640320

I told him I had the NMH fig preordered (or his translator told him on my behalf) and he asks where I pre-ordered it, when I said AmiAmi he was more or less shocked I knew the store, called over his photographers and other Japanese folk, and they started talking about me etc. The translator pissed herself and said they were surprised and happy people here were into the hobby.

We had a lot of photos taken but I haven't been able to find any.

>> No.7640325
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Shall not purchase. I've bought enough Idolmaster copies via AC skins.

>> No.7640329

Except everyone and their grandmother who isn't in Moonland is going to download it, guy.

>> No.7640331
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Can't wait for the shitstorm.

>> No.7640338

..you can pirate on the ps3 on the current firmware?

>> No.7640333

>Region free console idolmaster
My body is ready.
I got the PSP and DS ones. Is there any difference.

>> No.7640346

prepared to be disappoint. Idolm@ster 2 sucks worse than dearly stars. They should have ported im@s 1 instead

>> No.7640363
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>Idolmaster 2 (PS3)

>> No.7640360

The show is about 2. Aniplex(Sony) wants to sell anime as well.

>> No.7640369
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No, the show is about the 3 games, since they are not canon, the anime has it's own story based on elements from all games except dearly stars.

>> No.7640430

visual novels and shooters, mang.

>> No.7640440

If a Grasshopper game sells well, something is wrong.

Shadows of the Damned wasn't very good anyway.

>> No.7640573
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And iM@S lost some fans.

>> No.7640582
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>> No.7640586

It begins.

>> No.7640588

I have to wonder whether the people who post pictures of their shit after having destroyed it are trolls or just retards.

>> No.7640599

I don't see the iM@S2 disc in there. That's probably from when Namco revealed the three male idols.

>> No.7640601

I think it's a bit of both.

>> No.7640619

But the Japanese usually buy three or more copies of a game, right?

>> No.7640643

how many people will break their PS3 disc?

>> No.7640656

how much of the psp games are translated?

>> No.7640752

Yeah it was posted at the time of that announcement.

Nothing new for Futaba.
