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File: 32 KB, 398x600, cirno 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7619506 No.7619506 [Reply] [Original]

.... How come ZUN decided to let a useless boss into the fandom, then let her become one of the most well known characters from it? She really doesn't deserve the praise she gets.

>> No.7619549
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No one knows the answer to why this lil derp is so famous?

>> No.7619555

ZUN likes cirno, deal with it you secondary cirno hater

>> No.7619561
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But WHY does he like her? Don't get me wrong, she's hilarious in most fanworks. She's cute... But I wanna know the true answer, deep from ZUN's fucked up little mind....

>> No.7619564

ZUN doesn't control what secondaries do.

>> No.7619575

Well, does ZUN like, know about the fandom? Does he consider some of the fandom cannon?

>> No.7619586
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she is the cute fairy daughter he will never have.

>> No.7619590

>How come ZUN decided to let

You wanted him to direct what the fanbase of his doujins shooters liked? Not only is this retarded but he embraced it, the whole 9 thing came from an official manual which was after Cirno became notorious.

He does shit on fanon though, even though it doesn't do much. Case in point, Aya x Momiji.

>> No.7619591

So he sees her as his answer to Yotsuba?

>> No.7619595
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>Not teaching your Cirno to ride a Yian Kut Ku

>> No.7619592

>Well, does ZUN like, know about the fandom?

I'm sure he does, touhou would be nothing without the fandom after all. It's sad, but only a small portion of "touhou fans" actually care about the games.

>Does he consider some of the fandom cannon?

This is so stupid I don't know how to respond. Read the double spoiler scene comments.

>> No.7619609
File: 25 KB, 475x354, 1310677711016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Chen just childish or as derp as Cirno?

>> No.7619618

Wait...What happened with Aya x Momiji?

>> No.7619620

Well, she's only got 2 tails, so she can't be that old. I'd say just childish.

>> No.7619634

Aya and Momiji either hate each other, are now tsundere for each other, or just had a recent fight before Double Spoiler and are for the current moment on bad terms with each other.

>> No.7619635

I don't remember the exact details, but some of the scene comments in double spoiler at least implied that they don't like each other.

>> No.7619644

Nothing, but fandom always depicted Momiji as dere for Aya.
Zun went and made a tsundere out of Momiji on his own.

>> No.7619651

Aya commented how Momiji would always bite her when she annoys her or something. She didn't say annoy though. It's from Momiji's side only.
-> dense MC and tsundere heroine template

>> No.7619677

Bleh. DS was a huge "fuck you" to Aya in general.

>> No.7619685

.... Next thing, ZUN will fuck up Chen and Ran's relationship... Fucking with Aya and Momiji is like, seperating Hamada and Matsumoto of DownTown.

>> No.7619688


goodness, you're such a massive faggot.

>> No.7619697

Guys, guys, you're forgetting something.

>Meh, I can always make up the content as much as I want.

Touhou will never get a reliable narrator. Stop pretending ZUN does anything but encourage people to ignore whatever parts of "canon" they see (or rather, don't see) fit.

>> No.7619726


He just improved AyaXMomi to his tastes. It's his world and fanon won't get fucked up by his decisions. It's called fanon because it's different from the canon.
That's retarded.

>secondary who has no idea of the abundance of canon material

>> No.7619740

How do you know he doesn't plan things ahead? Notice how he made the spellcard rules fit EoSD and PCB before PMiSS was released.

If he wanted to troll shipperfags, he'd have already made Marisa and Alice dislike each other. Aya X Momiji is much more obscure than the above.

Of course, since people can't accept facts that they dislike, they just go ahead and manipulate the interpretation, in this case, just go call hate on tsundereness.

>> No.7619752

You messed up your quotes, no-one actually said anything like that.

>> No.7619783

I know Momiji is ZUN's character and all, but it's still a huge dick move to create a bare bones character, then to come backs years later with developments that totally contradict what people thought about her in his absence.

>> No.7619814

His characters are not bare bones ones, most of them anyway. There is much he is planning and keeping for himself until he can use it in the canon again. Best example the stuff about Sakuya in his translated emails.

>> No.7619880

Some of them are. Like Momiji was.

>> No.7619885

You might want to recall that Momiji was originally just a dialogue-less midboss, granted, she had her own profile and everything, but her amount of popularity went off the scale despite all that.

One thing I hate is that people consider anything that interferes with their belief as a dick move from the creator. Not to mention, he once said that even if all of his fans left him, he'd still keep making Touhou games like he wanted.

>> No.7620034

Based on the games and the interviews she looked more like the bossy type for me.

>> No.7620238

Next photograph game isn't even going to have Aya in it, its going to be Hatate.

And then I will kill myself.
