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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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76245 No.76245 [Reply] [Original]

In all honesty now, I thought this board was created for the purpose of celebrating japanese culture, but /jp/ is making my hate for japan grow stronger day by day.

Atrocities of war, racial discrimination, xenophobia, uchi-soto, No Foreigners Allowed.

My eyes are being opened, /jp/.

>> No.76280
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/jp/ is about japanese pizza

>> No.76284
File: 169 KB, 832x592, 1203966433406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is for Jurassic Park

>> No.76596
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This stuff makes me like Japan. At least they have the balls to say "YANKEE GO HOME" while everyone else is bending over for political correctness.

>> No.76248


>> No.76254

It's about Touhou, visual novels and figurines. No one knows why moot gave it this name. I wish he didn't.

>> No.76259

No one likes Japan here

>> No.76260

Because /Toho&VN&Fig/ is a mouthful?

>> No.76257

amerikkkan discriminates spics
japanese discriminates amerikkan
you receive what you give

>> No.76264



>> No.76266


>> No.76270

This board is /a/ part 2

Id' say i rather see fucking warcrimes than animu pictures. we already have a board for that.

>> No.76274


Picky you are.

>> No.76276

Shut the fuck up and laugh at the kitty

>> No.76292

It's about /11/

>> No.76296

Good, then we are doing it right. This should be "weeaboo" de-programing board.

>> No.76298

Neko ga daisuki!

>> No.76321

If you hated Japan and their culture before entering this board, it will obviously increase your hate for it. (and vice-versa)

>> No.76328

>Nippon ga daisuki!

>> No.76344

Seriously, the Egyptians had it right the first time. Cats are Gods.

>> No.76360

>Atrocities of war, racial discrimination, xenophobia, uchi-soto, No Foreigners Allowed.

But that's why Japan is so awesome.

>> No.76369

You guys are dumb, this board is full of weeaboos and closet weeaboos.

I've lived in Japan myself, I'll tell you this much:

They love Americans in Tokyo(the youth)

They hate Americans in Sapporo and Hokkaido in general(both youth and old)

Rest is mixed

>> No.76392

> They hate Americans in Sapporo and Hokkaido in general(both youth and old)
They hate Americans in the rest of the world too

>> No.76409

>They hate Americans in Sapporo and Hokkaido
and Central and South America, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia...

>> No.76454

If you don't support racial discrimination you shouldn't be on /jp/, or any of 4chan for that matter.

>racial discrimination, xenophobia...No Foreigners Allowed

Nice job restating the same thing 3 times.

>> No.76463

I was talking about Japan stupid fuck.

>> No.76479

We all secretly hate what we love. It's a kind of leveled ambivalence, neither positive nor negative.

>> No.76481

Secretly? I just don't bother with distinctions.

>> No.76490


>> No.76514

Then allow me to disillusion even more by pointing out that Shinto, the Japanese state religion, is racist, sexist, militarist and less a religion than an arm of the state.

Facts about Shintoism that the Japanese want to keep from the rest of the world include the belief that the Japanese race was created by the Sun Goddess Amateratsu because the Earth was populated with sub human barbarians (us).

Also, the Emperor is destined to rule the world.

Fortunately, these beliefs have been largely abandoned since the Second World War. The primary religion in Japan today is secularism. However, traces of the old ways remain in that Japanese people continue to be xenophobic and desperately deny the atrocities of WWII.

>> No.76518

All those /n/ shit with fucking JAPAN IS SUPERIOR DURR HURR HURR type weeaboos is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.76520

Hehe, same here. Recently, the more I learn about Japan, the more reason I find for contempt. Generally the opposite for America.

>> No.76527

And only dumbfucks follow that Shintoism bullshit, like 80% (I don't know exact figure) are non-religious

>> No.76536


>The primary religion in Japan today is secularism.

That's what I said.

>> No.76537

A tool of the state just like every other religion I've encountered.

>> No.76539

haha that pic makes me lol

>> No.76544


Oh hi, Karl Marx. I didn't see you come in!

>> No.76553

Because Marx was the only person to ever criticize organized religion...

>> No.76559

The only one you cretins would recognise.

>> No.76572

Being openly religious on the internet is like being openly gay in real life


>> No.76587


I want those in me.

>> No.76592


>> No.76601

If your eyes are opening, then it's time you leave /jp/

>> No.76604

My eyes have been open of a long time, I just like to laugh at the stupid Japs.

>> No.76609

People who hate the US have never been there.

>> No.76612

itt: weeaboos, closet weeaboos

>> No.76637

There's a reason we used to call ourselves otaku, instead of weeaboo.

Most of Japan sucks. Most of all countries suck, for that matter, but there are plenty of ways in which Japan sucks worse. (Salaryman culture, for one.) Sure, there are cultural elements we like, either because animu has given us an appreciation for them or because they're just plain cool, but that doesn't mean we need to love the country.

We called ourselves otaku because we didn't want to be regular Japanese, but because we love Japan's anime, manga, and otaku subculture.

Tl;dr less WWII/xenophobia moar Comiket and akihabara.

>> No.76652

What the hell? Uchi-soto? Its an cultural aspect, not some japanese murderous agenda.

>> No.76655

>>There's a reason we used to call ourselves weeaboo, instead of otaku.

>> No.76668


Shinto only acquired those aspects during the Meiji restoration to rally national pride. (Okay, except for the emperor being divine, but they never fought wars for the emperor and shit before.) They were purged after 1945, and you won't get any more racist looks these days in a shrine or at a matsuri than you would at a Buddhist temple.

>> No.76735

Are you an idiot? He was listing the reasons why he's beginning to hate Japan--he didin't say anything about Uchi-soto being some kind of a "murderous agenda".


>> No.77606

its the xenophobia aimed at you that makes you not prejudice other ppl, so maybe, out of that sick and twisted logic, we can thank Japanese ppl? (hell, I studied Japanese b/c it was the hardest language at my college and I had the yellow fever, key word = HAD)

>> No.77648

I wouldn't say Hokkaido in general, Hakodate is pretty much the most gaijin friendly city in Japan.

>> No.77650

ive been there like 4 times a year for 2 weeks each and i still hate it.
well not really i like to go shopping and buy cheap stuff but i still hate the states, not the places i buy

>> No.77650,1 [INTERNAL] 

ah ah based
