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7586533 No.7586533 [Reply] [Original]

How lethal are guns to toehoes? Would I be reasonably safe from at least non-undead touhous if I went to gensokyo with my semi-auto 7.62?
I should be able to take down all humans and most youkai right?

>> No.7586546

I think I read somewhere that you have to cut yokai up into something you'd expect to see come out of a blender to actually kill it. Don't think a bullet or two will do much but slow them down.

>> No.7586551

Youkai only have weaknesses to things that they have weaknesses to. If they're not weak to lead, then it's just going to make them angry.

You'd be better off digging up a legendary magical weapon and taking it with you.

>> No.7586554

What about silver boolits, would that help?
Or maybe some other magical trick to make gunfire more effective?

>> No.7586560


Beyond parody.

>> No.7586565

So they need to be fragged? Sounds like fun.

>> No.7586573

/k/ is >>way

>> No.7586570

You won't be able to kill them with just 1cc.

>> No.7586589

I think that was saying Youkai could survive even that. Can't find the article right now, though.

>> No.7586594
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/k/ doesn't know about touhous and last I got a ban for talking about them.

>> No.7586602

This is absolutely nothing like a /k/ thread.

>> No.7586606

Doesn't matter how lethal your guns are if you can't hit, and with only at best two streams of bullets heading in straight lines you can't expect to corner a touhou traveling in three dimensions.
If you consider the rate of flight of a touhou and the amount of movement they are able to make in a matter of seconds to weave deftly through curtains of fire, it's obvious that you're outmatched with your semiautomatic.

Also, you know you can't dodge their bullets at all, right? "The best defense is a perfect offense" only works if you can instantaneously kill every touhou you encounter before they enter danmaku range.

>> No.7586621

Earth metals are usually listed on the list of things yokai are weak too, same with faith, and other foreign poisons(there is a story of a great yokai that devoured a foreigner and got sick and died).

So blessed silver bullets could be effective.

>> No.7586628

what if you blow their head off from a mile away?

They're just sipping their tea none the wiser.

Though this wouldn't work for all of them.

>> No.7586647
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Unless you got an assured instant kill you'd have an angry touhou heading your way at top speed.
You're right, though, subterfuge is your only hope at using a gun effectively in Gensokyo.
Which completely invalidates it as a defense weapon.

>> No.7586651

Well, no fucking shit. Touhou belongs here. That's why there are board for certain interests.

>> No.7586655

If you tried anything like this reimu would beat the shit out of you for use of lethal danmaku.

>> No.7586656

Try hitting a touhou sized object a mile away.

>> No.7586662

IIRC, ZUN said something such as a shotgun or a machine gun would be devastating in spell card games, but would not be too harmful for most youkai.

>> No.7586668

who the fuck cares about what that tripfag says

>> No.7586676

[citation needed]

>> No.7586682
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>> No.7586688

I'd imagine so. It's like playing Laser Tag and then some asshole pulls out a real gun and starts blasting away.

>> No.7586713

Youkai regenerate. You could take one down with a gun, but she'll be back, and then you're fucked.

There are human Touhous who you could just shoot to death no problem. But uh, you might be in a bit of a situation afterward.

>> No.7586726

Also, keep in mind that spellcard rules exist in part to protect humans from youkai. If your firepower breaks those rules then you are fair game to be killed and eaten.

I don't recall all the rules, but bullet streams that are fatal or undodgeable are both illegal.

So if you do use a 7.62 in danmaku battles be sure to only graze your opponent.

>> No.7586733

No because guns don't belong in Touhou.

>> No.7586736

Are you the Saint of Killers?

>> No.7586747

>There are human Touhous who you could just shoot to death no problem.
There are also human Touhous who would not die even if you killed them, so a rifle isn't a guaranteed defense even against them.

>> No.7586749

The bullets would have need to possess some spiritual power(by worshipping them, them being a legendary artifact or passed down several generations etc.) or Youkai would just laugh at them.

Modern science tends to be incredibly ineffective there, just look at the Kappa and Lunarians. They both have technology far advanced than what you can get today and they still use magic/faith/whatever instead of physical combat.

>> No.7586758

Who would want to hurt sweet ol' Mokou though?

>> No.7586764

Holy shit, so many mistakes, I need to go to bed.

>> No.7586795

Kappa stuff works on SUPER SCIENCE instead of actual science. Many youkai have terrestrial weaknesses, instead of just supernatural ones. Base metals, for instance, especially iron. Silver is another one.

>> No.7586813

Your best bet would be blessed bullets if you want to have a chance at fucking up a youkai.

Just stop off at the Hakurei Shrine, make a donation and have Reimu bless/purify your ammo.

>> No.7586826

Does the second amendment and its rabid support in the US count as worship of conventional firearms in general?

>> No.7586847

Even aside from Mokou.
Reimu and Dio Brando are also residents and I wouldn't try to pull a gun on either of them, and there are probably a whole lot more powerful humans that just haven't shown up yet.

And if you do kill a human, there's a very real chance that they'll come back as a ghost. 7.62s are notoriously ineffective against ghosts!

>> No.7586865


Simo Hayha's rifle ought to qualify as a legendary weapon suitable for youkai hunting.

>> No.7586867

Nah Reimu would die if you killed her. And so what if she's a ghost? She won't be like a Yuyuko ghost, she'll be an anonymous blob that you can use to cool your house in the summer.

>> No.7586871

Yes I'm sure Reimu would be glad to help you kill people, and not boot your ass right out the border.

>> No.7586882

And just how many supernatural beings has it killed, Anon?

>> No.7586897

To be fair, most touhous (except the moriya shrine, rinnosuke and yukari) wouldn't know what a gun is and that it's dangerous.

>> No.7586907

There are plenty of legendary weapons lying around at museums that no one cares about, stories that wouldn't even make front page news if stolen. Hell you'd probably find the janitor playing with them when you got there.

Sure its no longinus or excalibur but it'd probably be enough to beat up a bunch of fae.
