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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 800x533, 800px_flag_of_south_korea_svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7614553 No.7614553 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no Corean characters in Jap anime/manga/VN/games etc. when there are plenty of Chinese, American, Russian, British, German characters?
I mean Corea is right next door and there's a sizable population of coreans in nippon, so it's not like they aren't aware of them. Why, then? Racism?

>> No.7614556

Stop posting.

>> No.7614565

The nida is here! Hide the kimchi!

>> No.7614570

never noticed, you are right.

>> No.7614571

The kimchi is coming from inside the walls!

>> No.7614575
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>> No.7614576


<`∀´> already eat it all nida <丶`∀

>> No.7614578

You just don't notice because they all took Japanese names.

>> No.7614592

Because Korea is Japan's Mexico.

In the U.S. there's the ever-present and ominpresent White (Non-Hispanic), similarly there are monumental efforts to separate Zainichi's from native Japanese.

>Chinese, American, Russian, British, German characters
They serve useful stereotypes -
Chinese = sly calculating villain
American = loud-mouthed reckless bravado
Russian = wintery soldiers of some refinement
British = prudes (tsun tsun)
German = strong classy sexy allies

Koreans wouldn't serve any purpose except to remind Japanese viewers of the largest demographic of non-Yamato residents within their homeland.

>> No.7614602

I've heard nightmare stories of Korean students that go over to Japan and aren't even given service simply because they are Korean.

In Japan, their class system starts with Japanese people, almost everything other than foreign celebrities are at sublevels.

>> No.7614609

Corea dog same

pls leave

>> No.7614669


Nobody likes Koreans.

>> No.7614684


More like Koreans are the Americunts of Asia, you piece of shit.

>> No.7614759

hurradurr they're america's bitch but not the america of asia

go back to kimchichan.org

>> No.7614795

The america of Asia will soon be China, if it isn't already.

>> No.7614801


Retarded Americunts thinking they are a global standard of "good".

The whole world looks down on you.

>> No.7614804

cause we hate each other

>> No.7614807

Yes, a closed mindset the country has indeed.

>> No.7614816

Its alright if you hate us, it bring me great pleasure to see the hate in your eyes while you are choking on our dick.

>> No.7614830

But it goes much further beyond that.
There are works (mostly manga) set in ancient china or fantasy lands inspired by ancient china. There are works set in western or western inspired settings. There are many works with mythological elements borrowed from all over the world from Mesoamerican civilizations to the middle east.

However, there are not only no works set in ancient (or any) Korean or Korean inspired settings, but there are no cultural references to Korea anywhere!
Quite striking if you take into consideration that the Japanese themselves are ancient Korean colonists who to stole Japan from the Ainu.

>> No.7614827

wait, you korean or jap?

>> No.7614828


You know what? Before Bush drove America down the gutter that might have stung slightly.

>> No.7614834

You serious? He's talking about US

>> No.7614835


>> No.7614837

There are not many historical records of Korea because when Japan was imperializing before WW2, they had tried to purge all of Korea's history by burning whatever documents they found and educating them about Japanese culture

>> No.7614839

My bad, I'm new here, was just getting confused

>> No.7614850
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>> No.7614859

Why Koreans hate Japan? Japan gave them civilization.

>> No.7614861

People burn flags when they protest? Wow I never knew

>> No.7614862

Korean pop



>> No.7614872
File: 917 KB, 1198x668, 1310586251254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it ain't as bad as what the Turks did to the Kurds in the 90's.

>Following these events, the existence of distinct ethnic groups like Kurds in Turkey was officially denied and any expression by the Kurds of their ethnic identity was harshly repressed. Until 1991, the use of the Kurdish language – although widespread – was illegal. As a result of reforms inspired by the EU, music, radio and television broadcasts in Kurdish are now allowed albeit with severe time restrictions (for example, radio broadcasts can be no longer than sixty minutes per day nor constitute more than five hours per week while television broadcasts are subject to even greater restrictions). Additionally, education in Kurdish is now permitted though only in private institutions.

>As late as 1994, however, Leyla Zana, the first female Kurdish representative in Turkey's Parliament, was charged for making "separatist speeches" and sentenced to 15 years in prison. At her inauguration as an MP, she reportedly identified herself as a Kurd. Amnesty International reported that "[s]he took the oath of loyalty in Turkish, as required by law, then added in Kurdish, 'I shall struggle so that the Kurdish and Turkish peoples may live together in a democratic framework.' Parliament erupted with shouts of 'Separatist!', 'Terrorist!', and 'Arrest her!'"

Turkey: "They are called Kurds because of the "Kurt Kurt" sounds their wooden shoes make."

cultural genocide > cultural omission

There was a news article recently where some mudshark skank was surprised when her new Korean boyfriend's parents protested her European taint would weaken their Korean bloodlines if he married her.

Here it is: His parents said, 'Not with a white girl'

>> No.7614878
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not only flag

>> No.7614884
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>> No.7614886

They tried to destroy their civilization

yeah pretty much similar

>> No.7614890

fucking savages

>> No.7614891

wasn't that actually the korean national bird

>> No.7614903
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>> No.7614904

Why is there so much nidashit here on /jp/ nowadays?

>> No.7614921

I'm korean, but i don't really bear a grudge against the Japanese people (hence why i'm here). I have relatives who had been in Japanese occupied Korea and i've heard what kind of things they did to the people.

One korean woman started a rally to show japan that koreans still had their pride when the country tried to oppress and force their own culture on the people. a lot of koreans came out and started waving their flags and shouting about how they wanted liberation. The Japanese soldiers shot all of them, men, women, children, old ladies, and thats just an example. They've been through a lot of wars and Japan commited genocides on several other countries including korea. What I think is the worst part is that after America came in and defeated them, there wasn't any kind of apology or anything, they just denied any accusation made on the nation.
Thats kind of a few reasons why korea hates Japan. Why Japan hates Koreans, maybe because of that or some other reasons. might want to ask a japanese person.

>> No.7614924

protip: shit like that happens all the time in history.

>> No.7614929
File: 62 KB, 602x417, 13907213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are fucking savages

>> No.7614933

yeah thats why theres racism. sucks rite?

>> No.7614947

They're just playing tag.

>> No.7614949


... It's the other way around. Racism exists regardless and was/is often the fuel for such actions.

>> No.7614950

Rape of Nanking 1937, look it up

>> No.7614963

To be honest I'd still rather be caught by Japs than Koreans.

That said I feel the most benevolent and civilized people in east asia are the Chinese. If you peel of the outer layers of westernization the japs are still the same banzai yelling, head chopping samurai.

>> No.7614968

People group other people according to ethnicity or attributes and hate that group because of what they've experienced with people of that group. Hate and desperation cause humans to discard moral values and commit inhuman crimes. I dislike that aspect of human nature, and i wish more people would find reasons for getting away from that.

>> No.7614969



sorry.. fucking lol. That was supposed to be funny, right?

>> No.7614974
File: 139 KB, 500x332, 1310587702971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>koreans in vietnam war

>> No.7614976

lol well, i'm sure there are a few needles in the haystack

>> No.7614991

yeah that whole war was pretty stupid. Vietnam would have been better off with Ho Chi Minh in charge. Democracy vs Communism, yay prejudice

>> No.7614993
File: 50 KB, 515x371, 1310588004100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey koreans, /jp/is not place for you

>> No.7614998

They just have to shake off communism properly, that's all.

>> No.7615019

but y?

>> No.7615045

Don't do that.

>> No.7615072

y not

>> No.7615090

Because I said so.

>> No.7615098
File: 26 KB, 300x243, 1310589469782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wynaut y?

>> No.7615109

LOL japan civilization come from Korea.
Japan Emperor = Korean

>> No.7615202


But there are Korean characters in some fighting manga like Hajime no Ippo, where that Korean boxer gets fucked up in the first minute of the first round of a title fight. Also do you care about Japanese films? The protagonist in Go is Korean or half-Korean I forget and the new vocalist in Linda Linda Linda was a Korean exchange student.

>> No.7615230

By that methodology you and your entire family are n‎ig‎ge‎rs. Kill yourself shitskin.

>> No.7615254

U sound mad, jap.

>> No.7615262

u mad?

>> No.7615309

Go back in your thatch hut, Corean.

>> No.7615369

Typical jjokbari.

Has no argument, so posts insults or propaganda.

>> No.7615373

holy shit can't believe a whole thread has been samefagged by a korean

Amurraka here, suck our dick

>> No.7615374
File: 1.45 MB, 306x241, 1310592488659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you admit to being n‎ig‎ge‎rs?

Well no further insults are necessary then.

>> No.7615400
File: 110 KB, 705x458, 1310592716783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean photographs?

>> No.7615415

Cool fake photo, Jap.

Why don't you post rich parts of Korea?
I guess you are a jjokbari.

>> No.7615447

And by fake I mean that it could even be taken up in Japan.

>> No.7615449

Go back to /b/ with your racism please. Reported.

>> No.7615465
File: 267 KB, 165x115, 1310593484867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Apefrica, you shitskin. Crying like an impotent little sissy to the mods because your widdle feelings are hurt just further showcases how pathetic and worthless you are.

>> No.7615478
File: 25 KB, 573x446, 1310593617866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that /b/ is the only racist board on 4chan

>> No.7615481

Both reported. Enjoy your bans.

>> No.7615482

Sorry but your posting express no intelligence.

Kill yourself please, untermensch.

>> No.7615491 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 412x412, 1310593781686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical nigger, thinking that reports do anything.

>> No.7615501

Enjoy being a worthless n‎ig‎ge‎r.

>is n‎ig‎ge‎r or n‎ig‎ge‎r-lover
>uses the word intelligence
>uses the word untermensch
God himself just got a hard-on from your laughably oblivious irony.

>> No.7615524

You just proved my citation even more.

Do humanity a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.7615532

Continuing from last night's subway thread at >>7611832

I've only come to the realization just now that there's probably a samefagging mastermind behind all these fucking Korea vs Japan threads.

It's so simple: he goes and starts one of these threads, and then acting out multiple personas (Coreans, Japanese, weeaboo Americans, and whatnot) he brews up a shitstorm like he does with these posts.
and post from his massive collection of photos which make Koreas and Japanese look bad like

Threads like these disgust me as they bring no entertainment value (I guess it does to a small number of weeaboos or sick bastards who just love talking shit about others) while being off-topic and spreading false information at the same time.

tl;dr: if I were a janitor, I'd delete these samefagged threads without a second glance.

>> No.7615538 [DELETED] 


You should really look up the definition of words before you use them. Even a nigger is capable of that.

Anyway, don't you have a gang war or some shit to attend to? Need to restock on crack cocaine?

>> No.7615549
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>is n‎ig‎ge‎r or n‎ig‎ge‎r-lover
>uses the word citation
>tells an actual human to go kill himself
Humanity doesn't include n‎ig‎ge‎rs, you braindead loser. And if I really wanted to do humanity a favor I'd get in my car and run over a few dozen n‎ig‎ge‎rs. But it wouldn't be worth all the shit getting stuck to my tires. Or the 10 dollar ticket I'd get for littering rubbish all over the place.

>> No.7615555

you are using the quoting function incorrectly while bumping this shitty thread.

>> No.7615556

>You should really look up the definition of words before you use them

You should.
Now proceed with my order.

>> No.7615563
File: 64 KB, 250x250, 1310594662126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Ren
>Butthurt about someone else shitposting

>> No.7615566


Even a kid with downs can say a better insult, untermensch.

>> No.7615572

A citation is a reference to an outside source, you retarded coon. You didn't reference anything. You're just sitting there crying about the "WHYTE OPPRESSHUN" while those very same whites work to pay for your fuckin' welfare checks.

>> No.7615576
File: 127 KB, 500x403, 1310594871725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You should" what?

You need a course in introductory English. Actually I'm just fucking with ya, all you really need is some rope and a lampost or tree haha.

Refer to pic if the mentla image escapes your tiny simian brain.

>> No.7615575

quit bumping your garbage, OP.

>> No.7615581
File: 20 KB, 292x219, 1310594956982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hypocrite asshole, watch your goddamn mouth. Reported for using the R word.

>> No.7615587 [DELETED] 

lol, subhuman can't even use logical thinking.

I was citing the fact that you have low intelligence.

>> No.7615593

lol, subhuman can't even use logical thinking.

I was citing the fact that you have low intelligence.

>> No.7615588

N‎ig‎ge‎rs WISH they could be some actual human skin color with downs. Unfortunately for them, they are stuck with being the lowest of the low: a n‎ig‎ge‎r.

>> No.7615595
File: 149 KB, 320x219, 1310595296904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, you autist. I'm sorry that it takes so much intelligence to read a few fucking numbers on a post ID, but shut the fuck up and look at them. And yeah, anyone using that trip is a retard the likes of which makes /b/ look refined and educated.

>> No.7615596


>> No.7615598

Just jumping in here but, you're simply not using "citation" correctly, neither for its actual definition, nor in an appropriate context. Your native language isn't English is it.

>> No.7615600 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 481x357, 1310595462207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a citation, genius. It's an assumption (lower than an ad hominem) you made in a fit of rage in a last ditch attempt to piss that guy off. An ironic one given the fact that it's coming from a nigger, a race proven to have ridiculously low intelligence compared to regular humans.

>> No.7615601

O righteous lord of /jp/, I shall put it in a more refined way.
Quit fucking bumping this thread.

>> No.7615607

Yeah no. If you don't like it, hide it you stupid faggot. You telling me not to bump it only encourages me to do so, just because you're the biggest shitposter on /jp/, even if multiple people are using your gay trip.

>> No.7615604

>It's an assumption
No it's not, see your posting.

>> No.7615616

It's correct.
Yes, English is not my native language but it is correct.

>> No.7615618 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 648x485, 1310595770904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your feeble attempts at coming up with a 'witty' response. Niggers shouldn't try to act smart, especially on 4chan. Why don't you use one of your actual talents, like dealing drugs or mugging old women?

>> No.7615622

Why don't you take your tired, unfunny image macros to reddit?

>> No.7615625

You fail, racist bad-fake-kun.

Paradise is no longer open for you.

>> No.7615631
File: 61 KB, 388x559, 1310595960513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yeah I can't speak English for shit, but I KNOW this word is correct! You native English speakers fuck off, you don't know anything!"


>> No.7615637


>> No.7615668

>Chinese, American, Russian, British, German
Because they have countries that matter in the world.

>Why are there no Corean characters?
Because Korea is a shit hole country with crappy halfbreeds that got raped. A nation that never knew long standing domination like the Chinese, epic empire like the Mongols, nor rapid adaptivity and modernization like the Japanese.

Why are there no Haitians? The same reason why there are no Koreans, because they are shit and don't matter in the world.

>> No.7615681 [DELETED] 

What's actually rib tickling funny is that you think you're witty or interesting.
I know you're going to respond by calling me a "butthurt nigger" but I live in the scottish countryside, I am probably whiter than you.

>> No.7615687 [DELETED] 

That's just the thing a pasty white butthurt nigger from the scottish countryside would say.

>> No.7615695

>Because Korea is a shit hole country with crappy halfbreeds that got raped.
You mean Japs, because those are the halfbreeds.
>nor rapid adaptivity and modernization like the Japanese.
Thanks to Americans.

You Japs sure are hypocrite aren't you?

>> No.7615702

Christ, for a board comprised of those who claim not to give a shit about Japan, you sure hold similar ideologies. Reported.

>> No.7618526

korea fucking poor country
