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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7608282 No.7608282 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat today /jp/?
Share your meal pics, please.

My meal today.

>> No.7608285

I haven't eaten for 2 days.

>> No.7608288
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My meal today.

>> No.7608291

I cut up a wurst and fried an egg.

>> No.7608290

> herp derp I ate something nicer than usual, let's make a blog post about it

>> No.7608293

i ate a nice sandwich

>> No.7608297

a sandwich with mustard and cheese in it and a cig

>> No.7608296

It's a nice plate though, don't care much for the presentation of the dish itself.

>> No.7608310

Only a hotpocket.

>> No.7608311

I had some Pho

no pics though

>> No.7608329

If I had the money, I would try eating more expensive Japanese food, but I don't so I just stick to those Maruchan dry ramen packs and hot pockets and cereal. Today was no different. Though, sometimes I get fancy and bake some frozen pizza, but that's on rare occasions.

>> No.7608339

I had Korean short ribs and white rice. I might go have some more, or some cup a noodles.

>> No.7608346
File: 67 KB, 480x854, 1310453770128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My meal today.

>> No.7608352

eggs with bacon.

>> No.7608351
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>> No.7608350 [DELETED] 

are you all eating right now or do you just take pics of your meals as a matter of course

>> No.7608357
File: 47 KB, 500x383, 1310454090157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7608365

I can actually feel my arteries hardening from just looking at it...

>> No.7608367
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Two units of Portuguese bread along with eight peanut butter crackers.

>> No.7608385

Today I had one and a half pieces of french toast, seven eggs scrambled or hardboiled, a small danish, two sausages, three hash browns, salsa, ketchup, and a nectarine.

I feel like a pig among you guys.

>> No.7608413

Just pizza and a Coke here.

These kind of threads always make me feel a little sad when I read about you guys who barely eat anything or are hungry...

>> No.7608419

<丶`∀´> ・゚∧_∧・ I'll make kimuchi fried!!
 /   o━ヽニニフ))

>> No.7608420


>> No.7608425

Looks great.

>> No.7608432

 Fuck Jap   \ Oh no /   Fuck Jap
  ∧ ∧つ≡つつ≡つ_⊂=⊂≡∧_∧                   
 < `∀´>つ≡つ);;)ω(;;(⊂≡⊂=<`∀´ >                  
 (っ ≡つ=つ  (っ  ⊂)  ⊂=⊂≡ ⊂)                 
 /   ) ババババ | x |ババババ (   \                  
 ( / ̄∪       ∪ ̄ ∪       ∪ ̄\ )                

>> No.7608577

Ate some rice with handymade chopsticks

>> No.7608583

Woke up around noon, ate a can of soup around 5, then ate a philly cheesesteak around 8.

>> No.7608614

Nothing yet as I only get one meal a day, I've got some bacon for a sandwich though, it'll make a change from soup or cereal.

>> No.7608613

Some spaghetti. I've barely been able to eat a single meal a day lately.

>> No.7608662
File: 363 KB, 968x1296, 1310463388660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My meal today.

>> No.7608679

I got a digital scale and I've been weighing myself every time after I eat and every time after I shit.

>> No.7608693
File: 25 KB, 420x314, 1310465100082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast. It's 10 eggs, 10 bacon, 10 sausage, 10 toast, 5 black puddings, tomatoes, beans and mushrooms.

>> No.7608700

I used to do this, but it got too depressing once I noticed I was going over 60 kg.

>> No.7608724

No breakfast because I overslept

Vegetable Hummus wrap (it was $1.05)

Quaker Chewy Granola Bar
2 Oreos (snack pack)

Lamb chops, roasted potatos, pumpkin souffle, brussel sprouts (fresh today)
1/2 a crab enchilada and one tortilla (leftovers)

Frosted flakes and fresh strawberries, 1/4 cup milk

>> No.7608727

>black pudding
there's not enough madopuking images in the world to express my feelings on this

>> No.7608730

Fat fuck.

>> No.7608732

I live almost entirely on desserts and snacks and I'm not fat.

>> No.7608733

Now now, they're british, they can't help but be disgusting.

>> No.7608748

hey now, dispersed calorie intake is better than huge meals erryday. 3 light meals and 2 tea times is better than 3 artery-bursting meals per day.

>> No.7608751

Are bread and crackers artery-bursting?

>> No.7608757

spaghetti with tomato and eggplant

>> No.7608762

Enjoying your bacon wrapped hotdogs amerifat?

>> No.7608785

deep fried fish wrapped in deep fried pig skin isn't much better.

>> No.7608817

I am enjoying entomatadas, at least there is good food in my country.

>> No.7608891

Nasi goreng all day

>> No.7608901


>> No.7608908

I fucking swear you better not be that pretentious faggot from /ck/

>> No.7608909

I wouldn't know, being a vegetarian and all.

>> No.7608912

Black pudding tastes good.

Beans taste good.

Tomato taste good.

What the fuck is your problem

>> No.7608915


>> No.7608919

I'm so hungry
Please save me /jp/!

>> No.7609095

I'll give you something nutritious *grabs dick*
