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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7624145 No.7624145 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7624147

I wonder what that dick tastes like.

>> No.7624152

at first i thought it was attached and kinda disgusted, but i realized it's just a huge pillow shaped like a penis and i approved of it.

every time i hug my hug pillow i'll think it's a giant penis now.

>> No.7624155

Pretty accurate.

As of late; /jp/ is getting a little too gay for tastes... might be time to strike out for greener (and straighter) pastures soon.

>> No.7624163

>As of late

>> No.7624162

ew ur a Homophobe

>> No.7624168

>at first i thought it was attached and kinda disgusted, but i realized it's just a huge pillow shaped like a penis and i approved of it.
That was my exact thought process as well.

>> No.7624171

>Doesn't know /jp/ was as gay as bunnyrabbits frolicking in a field since its inception.

>> No.7624172

I miss /jp/'s pure little girl mentality.

>> No.7624173
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>> No.7624175

you jerk off to cartoons, bestiality, children, monster girls, women with penises, and every other perverted shit you can fantasize, but you've got a problem with gay people?

being homophobic on /jp/ is so fucking stupid. if you seriously are just leave since you're such a fucking mongoloid you shouldn't have ever been here in the first place.

being homophobic is reserved for people who don't jack off to cartoons of women with 2 feet penises you fucking retards.

>> No.7624186

While it's always been a touch on the gay side with all the 2D-fags here, it's far more predominant now than it has been in the past. I mean, hardly a thread goes by without talking about dicks/fucking each other or anymore.

>> No.7624184

I don't mind the gay, but all these sex havers and "Let's meet up!" posts are pretty gross.

>> No.7624189

I agree. I don't really mind it in small doses but now it's like every thread devolves into that, and we've had several 300+ threads about it already. Just take a look at this thread and the people trying oh so hard to fit in.

>> No.7624188

Why does summer seem to bring in so many normalfag gays?

>> No.7624190
File: 273 KB, 800x1200, 1310774625218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me put it this way:

The fine people at gurochan loathe furry porn, regardless of it being gorish or not.
Us, with our myriad of fetishes, find homosexuality and its variants icky.

People have standards and fetishes. They differ from yours. We do not have the homosexuality fetish in order to enjoy it, thus we do not want it.

But that is quite alright. If you wish to discuss penises, /y/ is there for a reason.

>> No.7624196

/jp/ use to hate sex,gays,anything sexual, now its nothing but sex and shit everywhere. Its like the user base went from 20-40 year olds to 12-14 yearolds

>> No.7624202

Everyone except furries hates furry porn, no matter what other content it may have.
I, personally, have no problem with people being gay, except when
>cut, bleed and breed

>> No.7624203

Evidently you do not remember the Slut Alliance and Moluscs threads.

>> No.7624204

/jp/ never spoke about anything that was related to being social or sexual experiences or whatever, now suddenly in this summer there's a sudden burst of gay people sharing each other's cockloving experiences and asking each other's habits in that aspect.

>> No.7624206

are we talking about the same /jp/ here?

>> No.7624209

i don't really care. the moderation deletes all your other stuff and allows any threads about dicks so those topics will stay. there is only a small group of people who don't like it and they're spammers of one variety or another who shitpost every chance they get. this same topic is basically just a rally point for you dumb fucks to samefag in like usual. go make 10 more >/jp/ topics so you get banned instead of wasting time trying to give the illusion people disapprove of it on /jp/.

just looking at the people who complain it's all the more reason people post these topics even more regularly.

also, furry porn isn't equivalent to gay porn either. if anything your futanari crap where you want to suck a woman's 3 feet penis is closer to furry than being gay is. another point is it's very ironic you retards hate "gays", but jerk off your micro penis to any yuri you see. like i said earlier it's the same bunch always. sions, jones, wth, kuroko spammer, you're maybe zun without his trip, and the people who follow these characters around. that entire list of people are the worst shit posters on the board and spam/samefag everything they get involved in.

td;lr: no one cares and it'll continue since only the worst people on /jp/ complain

>> No.7624210


Only children use "icky", how old are you?

>> No.7624213

Yes, we were quite meticulous about avoiding conversation about social lives and sex. We had our 'purity' midset, and now it seems like we have a 'corrupting purity' mindset

>> No.7624214

And the worst poster of the day award goes to this guy

>> No.7624221

at the end of the day the topics i like are still here and you get banned for spamming anime and all your posts are deleted.

>> No.7624222

Yeah man, anyone that doesn't want to see normals discussing how much they love dicks and wishing to fuck each other is a shitposter.

>> No.7624227

Nice paranoid delusions shitposter

>> No.7624225

Stop being such a whiny faggot.

>> No.7624232
File: 88 KB, 510x441, 1310775476728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you are ranting. I am none of those, and have not used a trip since pre-split /a/, which I used ocassionally only to release some translated mangas/doujins. I have not spammed once in my entire /jp/ career, and normally keep to my favored threads, quietly reporting offtopic, spam and downright pornography threads.

And you need to get off your high horse, Penis Paladin.

>> No.7624235

I'm pretty sure people like you are "the worst shitposters" on the board, rather than what you describe.

If only I could >>>/soc/ >>>/r9k/ you.

>> No.7624236

I jerk off to gay porn, furry porn, and absolutely everything else you could conceivably jerk off to. Who Gives A Fuck.

>> No.7624248

>Now you're making me really paranoid about whether any of my friends secretly have dirty thoughts about me.
>Where do you live, anon? Maybe we can work something out...
>or anyone know why I keep getting the sad panda. Keep deleting all my cookies.

etc etc. Is this really the /jp/ you want?

>> No.7624246

i listed all the spammers who regularly make 20 off-topic threads in a few hours and your response is "you're the shitposter"? why don't you just post the anime pictures you spam with your posts while you're at it.

>> No.7624249

The OP's pic was hot until I realized it wasn't attached.

>> No.7624252

lol u just jellymad that u can't be a kawwai trap :3

>> No.7624260

If you want to talk about anything sexual, go to that certain board. /jp/ is not about sex.

>> No.7624256

I can tell who is new here and who isn't.

>> No.7624268

>anything sexual
>front page is nothing but which 2hu fuck and porn games
ya XD fuck off newfag

>> No.7624267

I agree. I'm sicken tired of all these threads about sexual relationships in visual novels, touhou, and doujinshi.

>> No.7624273
File: 175 KB, 662x860, 1310776473229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck not the taibro spam it was bad enough when it was isn't it sad.jpg, but the chin-chan shit just painted her in a terrible light.

Especially when wonderful artist like jeff have done futa sacchin.

/jp/ exists as a glorious absence of sex.

>> No.7624276

Get out.

>> No.7624274

>mfw newfags hatin on proud /JP/ tradtions
>mfw when i have no face

>> No.7624280

It wasn't always like that, first of all, "which 2hu would you fuck" and sex in vns is fine, Now /jp/ is talking about REAL sex and talking about 3d shit. "LOLIMGAYSOIWONDERIF/JP/WOULDLIKETOTALKABOUTITXD"

>> No.7624282

u mad? go jerk off to some little girls while trying to act like homosexuality is bad

>> No.7624285

I have no problems with gay people. I have problems with you.

>> No.7624302

don't start arguing with sions dude. there is only a few people who try and be that ironic. don't fall for it.

/jp/ has always talked about sex in some form or another. the board started off with moot telling us not to jerk off on figs and post pictures. it has always had idols, even if they were hated and 3d sexuality was involved with that always. stuff like kigurumi, dolls, figs, and everything else has sexual undertones. just because you don't like the particular topic isn't going to change anything. people always wished to be little girls, talked about crossdressing, shaving their legs and wearing pantyhose. the direction connection with all these topics was very VERY obvious.

>> No.7624304

It's depressing that people are standing up for these posters.
May as well be on /soc/.

>> No.7624315

I said anything /jp/ related is alright with sexual shit, but do you not see these threads? nothing about them is /jp/ related, its just talking about being gay or sexual shit in real life. You can go to other boards for that.

>> No.7624317


>> No.7624319

>little girls
Nobody ever complained about that, in fact, that's what we're trying to return to.

What's happening now is clearly different from the usual litte girl mentality, which was more ironic than anything.

>> No.7624340

hello eski!

>> No.7624346
File: 594 KB, 1163x900, 1310778157709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even /jp/ has to grow up sometime.
Seems alot of people have grown from the little girl mentality to the older female who craves cock mentality.

>Picture related in one way or another.

>> No.7624350

i see 5 pages get deleted and they're still here. they're an extension of the anal masturbation threads+crossdressing; obviously they belong according to the moderation.

so you just want it within your comfort zone? at least you're honest about your trite opinion. i'll explain something, these threads hit 350 posts over a day or two. those "little girl topics" when they were just specifically about that "subject" barely could get 50 posts except a few rare occasions. it wasn't unless they included cross-dressing or those few topics where they anonymous was writing stories about the mansion did topics purely about being a "little girl" ever reach cap. these penis threads are a mix of crossdressing, anal masturbation, and some "little girl" stuff. there was a pure crossdressing thread alive for 4 days or so without any real penis discussion with a hint of "little girls".

you say "we" but obviously you aren't involved with anal masturbation discussion, or even probably crossdressing. feel free to go make a "little girl" topic and get your 20 topics. no one is stopping you. for the actual people who were really involved with crossdressing+anal masturbation these topics are the logical conclusion.

>> No.7624360

Nobody is complaining about fapping in pantyhose or anal masturbation. That's a given. The threads being referred to, to had a huge subsection about going out to bathrooms to suck the real, physical penises of real, three-dimensional anonymous strangers.

That's never been part of /jp/.

>> No.7624357

If there not getting deleted, the new mod doesn't know or care.

>> No.7624362

But it would have been cute too, had it been attached - say, an elegant little ojou-sama with a penis massive enough to impede movement, such that she'd require the help of a wheelchair modified for her to get around. Ashamed of the grotesque, oversized penis attached to her, she'd attempt to hide it with frilly, bell-shaped skirts, but as much as she'd try to be a refined, proper young lady, her frequent erections would prevent any attempt at social interaction and she'd be a shut-in who cries every night while lamenting the obvious fact that no one will take her as a bride and repeatedly hitting her penis in her despair, which would only serve to arouse her further and eventually cause her to cum, liters of thick, warm semen filling the container appropriated for this purpose. Away from society, her days would be spent reading or practicing her cooking and sewing - she'd know that it's in vain, but as a young girl, she'd still hope for a man who would accept her inhuman body, striving to improve her skills as a wife so that she can make him happy.

Imagine confessing to such a girl and watching her tearful, heartbroken face as she lifts her skirt, revealing her massive, throbbing penis and telling you that you can never have proper intercourse - she is of no use to you with this disgusting, freakish body she has, so you should just give up and leave her alone. Of course, you'd hug her gently and tell her that you'll love her nonetheless, your body warmth causing her penis to quickly become erect even as she accepts your proposal in tears - though as she's a proper young lady, she'd insist that you both wait for marriage before your first night together, where you'd kiss her and play with her small breasts, repeatedly confessing your love to her and ignoring her erect penis that by now would have ejaculated several liters - she has a complex about her body, after all, and it'd be your duty as a husband to make her feel like a normal little girl.

>> No.7624363

/jp/-meetup has been a meme since the beginning of time

That is still going a bit too far though

>> No.7624370
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>> No.7624368

I fucking love metathreads.

>> No.7624369

It's pretty obvious it's whole new cast.

>> No.7624373

On the subject of masturbation threads why are they here?We have the exact same tenga threads are reposted all the time and I dont see what they have to do with /jp/ aside from maybe "being here since the begining" like every other non /jp/ related tradition.

>> No.7624378

The #1 recreational activity of otaku is masturbation.

>> No.7624379

All cousin oliver's too.

This show is so getting canceled.

>> No.7624383

the people who talked about crossdressing and anal masturbation always hinted at that stuff and you have clue what the hell people on /jp/ do in their free time. people have always talked about whatever the hell they did randomly on /jp/ when it was vaguely related to the topic at hand. there was an earlier topic about being a true NEET where people discussed what to do with the 40 bottles of pissed they had stored. one of the ideas was to pour it onto others property.

there has always been extremely deviant topics discussed in threads vaguely related from such things as molesting real children to every sexual deviant act i can imagine even fucking horses/dogs gets posted here.

seems like you just don't like those topics and are reaching for a specific thread to complain. there always talk about getting raped and being used sluts on /jp/. what the hell did you think those shit invovled? rainbows and sun shine?

>> No.7624385

I really only seem to recall the onahole stuff beginning in earnest 2 years ago or so... Whenever Tenga's marketing took hold is when it became firmly entrenched.
The topic itself has always been here in a 'hey guys, check this out, ain't it cool' sort of way, but people didn't really start buying them for awhile.

>> No.7624386 [DELETED] 

>there has always been extremely deviant topics discussed in threads vaguely related from such things as molesting real children to every sexual deviant act i can imagine even fucking horses/dogs gets posted here.
We have our fair share of deviants but these people are told to get out for being sick fucks. Yes, by /jp/. Fancy that.

>there always talk about getting raped and being used sluts on /jp/. what the hell did you think those shit invovled? rainbows and sun shine?
It involved fantasy staying fantasy. People do post sexual fantasies involving fictional character. People writing about sexual escapades involving real people are told to get to get out 3DPD disgusting.

>> No.7624387

Is anyone else tired of all these fake NEET and Hikikomori people on /jp/ with retarded threads about shitting on floors/pissing in bottles?

It is really embarassing to read those threads.

>> No.7624389

At least they're not trying to meet up and fuck, eh?

>> No.7624392

>true NEET
Get out

>> No.7624391

The molesting children things are IB purely, and not condoned by any majority. the bestiality are spam at best for the most part (IE that doggy-dick repost).

Are you going to say real life fellation, glory holes and the like are /jp/-related?

>> No.7624397

>there has always been extremely deviant topics discussed in threads vaguely related from such things as molesting real children to every sexual deviant act i can imagine even fucking horses/dogs gets posted here.
We have our fair share of deviants, who are frequently told to get out for being sick fucks. Yes, by /jp/ (or various members of /jp/). Fancy that.

>there always talk about getting raped and being used sluts on /jp/. what the hell did you think those shit invovled? rainbows and sun shine?
It involved fantasy staying fantasy. People do post 2D sexual fantasies. People writing about how they want to fuck real people are told to get out 3DP slut whore disgusting.

Those haven't been present in force for ages.

But pissing in bottles isn't even rare. A small minority WoW players do it, but a small minority of many millions is a lot of people.

>> No.7624403


They keep people from other boards away, at the very least.

>> No.7624404

Whatever you say, the ''go to glory holes and share experiences'' has never been here, at least not more than one ironic post every now and then (but that was being a portrayal of a litle girl being ravaged by strangers or /jp/ers), what is going on now is quite different because it's about ACTUAL experiences that ACTUALLY took place and that aren't fantasies or whatever, at least the other threads had some sort of /jp/ content in it, not just talking about the OP pic in those, mind you.

>> No.7624406

There are people just playing along, but people who urinate and defecate in things other than toilet bowls do exist in /jp/.

>> No.7624407

Get the fuck out of my /jp/ you fucking homos, I'm tired of your "I LUV DICKS I WANT TO SUCK ALL OF THEM, I'M SO RANDUM AND GAY xDDD"

>> No.7624408

>Is anyone else tired of all these fake NEET and Hikikomori people on /jp/ with retarded threads about shitting on floors/pissing in bottles?
>he thinks they're fake

You're an idiot. There are plenty of people here who do both.

>> No.7624413

We're trying to keep a certain level of discourse here, do you mind?

>> No.7624417

>angry, intolerant post made by an obvious normalfag

Hi, you seem to have wandered into the wrong place. Let me help you out a second:


>> No.7624424

Any thoughts of this thread being a civil discussion were thrown out once >>7624175 started posting.

>> No.7624427

It's like trying to keep /jp/ non-shitty.

It's shitty every day, but you can try.

>> No.7624428

i said in that exact post you just read people always discussed whatever they felt like in any given topic even if it was vaguely related. there has always been tons of people who fantasized about being raped and used on /jp/ and if people fantasize about that kind of stuff are you silly/stupid enough to believe they don't act on it?

there was just a topic about how someone was fantasizing over getting raped not even 2 weeks ago that stayed alive for maybe 5 days.

that was only ever women getting called 3dpd and i think you're forgetting idol threads exist. you can promptly treat these penis discussion like idol threads and hide them. unless you think there isn't sexual discussion in idol threads?

this thread has devolved into people complaining about neet and hikikomori. i thought it couldn't get any worse. what a surprise. i thought you faggots were calling these guys "normals", but it appears you're actual the normal scum.

>> No.7624430

We don't have to stoop to that level. We aren't children.

>> No.7624433

Me Inside the slippers being NTR'd as HELL by a bigger cock.

>> No.7624431

You get out, you goddamn normal. Every other board on 4chan is full of your kind, so why do you have to come here and shit up the only refuge on the internet for us neets and hikkis?

>> No.7624437

>you can promptly treat these penis discussion like idol threads and hide them.

One thing many of us want to prevent are the proliferation of the sorts of people that want to meet up and fuck, that is a social activity, I'm not trying to be NEET/hikki extreme about it, but I think there are few who want social threads cluttering /jp/ up.

>> No.7624435

>treat these penis discussion like idol threads
Idol threads are pretty well quarantined. They keep to their own thread and don't shit up other threads. Though lately they have been leaking a bit.

>> No.7624441

> there has always been tons of people who fantasized about being raped and used on /jp/ and if people fantasize about that kind of stuff are you silly/stupid enough to believe they don't act on it?
I do, in fact, think that the extreme vast majority of /jp/ will not actually fuck their prepubescent younger siblings or cousins, yes.

>that was only ever women getting called 3dpd
Yeah, men in /jp/ who talk about having sex with real life 3D women have never been told to get out OH WAIT, YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON.

> i think you're forgetting idol threads exist. you can promptly treat these penis discussion like idol threads and hide them. unless you think there isn't sexual discussion in idol threads?
Idol threads are tolerated because they've were here from day one, and were part of the collection of motley shit that moot made /jp/ for. Going out and getting reamed by anonymous strangers neither has precedent nor can it even be remotely argued to have anything to do with otaku culture.

>unless you think there isn't sexual discussion in idol threads?
I stay outside, but I believe it tends to be ridiculously rare.

>> No.7624440

>The thought of meeting someone here and not really knowing what to say or do, shying up to him and kissing him, him embracing me and pushing me down onto his bed, feeling around my waist as I put one of my hands on his chest and slide it down his pants....

>> No.7624446

All gays should go back to /a/b/v/

>> No.7624447

/jp/ cares about too many redundant posts

>> No.7624448

Don't be such a fag.

>> No.7624449

Fuck off normalfag.

>> No.7624452

Go back to Equality Now. If you don't like penises, you obviously don't know shit about /jp/.

>> No.7624450

Why are metathreads so good?

>> No.7624459


You homos are bringing down the quality of /jp/ with your lolsorandumxD discussions about penises, we used to be pure, but you have turned this place into a slutty and sinful place.

>> No.7624461

And yet you people still think you're the best board on 4chan. Hilarious.

>> No.7624470

>you think there isn't sexual discussion in idol threads?
Rarely. In fact they're usually the most work-safe threads here... plus, we never hijacked other threads to discuss those idols like you penis fanatics regularly do.

>> No.7624471

4chan is a blight upon the internet, and so is /jp/, but a very loved blight by me. Get over yourself.

>> No.7624464

Any /jp/-er who thinks that /jp/ is the best board is a moron, but it is fun to watch just how much rage we inspire for simply existing.

>> No.7624466

Go preach about your normallfag shit to someone that cares.


>> No.7624467

Why is our fleet so shitty?

>> No.7624468

your ability to read is abysmal practice that instead of worrying about what kind of content is on /jp/.

>Yeah, men in /jp/ who talk about having sex with real life 3D women have never been told to get out OH WAIT, YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON.
that statement agreed with what you're saying. if you wanted to disagree and insult me you wrote the wrong sentence, pal. those words meant people who discussed having sex with real women were told 3dpd, but women doesn't include men or penis.

>I do, in fact, think that the extreme vast majority of /jp/ will not actually fuck their prepubescent younger siblings or cousins, yes.
i'm talking about a personal fetish which is completely legal and your comparison is pedophile incest? there is more incest, rape, and every other fantasy being discussed more than pedophilia incest. just get a name or something since you've got zero ability to discuss a topic and it's pointless to respond to you further.

since you just want this topic gone and don't feel like talking about any pros or cons for you specially: the mods allow, so it'll stay. fuck you. deal with it.

>> No.7624473


No, shut the fuck up, you fucking homosexual. Go be a slut somewhere else >>>/soc/

>> No.7624474

Homos are okay, 3d cocksucking discussions are not.
Can we move on?

>> No.7624476

wth/sion for such "straight" individuals you two little fruity faggots sure love to hang out in any gay thread. you little faggot fucks must be trying to learn tips for when you take your visit to the glory hole aren't you? even if you don't have your trip code wth it's so obvious you're one the faggots in here complaining.

>> No.7624481

>the board that spends all of its time talking about fapping to doujinshi, anal masturbation, sex toys, eroge, and hotgluing fig
>calling other people sex-obsessed

Now I've seen it all.

>> No.7624478

>that statement agreed with what you're saying. if you wanted to disagree and insult me you wrote the wrong sentence, pal. those words meant people who discussed having sex with real women were told 3dpd, but women doesn't include men or penis.
People have been told to get the fuck out out for talking about being:

1. Men who have sex with women.
2. Women who have sex with men.
3. Women who have sex with women.

Somehow you think that telling people to get out for being

4. Men who have sex with men.

is some sort of new, novel, homophobic and unprecedented thing. It's not. You're a retard.

>i'm talking about a personal fetish which is completely legal
I have some bad news for you: /jp/ doesn't actually give a fuck about the law. And imouto fucking is one of /jp/'s more popular topics.

>the mods allow
I'm sure if the moderators started deleting arbitrary shit tomorrow you'd be fellating them every step of the way.

>> No.7624479


Yuri, pedophilia, gore, masochism, bestiality etc are ok. Gays can go choke on a dick.

>> No.7624486

You're actually retarded.

Are you sure you quoted the right post?

>> No.7624487

They're more than welcome to stay and discuss things like otome/BL games, King of /jp/.

>> No.7624492

that's sion. not king of jp isn't a homophobic twelve year old.

>> No.7624490
File: 582 KB, 1000x1414, 1310780910444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gays are mainstream normalfag shit, just like drugs.

You are not welcomed here, faggots. Yuri is ok though.

>> No.7624491

>Gays can go choke on a dick.
Oh ho ho, I see what you did there.

>> No.7624497

No, you GTFO as well.

>> No.7624498
File: 40 KB, 500x495, 1310781015683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either every1 is gay as HELL or your all females =__=I|I

>> No.7624502

Any particular reason why you're watching this thread so closely?

>> No.7624503

I wasn't actually referring to the tripfag. Suppose I could've thought that one out better.

>> No.7624500
File: 32 KB, 499x495, 1310781073509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It'd be even better to meet you in person so I could curb-stomp your filthy fag ass into the ground and then murder your entire family and your fag friends as well.

When they finally identify the genetic/environmental defects creating you disgusting perverts and cure it, that will be a redeeming day for the human species. Until then, society has to put up with your fag bullshit.

Like mosquitos or roaches, fags will be here until someone finds a way to fix it. Technological progress is advancing quickly so it will probably be soon. And when it comes, you perverts will get the full treatment, right after your fellow sickos: Catholic priests.

>> No.7624501

Traps are pure, and fantasizing about becoming/having sex with a trap has been a part of NEET culture since time immemorial. There's no reason, then, for discussions about having sex with men, which is only the logical conclusion of liking traps, to be disallowed.

As this thread shows, the only people that oppose it are normals that have no rational basis for doing so; they are simply afraid of anything they do not understand and believe threatens their self-image as "alpha".

>> No.7624504

Sorry, but taking it up the ass from twelve anonymous strangers in a bathroom in succession isn't pure any way you slice it.

>> No.7624505
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Yuri = Always Epic Win

This is now a pure love yuri thread.

>> No.7624509

At the current rate of population growth, we'll have 9 billion people on earth by 2050. I don't think we need more breeders.

>> No.7624510

Look, our only stipulation is 'keep it 2D'.

>> No.7624506


Those threads are about giving pleasure to yourself. Gay threads are normalfag shit because they really want to fuck each other and suck dicks all days because they are so slutty and random. If they want to fuck so much they should go to >>>/soc/

>> No.7624507
File: 214 KB, 995x650, 1310781201211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever get tired of being the most pathetic piece of crap on the board who everyone dislikes you wigger trash?

>> No.7624512

Funny how some of the greatest minds tend to be the socially awkward, have fun destroying the human race even further you nazi

This kind of sounds like copypasta.

>> No.7624514
File: 635 KB, 800x600, 1310781260213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is always win.

It's pathetic how butthurt flaming fags get over the awe-inspiring beauty of pure yuri.

>> No.7624515

>As this thread shows, the only people that oppose it are normals that have no rational basis for doing so
How can you say something like that when >>7624248 is basically the norm in your threads?
Honestly though, I think most of /jp/ doesn't give a fuck as long as it doesn't involve 3D people. Keep it a fantasy.

>> No.7624518
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1310781341935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any particular reason why you're watching this thread so closely?
>you're watching this thread so closely?
stop assuming

green text story time

>i just came from HELL
>see thread with picture of a dick
>120 posts and 10 image replies omitted
>post troll comment

>> No.7624519

No, yuri has its own board like yaoi. It's also a bane of all peoples. It's a shitty thing that boasts superiority yet ruins every thread it touches. Only shitty shitfags like it. GTFO.

>> No.7624520

I read that filename as 'sonofabitchnikuchizuke'.
Maybe I should rest my eyes.

>> No.7624521

The people complaining about those threads are posting such horrible shit in this thread.

I'm bi but not sexually active. I don't mind talking about cocks on /jp/ and writing silly stories bout being molested by a /jp/sie or whatever, but out of fun. The gloryhole, bath house, meet up and fuck, stories of sex life shit doesn't belong here anymore than if I posted about some issues I have with a potential girlfriend.

>> No.7624522
File: 214 KB, 995x650, 1310781385255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sions is wigger trash who wants to get beat up by a lesbian. this guy is pretty much the worst piece of shit i've ever seen posting. he's so fucking bad even when he isn't using a trip code it's obvious he's posting it since he's such a fucking mongoloid.

>> No.7624523

wth don't drop down to sions level. you live in new york and dislike gays because of that? don't bring that shit to this board and become like that piece of shit. there is plenty of stuff that's disagreeable for every else on this board.

>> No.7624528
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 1310781526637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather take threads about cocks/semen eating/gloryholes and crossdressing over that shit any day.

>> No.7624529

Whining about traps is a dead giveaway to not having been here since /jp/ started, so don't speak as if you have any authority on it.

>> No.7624530
File: 51 KB, 469x428, 1310781531394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the HELL did you quote the wrong guy

>> No.7624531

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7624533
File: 22 KB, 300x258, SonoHanabiraNiKukeWo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure Yuri Love is one of the noblest and most laudable of human ideals.

The polar opposite of depraved, leather-bound, gag-balled, fornicating like animals in heat that flaming fags are.

It doesn't matter so much that they do it in private, but they have to force their personal habits onto the rest of society that makes them especially detestable. It's part of their fag advocacy/agenda:

1. "Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible."
2. "Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers."
3. "Give homosexual protectors a just cause."
4. "Make gays look good."
5. "Make the victimizers look bad."
6. "Get funds from corporate America."

It's a straight propaganda campaign by these deviants, and the perv politicians and sleazy businessmen are all for it. After all they're already abusing young male pages and God knows who else.

>> No.7624537

I don't see how wanting to dress up as a convincing girl and wanting to suck cock are the same thing.

>> No.7624538

We get it you ham beast. Now take your fanatical campaigning back to /u/.

>> No.7624542
File: 47 KB, 598x800, 1310781713981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri's dazzling brilliance alone is enough to send these flaming faggots into hissy fits.

Like a dung beetle getting angry at a rose.

>> No.7624539

>yurifags being shitty

>> No.7624551
File: 214 KB, 995x650, 1310781775530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTh, you happy now?

you're the one who wants to get beat up by lesbians and cut your penis off. i don't think i can embarrass myself more than you.

die fujoshi scum.

>> No.7624544

Hey, self-hating dude. gb2/u/, you piece of human trash.

>> No.7624552

>yuri is shit
>scat lovers like shit

yurifags are scat lovers

>> No.7624553

Just ignore the troll.

>> No.7624554
File: 114 KB, 600x665, 1310781819380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See the beautiful awe-inspiring Yuri repulse the delirious hordes of filthy fags.

>> No.7624556

The only reason I can see that a male would have to like yuri is that they somehow think they would fit in as part of a threesome. and I mean people that like yuri for the sake of the yuri, rather than just simply because its 2 people of the opposite sex doing erotic things

>> No.7624557

Yeah, the yuri is really off-topic in this thread.

We should just go back to discussing the OP.


>> No.7624558
File: 156 KB, 978x876, 1310781877690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is superior to you filthy fag losers.

>> No.7624562

And THIS is why I hate yuri. Fucking idiots think they're so superior, they crash into other peoples' threads like they own them. Fucking dickcheeses who'd cut their own dicks if it wouldn't kill them.

>> No.7624563
File: 231 KB, 614x641, 1310781903669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is the purest and most beautiful form of love. All gays are disgusting and normalfags for being into 3D.

>> No.7624564

True NEET is one of the noblest and most laudable of human ideals.

The polar opposite of pseudo-intellectual, bound by their job, fornicating like animals in heat that normalfags are.

It doesn't matter so much that they exist, but they have to force their personal habits onto the rest of us that makes them especially detestable. It's part of their normal advocacy/agenda:

1. "Talk about their jobs and social lives as loudly and as often as possible."
2. "Portray normals as victims, not as aggressive challengers."
3. "Give welfare opponents a just cause."
4. "Make normals look good."
5. "Make the NEETs look bad."
6. "Get funds from corporate America."

It's a straight propaganda campaign by these drones, and the corrupt politicians and sleazy businessmen are all for it. After all they've already brainwashed most of the people on 4chan and God knows who else.

>> No.7624566

Fear of penises.

>> No.7624570

They fear the penis because if they saw one, they wouldn't be able to hold back and they'll start sucking dick then and there.

>> No.7624571

Who's complaining about traps? Are you sure you're literate?
Granted, maybe the fault is mine. I wasn't clear enough. 2D is ideal, trap threads are fine, but this is not a place for real life sex discussions.
You can tell me all day long that xxx character would look good with a penis, or that you've started to experiment in crossdressing.
Discussions about sucking off other /jp/sies or what have you cross a line we've always had, and I'm sorry you can't see that. But it's evidence that maybe you don't really belong here.

>> No.7624569

I want to be the small cute one who falls in love with her beautiful and mature upperclassman. <3

>> No.7624572

I can only jerk off to homosexual sex. Gender doesn't matter otherwise.

>> No.7624574

Yurifags proving why they're the trash of human society again? Looks like it.

>> No.7624575
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x1200, 1310782107402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a little girl to have a lovely relationship with another girl, not to be a filthy cocksucking slut like the gays on /jp/

>> No.7624576
File: 219 KB, 850x685, 1310782144533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they somehow think they would fit in as part of a threesome
Damn straight. What's better than one beautiful girl? Two, together, doing lovely things to one another. I can imagine myself being so blessed to be a part of such a divine act, but it's also gratifying to simply observe and admire.

Need a dong to get off? You're a fag in the closet, or a bisexual (which is not as bad). Think of it: there are cute girls in the pic, but NO, you NEED a male MEMBER to get off? Think about it, and be honest with yourself.

>> No.7624577

How many times more are you going to post that, just leave the thread, I for one am fine since its not even so much a yurifag as it is just the generic shitthread spam, no different from the copypasta, Shift-jis, cute, kinectimal, and other spams

>> No.7624578
File: 77 KB, 432x296, 1310782194921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was obvious to me the people complaining about penis discussion were just yuri militant fanatics, but now you've proved it for people just viewing the thread.

penis topics hit 350 bump limit in under 24 hours. your shit can't even get 30 replies without it being the same 3 people making 10 posts each.

>> No.7624583

>idiots don't understand what self-insertion is
>only two women there
No. You're actually a faggot. The only reason you're so afraid of penis is because if you see one, you're actually inclined to suck on it. So you completely remove that which tempts you subconsciously.

You're like on of those Republican congressmen that turn out to be gay after trying to rid the world of gays. They only do it so the object of their temptation (penis) is not present to tempt them.

Sooner or later, you will succumb to that faggotry of yours and you will find yourself in a public restroom sucking some guy's dick off.

Because you're a closet fag.

>> No.7624580
File: 206 KB, 600x501, 1294335916870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you go update your facebook status, faggots?

>> No.7624586

I wonder how many people so far has tried to put in the most simple manner

liking dick is fine, fantasizing it is also fine so long as you don't go rampaging with it

Actual experiences about meeting up and fucking and related are NOT /jp/-related by any extension and should go to /b/ or /soc/ as such.

>> No.7624588
File: 366 KB, 897x673, 1310782492897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quality > Quantity.

>> No.7624589

We stopped talking about that a while ago.

This thread is now about yuri.

>> No.7624587
File: 59 KB, 471x471, 1310782459206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well God bless you, maybe you're in the wrong biological body-type, and that's unfortunate, but at least you have the sense to recognize and appreciate the aesthetically superior half of the human species.

And the only reason this yuri is coming on so strong here and now is because you fags have 2 boards for your fag shit already, EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOU. Yuri only has one, but no, you still have to post your cocksucking bullshit outside of those boards.

GTFO faggots to

You will be amongst sodomite brethen there and you can wallow in your debauches as much as you want. Just like we yurifags can swim in a sea of loli's making love on our own board.

But if you want to fag up /jp/, then yuri will claim this prerogative as well.

>> No.7624590

You know, I support yuri, but even I can see you're a rabid douchebag.

>> No.7624591
File: 9 KB, 250x256, 1310782594334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else want to throw up when they look at women? these creatures can't be described as pure. any based off these won't ever be pure. not even if it's fictional.

>> No.7624594

Go fuck yourself. Nobody wants to fag up /jp/. You're part of the problem, you pieces of yurishit. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7624593
File: 102 KB, 914x960, 1310782647762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish, faggot. Not one of your delusions addresses the 100% true points that were presented that completley undermine your closet faggotry and exposes your inner fag. Just come out of the closet already. And also get the fuck out to /y/ /cm/ and stay there with your fag shit.

>> No.7624595

Anybody reading the thread can see you were the only one defending those 'penis' threads for like 100+ posts, and your points were refuted each time. You don't seem to understand why discussing 3D sex is not okay, and you call those who don't want to see those threads "normal", while shit like >>7624248 abounds in your threads. It should be painfully obvious to everyone those people are not from /jp/.
>penis topics hit 350 bump limit in under 24 hours.
Sure. And this thread already has 150+ posts, and many off-topic threads get answers more quickly than good threads. Does that mean they belong here? No.

>> No.7624597

So the yuri spam guy is pretty much saying "IF YOU DON'T LOVE YURI, YOU'RE A FLAMING FAGGOT"?

>> No.7624600

You can't refute my points at all.

Enjoy sucking on dicks when you turn 40, you fucking closet fag.

>> No.7624601

What are those supposed to be?
Tumors or something?

>> No.7624602

I don't care about what you will and will not jerk off to.

>> No.7624604
File: 92 KB, 750x850, 1310782801604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri lights the way.

>> No.7624609

It's the worst part of the yurifags.

It's like telling women you're a slut if you like penis slowly filling you up with their massive size and hardness.

>> No.7624606

IT's funny how fast a holocaust of bullshit will sneak up on a thread.

>> No.7624607

That feeling when even when the yuri crusader's first post is >>7624533 feel feel compelled to respond to it anyway.

>> No.7624610

Both groups need to go back to their respective boards.

>> No.7624611
File: 43 KB, 580x789, 1310782887460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is true pure love.

>> No.7624613
File: 7 KB, 239x283, Normal-Cervix-by-Colposcopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things are so beautiful. look at the way it leaks mucus! wonderful. women literally walk around with cloth stuck inside their vaginas since otherwise they would bleed onto their panties and pants.

women are so pure! the thought of them throwing away their tampons which stoke up all their blood and mucus from dipping is MOE

>> No.7624618
File: 468 KB, 1000x1200, 1310782975867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yuri is 2D, gays on /jp/ are into 3D and that's unacceptable.

>> No.7624615

>make danmaku thread
>0 replies
>go play New Vegas for two and a half hours
>come back
>dick shitstorm, 200 posts
>write greentext
>get told to get out of /jp/ for writing greentext
Honestly I don't even give a fuck any more.

>> No.7624616
File: 38 KB, 600x514, 1310782944550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both yaoi and yuri.
Penises are a little cuter than vaginas, though.
I would sleep with anyone, as long they aren't normalfags.

>> No.7624622

I don't give a shit. I don't care. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to all of you.

>> No.7624619

>that emotion when yurifags show how stupid they are and deserve to get their asses kicked

>> No.7624621

>I would sleep with anyone, as long they aren't normalfags.
See, that's where you crossed the line. Right there.

>> No.7624623

You make it sound like this is something new.

>> No.7624625

Yuri better go back to its own board. Self-hating cockwad.

>> No.7624626

You're just digging your own grave now. There is no better way to show you're not from /jp/ than to spam 3D pictures in an attempt to prove women are disgusting. You don't understand the difference between 2D and 3D and you need to get out of /jp/.

>> No.7624627

I would also sleep with anyone. anyone at all.

>> No.7624630
File: 34 KB, 440x500, 1310625411377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like telling women you're a slut if you like penis slowly filling you up with their massive size and hardness.
Actually I'm a feminist, and I always give the benefit of the doubt to any ladies, and your metaphor doesn't connect at all.

It's as simple as this: think about it - Need a dong to get off? You're a fag in the closet, or a bisexual (which is not as bad). Think of it: there are cute girls in the pic, but NO, you NEED a male MEMBER to get off? Think about it, and be honest with yourself.

You do not NEED to like yuri. And you are NOT NECESSARILY a fag if you don't, if for no other reason than that most males haven't thought about this inherent discrepancy in "straight" porn before.


>> No.7624628
File: 10 KB, 239x283, 1310783126346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am i cute guys UGGGHHH
yuri is lesbianism. it's all the same shit. it's based off real women and they're the most disgusting creatures around. your lines portraying these still bleed and have all these bodily functions.

>> No.7624631
File: 910 KB, 200x150, 1273196662674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fun watching you guys turn on each other.

>> No.7624632

Did Sion kill that guys family? I mean he isn't even posting in this thread yet that guy is acting like a fucking retard over Sion.

>> No.7624633

Good for you, but take it up with a board who cares.

>> No.7624636
File: 273 KB, 424x600, 1310783193647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who are you quoting gaylord?

>> No.7624641

I'm not into 3D sex, I'm into a 3D friendship with a guy.

I don't know what it's like...

>> No.7624642

I find the biting sexy. The pregnancy.....I could do without, but fuck it, this is /jp/.

>> No.7624638 [DELETED] 

this thread is gay as HELL xD

>> No.7624640
File: 368 KB, 818x1000, d2762140ef164e62df8530b595f20e39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is the truth.

>> No.7624646
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1310783336838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri heralds a brighter tomorrow.

>> No.7624644
File: 145 KB, 1024x1014, 1310783318730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy spamming yuri isn't sion? he just acts like him? is it his brother or what. you can't exactly act like someone and not be called that person.

see when the dildos and finger tips reach into this, that's the most beautiful part of yuri. the thought of them licking this what really does it.

>> No.7624645

Ok, I may be overstating, but you understood what I was trying to say.

>> No.7624647

Well now that this thread is a cross-board shit-storm, what now.

>> No.7624648

I knew the heightened gayness on /jp/ recently would eventually come to a head but I didn't think it would be this explosive.

>> No.7624649

I don't think so. I think they're all from /jp/, and they're all furiously trolling as fast as flood control will let them.

>> No.7624651

Overstating or not...It's not the 'who' so much as the fact you WOULD.

>> No.7624652
File: 116 KB, 850x627, 1310783431692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God laughs when a gay dies.

>> No.7624653

>I'm a feminist
Stopped reading there.
Why the hell are you here?

>> No.7624654
File: 111 KB, 500x500, 1310783434620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri is a beacon of hope in this cruel, dark world.

>> No.7624656
File: 126 KB, 1240x874, 1310783477174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its unintended but that is some great pun material there.

>> No.7624657


>> No.7624660

> I always give the benefit of the doubt to any ladies
Thanks for your vote of fucking support, sexist. Get out.

>> No.7624659

Nice catch, I didn't even see that one.

>> No.7624661
File: 184 KB, 485x410, 1310783584094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else wish they could get a taste of this? the worst part of being a man is even if i cut off my penis i still won't have on these. hey /jp/ if i carve it out deep enough will one of these appear?

>> No.7624662

>Doesn't know what IQDB is.

Though really, it just proves that the person isn't even much of a yurifag as he is some guy spamming while looking shit up on a booru quickly.

>> No.7624666

What is so wrong about not wanting to be a virgin anymore? ;_;

>> No.7624671

I like how there's this shitstorm while a real-gays thread is right above it.

>> No.7624673
File: 61 KB, 757x723, 1310783675987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the Bible has the good sense to never condemn yuri. The stones and the stake are for the fags.

As many proponents of lesbianism have pointed out, there are no scriptures in Torah which specifically condemn, or even mention, same gender relations between women. Even the rabbis disagree on the issue.

The two principal passages condemning homosexuality in general are Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13. Some would say that these passages forbid Jews from keeping the practices of the nations surrounding them at the time. They use that argument to say that it was only for the time of the exodus and the kingdom, but doesn’t apply today. If the practices were wrong then, they are wrong today. They were wrong not because non-Jews practiced them, but because God hated them.

The Powers That Be are Yurifags.

>> No.7624674

Crossdressing faggot attention whore shit belongs in /b/ and /soc/.

>> No.7624678
File: 146 KB, 850x663, 1310783763677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay's status:
[ ] Not told
[X] Told
[X] Fuckin' Told
[X] Neon Genesis Evangelitold
[X] Toldhou
[X] Cowboy Betold
[X] Told metal Alchemist
[X] Tolden Boy
[X] Record of Toldoss War
[X] Narutold
[X] My Neighbor Toldtoro
[X] My Little Sister can't be this Told
[X] Fate/Stay Told
[X] YotsubaTOLD
[X] Fractold
[X] Told aru majutsu no Index
[X] Azumanga Daitold
[X] Told Love-ru
[X] Dragon Told Z
[X] Panty & Stocking with Gartoldbelt
[X] Told Piece
[X] Fist of the Told Star
[X] Toldtami galaxy
[X] Space Battleship YamaTOLD
[X] Kara no Toldkai
[X] Toldadora
[X] Puella Magi Matolda Magica
[X] Zero no Toldkaima
[X] Toldere (b-b-baka! Its not like I got told for YOU or anything)
[X] Ore no Funimation konna ni Told wake ga nai
[X] Kamijou Told-ya
[X] Urotsukidoji Legend of the Tolderfiend
[X] Digimon Told Wars
[X] Tengen Toldpa Gurren Lagann
[X] Yu-gi-told
[X] Toldnolyze
[X] Planetold
[X] Told Geass
[X] Infinite Toldos
[X] Tokyo Toldshokan
[X] Toldzinger Z
[X] Astrotold
[X] Revolutionary Girl Toldtena
[X] Toldcator Sakura
[X] Higurashi no Told koro ni
[X] Mobile Suit Toldam
[X] Ghost in the Shell: Told Alone Complex
[X] Inifinite Stratold
[X] Kimi ni toldoke
[X] FLTL (Fooly Toldy)
[X] Tokyo Magnitold 8.0
[X] Super Told Wars
[X] Told A Gundam
[X] Slam Told
[X] Yu Yu Hakutold
[X] Told Witches
[X] Toldno Crusade
[X] Toldhime Muso
[X] Told Shop of Horrors
[X] Toldma 1/2
[X] Athena no Seintold
[X] Vampire hunter D: Toldlust
[X] Toldbasa Chronicles

>> No.7624679

Fucking yurifags are the scum of this earth.

>> No.7624684

I support your.....endeavor, if only for the fact you'd see it ain't worth much. But THIS PLACE isn't the place. Here you wear your virginity with pride, and if you can't do that, well, fake it.

>> No.7624687
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, 1310783823297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuri fans actually believe this is pure. how delusional could you get? this thing spits out blood and mucus their entire lives. women are such impure creates they get yeast infections inside their body.

>> No.7624695

You know, this thread actually does prove how stupid yurifags from /u/ are. This is massively dumb and just blatant flamespamming.

>> No.7624704
File: 100 KB, 800x900, 1310783964279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Males and females are not 100% equal in every single way, and they should not be considered (nor are they) 100% equal in any field. There are many tasks that both biological genders can perform with varying degrees of success, but they are not completely 100% equal, and thus the cirumstances and situations involving them would not merit the exact same response (if all you knew about them was their biological gender). To believe such idealistic drivel as total complete unconditional equality is naive and unrealistic.

Anyway, more yuri win. There's been so much flaming faggotry shitting up /jp/ recently, hopefully this yuri can mitigate some of that horror.

>> No.7624708

>yurishit spamming
You're not saving anything. You're part of the problem.

>> No.7624713

Relation to my post = Almost nil.

>> No.7624721

Crossdressing Ass Penetrators vs Angry Feminist Dykes 2: New Age of Homos

>> No.7624716

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Lies and deceit.

>> No.7624717

225 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7624720
File: 149 KB, 919x1024, 1310784109004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a teenager who hasn't even talked with a woman or seen an actual woman in real life. you're basically legally insane if someone is judging solely on your delusions about women.

>> No.7624723

Some of these actually made me chuckle.

>> No.7624726

Ah, finally we've found a better name than Otaku Culture. Someone let moot know.

>> No.7624727

Look at the filenames, he prolly isn't even a yurifag, just a spammer

>> No.7624728
File: 45 KB, 370x366, 1310784242802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to talk about 3d homosexuality go to 7chan, /jp/ is not the place to talk about sucking 3d cock.

>> No.7624730
File: 73 KB, 626x673, 1310784259371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see what the fag is doing? Resorting to his fag base instincts: slander, poison, hatred, malice of an entire half of the human species.

They themselves showcase what depraved freaks they are.

Yuri is good, Yuri is just, Yuri revives our romance, and refreshes the soul.

>> No.7624731
File: 313 KB, 793x1080, 1310784273972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yuri has nothing to do with real women, can you get that into your little brain?

>> No.7624732

I'm proud of my virginity, but only when I'm not horny.
I don't even remember I'm a virgin when I'm horny.
And...well... I just can't control myself when I see a penis thread. Those threads are too lewd.

>> No.7624734
File: 36 KB, 700x439, 1310784342362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't try and backpedal now yurifag. it's obviously a yuri fan. the start of the thread showed their actual intention with all their garbage talk about how "they want it to return to just being a pure little girl" when men are involved it's disgusting!

>> No.7624735

Why did a thread with just an image of a cute little girl affectionately hugging a giant dick pillow out of pure hetero love turn into fags vs. yurifags?

>> No.7624737
File: 954 KB, 963x832, 1310784456898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got butthurt over "sexist". Sexism is simply discerning and reacting sensibly and to the best of one's ability to the real differences between males and females.

It is not strictly equal to male chauvinism. Just as being a gay male is not strictly equal to being a FLAMING FAGGOT.

Chart for reference.

If you're at the bottom level, take your fag shit back to >>>/y/

>> No.7624738

Protip: Take your hands off the keyboard and fap, for chrissakes. How old are you that your hormones still rage so?

>> No.7624739

wasn't even him, just an observer watching you two spam

>> No.7624742

>garbage talk about how "they want it to return to just being a pure little girl"
I'm not a yurifag but you really need to get out of /jp/.

>> No.7624743
File: 111 KB, 313x357, 1310784539531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually it does. it involves two women. men are gross because 3d men are gross and yuri is shit because it's based off women.

>> No.7624750

Because trolls, opinions and anon's not having the willpower to ignore.

>> No.7624751
File: 73 KB, 512x512, 1310784606532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I just thought the picture was an amusing take on what the board has tended towards recently, but this ended up terrible and even more shit-filled than my post.

Sorry /jp/, and goodbye, thread.
