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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 179 KB, 506x375, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7611042 No.7611042 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw this on NND. What's going on? What do you think?


>> No.7611052

>Korean vs. American
>Not Starcraft

>> No.7611059

>get kicked in face
>do nothing
>beta as fuck

>> No.7611070

um how do I watch this without speaking moon?

>> No.7611066

You are all reported.

>> No.7611067

america dog get out hangul peninsu

>> No.7611076

Who gives a shit.

>> No.7611080

do not watch! japanese anti-corea 

>> No.7611105

Youtube link here

>> No.7611115

those zapanese bastards...insult my hangul spirit...

>> No.7611129

more like /kp/ amirite

>> No.7611126


>> No.7611136

      ∧,,∧    ||\   \ ̄| ̄~|     .|          <`∀´丶>
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         \}===========}    |   [二二二二二二二

>> No.7611143

In before that mad Korean guys calls you all Thai

>> No.7611156


>> No.7611162


2chan is right.
Koreans are really scum.

>> No.7611168

The guy that got kicked was trying to get the person with him to hold his drink, when that didn't happen it was a little too late to just start it up again(in Japan at least without looking like a trouble starting gaijin)

>> No.7611173

     (     )__
      |   彡__) 30cm

     (__)    JAPANESE
     ( ´∀`)
     (     )
      |  二つ 10cm

>> No.7611174
File: 57 KB, 392x591, 1310516402873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, thais can be spotted posting Jjokbari things like this>>7611136
And I'm not korean.

Also OP those guys were pissing off that person.

>> No.7611175


i lold

>> No.7611180

Youtube link?

>> No.7611189

I hope you're eyes rot

>> No.7611196

I'm sure you can spare the minute it takes to make an account.

>> No.7611211
File: 465 KB, 600x3000, 1310516783327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're a Jap.
This your typical behaviour.

>> No.7611234
File: 263 KB, 708x1100, 1310516979616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*this is

>> No.7611236

For a non-korean, you really are defensive about the country

>> No.7611237

Comparing Japan and China is like comparing Mexico and Spain, you're bound to find tons and tons of things in common due to cultural influence.

>> No.7611246

Are they even in Japan though? Why are there so many White men on the train? Even the camera man was speaking English, wtf?

>> No.7611251
File: 52 KB, 302x400, 1310517133819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7611257

That video always make me laugh.

>> No.7611273
File: 12 KB, 223x164, slapjap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7611285
File: 269 KB, 1000x500, 1310517509766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but Japs DO NOT ADMIT IT.

They create falsehood, they care only for public image.

Yeah, it's pretty funny seeing monkeys acting like monkeys.

>> No.7611297

You have never been on Mexico or Spain.

>> No.7611321

'scuse me, I am Mexican (from Guadalajara) and I have been to Spain (Guadalajara, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla and Granada).

>> No.7611322

Why are you posting without your trip?

>> No.7611324
File: 97 KB, 848x402, 1310517938165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong with me...
It's TAI, those fucking TAIwanese weeaboos.

>> No.7611331
File: 23 KB, 424x320, 1310518005633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What trip?

>> No.7611333
File: 1.23 MB, 1191x1917, 1310518025236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7611339
File: 62 KB, 480x359, 1310518071751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, we are very alike, but hate each other guts.

>> No.7611347

''Your country's dub for X anime suuucks''
''no u''
''no u''
''no u''


>> No.7611356

Pretty much this

>> No.7611357
File: 632 KB, 860x1290, 1310518347463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh if isn't the weeaboo American from /int/.

Having fun posting your mixed Japs?

>> No.7611362
File: 304 KB, 1024x768, 1310518410078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is true!

But I no longer know if it is still true though. I have not watched dubbed anime in over a decade.

>> No.7611363

But mexico is a third world country while Japan and china are both first.

>> No.7611365

dub, sub... faces... whatever is latin american pisses off spanish nerds and the other way around.

God knows why.

>> No.7611366
File: 30 KB, 659x591, 1310518451528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, the korean faggot is a BR. WTF?

>> No.7611370
File: 24 KB, 244x207, 1310518501146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So mad

Japanese people are white. Deal with it

>> No.7611372


Really not sure what prompted the faggy looking kick...

>> No.7611383



>> No.7611387

China? First world in name only. Chinese sweatshops are still alive and well as far as I know. With human rights being applied, China would FAIL.

And Japan is decadent and growing old and disillusioned.

>> No.7611386

How he be a korean faggot if he's a BR, jjokbari.

>> No.7611393

Brazil is the 1st place in the world with most Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, gooks in general.

>> No.7611395

Japs are mongrels.
Deal with it.

>> No.7611397


>> No.7611398

Brazil is the 1st place with the most Japs...

>> No.7611403

See >>7611393

>> No.7611404

But that's Jap laugh.

>> No.7611410

Some Coreans live in the apartment below mine and they make kimuchi everyday

It stinks bad

Just like them

>> No.7611406


>> No.7611416

Because he's a liar?

>> No.7611417

>seryota1213 (11 hours ago)
you are not Brazilian,right!? don't pretend that you are Brazilian...you are korean...

>> No.7611419

Sorry, I didn't know you lived in taiwan...

>> No.7611425
File: 176 KB, 1282x939, 1310519213908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this smell!?
Is it a Jap? Is it a Tai?

It's the same shit!

>> No.7611424

Korean eat dog, dog is for being pet not for food

>> No.7611430

Japs also ate dogs on the Meiji era...
Stop hiddening the facts Jap.

>> No.7611431

                / =.\       kekekekekekeke
              // ̄\ .\
            /| |へノ⌒| //\
            \ \_//  .\
              \ = /       \
               \/        \
                    (  `/)  >ヽ∧
                    /   /  / `∀> ∧∧  COREA SHALL RISE NIDA!
                  ◇(   イ◇  (   ,つ`∀´>
                  /ヽ  )) ヽ  )ヽ )と  , イ
                  (_/(_/(_/(_/ノ(_/⊂ノ> )J
              / ̄Y ̄`|/ ̄^Y ̄ヽ/ ̄ ̄Y `´ ̄\
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>> No.7611435

At least they don't eat cum like you do.

>> No.7611434

fucking korean scum

>> No.7611436
File: 60 KB, 584x568, 1310519403030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I figured it out. This faggot: >>7611425 is actually a Jap himself, likely a Japanese American. This whole thing of him posting anti-Japanese pictures is a false flag attack to try and bring the weeaboos out of the woodwork to make them post nice things about Japan, which he furiously masturbates to with his minuscule 3 inch penis. Absolutely pathetic

>> No.7611438

And I eat horses, so what? That's natural.
Human is on top of the food chain.

>> No.7611440

kekekeke is Jap laugh though.

>> No.7611450

           / ⌒   ~ミヾ)-、
          //,/⌒ヾ─-‐" ̄ヾ  i
          l〃i   彡三ミ _  |ミ、}    
         __|,〃   __,,,.ハ、,ー  ヾ,ノ┐ / ̄ ̄ ̄
         |ヽ{   ,´´゚ | | ゚``、  }イノ  | Smell!
         `し|    , J レ 、   |J´ ∠____
           | l  /\_,/ヽ i |        _ 
           |   !    │ /       /  \
.           \ │/ーへ│,/      /::\つソ
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           /|::::|/□\|::::|::::::::::::::::::::::::/ /∧韓∧ ~∞
          /| ;;;;>;;| ノ`l  .|;;<;;;:::::::::::::::./  /< ;`Д´>
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                  /ヽ ∬   ブーン      ∞
                  ∧北∧ ⌒∞
              (  (  ∪∪  ~∞
              ∞  ∪∪´

>> No.7611447

It all makes since.

>> No.7611448

Why don't we just agree they're all asians and get it over with?

>> No.7611449

Oh no!
The Koreans stole the Jap laugh!
Those fucking lying Koreans!

>> No.7611459


>> No.7611467

WTF, no blood, it's fucking not real

>> No.7611484

Macross is series about power of culture

Korea would be weakest in Macross because they don't have culture of their own


>> No.7611487
File: 51 KB, 363x531, 1310520041394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I would be a or fap to fucking Japs or Tais.
No, I am white.

>> No.7611490


Keep telling yourself that, Tanaka

>> No.7611491

Korean is tiny and weak, of course there is no blood

>> No.7611495

Your nation either, Jap.

>> No.7611546

Why would it have blood?
First was a kick that landed on the cheek Then it was a shove ( look at the glass behind )

Geez... some people

>> No.7611560

Korean = strong warrior
Jap = week and whiny

>> No.7611564

Jap detected.

Don't try to hide your image Jap.

>> No.7611572

if a man kicks you in the face with his shoes on some of your teeth be missing, the inside of your mouth gashed from smashing against those teeth.

the angle is kinda fucked up but that white guy is an shaming the west for letting some little asian fuck him up like that.

>> No.7611609

What happened is the American guy openly pointed out to the Korean that he could tell he wasn't Japanese by looks. He then tries to use his broken Japanese to get the Korean to admit it. After a minute he just loses it and kicks the dude in the face, probably because Koreans living in Japan is obviously looked down upon and he doesn't need this guy making it any worse. He probably only made it worse by kicking him, but I wouldn't have let his smug ass get away with that either.

Also I would like to say that based on the American's broken Japanese that he either:
1.) Doesn't know the word for Koreans
2.) Knows that the man is not Japanese but can't actually tell what ethnicity he really is(confusing him for Chinese or the like)

>> No.7611631

The people in nicovideo commented that the western guy was very mature for not returning the kick though and sided with him because of that.

>> No.7611652

He looked like he wanted to hit back but his other friend was stopping him and that would have looked even worse on his part.

That compounded with traditional KR x JP hate.

>> No.7611660

Why the fuck he said 'no touch!' then?

>> No.7611662

Come on, it was barely a graze. What should they do? Beat someone half to death 3 on 1 for shaming their fragile honor? We only got a one minute snippet from events that could have been going on for several minutes, stop being a retard they probably deserve it.

>> No.7611681

fail history much?

>> No.7611698

Jap always use lies and trickery to defeat Korean.

>> No.7611716

The western guy was very mature!?
lol, why were they provoking him?

>> No.7611711

Well, it looked like he was trying to make physical contact(clearly not volatile so maybe a hand on the shoulder), but the American guy said things like "Don't touch me, you're not my friend. Don't put your hand there."

>> No.7611720

It wasn't the American at all...

>> No.7611721

Make account. Watch video.
http://video.niconico.com /watch/sm14985996

I know some people will call him beta, but he handled it well. He was trying to defuse the situation. This is what a 'responsible adult' does instead of automatically resorting to violence.

>> No.7611739
File: 1.40 MB, 3000x1385, 1310227375031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Korean guy kept touching him and the American guy kept asking him not to and the Korean guy attacked him and the American guy reacted responsibly by not escalating things and continuing to try and verbally calm the man and then walked off with his friends who kept insisting the Korean man calm the fuck down.

>> No.7611740

Also they looked drunk.

>> No.7611749

Could you be more of a Jap.

>> No.7611756

They didn't look or act drunk at all. They asked him to stop trying to touch them and he kept touching them and they became defensive in their requests for him to stop and he kicked the one american then the americans left while trying to calm him.

>> No.7611762

I'm Swedish. If more Americans acted like them when people were being Violent, America would be a much better place.

>> No.7611776

Did you watch the video at all!?

They were touching and provoking the asian person, not the contrary, are you blind?

>> No.7611785

Yeah but you are a fucking blind weeaboo.

>> No.7611793

Is the kicking guy really Korean? I watch the video and saw a comment that said the kicked white guy was saying "You aren't Japanese, are you?" in Japanese. But his voice was so small I couldn't catch it.

>> No.7611807

Why those Japs don't respond my comments?
They can't bare the truth or what.

>> No.7611809


>> No.7611823

You are blind.
Oh look that word again.

>> No.7611825

It's in the title. Sainichi is the term for foreigners living in Japan, usually Koreans. The whole altercation was probably based around it already being brought to attention, because the white guy said it like he was reaffirming a point for the nth time. "BECAUSE, I can tell you're not Japanese".

>> No.7611832

It's hilarious how some of you guys are keep saying the guy in the black t-shirt is acting "responsibly".

If you go to the beginning of the video, the guy in the black t-shirt (whom I will call A) is clearly bothering the guy sitting to his right (from his POV, whom I will call B). Then the video skips to god knows how many minutes later, and A has changed seat with his friend "C" who is trying to stop a fight from taking place saying "don't touch" to B who is obviously mad at A, and A being all smug and feeling like the bigger man for not having retaliated for B's initial kick (this kick is off the screen but you can hear the narrator say that B has kicked A already). A speaking with his smug look obviously pisses B off even more and B kicks A in the face and shoves him.


I definitely wouldn't call neither B or A "responsible" here. Resorting to violence shouldn't be the first option, but depending on how long A has been bothering B for, it can easily happen and it did.
Personally, if I were in B's position, I would tell A to go fuck himself, but there's obviously lack of clear communication here, where A doesn't speak Japanese and B doesn't speak English.

Well, this is where I should put a concluding phrase, but really, there's nothing to conclude here then that if you think B was the one bothering A and not the other way around, you need to go watch the video again with your pro-white (or anti-Korean) glasses off.

>> No.7611841

how do you expect any less from /jp/?

>> No.7611837

>You are blind
Now I truly HATE Japs.

>> No.7611838

Well autism'd good sir.

>> No.7611849

They acted "responsibly and maturely" on the scene of them getting beat up.

But not about provoking the korea in the first place lol

>> No.7611852

I was not dissapointed, I commend his efforts.

>> No.7611857

>some of you guys are keep saying the guy in the black t-shirt is acting "responsibly".
Those are obviously Japs.

>> No.7611892

The white guy does speak Japanese and keeps telling the guy at his left something.

>> No.7611908

No he doesn't, he just a weeaboo like you Tai.

Get out.

>> No.7611918

Your deduction skills are wonderful, saint of the Hangul race.

>> No.7611938

But seriously, hide your weeabooness tai.

>> No.7611942

The corean guy had a hangover/drunk and was probably bothering the handsome blonde guy there but he wasnt gonna take shit just because hes a foreigner.
The way the corean is sitting just before the kick shows he wasnt prepared to defend himself, but he was rather the agressor.

But those foreigners did the right thing because the other two chinese nearby were ready to join at any minute.

>> No.7611954

if someone kicks you in the face it's completely reasonable to knock out some of their teeth. if you're using words and the ape wants to respond with physical force then expect the same.

the asian is touching the white people and they're telling HIM not to touch them. this asian is the provoking then. for such weeeaboos it's sad you can't understand what they're saying. asians can not pronounce the word "NO TOUCH" like the manner we heard in the video. that korean is drunk and probably leaning/touching all over them and they told him to stop, but he wouldn't get the message.

>> No.7611956

this thread is reported.

>> No.7611959

Are those posts

>> No.7611968

no, i just didnt read the thread because its shit

>> No.7611970

0:16 「友達じゃないよあなた」 "You aren't my friend."
0:19 「だからそんなこと言わない…」 "So stop talking like that..."
0:21 「この手はそこじゃない」 "This hand shouldn't be placed there."
0:27 「わかんないよ」 "I don't understand."
0:30 Kicks in the face

>> No.7612014

>「この手はそこじゃない」 "This hand shouldn't be placed there."
Good job.
You just showed that you have the same Japanese level as those weeaboos, Tai.
Next thing you tell me is that the foreigners said "No touch" and not the asian, right?

>> No.7612020
File: 153 KB, 1000x1724, 1310526799816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete figure thread
>leave this shit

>> No.7612048

fuck off korea

>> No.7612050

next time don't be an anime spamming retard who gets banned and all his posts deleting and your fig thread won't be purged too. that's what you get when sions make your thread.

>> No.7612051


I forgot, mod is confirmed nida

>> No.7612056

Fuck off tai.

>> No.7612072

vote for me as the next Janitor and I promise to bring equality to /jp/ related topics and be harsh on shitposts and shitposters alike!

>> No.7612123


Unfortunately, you use proper sentence structure. I don't think you're cut out to be a member of the 4chan Team. Try inhaling some glue.
