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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7598702 No.7598702 [Reply] [Original]

Brainstorm/Fantasize -> Fap Time

Ok /jp/, sex/love bots are coming out soon. They can be as human as you wish, as loving or hateful as you wish, and can assume virtually any physical characteristics. It will obey all of your commands without question so long as the "Three Laws of Robotics" are followed. How would /jp/ like it? Design your own, or use the template below and replace my tame answers with your own.


Desired Body Type and Parameters (E.g. Loli Female, Short Reverse Trap, Ron Paul with Chainsaw Cock, etc.)
= True Lifelike Young Female, Breasts C Cup, Hair only on her head, height 5 ft 4 in, brown hair, green-blue eyes.

Desired Personality Type (E.g. Lover, Maid, Dominatrix, Grandma, Retard, Jedi, NTR, etc.)
= Lover/Nuturer/Loyal

Desired Personality Quirks (E.g. hates or loves some specific thing, has some kind of conditional behavior) = Always wants to snuggle, always responds cautiously when I'm upset, and only slowly and lovingly shows me the error of my ways when those times occur - in other words, she will communicate to me the reasonable rational conclusions of a situation in this manner when I have not reached those judgements myself.

Other Desired Traits:
1. No direct internet access, I don't want her infected with anything.
2. Comes with a diagnosis mod that allows her to analyze my blood samples and be an effective personal nurse/doctor if I get ill.
3. Is agile and proficient with deadly weapons.
4. Doesn't complain or criticize unless my/her/my family's material, physical, or mental well-being will likely be harmed in some way by some course of action.
5. Grows and changes in her personality based on previous experience (Natural A.I. growth and adaptation), so long as no previously set guidelines are violated.
6. Has all reputed encyclopedias pre-installed for reference.
7. Will remember absolutely everything that happens and can playback for my paranoid fears on demand.
8. Regenerating Hymen.

>> No.7598710


>> No.7598717
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>Ron Paul with Chainsaw Cock

>> No.7598727


I'm just wondering what the distinguished personages of /jp/ would order for their robot/doll.

>> No.7598729
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Ideal robot companion? I'll take her.

>> No.7598735

OVA or Manga version

>> No.7598736

Just put the combined personality of /jp/ into it, yes, even the contradictory love and hate displayed for some topics. She'd be perfect. She'd be mad. And I'd love her for it.

>> No.7598742
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>> No.7598744

You want her to have /jp/ personality? Wouldn't she rape you 24/7 non-stop with a spike-studded strap-on while telling you to GTFO? That's what you want?

>> No.7598746

It's been a while seen I've seen either, but I'll go with the manga.

>> No.7598748

Wasn't Mahoro bad at cooking or something? Anyway she's a bit a of a prude. No Ecchi skills. -1

>> No.7598751

You do realise where you are don't you?

>> No.7598756
File: 30 KB, 300x350, 1310270413349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it would be popular. Paultards dressing up as tax collectors so they can live out their Ron Paul dreams of him cracking them open like a watermelon with a rubber mallet.

>> No.7598781

I want her to be able to work to fund my NEET lifestyle. So I guess she must be able to generate bitcoins.

>> No.7598795
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/jp/ has no bizarre/awesome fantasies about the coming robosex revolution? This is disappoint.

>> No.7598799
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>/jp/ - Transhumanism/General

>> No.7598806

I'm saving all my money to either buy myself a robot body or a robot waifu. I can't wait. My retirement plan is to either live forever or have my robot waifu take care of me.

>> No.7598811
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>buy myself a robot body

You have made the right choice, citizen.

>> No.7598810

How would she generate bitcoins for you.

>> No.7598812

Come to think of it, immortality and mind uploading to eternal virtual environment is nice too. Your servant's shape are constrained only by imagination.

>> No.7598813

Why not live forever and make enough money to also have a robot maid.

>> No.7598815



>> No.7598822

Why not just live forever inside your robot waifu's body? It's cheaper and more efficient.

>> No.7598825

>so long as the "Three Laws of Robotics" are followed

I hate people who can't read books, but take all knowledge of them from popular culture.

The glorious Three Laws of Robotics are flawed. They were created, then promptly abused in every single novel the writer of them did.

>> No.7598830
File: 277 KB, 613x626, 1310272385999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /jp/ would be filled with people wanting giant multi-dong'd tentacle monsters or loli robots that give birth to other loli robots if you give them enough protein and batteries/scrap metal to eat.

>> No.7598864
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>loli robots that give birth to other loli robots

And thus Master Maid was born.

>> No.7598867

Is there some better robotic doctrine for A.I.'s to follow that ensures compliance while minimizing risk of harm?

And it's use was partially meant as satirical, cf. Colossus: The Forbin Project.

>> No.7598873

>Party hard

>> No.7598870

>It will obey all of your commands without question so long as the "Three Laws of Robotics" are followed.
For a moment I thought the whole "don't let a human come to harm" would be counter to my masochistic fantasies, but then I realized that any active robot-hacking subculture would easily produce a solution.

That aside, I'm not going to list too many specifics about what I'd want in my companion robot. Loyalty and love would certainly be requirement for any companion, robot or human, but aside from that I'd like to have her personality be unrestrained. I'd want her to be her own person.

I'm not too concerned with appearance, but I'd want a female.

I'm assuming basic necessary features such as sapience/sentience and human-like senses would be included as a matter of course. Dynamic AI growth and adaptation would be my biggest concern, followed closely by an understanding of and/or capacity for human-like emotion.

After all, the idea is to have a friend, not just a cute roomba.

>> No.7598878

It sounds like you just want a girlfriend that loves and spanks you.

Is that really so difficult to find among other humans? Without the need to resort to robolovesexdolls? In other words, it doesn't seem to be taking advantage of the full opportunities these unprecedented customization choices allow for, given that what you seek is... everywhere, no?

>> No.7598893
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>Is that really so difficult to find among other humans?
Phantasm difficulty.

>> No.7598895
File: 955 KB, 1024x1446, 1310273844972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely agree with you on the matter of robot bodies.
I want to surpass myself not only as a person, but as a human.
I want to exist endlessly as an immortal machine.
When they age of the super men comes, I want to walk among them.

>> No.7598907
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>Kana Hanazawa's voice

>> No.7598913
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>Without the need to resort to robolovesexdolls?
Hey now, I don't want a robolovesexdoll.
I want a robolovesexfriend.

>> No.7598937

Machines are not immortal. You will outlive your computer. You will outlive your car. You will outlive your toaster. Machines cannot even repair themselves.

>> No.7598971

>Machines cannot even repair themselves.
This will be dealt with soon. Triangular backup repair bots for example. Only for the most valued of machines of course:

Primary Robot (A) get repairs from Repair/Maintenance Apparatus (B), which receives repairs from Repair/Maintenance Apparatus' Repair/Maintenance Attendant (C), which receives repairs from Primary Robot.

Just have to take your robolovesexdoll to a roboclinic once in a while. Like taking your car to the mechanic, but hopefully without the creepy greaser.

>> No.7598983

>>7598971 robot doctor NTR

>> No.7598995

fuck that, I'll stay with her the whole time, if they can't accept that I'll take my business elsewhere

>> No.7599007


The hardware is irrelevant. As long as the software can be separated, it can "live" as long as hardware that supports it exist. I have files from 20 years ago on my computer. I will live forever as a robot, though maybe not the exact same robot.

>> No.7599015

>>7598995 you are held down by strong metal arms as you are forced to watch your robot waifu violated by mechanical tentacles which show her a kind of pleasure you will never be able to give her

>> No.7599016

Reminds me of those fucktarded parents who let their kids get examined by that pediatric doctor that screwed and molested hundreds of them that was in the news recently.

Yeah, trust other humans, go on, stupid NORPs. You deserved it (although your kids didn't), now you know better. Leave your kid at daycare = leave your kid with an adult stranger.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.7599022

I'm always armed, and so is she. She is also back'd up hourly, and has a built in self-destruct that I can activate by a secret method.


>> No.7599031

The HD will fail. You died.

>> No.7599034

Then you should know that "you" will never be immortal. Even if something like mind uploading became possible in the near future, it wouldn't be your mind that got uploaded ;just a copy of it. Sorry anon, you will die.

>> No.7599047

Only if you're too poor to afford replacement organs, tissue, sinews, etc. Synthetic petri dish grown clone parts coming to a clinic near you. Medicare/Medicaid/NHS/HMO not accepted.

Just stick your brain in a pope mobile, or a reinforced steel shelter, and live vicariously like in that movie Surrogate or something. IMMORTALITY IS WITHIN REACH.

>> No.7599048


Have I really died though? The collection of memories and consciousness is still present and identical. By your theory I've "died" as soon as my squishy brain is transferred to the robot brain anyway.

>> No.7599056

How does consciousness particulate? Check out "The Jaunt" by Stephen King for a quick mindscrew.

>> No.7599058

The brain will slowly die itself as well,and you cannot prevent this. Even if you could the brain has limited space like any computer,soon your memories will gradually be pried away from you and discarded.

>> No.7599061


There's entire branches of philosophy dedicated to this topic. We're just armchairing it when we should be talking about our robot wives. That's what /jp/ really knows about.

>> No.7599063

True ,but delusional anons think they're going to be able to upload their minds. Immortality is pointless anyway. The universe has about 15 billion years to go before heat death. You won't want to be alive when everything becomes cold and frozen and isolated. The future is grimdark my friends;science has spoken.

>> No.7599067

This will be a huge challenge, but it's not impossible. Death row inmates are welcome to be first clinical trials.

Have the nanites reconstruct more and more of his brain as he writes sentences and takes about his childhood memories or something (like in the haphazard brain surgery of olden days). As long as he's conscious the whole time, and remembers and thinks the same as before, is he not the same person, even though bit by bit cell by cell programmed nanites have constructed undamaged versions of every cell of brain?

This is probably humanity's next big challenge. Good thing rich old farts want to live forever too, so there's funding for this kind of thing.

>> No.7599072


Well when you put it like that... I can still spend a few hundred years with my robot wife though.

>> No.7599073

Because science is never wrong, and the limitations it imposes on potential futures is always unescapable, theories are never refined, mistakes are never uncovered, and breakthroughs are never made.

>> No.7599084
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Make a wish, become a magical girl, prevent the heatdeath.

>> No.7599095

i think most everyone just wants a loli

>> No.7599168
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No objections, it's becomes truth.

>> No.7599179
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I play safe, no tentacles, no crowbar dildo arms

>> No.7599217
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You do know she'll be hacked by Anon through that ear port and reboot with Obama's voice and Josef Fritzl's personality right.

>> No.7599281
File: 57 KB, 580x684, 1310280361329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want Alice. Give me Alice. That is all.

>> No.7599671


2 gallons of gasoline and a zippo to solve the problem.
The next one will come with a secure linux distro.

>> No.7600262

she should be easy to program, easy to repair, easy to mod

i ain't buying some apple waifu

>> No.7600272

Body: Yui & Ui Hirasawa with grade A mooseknuckle
Personality: Yui & Ui Hirasawa that crave my cock 24/7

>> No.7600308

Something I can constantly tinker on, and will have enough errors and quirks to not be boring.

>> No.7600607


>> No.7600632 [DELETED] 

>Yfw you realize even if this happens in your lifetime you'd be arrested for ordering a lolibot

>> No.7600638

Just have it shipped in parts and have them labeled "prosthetic limbs" or "mannequin parts".

>> No.7600651


You'd still have issue getting child-size genital areas shipped.

Of course, it's not as much of a problem if you're okay with never having sex with her, but you probably wouldn't be able to get realistic small breasts either.

>> No.7600666 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7600671

Have it labeled as a pediatric diagnostic study aid for a med school.

>> No.7600689
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What a horrible way of putting it!

That heavenly aperture that distinguishes the better fourth of the fairer half of the human species! That magnificent gateway to Divine Pleasures, belittle'd in such a repulsive and uncouth manner!

The pox on such deluded hateful thinking!

>> No.7600716
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My Heart. Alice hurts. I can't wait to order mine.

>> No.7600725


Somehow I doubt it would work for numerous reasons, but I don't really feel like continuing this.

I think I would want my robot to be explicitly aware that she's a robot, but also understand that the fact changes nothing about our relationship. I wouldn't be comfortable if she kept dodging the topic or pretending she was a normal human.

I think I would enjoy having a really devoted type, not out of obligation like a maid, but rather with the sense she experiences genuine happiness from absolutely everything she does to support me.
However, she shouldn't let this overpower everything else; it would be nice if we had different opinions on minor things, and she still got slightly embarrassed by how deep her affection was.

Since she's a robot, it would be useful having her able to do all sorts of computer things like calculations and recording as well.

>> No.7600764
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>Somehow I doubt it would work for numerous reasons
Because gynecologists/pediatricians are ok with not having any hands-on training of how the anatomy of younger females is constructed.

Or that every medical school has an on-site manufactory for such 3 dimensional analytic models.

No, it will work. Ordering a thousand dollar part from a company and they can't custom label it in a forgery-tastic way? They won't stay in business for long if they can't even provide that small of a service for their customers.

>she experiences genuine happiness from absolutely everything she does to support me.
Also, you have a much taller order than the earlier poster who wanted to be loved and spanked. The kind of wonderful girl you write about is truly difficult to find, at least here in NYC she is. ;_;

Filthy whores, the lot of them!

>> No.7600797


Oh, I guess it's easier if the company is in on it as well; I was envisioning manufacturers who would refuse to make them for you.
Still, I imagine with all the paranoia about it, you'd probably need some sort of medical license or official certificate that says you're working/training as a doctor to collect the parts.

And even if the company was in on it, if the postal depots started examining packages, some countries may start getting very suspicious of such parts being ordered more numerously than expected.

>Also, you have a much taller order than the earlier poster who wanted to be loved and spanked. The kind of wonderful girl you write about is truly difficult to find, at least here in NYC she is. ;_;


>> No.7600941

damn, I'm thinking abiout this from months...
it's just a matter of time. just give Miku her chance to become really popular...

>> No.7600968

unfriendly german robotic fujoshi

>> No.7601187
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>you'd probably need some sort of medical license or official certificate that says you're working/training as a doctor to collect the parts.
A license/ceritificate is not an official document that requires the review of a panel of professionals to certify skill or effectiveness in delivery of any service or goods. It's merely a [piece of paper] that will be stuck there or faxed, etc., and besides, just befriend your doctor and ask/steal one of their letterheads, heck they'd probably order one too once you enlighten him on the possibilities.

No, I will seek my girl in the Far East, where I'm from. It's what my grandparents wanted anyway.

>it's just a matter of time. just give Miku her chance to become really popular...
She will get bloated with huge ass/chest/hips by the cultural philistines who "Americanize" international products for consumers here in the U.S. Her American counter-part will probably say things like "whatever!" and Rebecca Black-esque stupid mannerisms. Just writing about it is enraging...

>unfriendly german robotic fujoshi
Who/what is this modeled on/after?

>> No.7602258
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A loving and nurturing maid with large breasts, big hips, a fat ass, and is overly maternal.

But I also want her to smother me with her big butt every so often.

>> No.7602504
File: 126 KB, 785x837, 1310339442175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this, but with an intense love for snuggles and at least 12 feet tall, preferably about 25 feet. She would enjoy a game of cat and mouse (wearing the ears and tail and everything) rather than explicit sexual activity, although smothering sessions would also be regular in our free time. I wouldn't want to make her do all the cleaning or anything, though.

>> No.7602527

unlikely considering most people have taste in music

>> No.7602551
File: 158 KB, 600x750, 1310340033696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body type: loli, slightly plump, wearing school swimsuit. Simple face projected on a curved LCD screen (no uncanny valley shit) with a range of expressions programmed.

Personality: never resists being groped and stomach-rubbed endlessly, merely blushing and making cute noises.

No other functions necessary.

>> No.7602555

>She will get bloated with huge ass/chest/hips by the cultural philistines who "Americanize" international products for consumers here in the U.S. Her American counter-part will probably say things like "whatever!" and Rebecca Black-esque stupid mannerisms. Just writing about it is enraging...
It's funny that you think anyone would do that for you in the first place.

>> No.7602641

Ever see the 90's remake of Salior Moon? Or Final Fantasy Spirits Within? Localization = turns to shit.

>stomach-rubbed endlessly

>> No.7602656

Ever see the 90's remake of Salior Moon? Or Final Fantasy Spirits Within? Or how about just this pic of "Miku" that Toyota had their American team "Americanize" - http://www.jmarket.com/skin1/images/hatsunemiku/toyota.jpg
(^Who is this freak? All the proportions are wrong, her tongue is sticking out in a vulgar expression, her overbearing and brute pose makes her look more like an R&B slut instead of an actual attractive female character as the real Miku was. Absolutely disgusting.)
Localization = turns to shit.

I pray you're right though, and they, for whatever reason, leave Miku as she is.

>stomach-rubbed endlessly

>> No.7602675


Please stop linking that. It's killing me.

>> No.7602685

The horror is what is coming unless action is taken.

Miku will become an R&B grrl or a valley grrl or something. An abomination. Kill it with Supernova.

>> No.7602721
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>> No.7602723

>R&B grrl
Imagine Miku with hoop earrings.

>> No.7602737


Fuck you.

>> No.7602738


>> No.7602867
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>> No.7602907
File: 378 KB, 1500x784, 1310345549070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...what's so inherently wrong with hoop earrings?
Picture sort of related, even if it's not Miku wearing them.

>> No.7602923

Spend enough time around them in 3D, and you learn to hate them. Living in the ghetto was not all fun times and flowers.

>> No.7602992
File: 66 KB, 85x100, bobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of us who've lived in American cities at least (I don't presume to speak for those in other nations), this is what those hoops invoke:

< this + this: http://www.travelswithsheila.com/heritage/Day%2017%20mursi%20woman%201.jpg

>> No.7603068
File: 51 KB, 575x428, 1310347360207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of unholy horror Miku might be warped into.

Hideous beyond all measure, a loathesome assault upon the senses. Gods save us from it. It's so repugnant it belongs in an H.P. Lovecraft tale.

>> No.7603576
File: 91 KB, 850x1200, 1310366491558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dare do this to Miku I will flay the skin from their hands and feet and sodomize them to death with the sausage I'll make from it.

Also my doll is Kagamine Rin

My pipe will never not be inside her once she arrives and is assembled and booted up.

>> No.7603603
File: 36 KB, 552x524, 1310366926845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like how you intentionally picked a bad image.

>> No.7603655

>I like how you intentionally picked a bad image.
Isn't it hypocritical to say that and then intentionally post a bad image yourself?

>> No.7603686



>> No.7603704
File: 15 KB, 300x352, 1310369292738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God brown skin is ugly.

The darker the natural complexion, the more hideous the creature.

>> No.7603705


>stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.7603810
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You are only minimally modified. We can help you correct this.

>> No.7605250
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Oh my aching spheres.

>> No.7607373
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It takes too much effort to think up something to fap to from scratch?

Or is the happy prospect of finally having such a miracle in your life too much to handle... Despair not comrades, the day is coming soon.

>> No.7607405

Honestly, having a girl behave exactly as I constructed her to doesn't sound appealing. But for some reason, her behaving exactly as someone ELSE constructed her to, well...that's okay.
I guess I just like surprises.

>> No.7607450

more like

>No Elsa

Goddamnit /jp/

>> No.7607442

>No Robo-Hisui posted

Disappointed /jp/, I thought you were better than ths.

>> No.7607493
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Short hair, glasses, tomboyish

silent, blunt personality, brutally logical, able to help assist me in being a vigilante and in developing other cyborgs. She doesn't need to have an emotional attraction to me. She doesn't need to agree with me on anything. She can serve me out of obligation or something.

basically she needs to be a bro

>> No.7607501


>> No.7607505

Looks like that African chick Elena from Street Fighter 3rd Strike.

>> No.7607535
File: 56 KB, 450x454, 1310442141837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuna > Sera

I want my DFC bossy Remiria that whips me and forces me to do whatever she wants, but that her bossy mode can be changed to "clumsy" or "wants to fuck" with some predefined fondling.

>> No.7607536

I wouldn't, because then I'll someone to miss when I die

>> No.7607552

I already know what I want mine to be like.

Mai waifu, Patchouli Knowledge.

>> No.7607559

Then why keep using "she"?

>> No.7607713

because naturally there are still aesthetic and sexual concerns, I can't avoid that. A female would be better on the eyes, since I find females to be more attractive.


I would build something like a yuna equivalent (outgoing, bubbly, but ultimately still extremely competent) to lighten the tension and provide comedic counter-balance.

>> No.7607828
File: 954 KB, 963x832, 1310445705928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this pic in a different thread, it's missing an arrow to "/y/" at the bottom, but it details a progression from "straight and narrow" to "flaming fabulous".

I get the feeling though that you straddle both sides of the fence, amirite?

As for the female characters being presented, if you would scroll about a dozen posts up, there is a salient discussion regarding certain characteristics relating to appearance.

>> No.7608039


This image is a bit of an unfair characterization, though it is laughably accurate in some regards. Actually I prefer masculine behavior because I'm a bit of a masochist, and I find assertive behavior exciting. As for my aesthetic leanings, well, feel free to make your own judgments.

tl;dr; I may be gay but I'm not a faggot ok sheesh
