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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7639025 No.7639025 [Reply] [Original]

So faggot

how come you don't have a cute girlfriend?

potentially financially secure when you want to apply yourself
and not ugly


I don't see why you think you need to bathe in your self pity and play the "i'm asexual/i have social anxiety" bullshit that nobody likes. I mean, I get why you make up excuses as to why you don't have a girlfriend. But what I'm saying is, I don't get why you think you'll remain mentally healthy if you stay like this forever. You can't.

And it fucking irks me to know that you can get a cute girl like this but you choose not to 'cause....Just 'cause.

Get yourself banned from 4chan for a month and you'll be amazed at the kind of girl you can get.

So fucking do it. Go out there and better your life with a cute girlfriend.

>> No.7639030

potentially financially secure when you want to apply yourself
and not ugly

>> No.7639043

Fuck that noise. Women are a waste of time.

>> No.7639044

I'm gonna bet this was posted on every board.

>> No.7639048
File: 51 KB, 366x360, pachuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need a girlfriend, I already have a charming wife.

>> No.7639056

I.....I lust after your wife, sir.

>> No.7639069 [DELETED] 

>Get yourself banned from 4chan for a month and you'll be amazed at the kind of girl you can get.

Even though this is a troll thread, OP hit the nail on the head with this one. Try going 6 months with 4chan and watch in amazement how much your life changes.

>> No.7639073

So do I. And so do thousands of others all day every day.

>> No.7639075

>Get yourself banned from 4chan for a month and you'll be amazed at the kind of girl you can get.

Even though this is a troll thread, OP hit the nail on the head with this one. Try going 6 months *without* 4chan and watch in amazement how much your life changes.

>> No.7639077


I would miss you all too much.

>> No.7639086

I did go without 4chan for 6 months. Shit didn't change for me. Although, there were many other...restrictions during that time frame as well.

>> No.7639104
File: 45 KB, 407x604, 1311111090135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potentially financially secure when you want to apply yourself
>and not ugly
What happened to "go fuck yurselfs retarted virgins, pic related, it's me and my bitch"? Change of tactics?

>> No.7639116

My life before 4chan wasn't that much different from how it is now, only instead of posting on random forums I post here. were 4chan to die I'd just keep playing eroge and games and maybe browse some other imageboard offshoot.
If all it takes for you to change your life is not coming on 4chan, get the fuck out of here, I say this for your sake, you obviously have a lor possibilities ahead of you. Some of us? Not so much.

>> No.7639171

I have not yet given up on 3D.
However, I'm still over 300 pounds despite steadily losing weight recently, have no qualifications, high school education only, no perspectives in life beyond getting a minimum wage job, and my only talent is that I was once considered smart. Extreme social anxiety and worrying(and growing) amount of irrational self-destructive tendencies don't help me either.
Now, it's entirely possible that I would be able to find a girl who wouldn't mind all that - people have the weirdest fetishes. But there's still more problems - first of all, I don't have any opportunity to meet girls. I don't work, I dropped out of university a couple years ago, I don't have ANY friends. Any kind of social situation like going to a bar or chatting up a randomly met person fills me with overwhelming, paralyzing fear.
Even if some miracle happened and it would be possible for me to overcome THAT, there's also the basic problem - I don't want to have a girlfriend. If I were to go out with someone, it would mean that I like them enough that I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with them. But I can't imagine starting a family in the shithole of a country I live in now - I can barely stand living here myself, and that's only because I don't interact with the outside world much. Then there's this small little thing that I don't think that I could make any girl happy - and that's the ultimate dealbreaker for me.

So yeah, this is why I'm going to die a virgin.
And soon, most likely.

>> No.7639181

>6 months *without* 4chan
what sorcery makes this possible

>> No.7639228
File: 50 KB, 562x434, 1311112260281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7639237

But I'm none of these and am also a pedophile. Fuck off.

>> No.7639242

I'd be playing games\watching\reading stuff\wasting time on other sites.

>> No.7639243

>So faggot
>how come you don't have a cute girlfriend?
Is that a rethorical question?

>> No.7639253

Because everything in the real world, even the most pure thing AKA love is a life, a big fucking lie.

Even if I get the courage to do something about that, I would have to compete with all kind of men to have a girl I like. I would have to get a job, I would have to take care of my appearance, and even after that, maybe she will not be happy and would leave me.

Fuck. Everything. God is dead.

>> No.7639257


That's exactly why I DON'T have one. Women are but a waste of life to smarter men.

>> No.7639292

you know I do other things than hang out here

>> No.7639303

Sage'd hidden, reported and called the cops.

Also, 3DPD

>> No.7639314

>I would have to compete

>> No.7639325

Maybe, but also remorse.

>> No.7639329

Here's a better question for you guys:
Why don't you get a girlfriend before you go bald?

>> No.7639332

"Alphas" like to try making it sound like it's hard to get girls, when it isn't. There's a reason we don't have any, and it's not because you're such the cool dude that you steal them all away like magnets.

Also, I misclicked /v/ when looking for new wallpapers and saw this exact thread.

>> No.7639348
File: 54 KB, 400x324, 1311114057671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz it's HELLa funny watchin u b angry as HELL xD

>> No.7639344

My boyfriend wouldn't aprove.

>> No.7639346

Most women don't even take relationships seriously until they're in their 30's and realize they can't have funny fun time anymore because their looks are going. That's when they settle for "nice guys" who are actually their ideal partners all along but they avoid because that'd mean they have to stay committed when they still wanna "be young and live life a little".

Also, where the fuck is that link about the story about the statistic of kids who's fathers aren't even their biological fathers and he mother never tells anyone?

>> No.7639355

OP, why do you have a girlfriend? Tell me the benefits of having one. Only possible one I can think of relevant to me is having a second income, which is important considering housing costs nowadays are adjusted to match dual income, making it harder for you to get a place on your own.

>> No.7639357

I do.

>> No.7639370

And those who have 'lived life a little' have already shown me their true nature, anyway. Once a slut, always a slut. Not to mention the only reason they go for 'nice guys' later is because they tend to make more money than their 'bad boy' dropout counterparts. Were it not for that, they would always stay with the wiggers/guidos/etc.

>> No.7639371

I have to say I laughed at the thought of someone staying single for the sole purpose of trolling people they don't even know online. That's dedication.

>> No.7639367

Everyone seems to think that a girlfriend somehow automatically works out to a better life.

Can't say I see the logic there. I mean I'm barely able to deal with my own issues. Throw in somebody else's and things are bound to go to hell.

>> No.7639373
File: 47 KB, 438x487, actsayerater8_wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7639380

>second income

You think that women actually get jobs? That's not how it works. You have to make extra income for her.

>> No.7639394
File: 79 KB, 400x443, 1311114689470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though you may never have experienced it, there is a moment of happiness to be found with someone. A warm feeling to be shared. Something almost indescribable, but you know it to exist. A moment so pure, and so perfect, that all human languages fail to give it meaning in phrase. The only thing that comes close to it, is love.

You have spent your whole life searching for it. You feel it, at times, in your dreams. You see it all around you. In the hearts of those embracing one another. The one's carrying about with a child in tow. The laughter shared between them as they walk hand in hand. Your heart fills, because even if it isn't yours and it gives you hope, knowing that it exists, that it is there.

You still search, though it aches your heart, you still hope, that one day you will share in that feeling as well. That it will be true.

But you know, that you may never find it, that it might not ever be yours. but you cannot fault it. because it still fills you.

You cry. Because the one that you yearn for hurts you so much. But it is still so beautiful.

But you still live on, in spite. Because you know, even if it is never yours, it exists.

And that it is beautiful.

>> No.7639405

Try talking to a girl above the age of 12

>> No.7639408

ask your dad why he got a girlfriend, kiddo.

It's basically human nature

>> No.7639414

I share such a feeling with my waifu. What's your point?

>> No.7639411

I'm so baked right know

>> No.7639412

Then we defy that nature. Deal with it.

>> No.7639417

no, you're a failed human fatass

>> No.7639424

I'm afraid to say that I don't share your ape instincts. Sex and procreation in an overpopulated world are pointless.

>> No.7639421

>i'm 13

>> No.7639431


>> No.7639427

If you take a break from 4chan for a year you'll get called new when you don't recognize some kind of thing from 6 months ago.

Word of warning.

>> No.7639435

Well, I'm more of a thinass, but I'm still okay with that. Jimmies remain unrustled. Judge all you want, my ego remains intact.

>> No.7639439

Keep telling yourself that, untermensch.

>> No.7639440

If you can't think of a logical counterpoint, it's best not to reply at all. Digging through the bag of generic insults and finding something that makes no sense only makes you look like the fool.

I think your girlfriend is calling. You better run home to your mistress.

>> No.7639436

I'm gay

>> No.7639465

>human nature
>ape instincts

no you're a lolangsty 13 year old

>> No.7639461

Average /v/ thread

>> No.7639470

You don't seem to understand that being a delusional 13 year old with a waifu is a bad thing.

You're no different than a fundamentalist Christian

>> No.7639510

The irony is that you yourself are far too immature to understand how human nature really works. Head back to >>>/b/ bro.

>> No.7639512

One of these is in the highest levels of government and the other never leaves their room. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7639528
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, 1311116470674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you deserve to be happy /jp/? My mother recently was talking to me and she was saying that I deserved a nice girl because I deserved to be happy and I didn't reply to her because I had to think about it. Do I deserve to be happy?

>> No.7639529

>Get yourself banned from 4chan for a month and you'll be amazed at the kind of girl you can get.

But I do not want to.

>So fucking do it. Go out there and better your life with a cute girlfriend.
>better your life

So you're saying that any guy that does not have a girlfriend has a shitty life and is not bettering themselves?

Is this what normalfags actually believe?

>> No.7639538

Call it whatever you like Mr. Samefag. To me, you are the deluded one. I bet you think that your partner really cares about you, don't you? I recognize that waifus are fake, but you can't recognize the fake emotions of your girlfriend.

And I love how you keep saying it's bad and wrong, but never provide any reasons for it other than "lol it offends me, I don't like it". Care to explain what's really so bad about it?

>> No.7639546

Anon, you deserve to be happy, but getting a girlfriend is by no means the route to happiness. It may have been your mom's way of getting happiness (getting a husband, not a girlfriend), but it may not be yours

I'm perfectly happy being single. I could be happy with a girlfriend as well, but my take on it is, if you're miserable going in, you're going to be miserable going out. If you rescue a damsel in distress, you're gonna get a distressed damsel.

Some people prioritize sex and girlfriends over the things you find important.

>> No.7639547

>Is this what normalfags actually believe?

>> No.7639550

No one really DESERVES anything. But I suppose you owe it to yourself to be happy, if anything.

>> No.7639558

>Is this what normalfags actually believe?

Yes. At least normalfag males. The normalfag females take advatange of this ignorance and use them as tools to fulfill their own needs. Of course they cry like nothing else if you call them out on this, so it's best just to let them drown in their own stupidity.

>> No.7639559

yeah, they have it drilled into their heads that having a significant other makes one well adjusted. which is ludicrous thinking considering some of those depraved killers such as Jeffery dhamer and Andrei Chikatilo were in relationships. Having a girl sure as hell didn't make them more well adjusted.

>> No.7639568

since this made no sense at all.

You enjoy being partially retarded?

>> No.7639577

who said having a waifu is a bad thing?

I said that having a waifu is delusional, and it can be potentially dangerous. As being ignorant is ultimately not a good thing.

enjoy your fundamentally inferior existence.

Now go on and ask your dad why he married

>> No.7639587


These are all faggots who think they'll remain mentally stable and totally fine as they grow older and remain isolated

They think this because they are underage

Also calling your superiors 'normalfags' is just plain bad. Stop that.

>> No.7639588
File: 33 KB, 500x456, 1311117168944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society believes any man without a female companion is an unhappy man........and a beta virgin loser lol lol lol

Social norms are so damn humorous.

But in all honesty, men and women no longer 'need' each other. Women no longer need men's protection and, if statistics on the rate of more women going to college and getting better jobs is anything, no longer need a man's financial providing etc.

I will agree that women do not take relationships seriously until their in their mid 30's. That's when that biological clock gets too loud to drown out with partying, boozing and casual fucking.

I'm thankful to have an older brother to learn from as I have seen the disgusting acts most younger females do (Teens into late 20's). Leeching off of your boyfriend while secretly fucking other guys behind his back, getting pregnant and trying to trap my brother with it (even when the baby was proven not to be his at all), trying to justify her cheating by saying, "Well you were not meeting my emotional/financial needs etc etc so this is punishment", and feeling no remorse or shame about it.

Being single and female free is relaxing. Sure it'd be nice to find a pleasantly nice girl not trying to use underhanded tactics to snag your stuff and secure herself in wonderland with your money while you work your ass off but........those girls are few and far in between.

>> No.7639589

>having a waifu is delusional, and it can be potentially dangerous.

if you're retarded

these post contain high levels of self-righteous AUTISM

gotta check if reddit, facebook, /b/, or gaia had a leakage of faggotry

>> No.7639592

A guy who's never had a girlfriend has received more mental distraught than a guy who has had one. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7639596

>if you're retarded

no, you'd be pretty much retarded to think otherwise.

Or underage

report submitted

>> No.7639597

>Some people prioritize sex and girlfriends over the things you find important.

And those people (guys) are the ones who end up in marriages they hate with a woman that laughs at her control over him.

>> No.7639601

Citation needed

>> No.7639602

>being a delusional 13 year old with a waifu is a bad thing

You did, retard. Is your reading comprehension really so terrible that you can't understand what you, yourself, said?

>As being ignorant is ultimately not a good thing.
What you're saying is akin to a serial killer calling an ordinary person unethical.

>Now go on and ask your dad why he married
This question has been answered already. Once again, it seems you can't read.

>> No.7639607
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1311117414891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. All the people who better humanity and the people who are in general more intelligent who inevitably get a girlfriend as they see it as the logical thing to do 'just don't get it'


>> No.7639610

>A guy who's never had a girlfriend has received more mental distraught than a guy who has had one. Are you fucking retarded?

No, but your blatant usage of the word 'retarded' directed at anyone with an opposing view to yours shows your maturity level.

>> No.7639611

>I'm fantastically uneducated

>> No.7639617

nah, me calling you a plausible retard when you disagree with common sense would be appropriate

>> No.7639618

And I see you're here to bloat your ego and gloat over those who've never had a girlfriend before I presume? You might want to get that low self esteem checked out Anonymous.

>> No.7639620

>i'm using greentext getting out of context and i'm going to avoid answering this faggot and best of it, i won't provide any example/proof.

>> No.7639625

>You did, retard. Is your reading comprehension really so terrible that you can't understand what you, yourself, said?

I said it's a bad thing, but I never said I personally get mad or distraught that you have one.

>What you're saying is akin to a serial killer calling an ordinary person unethical.

that was the most god awful analogy i've heard in my life. Stop trying to justify your delusions dipshit

>> No.7639627

Common sense huh?

>A guy who's never had a girlfriend has received more mental distraught than a guy who has had one.

Oh, so you actually DO believe the garbage you type? I'm sure this is based on IRL experience I presume? Please, give us some examples then if you'd be so kind. Hopefully you can....manage that?

>> No.7639630

Guys, guys, maybe we can just stop replying to this clearly shitty and not very interesting troll?

>> No.7639638

fuck you i'm too bored and can't wait to see how he gets out of this one aside from posting AUTISM.

>> No.7639639
File: 42 KB, 306x318, 1311117826667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling EVERYONE retarded

Hey look mom! I'm in Elementary school again!

>> No.7639641

>hurr durr I can call you a retard and make god awful baseless analogies but it's not okay when you hurt my feelings dur

oh, ok

>> No.7639634


>Oh, so you actually DO believe the garbage you type?

please be troll please be troll please be troll.

if not a troll, how does it feel to be a 13?

>> No.7639635

>hurdur more ad hominems and name-calling with no logical proof

Alright then.

>> No.7639645

You sound like the kind of a guy who'd try to calm his Christian friends when an atheist comes in and laughs at their idiocy

Guess what, I'm the atheist laughing at your waifus and your delusions. you're the bitch christian

>> No.7639644

Yeah he is getting kind of old. Well, assuming it's a troll. If it is, I gotta hand it to him...he really pulled off the 'insecure loser that projects his faults on others' persona.

>> No.7639646

You're backpedaling. Trying to change the subject?

>> No.7639648

>If I can't comprehend something, then it's baseless and stupid! ur a loser get a gf LOL

>> No.7639649
File: 22 KB, 400x426, 1311117935089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think you have the right to say that when you spout shit like
in the meantime i'll post a happy libyan.

>> No.7639652

Me laughing at how you can be excruciatingly stupid Especially when you didn't say anything of substance in your post

>> No.7639663
File: 110 KB, 747x586, 1311118075773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like this guy

I says to the guy...

I says to him

I'm like hey


I says that to him

so I says to him

So like Lolicon isn't Pedophilia.

>> No.7639669

Lol look at this little pussy trying to act smart. Some fuckin' 10 year old from /b/ who just touched his first boob acting like he's tough shit. Jsut curious...whats your address?

>> No.7639670

>i don't think you have the right to say that when you spout shit like

Except what I said is true. your mental state will deteriorate without years of having a companion.

What you said however, is 100% baseless. Try again

>lulz I won't believe things that make me looks bad

oh hi Christian

>> No.7639673

fuck you too people who read mystery novels will become serial killers

i'm OP and this is my logic

>> No.7639675


Citation needed.

>> No.7639677

>he's making fun of my waifu! what's your address!

>> No.7639681

>I'm uneducated

>> No.7639688
File: 26 KB, 318x303, 1311118260051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a fascinating look in the human psyche. Here we have a nameless, faceless person coming here and starting a thread. To each and every reply countering his opinion made in his OP statement, he counters by calling said repliers 'retards'. He gives no argumentative points in any of his posts. He just calls people names that oppose his views. What is also fascinating is the security he feels from doing this all behind the safety of his computer screen. If given the situation, I surmise he would not even let out one peep if confronted with someone who opposed his views in the real world. His coming here is to vent it out and boost his ego and maybe his self esteem.

Truly, a sad and pathetic individual.

>> No.7639689

you keep mentioning christfags, i assume you envy how they're actually happy with AUTISM, but your AUTISM won't let other AUTIST be happy with their AUTISM.

>> No.7639692

lol bitch I dont even have a waifu, real men don't need your gay little emotions

ive gotten more pussy in the first 10 years of my life than you ever will. So keep sitting behind your computer screen like the fatass acne ridden nerd that you are. Talk some more shit kid.

>> No.7639698

Citation needed.

>> No.7639700
File: 313 KB, 661x935, 1304154542397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Furry loli breastfeeding hijack sage

>> No.7639708

Well you did it again, another faggot rectumravaged

someone cares to post that picture with suigin and some trolls skullfucking a faggot? i can't find it on this HDD.

>> No.7639709


>> No.7639717
File: 23 KB, 228x307, 1311118480418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy a fuckin pseudo-intellectual guido or what? It's like he took the worst traits from both groups and melded them into a big shitpile of what could loosely be called a personality.

>> No.7639711
File: 5 KB, 274x242, 1302372106294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you're forgetting that what's actually happening is we have neckbeard faggots refusing to believe that they're delusional, and refusing to believe that that their mental state will deteriorate if they go by years (decades) without a companion

They are in fact, retarded.

When you go to bed at night, just remember that I'm right and you're wrong.

>> No.7639725


Pro tip: you won't succeed in your life and you'll spiral into depression by your mid 40s

>> No.7639735

You seem to be confusing facts with opinions

that's funny

not as funny as your vehement denial when I bring up facts, though.

>> No.7639729

I'm not justifying anything, it's just funny at this point. Look at this idiot calling everyone else 'dumb' because he thinks his opinions are fact.

>> No.7639730

lack of self-esteem makes trolls

i regret picking on faggots back in HS.

>> No.7639737

Sup yRan

it's almost bedtime

>> No.7639742
File: 23 KB, 450x450, 1311118691179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to break this to you dear boy but...

My opinion > Your opinion.

>> No.7639743

Says some 16 year old kid that dropped out of high school and is now working a minimum wage job at McDonalds. So, do you have any plans after your girlfriend leaves you for the people in this thread that will inevitably make more money than you?

>> No.7639751

Fact: Your facts are opinions
Fact: You are gay and autistic

Because I said it, it's true. I don't need proof because I'm better than you.

>> No.7639752

Why am I working at my McDonalds?

Why are you coming up with these god awful, immaturish insults?

>> No.7639752,1 [INTERNAL] 

Another one bites the dust

>> No.7639752,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still baked

>> No.7639752,3 [INTERNAL] 

