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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7628986 No.7628986 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ question time!

Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
Do you have a job?
Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
Do you live off your parents?
Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Do you deal drugs?

Come one, come all, share your story

>> No.7629007

I won the lottery (only 5 million) and invested most of it. I live a pretty low expense lifestyle so Im just gaining more and more money.

>> No.7629022
File: 206 KB, 782x912, 1310878415701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I may have scared you off with my image.
After some research, it appears you seem to be interested in only "moé" imagery. I have attached an image that I find to be more suitable to your tastes.

>> No.7629036

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
My parents

>Do you have a job?

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
I don't have autism.

>Do you live off your parents?

>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Yeah it's called parents who don't give a fuck

>Do you deal drugs?
No, But I knew people in high school who did. I've tried some drugs.

>> No.7629043

I produce CP

>> No.7629062

It wasn't really meant as a set of questions to be answered, but rather a jumping off point for your answer.

>> No.7629097

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
I babysit and my parents pay me for what my brother should be paying me for.

>Do you have a job?
No, but I'm starting to seriously look for one.

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
No, once I start I'll probably never get off it and live like a fucking king with the exchange rates at third world countries.

>Do you live off your parents?
Yup...for now.
>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Wish I did.
>Do you deal drugs?
I'm growing pot right now. Most likely going to be turning my back on that untaxed cash though, as I don't really want to be tied in with those people and live a legit lifestyle.

>> No.7629113

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
Parents give money for food, I find ways to get money for other stuff.

>Do you have a job?

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?

>Do you live off your parents?

>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Not really.

>Do you deal drugs?
I don't deal drugs.

>> No.7629121

Government disability checks.

>> No.7629126

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
Job, faggot.

>Do you have a job?

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
True aspies keep to themselves, but I ain't one of them, so no

>Do you live off your parents?
I live in their basement. Fucking economy and my shit job.

>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Yeah, working a shit jobs. At times, more than one shit job.

>Do you deal drugs?
No, but I take antidepressants. Still not enough.

>> No.7629153

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?


>Do you have a job?


>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?


>Do you live off your parents?


>Do you have some secret money-making technique?


>Do you deal drugs?


>> No.7629254


>> No.7629264
File: 24 KB, 704x400, 1310882326716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7629275

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
Job, 40 hours a week
>Do you have a job?
See above
>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
No but I've been scamming federal financial aid lately
>Do you live off your parents?
I pay $480 a month for a room in my mom's house
>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Don't buy figures or gunpla
>Do you deal drugs?
No. I wouldn't even know how to get weed if I wanted it.

>> No.7629293

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
mother (i get paid for going out of my room...), disability benefits, part-time jobs, selling shit, comissions, sometimes stealing from grandma if it's real bad.
>Do you have a job?
currently, no. kinda looking for a job but beeing picky.
>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
currently i don't qualify anymore, so no. i used to though.
>Do you live off your parents?
sort of. (i live with my mother so i don't have lots of living expenses you'd get by living alone. plus, i get payed for not beeing a hikki. she doesn't buy me stuff though.)
>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
sell shit, steal. if you're an arist of any sort do comissions, for anything. if you're a rare case of a femanon, sell used pantsu. never buy food, learn to use other people to feed yourself or starve. never spend money on non-otaku stuff unless it's essential for your survival.
>Do you deal drugs?
no. human contact, do not want.

btw. now that we talk about autism benefits and shit, anyone knows where Sudo lives? i want to know if he actually gets real money or small change like you do here.

>> No.7629309

>I pay $480 a month for a room in my mom's house
wow, that's terrible

>> No.7629326

i never even had 480$ at the same time...

>> No.7629331

OP is a ronery faggot.
You will find better friends there.

>> No.7629334

I'm not here looking for friends.
I'm just curious.

>> No.7629344

Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle? Hoarding rare gems to sell at later date
Do you have a job? Yes, Speculator
Do you collect autism disability money from the government? No, even with official diagnosis. I wouldn't be able to hoard gemstones on disability.
Do you live off your parents? How else can I afford Tanzanite or Chrome Diopside gemstones
Do you have some secret money-making technique? Yes, speculate on stocks (after disasters) and commodities (gemstones)
Do you deal drugs? No

>> No.7629354

Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
By either recieving or stealing money from my mother

Do you have a job?
No, I have zero qualification to do anything that isn't physical labor, and a fucked back that makes that impossible

Do you collect autism disability money from the government? I'm working on that

Do you live off your parents?

Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Stealing, pity

Do you deal drugs?
No, I've got plenty of them though but I'd rather not part with them as they're one of the few things preventing me from offing myself.

>> No.7629991

Ah, there's /jp/ at it's finest.

>> No.7630035


>> No.7630330

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
Parents, mum and sister give me £50 a month

>Do you have a job?
No (in uni)

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?

>Do you live off your parents?

>Do you have some secret money-making technique?

>Do you deal drugs?

>> No.7630339
File: 562 KB, 1224x1632, 1310907547767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
On and off freelance contractor

>Do you have a job?
Until the end of this month before I start looking for my next contract job

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
No. The people doing this need to die.

>Do you live off your parents?
No. I actually pay for the house bills.

>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Stocks, applying for IPO and property flipping.
I also have tons of unboxed figs for sale in the future if I ever ended up quitting this hobby.

>Do you deal drugs?

And why is this thread here? Reported for blogging shit.

>> No.7630349

Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
I get $20 from my grandma every month.
Do you have a job?
Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
Do you live off your parents?
Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Do you deal drugs?

>> No.7630357

Last year of uni, unlike America in my country it's piss cheap and my family is not that rich so this year I got a scolarship of around 5500$ just for doing enough exams on time and not having an abysmal average. Don't use for otaku stuff though, most of it goes to rent/food/textbooks.Since this is my las tyear though I'll guess I''ll have some 1000$ left, maybe I'll treat me to a new generation console (my last one was the ps2 many years ago).
The problem is it's a pretty shitty degree (foreign languages) so once I get it I don't know what I'll do.

>> No.7630358

Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?

From my salary

Do you have a job?


Do you collect autism disability money from the government?


Do you live off your parents?

yes, i stay with them during the weekends.

Do you have some secret money-making technique?


Do you deal drugs?


>> No.7630362


Get out of /jp/

>> No.7630369

Why do you guys make it seem so easy to get disability for mental disorders from the government? I went to talk to a doctor about my social phobia two days ago, to start the whole process of getting some kind of help, and what she was most sure of was that no matter what, the worst thing that could happen was if I ended up living alone, without having a job or being in education, saying that I'd become "sick" if that happened. So from the very beginning, they expect me to start pursuing some career with their help.

Am I supposed to get manipulative by making sure to be cooperative enough for them to not stop helping me, but uncooperative enough to stall me from getting "cured" indefinitely?

>> No.7630412

I know that feel...
though I wish I didn't.

>> No.7631612

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
welfare mainly

>Do you have a job?

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?

>Do you live off your parents?
yes that too

>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
i make some extra money doing various things...
bitcoin mining, poker, building/modifying stuff, writing small custom tools (software)

>Do you deal drugs?
you should really try to find something you're good at
no skills in combination with not-looking-cute makes you completely useless
someone useless doesn't deserve to have anything

>> No.7631736

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
when I have money it's from a job
>Do you have a job?
Not at this time
>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
no but I get some tax kickbacks
>Do you live off your parents?
>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
go to university, get good grades, become rich.
>Do you deal drugs?
What? No

>> No.7631901

after a few hours of autism they'll change their tune

>> No.7631937

>Do you have a job?
Yes, protein engineer in the medical research field. As an aside it's extremely likely that I'm far more intelligent and also probably better-looking than you, OP. Not everyone on /jp/ lives up to the blind haters' bias, in fact many do not. Thusly -
>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
>Do you live off your parents?
>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Nope, don't need it
>Do you deal drugs?
Fuck no, and users are the shit stain on the sole of society's shoe.

>> No.7631991
File: 164 KB, 728x1107, 1310937502316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
It's free, all I use is the internet. I don't buy figurines or dakimakura or the likes. The money I do spend is my father's (meager) inheritance, which is starting to grown thin.
Do you have a job?
No. But I really need to get one soon because I'll have worked through my inheritance next month.
Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
I am not autistic.
Do you live off your parents?
I live with my mother who buys food and pays the bills and everything, but I have to pay her 150 euros a month. She's a single mother who works 4 days in the week, can't really expect her to pay everything now that I'm 19. Still, it not very convenient for someone who has been NEET for two years straight.
Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Yes, it's called stealing. Haven't done it in years though.
Do you deal drugs?
No, I daren't. Could do, basically, but I don't have the connections or the nerve. I smoke weed every day and use hard drugs sparingly though.

>> No.7632018

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?

>Do you have a job?

>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
No. My government hates white males.

>Do you live off your parents?
Not any longer, but I used to.

>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
No. Don't waste the money you have.

>Do you deal drugs?

>> No.7632104

>Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
What's left of my ever diminishing student loan before I dropped out years ago, even living on one meal a day isn't enough apparently.
>Do you have a job?
>Do you collect autism disability money from the government?
Going to a doctor means going outside, so no.
>Do you live off your parents?
I get a closet of a room off them, that's about it.
>Do you have some secret money-making technique?
Yes, don't spend what you do have and live sparingly.
>Do you deal drugs?
No, that would require money and presumably human contact to acquire, although the thoughts of escaping reality are tempting at times.

>> No.7632570

drugs are sold on the internet nowadays
its much more safe for the dealer

>> No.7632581

You're taking a big risk of them getting possible seized in the mail, though.

>> No.7632598

Where do you get the money to fund your otaku lifestyle?
Do you have a job?
Once a week, 170 USD~ per day

Do you collect autism disability money from the government?

Do you live off your parents?
I pay 1/3 of the bills

Do you have some secret money-making technique?

Do you deal drugs?
Herp derp

>> No.7632645

that's only if you ship internationally
and its better than getting raped in prison either way
