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7617734 No.7617734 [Reply] [Original]

JRPG is dead

>Dragon Quest VI (sold 3.2 million copies in Japan)
>Chrono Trigger (2 million copies)
>Romancing SaGa 3 ( 1.3 M copies)
>Seiken Densetsu 3 or Secret of Mana 2 (800k copies)
>Tactics Ogre ( 500k copies)
>Tales of Phantasia (250k)
>Terranigma (200k)
>Suikoden (163k)
>Lufia2 (???)

>The Last Story (sold only 110k copies in Japan)
>Dark Souls (Not Story Based RPG there)
old RPG remake, portable etcetc

>> No.7617736

I'm sure /v/ cares.

>> No.7617745


>Might and Magic
>Gold Box RPGs
>Hired Guns
>The Dark Eye
>Bards Tale


>> No.7617746

They're still alive; they just moved onto handhelds.

>> No.7617749

Eroge RPGs are fine, though.

>> No.7617752

>release JRPG on 360
>wonders why it doesnt sell


>> No.7617756
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"They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience." - Anonymous

>> No.7617758

Speaking of Wizardry, has anyone released anything similar in the last few years other than Dark Spire?

>> No.7617765
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Dragon Warrior VII was one of the greatest RPGs ever third only to Earthbound and Paper Mario anyway. Who gives a fuck

>> No.7617770

Been playing FFXIII lately and I've gotta say that if the game's supposed to revitalize the JRPG genre then it's doing quite a lousy job at it both story and gameplay wise. OH well, at least the CGI cutscenes are delicious.

>> No.7617772

Mt friend bought it and told me it was the worst one ever. That killed any desire I had of playing it.

>> No.7617775
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The Atelier series sales figures

PS1 1997/05/23 マリーのアトリエ ザールブルグの錬金術士・・・・・・・212,307
PS1 1998/12/17 エリーのアトリエ ザールブルグの錬金術士2・・・・・・161,351

PS3 2011/06/23 メルルのアトリエ アーランドの錬金術士3・・・・・・・・・11
PS3 2010/06/24 トトリのアトリエ アーランドの錬金術士2・・・・・・・・・・
PS2 2001/06/21 リリーのアトリエ ザールブルグの錬金術士3・・・・・・・90,203
PS2 2004/05/27 イリスのアトリエ エターナルマナ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・80,969
PS3 2009/06/25 ロロナのアトリエ アーランドの錬金術師・・・・・・・・・・・75,063
PS2 2002/06/27 ユーディーのアトリエ グラムナートの錬金術士・・・・・66,925
PS2 2003/06/26 ヴィオラートのアトリエ グラムナートの錬金術士2・・・58,566
PS2 2005/05/26 イリスのアトリエ エターナルマナ2・・・・・・・・・・・・・
PS2 2008/05/29 マナケミア2 ~おちた学園と錬金術士たち~・・・・・・・48,394
PS2 2007/06/21 マナケミア~学園の錬金術師たち~・・・・・・・・・・・・・
PS2 2006/06/29 イリスのアトリエ グランファンタズム・・・・・・・・・・・

>> No.7617780

> JRPG is dead

But the future refused to change...

>> No.7617787

Well, it's not that bad bad, but the battle system could've used some honing. The job system is great but it all boils down to mashing X in the end. And the story, oh god, it's far worse than former in FFs not to mention the characters. Granted I just got out of the linearity hell and am doing the quests in gran pulse I still don't see how the story would shape itself up.

>> No.7617799
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Sad, isn't it?

>> No.7617800

How much are the prices counting for inflation?

>> No.7617803

>Atelier Totori in EU
>Atelier Meruru in JP
>Ar Tonelico Qoga in EU
>Hyperdimension Neptunia in EU

for me, this has been a great jrpg year

>> No.7617824

>not to mention the characters
I liked most of the characters. Really, the only one I absolutely couldn't stand was the utterly cliched "I can save everyone, even if it kills me and everyone around me" Snow.
I know a lot of people hate Vanille, but I thought her personality was justified. I don't know if you are past the "big reveal" yet but there are definitely reasons for her acting like a generic Genki Girl.

>> No.7617827

Star Ocean 2(PS):700k → Star Ocean 3(PS2) 530k → Star Ocean 4 (360) 210k、(PS3):152k

Valkyrie Profile (PS):630k → VP2 (PS2):400k

SaGa Frontier(PS):1.09M → SaGa Frontier 2(PS):680k → Unlimited: SaGa (PS2):440k

Suikoden III(PS2):380k →Suikoden IV(PS2):310k → Suikoden V(PS2):190k

Wild Arms III(PS2):270k → Wild Arms IV(PS2):190k → Wild Arms V(PS2):110k

Breath of Fire III(PS):430k → Breath of Fire IV(PS):330k → Breath of Fire V(PS2):140k

>> No.7617833
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> inflation

>> No.7617835

>LRLB player?

>> No.7617838

Xenogears (PS):900k

Xenosaga I(PS2):440k → Xenosaga II(PS2):260k → Xenosaga III(PS2):180k

Xenoblade (Wii): 160k

>> No.7617843

Dragon Quest VI 3.2m → Dragon Quest VII 4.1m → Dragon Quest VIII 5m → Dragon Quest IX 5.5m

>> No.7617848

Well it could just be the fact Xenosaga sucks ass

>> No.7617852

It has mostly to do with the fact that a few of those sequels are terribad and scared a lot of people off the franchises.

>> No.7617913

How much did the games back then cost, then factor in inflation to see how much it actually cost because 1 cent back then isn't the same as 1 cent now.

>> No.7617926

You realise that we are talking about Japan right?
Japan's economy has been stagnant for decades.

>> No.7617932

Final Fantasy VI... 11,400 yen
Chrono Trigger...... 11,400 yen

Final Fantasy VII.... 8,990 yen
Final Fantasy VIII.... 8,190 yen
Final Fantasy XIII....9,240 yen

>> No.7617930

ep1 and ep3 were two of the best RPGs on the PS2. more like gears was a surprising success.

>> No.7617938
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>Xenoblade (Wii): 160k

I bet Touhou 13 will sell more than Xenoblade

>> No.7617942

>The job system is great but it all boils down to mashing X in the end.
That like, every FF ever.

>> No.7617964

you clearly havent played ff13 then. they don't even hide it, they literally want you to spam xx. at least theyre trying to fix in the sequel

>> No.7617979

I have the game at launch. And yeah, it's mashing X (or O in my case) all day with the occasional L1. I use the menu on special case, though.

I think I'll take that over mashing OK for Attack and the occasional Curaga and Limit Break any day.

>> No.7618015

I will buy Xenoblade and the Last Story when then come out here in Europe. That's something great these day, at least we have more and more games here.

I kinda like FF13, the battle system isn't a revolution, but I least there are trying to change a little from the previous games. What I like about the system is that it's well balanced. You only control one character but at least it's logical considering everything's so fast, and you have the time to change your strategies and act.
It's still kinda mashing X, but everything seems much more dynamic and so, less boring.

>> No.7618036
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Well, everything has to end anyway.

>> No.7618371

And it's people like you who are the reason they take out depth out of RPGs. I bet you like Dragon Age 2 better than older Bioware RPGs too, right?

>> No.7618384

Everything medium of entertainment is dead.

>> No.7618387

>older Bioware RPGs
Not him, but I never liked the classic Bioware RPGs very much. Black Isle's were a lot better (with the exception of Icewind Dale).

I also think Mass Effect 2 was a huge improvement over the first game. It took out a lot of unnecessary combat, and had a much larger focus on storytelling.

>> No.7618390

I still need to play that one.

>> No.7618389

you are dead

>> No.7618391

it was linear, no exploration

>> No.7618393


That would distract people from all the gay sex they could have!

>> No.7618395

This is what happens when you start typing a post and in the middle you go do something else and come back five minutes later.

>> No.7618398

It was just about as linear as the first game. And those shitty copy-pasted Mako segments don't count as "exploration."

>> No.7618400
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Looking foward to Xillia myself.

>> No.7618405

But the story in 2 was shit, and I liked the combat in ME1. For me ME2 was horrible and I never finished it. It was such a big letdown because ME1 was so good.

>> No.7618445

get to it.

>> No.7618450

The announcement that Team Symphonia is responsible for the Battle System killed a lot of the hype for me.
I just can't seem to care for their generic mash X and one special button to win type of system.

>> No.7618466

I loved fooling around with the Mako on those big empty coloured planets. And then finding a suspicous place, get closer to see what was going on...
There are no "open places with enemies to kill" in ME2, kinda hard to reach the max level.

Everything else is better in ME2 than in the first one.

>> No.7618468

I didn't think the story in either was particularly good. But Mass Effect 2 bad better characters, in my opinion. That blue whore wasn't in your party, at the very least.

As far as combat goes, I think 2 was a huge improvement. Sure, it was just like any other generic third-person shooter, but at least your guns didn't spray bullets across the entire screen. The loss of RPG elements was disappointing, but the RPG elements in Mass Effect 1 were rather barebones anyway.

>> No.7618472

this is why i buy every game nis releases

>> No.7618481
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Nomura killed the JRPGs.
