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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 340 KB, 818x858, 20072405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7587177 No.7587177 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh god, it's that weirdo from outside again.
>I hate having to act nice to him, but he's the only human visitor I get anymore. I can tell he's in love with me too. It's so gross.
>Ugh, he's trying to talk to me again. He can barely speak Japanese, what the hell? Just donate and go.

>> No.7587187 [DELETED] 

That'd be what she thinks of most of /jp/ while she fucks me on the side. Just like real life. And I'm coming for you're favorite touhous, not just Reimu.

>> No.7587186

Go back to /v/.

>> No.7587189

Please don't associate a beautiful face with ugly words.

>> No.7587199


>> No.7587209

Lookin pretty creepy their raymo, and I wouldn't have done the things I've done to you for measly donations if I was in love.

>> No.7587217

The problem here is that Reimu would never pretend to be nice to someone.

>> No.7587226

Can't you just pay to fuck her?

>> No.7587245
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Mikos are pure girls.

>> No.7587247 [DELETED] 
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>implying that I would even waste time with Raymoo

>> No.7587251

1-Kill her in her sleep.
2-Fuck body.
3-Achieve orgasm.

>> No.7587263


sanae is a slut

>> No.7587266

That said, Reimu is probably the only Touhou you'd get to talk to.

>> No.7587269



>> No.7587273

Lots of Touhous hang around the shrine. Some might be interested in you enough to talk.

>> No.7587284

>Acting nice to anyone even friends

Sup secondary

>> No.7587292

I'm new to jp.
What the fuck is this board all about?

>> No.7587293
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>> No.7587298

Shut thef uck up nerd

>> No.7587308

We're gay.

>> No.7587310

i may be new to this board, but i'll always be able to recognize fail sages.

>> No.7587311


I don't remember agreeing to that when I came here.

>> No.7587314
File: 132 KB, 800x1188, 1310091601435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Now go away.

>> No.7587343

That's because by coming here you implicitly agree to all terms and conditions of the /jp/ Terms of Usage Agreement.
And Article 2, Paragraph 1 of which states "By reading, viewing or listening to any content on the /jp/ image board on 4chan or acquiring information pertaining to said content by means of a third party, you are officially and immediately considered of homosexual orientation."

>> No.7587349


This is what I deserve for automatically accepting those terms and conditions without looking then...I don't know what a homosexual on /jp/ does though.

>> No.7587371
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You have to wear a dress and put things in your butt.

>> No.7587376

Are stockings optional or mandatory?
Aw either way.

>> No.7587380


Damn, I really should have read that then. Fine, since I agreed to the terms I guess I'll have to do both them. I'm not particularly pleased by this turn of events though.

>> No.7587387
File: 249 KB, 728x1052, 1310093220235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait to stick it in you.

>> No.7587389

Go get sake and look for Suika instead of wasting your time with Raymoo

>> No.7587388


Wait what? I didn't agree to that. Or did I?

>> No.7587404


I don't remember going to a /jp/ meetup either.

>> No.7587403

Remeber that paper you signed when we all went to that /jp/ meetup?

>> No.7587409

Well you did get pretty drunk.

>> No.7587416


I don't remember drinking anything. I don't even leave the house.

>> No.7587433

Well let's see. According to Article 2, Paragraph 2 "[...] A person considered of sexual orientation by fulfillment of §2.1 shall wear a dress for a minimum of [bla bla bla]. Furthermore any and all residents of /jp/ are obliged to receive and give sexual favors to and from another /jp/ resident upon inquiry given reasonable opportunity, irregardless of their status in the Little Girl Transformation Program (see §4 and §6.2.3). [...]"
Sexual favors are more closely defined in Article 6, but it seems like you're out of luck.

>> No.7587445
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>> No.7587451


You have got to be kidding me. I've never even done this sort of thing. Whatever, at least I'm absolutely sure they can't find me. I should be safe, even if I have to wear dresses and anally masturbate.

>> No.7587470

Note that it only refers to "/jp/ residents". So, if you object to it you should just quit /jp/ entirely. However, I believe there is a 4 months buffer period that has to pass before you lose the "resident" status.

>> No.7587488

/jp/ - bureaucracy / general

>> No.7587497


Oh. I see. I don't really want to leave, but I don't want to have sex and lose wizard power privileges.

>> No.7587526

Our lawyers fucking suck.

>> No.7587531

I am black and I wonder what Reimu would think of me.

>> No.7587536

She would think you're a youkai and Exterminate you.

>> No.7587539

I don't think she'd attack me for no reason. Youkai visit her shrine all the time.

>> No.7587547
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Ones she's already beaten.

>> No.7587552

>I hate having to act nice to him, but he's the only human visitor I get anymore.

Secretly forever alone.

>> No.7587558

Sounds like all you have to do is take an ass-whooping, then. No big deal.

>> No.7587562

Fuck you raymoo i'ma go buttfuck the frog maiden and still have change left for ice cream

>> No.7587560

OK Reimu... that's... not nice you know... no wonder nobody donates to your cult... you got attitude problems...

Excuse me while I make my way to the "OTHER" shrine... at least the Miko there is pure...

>> No.7587563

Marisa's human and visits her all the time.

>> No.7587569

Enjoy your loose slut.

>> No.7587570

>at least the Miko there is pure

>> No.7587568

You're welcome to walk your ass up what is literally called Youkai Mountain just for a bored handjob.

>> No.7587586


>> No.7587599

You know, it just hit me, that Sanae's snake around her hair reminds me of an Aesculapius rod.

>> No.7587623
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I'd visit but I don't think I'd skulk around the shrine.

I'd be far too bust uncovering the mysteries of the dark corners of gensokyo.

>> No.7587635
File: 420 KB, 1200x900, 1310097021336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh god, it's that weirdo from outside again.
>I hate having to act nice to him, but he's the only human visitor I get anymore. I can tell he's in love with me too. It's so gross.
>Ugh, he's trying to talk to me again. He can barely speak Japanese, what the hell? I want to see the outside, how come he wasn't happy there?

>> No.7587649

I'm cool with sluts

Plus Sanae probably has a few killer tats, which are myfetish.jpg

>> No.7587672

I'd visit the shrine with a large keg of beer. Drop one bag of rice in the donation box and just sit on the porch. Don't say shit, just watch the Danmaku and drink. Do this all day err day. Eventually one Touhou who visits the shrine will get curious and try to interact. Don't say shit, give her a beer and just watch Danmaku.

There's no point in talking (don't know nihongo, not even old time nihonogo they probably speak), plus I'm probably going to be the only negro in gensokyo so they're going to be interested.

>> No.7587680

Basically you're going to be a freeloader.

>> No.7587683

>Implying Reimu isn't in love with me,my dark manhood and my sexual prowess.

>> No.7587682

Black oni oni-chan!

>> No.7587701

I bring beer, I bring rice, they provide danmaku, we all win.

>> No.7587705


If you bring beer then at least you can be friends with Suika.

>> No.7587726

freeloaders don't BYOB

>> No.7587733

And where do you get all that beer and rice?

>> No.7587772

spoken like a true porch monkey

>> No.7587785
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Literally the only reason to visit the Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.7587791

To you maybe.

>> No.7587811
File: 557 KB, 1440x900, 1310098960965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be fun. a bunch of lazy, weird freeloaders that can't speak Japanese just standing around drinking beer every day.

>> No.7587830

But those lazy foreigners are giving away beer for free

Can you really say that they still won't be accepted?

>> No.7587859

I'm working under the assumption I get to go to and fro freely.

>> No.7587877

That would be great. Make sure to wear sunglasses for extra inscrutability.

>> No.7587897 [DELETED] 

Don't forget to lean back in a wall with your hands in your pockets

>> No.7587904


Oh god, I want to diaper her so bad.

>> No.7588122
File: 456 KB, 1587x1000, 1310103598675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you forgotten /jp/?

She never fought Kasen.

>> No.7588268
File: 118 KB, 640x338, 1310105512468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lots of Touhous hang around the shrine. Some might be interested in you enough to talk.

>> No.7588290

She acts nicely towards those friends that don't bother her (or aren't bothering her at the moment) for nuisanaces like Kasen and Marisa, can't say the same for the latter.

>> No.7588594
File: 683 KB, 900x693, 1310110007503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not got to Eientei instead? The trek through the bamboo forest is safe during the day. Get lost and Tewi will help you.

>> No.7588610
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>> No.7588646
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>> No.7588771
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 1310113870658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you seem to have a psychotic doctor in your employ. Sorry Kaguya, but Scarlet Devil Mansion is where it's at tonight...

>> No.7588774
File: 119 KB, 700x943, 1310113971087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there.

>> No.7588776
File: 50 KB, 402x514, 1310114054303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Keine told me to stay away from the bamboo forest.

>> No.7588789

Babby's first Touhou. Glorious secondary master race here. I get to pick whichever waifu I want.

>> No.7588795

>I get to pick whichever waifu I want.

>> No.7588802

You're not even secondary enough to know that Cirno's Babby's first Touhou.

>> No.7588817

The more she hates me, the sweeter it will be when I rape Reimu.

>> No.7588832
File: 149 KB, 700x250, 1282132555634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, you're outdated!

>> No.7589732
File: 57 KB, 436x284, 1310135322685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She never fought Kasen.
She did, in her heart, and love won.

>> No.7589737

As if Deathsmiles is the only other shmup with girls since Touhou was started.

I really hate Nerf Now.

>> No.7589763

>DS more popular than touhou


>> No.7592618

That's not the Reimu I know. She wouldn't let such rude things cross her mind.

>> No.7592648

It is.
You mad Touhou fag?

>> No.7592703
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 1310176122041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Castle Shikigami will never be as popular as Touhou because it actually has guys in the cast.

>> No.7592722

That's not true and we all know it.

>> No.7592748 [DELETED] 

stay mad 2hu nigger
