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7587340 No.7587340 [Reply] [Original]

What do you expect in the full Ten Desires ?

>> No.7587347

new fetishes and fap material

>> No.7587346

The most, beautiful, memorable, amazing, and fantastic stage 5 boss ever. That, and a more difficult mode past Extra, although I won't count on it.

>> No.7587348


I want to see a male Touhou.

>> No.7587350
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Oh my, Anonymous. No need to lay it on so thick, everyone already loves Mima here.

>> No.7587355

Mima will be back I feel it in my bones

>> No.7587352

A scoring system that I won't be able to take seriously.

But we'll see, maybe it will be completely revamped since the demo.

Ignoring that, I'll probably just 1cc it on all difficulties, then spend a majority of my time playing Extra and grinding away to 100% completion like I did with IN.

>> No.7587356

playable mokou


>> No.7587362

One of the bosses will be twins who fight you at once.

>> No.7587359
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While I expected that sort of response, I'm not talking Mima.

>> No.7587360

6 levels, an extra stage, at least 14 boss/mid-boss fights, four difficulty settings, music, spokes, and lasers.

>> No.7587364

fantastic GIF
though i didn't recognize them all

>> No.7587367

Deathbombs that work.

>> No.7587370

Source on the video?
I have it saved on my HDD but It doesn't have a name

>> No.7587368


>> No.7587372

4th- some new midboss, boss fight differs with each character
5th- midboss is boss, has some spirit-related gimmick
6th- midboss is 5th boss, boss is not a ghost
extra- bullets everywhere, boss is related to the other characters in some way but is not very important. Maybe a sibling.
phantasm- mima

>> No.7587373

oh wow i saw this on cnn xD

>> No.7587381

Bosses that seemingly have no connection to the first three because ZUN will design them and write the plot at the last minute.

>> No.7587379 [DELETED] 

i got it from /v/

>> No.7587383

Seeing how we got Miyako, I would love to have a loli Taoist priest to go with her.

>> No.7587393


This is the full video in hd with translations. This actually was on cnn. All that I an say is rip - respectable journalism.

>> No.7587396

Why was it on CNN?

>> No.7587401

Thanks man

>> No.7587402

I'm sorry, but did Mima already get denied? That's right, the game isn't even out yet. In fact, it's only the demo. Does not being in the game by the demo mean you got denied? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that, I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when the game is still in development? Mima is still waiting right now and she has been the best shot in Touhou for how many years now?

>> No.7587413
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You can have your Mima, I don't care. She can be in stage 4 or stage 6 or the extra, any of those is fine. I just want a brand new, absolutely magnificent stage 5 boss. Is that so wrong?

>> No.7587415

Because it's the Cirno News Network.

>> No.7587425

Can you post the original?

>> No.7587430
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I expect more Sanae.

>> No.7587435

A possibly darker and faster last boss theme, compared to Byakuren. Well, ZUN said something about revenge, didn't he?

>> No.7587438

How about Akyu as stage 5 boss ?

>> No.7587441
File: 202 KB, 461x772, 1310094375133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the five best Touhous of all time? Think about it.

Kogasa, Kogasa, Kogasa, Kogasa and Kogasa.

>> No.7587446


fuck off

>> No.7587452


What a surprise

>> No.7587454
File: 222 KB, 728x1011, 1310094599736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah...she's pretty great...

>> No.7587464


No. She has to be absolutely, positively new. A newcomer. I won't accept anyone else.

>> No.7587473

What's so special about stage 5? If I might ask.

>> No.7587480

boss has to have retarded gimmicks and they are always related to the last stage boss

>> No.7587500

back then we have Sakuya, Youmu, Udonge, Sanae, Orin, Shou. All is new. Don't you get bored of that ?

>> No.7587504


Stage 5 holds a special place in my heart. Three of my favorite characters are stage 5 bosses. Even the ones I don't care for as much are memorable in some way to me as a wall that I need to pass, the ending of a long journey, protectors of the final stage that beat me and break me until I finally overcome their assualt and emerge with the taste of delicious victory.

>> No.7587521


Not at all. That's how things are supposed to be.

>> No.7587549

I like Mima as much as the next person, but recycling more characters would be somewhat tactless on Zun's part. He knows better

>> No.7587567

Yeah, that's why I'm glad we didn't get multiple fightable and then playable versions of Sanae. All of that re-use just wouldn't be like him at all.

>> No.7587584
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>> No.7587615
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>> No.7587620

Necromancer or mummy touhou.

>> No.7587626

Tha dinosaur looks like he's feeling it!

>> No.7587654
File: 17 KB, 382x430, yukarintea2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel it in my bones
But maybe that's just the osteoporosis.

>> No.7587663
File: 241 KB, 700x700, 1310097474602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see some of the other undead creatures get some love.

A morghe , a wight, maybe a flesh golem touhou.

>> No.7587688

Dialogue that is actually somewhat funny and or quirky, like in IN where reimu can't see shit, and Marisa talks about everything in video game terms, that shit had me entertained.

'Talking like that and then running? It's like saying Please come and beat me up later!'

>> No.7587694

What superspecialmagicalshojogirl does Mima have? moving bones?

>> No.7587724
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>> No.7587741 [SPOILER] 
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>mummy touhou
Like this<?

>> No.7587753
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>> No.7587782
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More gimmicky scoring shit that just gets in the way of the game being good, just like UFO
More bland music in the style of UFO
Fucking power items are the most valuable drops in the game, just like UFO
Youmu's fucking horrible gimmicky focus shot
Death bombs fucking where?
Still no Mima

>> No.7587823
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One of my desires have been already fullfilled.

I want to see Mima and Satsuki. Also, Youki's comeback would be epic.

>> No.7587839


I don't see what's so bad about UFO music.

>> No.7587842


So YUyuko is 5th boss and that's why Youmu is there.

>> No.7587853

I don't know, I just didn't like it. It felt really boring for some reason, it just didn't have that punch that the other game's music has.

>> No.7587860


Oh, I see. I liked it. Well, half of it. I found half of it to be absolutely spectacular and extremely good, the other half to be lackluster. Admittedly I don't like the TD soundtrack as much as I want, but it's still nice I think. I was hoping TD would follow FW when it came to music.

>> No.7589177
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i'm really looking forward to Mima's return
i don't know if i can handle the shock if she won't return

>> No.7589188


>> No.7589916

1-5 got retconned and their characters will not return. Get over it already.

>> No.7592497
File: 734 KB, 1000x1000, 1304059767342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... and that he changes that shit of forcing the player to be always on the top half of the screen... fucking spirits.
