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7607542 No.7607542 [Reply] [Original]

Should I let my daughter play Clannad or is it far too depressing for a kid?

My wife recently passed away and I imagine it might help her cope with it, but on second thought it might do more harm than good.

>> No.7607562

cool story bro

>> No.7607566
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It's probably not a good idea to expose her to such shitty art.

>> No.7607567

She already lost her mother. Why would you make her suffer further by telling her to play a Key game other than Planetarian?

>> No.7607572

Give her Symphonic Rain

>> No.7607584
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As I understood it, she is your daughter.
And Clannad deals with a young man growing into fatherhood.

Are you trying to make her into a good future father?

>> No.7607590
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Fuck your daughter, you need to play it more than she does.

I mean that figuratively and literally.

>> No.7607586

Never change /jp//

>> No.7607601 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 850x685, 1310442811772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I understood it the game was more about coping with losses and moving on.

Maybe I read it wrong.

>> No.7607604

Reported for making up an imaginary story.

>> No.7607608
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As I understood it the game was more about coping with losses and moving on.

Maybe I read it wrong.

>> No.7607613

Clannad is the story of a man who fucked the wrong Touhou.

>> No.7607615

Just hug your daughter and tell her that her mother was a filthy non-christian slut that will burn in hell for all eternity!

After that get her on her knees and make her pray until she expels her mothers sinful spirit from her body.

>> No.7607621

Different people different interpretations I guess.

>> No.7607624

If that were the case I would've posted it in greentext on a board that likes that shit like /a/ .

Then again, I'm getting nothing but troll replies here, too.

>> No.7607627

Hahaha! /jp/ makes me laugh.

>> No.7607629

Except Tomoya never moved on at all, that's why you had that resurrection ending.

Kind of funny considering Tomoyo copes much better with his death.

>> No.7607632


post pics of your daughter


>> No.7607654

Put the fear of GOD in her it will help her cope

>> No.7607652

In the off case that you arent a lying 40years old man with a 10years old girl, let her play Kana.

>> No.7607663
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You must've read the wrong VN, he was coping just fine until Ushio's magical AIDS gene kicked in and fucked him in the ass.

I personally think the "true" ending was just thrown in so there weren't mass suicides in glorious Nipon. And because Key has a company policy against making good endings.

>> No.7607670

1- post pics, it will help us think better

2- if it it is true I guess an movie/book whatever might work better

>> No.7607678

Yeah, let her play a porn game. Great idea.

Her mother already did that. I also converted for her parents since they apparently wouldn't give me their blessings if I didn't.

>> No.7607676

I thought we discussed this to death already.

>>7607566 is the true end.
Anything after that is just delusion.

>> No.7607683
File: 23 KB, 450x338, 1310443732301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a serious answer for you. How old is your daughter? Clannad is a relatively mature story, so much of the subtleties of it might be lost on a young girl. Also, the images in it may be too strong for her, given what has just happened.

>> No.7607680

Except it took him like 5 years to finally accept it. I don't really consider that "coping just fine".

>> No.7607689

Not this shit again.

Key ALWAYS has magic involved, why would Clannad be any different?

>> No.7607693

Worst that can happen is that the daughter will feel like shit for weeks on end before attempting the revival end. Also she could end up thinking Clannad is DEEP.

>> No.7607697

What is the problem?
I played true love when I am 12.

>> No.7607698

>a serious answer
A what now?

>> No.7607700


>> No.7607711

Like I said, it was about him learning to cope with loss. If he automatically coped with her death there would be no learning and no story.

Why do you think it skips those 5 years and picks back up at the moment he learns to move on?

>> No.7607717

Isn't there a good chance that she'd choose to play one of the other routes regardless? You know, a lot of them aren't anything to do with loss at all.

>> No.7607730
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>> No.7607728

What are the other themes?
I've only seen the anime and I'm torrenting the vn right now.

>> No.7607736

>You must've read the wrong VN, he was coping just fine until Ushio's magical AIDS gene kicked in and fucked him in the ass.
Except he wasn't coping; he turned out exactly like his father: a negligent douchebag that can't even look at his own child with the eye's of a father because he/she reminds him of his wife that died for him/her.

He only coped at the end of AS before Ushio's death, I'd hardly call that fine... then she died and he seemed to have learned nothing and started crying for his wife again. So no, the main theme of the game isn't about moving on.

>> No.7607741

Er, honestly I only did a few routes but I can't really remember any real themes from the others. I did play it years ago.

>> No.7607745

She's 8 but also the top of her class so she could probably understand the gist of it.

Normally I wouldn't even consider letting my daughter near a VN but Clannad is pretty family friendly and as corny as this sounds replaying AS actually helped me through the depression, which is what gave me the idea of letting her read it, too.

Eh, I dunno. Maybe it was a retarded idea to begin with.

>> No.7607747

Confirmed for not reading the VN.
He coped with it fine and got over it after his trip with Ushio. KEY didnt need to add magical keyaids to it at the end.
Country Train is now manually playing in your head.

>> No.7607748

I thought you were talking about Kana ~Little Sister.

>> No.7607753

Does she actually want to or are you basically wondering if you should force her to play it? It is a game where you play as a guy trying to get a girlfriend after all, it's not standard reading for girls.

>> No.7607752

I'm sure she could get the gist of it, but she wouldn't understand the feelings it's trying to convey, I think. I don't think it's a good idea overall.

>> No.7607750

This made me laugh a lot.

>> No.7607756

>Coped with it fine
>Became the splitting image of his father

I'm sorry?

>> No.7607762

He didn't stay that way though.

>> No.7607772

Did you even read my previous posts?
I'm done talking with illiterate anons.

>> No.7607776

She is probably too young.

>> No.7607836

She's constantly trying to read the VNs I leave on my desktop so I imagine she wants to. If I let her play it I would probably have her start with AS or the Nagisa route, though.

I'm just tired of seeing her crying, and my talks with her don't seem to be getting through. I wish I could afford therapy.

>> No.7607851

OP, why not learn something from the VN you love so much and go on a vacation with your daughter? Go do something refreshing and hang out with her lots. reading VNs all day cant be healthy unless she's in her teens I guess

>> No.7607849
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Reunite her with her mother.

I think I saw a gensokyo portal thread a few pages back if you need ideas. Or you could see if Casey Anthony is available.

>> No.7607855

You could try, then. She's probably a bit young but it's not like it's an eroge.
If you're hoping it'll help in any way other than being a distraction you'd probably be disappointed, though.

>> No.7607865

Because I'm poor as fuck and can't afford to take a day off of work. The funeral blew my entire savings account and then some, and I consider the funeral at her parent's town a sort of vacation since it was a 6-hour drive to get there.

>> No.7607877

Meh, I'll try my luck if it means she'll stop talking about killing herself and acting out at school.

>> No.7607920
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I'm rooting for you and wish you good luck.

>> No.7607963
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This thread makes me want to adopt a daughter for some reason.

Is it even possible for a single male to get one?

>> No.7607973
File: 35 KB, 800x473, 1310448136446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Entirely, you just need to prove that you can provide for a child and that you're a suitable parent.

Which is asking a bit much from your average /jp/ goer

>> No.7607983


Enjoy your clinically retarded, genetically inferior daughter destined to make the same mistakes as the parents that put her up for adoption. She also won't appreciate what you've done and will bitterly hate you when she hits puberty.

>> No.7607985

Really? I get the impression that /jp/ would be a caring parent.

>> No.7607987 [DELETED] 


You're a fucking dick.

>> No.7607992

Do you have the money to support her? Do you look like you would stick your dick in her?

>> No.7607997

When is the last time you've communicated with a child, let alone a woman? Obviously too long for you and too soon for me.

>> No.7608008

OP if you prove that you're not trolling I would give you some money via paypal as long as you promise to take your daughter on a nice trip.

>> No.7608026

No, I'm fucking poor.

>> No.7608030

Yes to both.

>> No.7608060

I need a picture of your daughter to ascertain the situation and give you a proper recommendation.

>> No.7608145

>I'm just tired of seeing her crying
>have her play Clannad

The best option here is to go collect the light orbs and resurrect your dead wife.

>> No.7608459

Amazingly yes, a buddy of mine adopted a girl a couple months ago and won $50 from me.

According to him the adoption agencies are getting desperate since the global economic collapse is making people think twice about getting a kid.

>> No.7608479

Speaking about real life death and VNs, just this weekend, I played my violin at an aunt's funeral.
Before it was my turn to play, I was watching the slideshow on the screen.
One picture showed her wedding.
It finally reminded me: I was her ring bearer.
It felt so fitting, so beautiful to help send her off.

It was like Symphonic Rain's al Fine route.

>> No.7608628

You should cheer her up by reading and interpreting Musume Shimai to her.

>> No.7610984

OP, i don't get it. Why instead of letting her play a complicated, long vn with many routes, won't you just turn on the anime which gets straight to the point?
Well, anyway, as far as i remember Clannad ends with characters dying and waking up in parallel universe when no one ever died, also there are bits with the theme of moving on, but it's concetrated on Tomoya. I don't think your daughter would find Ushio's situation similiar to her own, because Ushio never really knew her mother, was rised by grandparents and for her it was more about being accepted and loved by her dad than dealing with mother's death.
Or did you wanted her to think of herself as if she was Tomoya?

+100 internets for you sir, for making me lol

>> No.7611012


>> No.7611024

>64 posts and 11 image replies
>only 27 sage posts

>> No.7611101

First and foremost, my condolences. For all the insults, trolling and general vulgarity that goes around here, /jp/ users are the only friends I have and this is dreadful news indeed.

As for your question, yes, but there are better choices. She is certainly old enough to understand the story, but Clannad may have the opposite effect and actually exacerbate the issue, since it strongly features the loss of loved ones. Instead of trying to make her cope (which to my knowledge will take much longer), distracting her from the vicious cycle of focusing on her mother's death, isolating herself out of grief and in doing so finding more time to delve on her loss will be a better decision. I recommend books, especially of the fantasy genre - not those children's books, but something engaging like Lord of the Rings or the Earthsea series. Discworld also works well. You really don't want to expose her to more tragedy.

I don't think this is a topic anyone would joke about. Or perhaps I am a tool. Nonetheless, if that's a prank, it's a successful one; this got me to tear up a bit.

>if it means she'll stop talking about killing herself and acting out at school.

>> No.7611120

Because he's a kind father and does not want to expose his daughter to inferior versions.

>> No.7611186

So, does she give him a blowjob or something?

>> No.7611247

but it's an 8 year old kid and OP's point wasn't to get her to play for the sole reason of playing.

>> No.7611412

Impregnate your daughter. That way she becomes her own sister and foster mother. Think about it, all problems solved!

>> No.7611423

>inferior versions.
>anime that condenses all the best parts
>implying a 300+ hours long VN full of boring parts is better

>> No.7611446

Cool greentext, /v/irgin.

On topic, is it REALLY 300 hours? I don't remember spending anywhere around that much time reading it. More like 100 or so

>> No.7611471

A violent game would be better, you idiot, you fuck, you piece of shit!

>> No.7611513

IIRC (without skipping, I hate that shit) and no walkthrough, it took me around 240 hours.

>> No.7611651

There are very few bad or boring parts in the Clannad VN so every part the anime cuts makes it worse. And it cuts a lot. Take your ADHD back to /a/.

>> No.7612206

That's because you're clinically retarded.

It took me 40 hours to read every route without a walkthrough and I wasn't reading particularly quickly or anything.
