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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7589132 No.7589132 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ do any drugs?

>> No.7589137


>> No.7589140 [DELETED] 

Smoke weed erryday.

>> No.7589144

No. I'm afraid if I started I'd have problems abusing them to escape reality, probably killing myself in the process.

>> No.7589143

I smoke DMT and have subtle, emotional and mildly sexual trips about ZUN!bar.

>> No.7589148

errday with eroge

>> No.7589155

I do tanasinn

>> No.7589158

I don't know anyone that could give me any

>> No.7589159

Mandatory for any thread about drugs.


>> No.7589161


I've done so much tanasinn thinking is pretty difficult to get used to.

>> No.7589162
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Touhous do

>> No.7589165
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I know how you feel

>> No.7589179

I take benzos like xanax and used to smoke weed and use meth and hydromorphone. Also messed around with DXM a few times.

Hydromorphone withdrawals were short yet terrible, meth gave me heart problems, anxiety, panic attacks, and temporary amphetamine-induced psychosis where I had terrifying, traumatic hallucinations, weed gave me paranoia, and I'm horribly addicted to xanax and whenever I stop taking it I get seizures. Xanax has also fucked up my memory. I have absolutely terrible short-term memory now. Sometimes there are entire days which I don't remember. And when I take it, I feel slow and dumb and sleep a lot and don't give a fuck about anything. But I can't just quit it outright at this point.

Avoid drugs, do something better with your life.

>> No.7589198

I smoke weed from my personal grow and drink. I treat marijuana like alcohol and use it only when I want to make a good time better.

>> No.7589202
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i put my anime figurines in a blender on pulse mode then i shoot the blended mixture straight to my veins. that way, i feel at one with my waifu.

>> No.7589210

That can't be healthy, just dress someone up as them, kill them, rape them and then eat them.

>> No.7589213


>> No.7589215

Is that similar to deep frying your dakimakura with soy sauce?

>> No.7589221
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>> No.7589222

I really want to try LSD

>> No.7589237

Nope... but I certainly wish the idiots who are in charge finally legalizes Marijuana... just google "Why is Marijuana Illegal"

>> No.7589241

I smoked weed once when I was in High School. I wasn't sure if I smoked it right.

>> No.7589251

The "idiots in charge" found about your smuggling business. They can't be all that bad.

>> No.7589248

OTC sleeping pills in numerous amounts.

I've recently been thinking of trying to get a medical marijuana card since I'm actually afflicted with an ailment it helps, but I'm unsure how it would affect me and my every day life. It probably differs depending on what kind you smoke, but all I know is that I definitely would not want to feel drugged up for the rest of my life. I don't want to look back in a few years and feel either like it's all been a blur, or feel unlike my old self prior to smoking, if that makes sense.

>> No.7589259

The same "Idiots" you mentioned also cleared me of any wrongdoing... otherwise I'd be the one rotting in jail for a decade...

>> No.7589267

I don't think I've ever seen an admission of guilt from you before.

>> No.7589271

for a second i thought that's a thermal paste

>> No.7589274

This is also why I didn't continue medication for mental problems. The way my doctor prescribed me to take it, I was taking increasing amounts until the final plateau where it'd be the same dosage. To me, it seemed like a chemical lobotomy. It scared me but I stuck with it for a week. I saw no change. When I went back and told him, he told me I didn't stay with it long enough. That scared me even more.

>> No.7589281

Uncle mugen does drugs now? I've been out of the loop for way too long.

>> No.7589290

onion pills and juice injections.

>> No.7589294
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>> No.7589307
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Does he look like somebody who wouldn't do drugs?

>> No.7589314


>> No.7589338

Medication isn't for relieving the pain of existance. It's for adjusting brain chemistry that's not working correctly. Life is normally sad, frustrating, and infuriating every single day, especially for poor people. That said, marijuana is basically a candy that makes you feel funny. You can't overdose on it. LSD too, to a lesser extent. If I did recreational drugs it would never be anything other than weed, shrooms, or acid.

>> No.7589343

You can overdose on everything with the right amount.
And the right tools.

>> No.7589346
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Posting some related material in a drugs thread.

>> No.7589352

>Life is normally sad, frustrating, and infuriating every single day

I definitely do not agree with that statement.

>> No.7589368


>> No.7589371

You're right. At one point, you stop caring, and it's only sad anymore.

>> No.7589372

Large amounts of caffeine. Marijuana and nicotine once in a while. Vicadin on those special occasions.

>> No.7589374

Touhous sure love their 'shrooms.

Between this and the constant overuse of alcohol, I'm surprised none of them was shown smoking cannabis yet.

>> No.7589382

Weed makes people boring, whereas shrooms and alcohol can make people funny.

>> No.7589386

I don't have money for drugs, nor do I can imagine going to the places where they sell them and dealing with those people.

>> No.7589389

This, shrooms are the best thing.

>> No.7589396

I cried myself to sleep last time I was drunk. I don't think that is funny.

>> No.7589403

I stopped caring and my life got a whole lot better. I often times feel as if I'm in the minority.

>> No.7589404
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Sometimes true, picture most definitely related.

>> No.7589419

I eat small doses of hallucinogen mushrooms once in a while, and watch anime under their effects. It's a great experience. I used to smoke weed some years ago.

>> No.7589421


>> No.7589435

My waifu wouldn't approve.

>> No.7589438

My feeling towards your post are ineffable.

>> No.7589444

Is that a good thing?

>> No.7589448


>> No.7589474

Ever watch Ranma 1/2 on acid?

>> No.7589489

Marijuana, that's it.

>> No.7589517
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Drugs are bad, m'kay?

>> No.7589580

So no one mentioned Aya Shachou yet?

>> No.7589597

Just don't lump Marijuana with them OK... Marijuana is Basically just like Tobacco... only much MUCH more useful... Fuck DUPONT and their corporate greed...

>> No.7589619

Reported for junkie off-topic thread.

>> No.7589647

I used to be glam-rockstar but because excessive use of drugs i got stuck here in /jp/.

My advice is that use if you like to. But know that nothing comes for free not even fun.

>> No.7589651

>not even fun

>> No.7589673

I'll try anything once.

>> No.7589698

I only drink.

I want to try marijuana but since I have no friends here and I rarely leave the house I have no idea how to obtain it. I am also quite afraid about going about trying to get it because some niggers would probably stab me to death or something.

>> No.7589701


>> No.7589707

Then you dont belong here. I 100% agree with that statement.

>> No.7589731

Being a misery guts is not a prerequisite of posting on /jp/.

>> No.7589735

No, normalfag, YOU don't belong here. True NEETs enjoy their lifestyle; people who are unhappy truly desire to be normalfags, and they are the cancer of /jp/.

Get out.

>> No.7589741

No its not but most if not all of the topic here reside around that. Others who have similar experiences will also be here.

>truly desire to be normalfags
No, those are assumptions which you assumed wrong. You and your happy go lucky butt-buddie needs to leave

>> No.7589752

i mostly use moé as a daily drug.

>> No.7589754

both of you get out

>> No.7589759

get out

>> No.7589760

I say both of you should shut up and stay

>> No.7589761

Some people just haven't fully adjusted to their lifestyle. They were always here, and will always be here.

>> No.7589766

get out

>> No.7589775

Group hug!

>> No.7589789
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>> No.7589802

if u dont do drugs u aint a tru NEET

>> No.7589805

LSD and Mushrooms every now and then. Usually during the summer.

I also smoke Marijuana, but that isn't a drug

>> No.7589819

Reported for unironic shitposting.

>> No.7589834

I drink coffee and eat potato chips.

>> No.7589839
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I also do all kinds of legal drugs... dxm, salvia, kratom, etc....

I also do online fun like squareeater, i-doser....

>> No.7589863 [DELETED] 


sup mugen

>> No.7589865

Surely there is no need to be so offensive.

>> No.7589866
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>> No.7589904

all i take is ritalin (4-5 times a day)
you lazy neets should all do the same to at least be a little productive

>> No.7589908

It's funny how other weed users type just like Mugen.

>> No.7589911

i've had the most beautiful experiences on extacy; it's probably my favorite drug. i'm normally pretty cynical, depressed and obsessive but e makes me do a complete 180.

sometimes i really need to feel like i'm not a worthless piece of shit in a cruel fucking world, even if it's only for a few hours.

>> No.7589920

ADD bro! I only take it once a day. What mg do you have? I have 20 mg.

>> No.7589969

why only once a day?
i just need about 7.5mg every time but getting quite a bit more to make it pay for itself ^^

>> No.7589990

All of them.

>> No.7589988

Winners don't do drugs.

>> No.7590018

Leave the /v/ baggage at /v/.

>> No.7590028

Sorry - I'm not failure at life.

>> No.7590041

I tried to smoke weed once, back in highschool. Made me fucking sick, my head hurt as hell and I vomited.

>> No.7590056


Irony is the lowest form of humor.

>> No.7590059

MDMA, Amphetamines, weed and alcohol.
Just to pass time, really.

>> No.7590089

Nope. I enjoy life just fine, and have no need for any substance to "enhance" it. Got nothing against people who do use/abuse though.

>> No.7590092

Drugs are good as long as you remember to use the drugs and not let the drugs use you. If you have an addictive personality, you're better off leaving them alone. But if you can be responsible, you can enjoy a nice trip once a month and be perfectly healthy while having the most amazing experiences you can't imagine. Because you can't imagine what you see and feel. You really can't.
