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7617277 No.7617277 [Reply] [Original]

Beating EX bosses has become progressively less satisfying.

Rather than taking pride in success and failure in stride I now admonish shortcomings and beat myself up over the slightest imperfection or failure to capture a card--disregarding any attempt short of absolute perfection.

Anyone else know this feel?

Secondary plebian-faggots who've yet to 1cc an ex boss need not post in this thread.

>> No.7617290

Secondary plebeian here, but I felt that I should still post in this thread because I feel the same way. The only difference is that I do this on normal Normal runs, and always end up failing because of my lack of skill and patience.

>> No.7617293
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We can talk about other ex bosses too

>> No.7617295

>Secondary plebian-faggots

You could have really gone without saying that, you know.

>> No.7617303


That's happening to me as well. I don't even feel like finishing up SA and UFO. Maybe I'll just play Fairy Wars forever, that's the only game I ever make progress in.

>> No.7617310

How do you even. I've 1cc'd UFO on normal, but FW has me raped. I guess I just can't get in on the freezing mechanic even after all this time

>> No.7617311

What if the EX bosses had difficulty levels like the rest of the game?

>> No.7617314

>>Secondary plebian-faggots

>> No.7617325

Easy Extra? oh god

Extra extra? Your safespot is 1 pixel wide and moves, good luck

>> No.7617331


You get retarded amounts of lives and bombs, that's how. Also, if you memorize where to freeze it shouldn't be as hard even with some of the bullshit patterns the game has. Grazing is extremely important since it helps you charge up your freeze much faster. I've almost managed to 1cc FW A1 route Hard mode even on some of my worse runs because I knew where to freeze and bomb, but I can't for the life of me beat SA or UFO normal. Maybe it's because I've only fought Utsuho 3 times and Byakuren 5 times.

>> No.7617336
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>1cc an ex boss

As opposed to using a continue in an EX stage?

>> No.7617339


that wouldn't warrant being only one stage and one boss long if they had varying levels of difficulty.

If you're crazy enough to want to jack the difficulty up even higher than it already is there are plenty of resources to sate you.

>> No.7617340

I'll 1cc a Touhou game or an ex-boss soon! I just gotta!

>> No.7617347

>1cc an ex boss

>> No.7617356

Utusho was the second stage 6 I ever fought (behind Byakuren) and took me well over thirty tries to just get past her stupid ass.

This was at three or four in the morning with two lives via continuing since I didn't fucking have stage select prior to beating the level. I felt like a fucking champ when I finally beat her

She used to be hard as hell, just the other month I went back for the first time in awhile and 1cc'd SA on normal, capturing all but one of Okuu's cards. Orin didn't even kill me but once via cats walk.

Embarrasingly Green-eyed jealousy killed me once since I completely forgot how to handle that card--it had been too many months.

>> No.7617355

I know that all too well, except with 2 years of Touhou gaymen experience on me.

>> No.7617368


Maybe I just need a few more tries. Admittedly the most tries it took me was about 11 with Kanako, the rest took less when counting the main games. I haven't managed to 1cc IN A route though, Eirin just thoroughly kicks my ass, harder than any other stage 6 boss. I just continue spammed so I could unlock the B route and then the extra.

>> No.7617375

Curse of Apollo 13 and astronomical entombing are bullshit.

Turning device is generally full of horse shit too.

The others are ez.

>> No.7617403

I used to feel that especially when doing speedruns, and as usually finishing a Th Extra "decently" takes me at least like 100-150 tries... I get a little MAD AS FUCK.

I still have to beat Suwako... but I don't want to start trying because I know I'll fall into this bottomless pit of rage and swearing until I beat it... and the inner reward and satisfaction I get to feel it's not worth anymore ;_;

>> No.7617408

>That feel when you sage without even thinking about it anymore

>> No.7617419

>astronomical entombing are bullshit.

On Normal it's a hard-as-shit card. Piss easy on the other difficulties. It's Mountain of Faith, but worse.

>> No.7617435
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Yeah, OP, that's still an entry-level feeling. After a while, you'll crack and decide "Meh, I'll do a couple of runs for the lols and not care if I die or not" and you'll Clear the stage (or if you're not good enough, you'll get much farther than any of your previous tries)

>> No.7617457

I did that from the moment I started playing, I'm yet to see more than one ending because I start on Normal and restart every time I game over or fuck up my score too badly.

>> No.7617455

>that feel when you think your shitty comment it's not worth of bumping a thread.

>> No.7618425

>not bombing the shit out of stage 5 and 6 bosses
you don't want to ruin your run after doing so well, right?

>> No.7618461

I remember doing that when I tried to beat hard/lunatic.
It's a really bad habit though. it's better to continue and tell yourself that you should avoid future mistakes in the run to compensate for the mistake you just made.

>> No.7618478

I don't know that feel. I beated Flan, Ran, Yukari, Mokou and recently Suwako, and it feels good man.

I fucking can't SA Normal anyway, Yuugi always shits on me, and that fucking cat finishes me, it's fucking boring restarting long ass level 4 when continue.

>> No.7618493
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>faggots still haven't discovered fairy wars phantasm stage

>> No.7618502

nice philosophy suigin very good

>> No.7618518

hello suigin

just kidding
