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7600077 No.7600077 [Reply] [Original]

You may enjoy being e-cool for swearing off 3d, but when the girl you spent your last five years of public school in love with tells you she wants to help you get your life back together and, tears in her eyes, asks you to not shut her out of your life like you have everyone else, and you run back to your place so you can watch sister princess and d'awww at Hinako, it can get kinda disheartening when you realize that you're throwing away whatever glim chance you had of ever having children. On the other hand, you've still got Hinako.

>> No.7600082

I'm sterile anyway.

>> No.7600088

See, your problem there is assuming that the ultimate goal of life is to pro-create and to raise children. From a survival standpoint, maybe, but I feel that the population is high enough that if I choose to dedicate my life to some other purpose it will have no major effect. I'm sure many others feel the same and a family isn't their end goal in life.

>> No.7600094

>On the other hand, you've still got Hinako
Sounds fine to me

>> No.7600103

>last five years of public school
That's your first problem, giving out contact info to anyone and maintaining relationships.

>you she wants to help you get your life back together and, tears in her eyes, asks you to not shut her out
You are not the emotional welfare office, she has to work at her own problems, if someone only comes to you in their time of need then they are not worth being acquainted with.

>> No.7600110

>You are not the emotional welfare office
....I think you've got the situation backwards....?

>> No.7600113

It's not like I was in love. Maybe I had some weak feelings, but by the time I realized it, she was already dating\nearly dating my friend and then the school ended altogether. And she sure as hell wouldn't do this to me.

>> No.7600123
File: 119 KB, 470x800, hina01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine, I still have Hinako.

>> No.7600129

Ok I didn't read right but still, bitch should mind her own business.

>> No.7600142

You guys didn't understand. The whole point is you still have your cute 2D sister.

>> No.7600169

inb4 posts about dying out white race

>> No.7600168

Procreation is disgusting.

>> No.7600180

If you have a daughter are you prepared to face the grim reality of her growing up?

>> No.7600186

Where the hell are the other 10 SisPris?

I pretend Marie doesn't exist.

Can I just have Kaho instead?

>> No.7600234

You can have Kaho as long as I get to keep Aria in my basement.

>> No.7600266

Enjoy your autistic French loli. I'll enjoy my Hinako!

>> No.7600276
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>caring about a loli

>> No.7600301
File: 176 KB, 834x1200, 1310301698065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7600320
File: 94 KB, 288x465, 1286631356216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7600471

Now this is my new copypasta. Thanks op for posting this.

>> No.7600540


Sauce please... I want to know what'll happen

>> No.7600541

He goes around the world raping innocent little girls, then eventually blows himself up with a bomb.

>> No.7600542
File: 171 KB, 500x500, 1310305636801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7600548

Final half years.
And welcome in 4chan, newfriend!

>> No.7600557
File: 56 KB, 300x300, 1310306173082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Half Year by Yamamoto Kumoi.

>> No.7600574

No, which is why (if I ever have children) I will never have a daughter. It'd kill me to see her grow into a slut.

>> No.7600578

>you're throwing away whatever glim chance you had of ever having children.

I don't think you even know which side you're trying to argue for.

>> No.7600603

>complain about classical music thread
>participate in why u no girlfriend thread

>> No.7600624 [DELETED] 

> I'm sterile anyway.
I'm jelly. And poor to get vasecatomy.

>> No.7600626


Thank you for the sau... source.

>> No.7601991

Nobody is pretending this thread isn't retarded.
