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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7600789 No.7600789 [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/ really doesn't like /jp/....

>> No.7600795


It really is like high school.

>> No.7600796

Why would fat girls like /jp/?

>> No.7600794

Sluts hate people who hate sluts. What else is new.

>> No.7600798

Can't say I give a shit.
Why should I waste my time trying to impress?

>> No.7600808

Who gives a shit about sluts?

>> No.7600802

They just hate us because we are all little girls on the inside and they are all fat, older girls on the inside (and outside).

>> No.7600806

/jp/ isn't particularly misogynistic though. It's only they who shout out their gender, and that's detestable.

Ah, whatever, they're just a bunch of normals anyway.

>> No.7600803

Isn't that some fag from /a/?

>> No.7600804

/cgl/ hates /cgl/ then.

>> No.7600813

>/cgl/ had a relatively low proportion of virgins

>supposedly we don't care about the hobby and only care about partying and having sex

Anyway ignoring misogyny and whatever, cosplayers / con attendees are probably the most annoying subset of 'japanese culture' or whatever.

>> No.7600811

ITT: Judging an entire community by the actions of a few.

Both us and them.

>> No.7600816

>and there has to be something SERIOUSLY wrong with a guy who is virgin in his 20s
I didn't know people that dumb existed.

>> No.7600819

>Both us and them.
Upon realizing this i feel shame.

>> No.7600821

Silly slut, blaming others for criticizing her and her lifestyle.

>> No.7600824

Same here...

Hatred doesn't justify hypocrisy. I need to watch out.

>> No.7600838

If /jp/ wasn't always "durr hurr slut gtfo" and instead utilized their rhetorical abilities to completely destroy them with backed up facts every time those stupid bitches wouldn't be able to say anything back.

>> No.7600845

I think cosplayer sluttery is exagerrated by /jp/ to be honest.

>> No.7600850

That's no reason to bump the thread, OP.

>> No.7600853

That was /jp/ three years ago, not today.

>> No.7600854

>/jp/ isn't particularly misogynistic though
Haha, good one.

>> No.7600852

Alas, and we were having such a good old saging time.

>> No.7600865

The worst board on 4chan hates /jp/. Oh no what ever will we do?

>> No.7600872

I think you should get out of /jp/ to be honest.

Click on it. This post just made my day.

>> No.7600874


>> No.7600876

>There has to be something seriously wrong with a guy who is a virgin in his 20 sorry but its true

Lordy, I just got some new rage material

>It's a really creepy board for a girl to visit

This suddenly sounds like that girl who cosplayed as Saber then was called slutty here then had her panties in such a knot she(Or was it her boyfriend?) posted here.

>> No.7600881

fruitpunchsamurai is currybutt right? way to go currybutt. gintama reference and trolling /cgl/.

your inexperience is showing. you're failing to realize you're deal with women. no amount of conclusive evidence, reasoning, logic, examples, physical proof, and/or divine intervention will convince those animals or shut them up.

>> No.7600882


>The worst board on 4chan hates /jp/.

They're far from the worst board. I mean really have you seen the shithole called /vp/? Even /ck/ is MILES worse by /cgl/

>> No.7600883

Who would be a cosplayer and NOT be an attention whore, seriously.

>> No.7600888
File: 879 KB, 1893x1938, 1angd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every board on 4chan hates /jp/.

And thank fucking god for it.

>> No.7600897

go back to /cgl/

>> No.7600900

>There has to be something seriously wrong with a guy who is a virgin in his 20 sorry but its true
What the hell? this can't be serious.

>> No.7600903

>/ck/ worse than /cgl/

>> No.7600909

I kinda feel bad for always being here now.

>> No.7600914

Congratulations, you just learned how the vast majority of socially active people think.

>> No.7600915


>"Oh hi I enjoy X food"


>> No.7600921

That's somehow worse than fat women dressing up as anime characters, or fat men roleplaying as pokemon?

In that case, /g/ is worse than /cgl/.

>> No.7600923

/jp/ is not a good board by any means, but when I read threads like these I'm happy it's there.

>> No.7600922
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This thread is fucking weird.

They're talking about abusive boyfriends, one of them admits to being raped and orgasming as a result of it, and now being unable to cum during sex with her bf unless she fantasizes about the 'rape'.

Women are fucked up. Also see pic, do women really like actual criminals? What the FUCK man?

>> No.7600928

i click on /ck/ and i learn how to slice a mango more easily. i click on /cgl/ and i remember why i hate women. /cgl/ is obviously the worse board.

>> No.7600929

That may be amusing to see, but all the same, fuck off, OP, and stop bumping this thread to the front page.

>> No.7600937

It's funny because /jp/ actually has a notable female user base, but they simply refuse to mention their gender because they won't be able to fit in if they do.

>> No.7600934

Yes, some people have fucked up fetishes.

>> No.7600943

fuck off slut, femanons eat cum and swallow dicks LOL.

remember pygma?

>> No.7600942

Why are they so mad?
Why cant they keep their ey cancer on >>>/cgl/, if I wanted cosplay shit I rather downlod lenslut or TMA videos.
You dont see /jp/ going to /cgl/ to post ten desires or vn.

>> No.7600946

>notable female user base, but they simply refuse to mention their gender because
>unable to note

Funnily enough, God is real and all around us, even right behind you reading this post, but just refuses to ever show any hint of his existence.

>> No.7600949
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>> No.7600951

Why? Being hated by people like them is something to be proud of.

>> No.7600952

What the fuck is wrong with humanity nowadays, fuck this shit, we're better off virgins rather than interacting with those whores.

>> No.7600961

Wow, who knew that our board's very existence causes so much asspain?

>> No.7600962

This is a virgin board, does a virgin want to see a woman in it and then some dude white knighting her in order to make you feel more like a failure? I know I don't.

>> No.7600966
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Maybe God stays hidden because every time he shows up to say "hi" he gets nailed to a fucking tree.

>> No.7600970

I hate being hated, don't you?

>> No.7600973

I don't mind being hated by fat women who literally fantasize about being beaten and raped.

>> No.7600975

If the reasons for the hatred of another is because they are annoyed our board doesn't accommodate their shit when nearly every other board on 4chan does, then let that hatred be.

>> No.7600976

/jp/ used to be friendlier. Now no one takes it easy anymore.

>> No.7600983

when you're talking with women you should never feel like a failure. when talking with a loser desperate enough to "white knight" an anonymous "female" you still shouldn't; he'll always be the bigger failure.

>> No.7600981

This thread used to be on page two. Now OP is bumping it again.

>> No.7600986

it's athens again.

>> No.7600987

Can't be helped

>> No.7600991

I guess you're right

>> No.7600992

Actually, I'm OP and I'm not bumping this thread.

>> No.7600989
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>> No.7600993

nobody cares what fat girls who have to dress up like anime characters to get any attention think. Some fat whore got its feelings hurt? Look eleswhere for white knights you fucking landwhale.

>> No.7600999

Most probably weren't around when even >>7600949 first appeared, so who cares what a bunch of newfags think.

>> No.7601002

Yes fruitpunchsamurai = currybutt

>> No.7601004

This means currybutt doesn't like wincest.
I'm somewhat disappointed.

>> No.7601008

That is obviously someone from /jp/ trying to stir shit up.

>> No.7601016
File: 38 KB, 430x430, 1310315025964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why 4chan is shit.

>> No.7601015

Nobody likes /jp/ because we are assholes. But we have to be, its a defense mechanism against the board getting any shittier. On the rare occasion that someone actually floats in here from another board and posts something that isn't complete shit we've been relatively helpful.

Besides that, /jp/ accepts women who aren't sluts, like Helen for example.

>> No.7601022

Ah yes, forgot about her completely

>> No.7601029

helen? i hope you don't mean arc. also, /jp/ accepting women..? your /jp/ license has been revoked.

>> No.7601032

Somehow that image makes me feel proud.

>> No.7601038

I don't understand this picture.

>> No.7601101

I agree. Somehow this thread makes me fucking love /jp/. I don't care if /jp/ is shitty. I love this shitty home of mine, and will always have a place in my heart for /jp/.

>> No.7601104 [DELETED] 

Go away, Sion.

>> No.7601109

Forgot my sage.

>> No.7601110
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>> No.7601118

Butthurt since 2008

>> No.7601128
File: 15 KB, 709x240, 1310317526285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7601138

I'd say it's because that's how /a/ was presplit, and a fair number of us are from there.

>> No.7601146


Its fun because /jp/ is hated the most for no justifiable reason, they just rage because we simply exist, we don't raid, we aren't on the forefront of any news, we're a somewhat slow board

and yet they all still hate us, they can ignore us, but alas its impossible.

Ultimate trolling and we aren't even trying.

anyways, back to usual activity, having pride or arrogance like that makes me feel sick.

>> No.7601148

>is hated the most for no justifiable reason

We like things they don't like, such as loli.

>> No.7601149

>Welcome to my filter.
Get me every time.

>> No.7601159

Fuck why can't boards just tolerate the fact we'll never agree and minimize interaction.

/cgl/ was doing a fine job of miring itself deeper in social futility and /jp/ was doing decently in further excluding itself from the world before this happened.

>> No.7601163

The usual counter to that is "ignore it" and they EASILY can, /jp/ doesn't take its crap to other boards unlike other boards do

Simply put, its not like they HAVE to come here, its like they want to rage.

oh yeah, they have insecurities so they need reminders of their "superiority", they do have to come here

>> No.7601166

It is, kinda difficult to minimize interaction with a completely open community.
