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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7585300 No.7585300 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been interested in 3DPD? not even during puberty when your hormones say "fuck you"?

>> No.7585307

I was young and ignorant!

>> No.7585306

I was in the past, now I'm not very interested I'd say.

>> No.7585315

I was, until 17.

>> No.7585325

This. I'd like to say I even gave them a fair chance too, but I stopped bothering after a while. Their personalities alone are enough to make me want to vomit.

>> No.7585333

No, my first crush was one of the girls from the first season of pokemon.
Never looked at 3D since then.

>> No.7585340
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I actually got pretty close recently but it seems all the effort and time I put in it is at loss.

>> No.7585345

I still have fantasies about gutting and smearing the intestines of a 3DPD all over my room after ravaging her defiled pussy violently with a dildo, like i'm going to waste my virginity in a dirty mongrel.

not one of you unfortunately.

>> No.7585354

I love both 3D and 2D.

Women are just so attractive and curvy. They're hot no matter what the dimension IMO.

>> No.7585359

Know what's more attractive/sexy/innovative/manly


>> No.7585365

OK to clear what?

>> No.7585369

Are men considered 3DPD if so then yes and I still do like men.(especially because men are polite enough to pay for my apartment and food not young/attractive woman would do that.)

>> No.7585370

ZUN!bar! What a heresy!
But I'm pretty sure that everyone on /jp/ would pick ZUN!bar over 3DPD.

>> No.7585373
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I think I had a crush on a girl in middle school. I eventually became gay furry. Now I have tiger and dragon hasubandos and no regrets.

>> No.7585380
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Crossing the line, bro.

>> No.7585395 [SPOILER] 
File: 787 KB, 1000x697, 1310065839222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually i tell furries to go back to /vp/ and shit but i think i'll make the exception because you sound cool and you also have a dragon husbandoe and i bet you ride one of these when you're at it.

>> No.7585396


I'd say they are. That means I am too. Oh well, not as if it's not true though.

>> No.7585408

I have a girlfriend.
She's ok with all the JRPGs I play, all the anime, figma, etc.
even though she hates Japan, she puts up with it for me.
and for that I love both.

>> No.7585419

I apologize, I wouldn't normally mention any furfaggotry on /jp/, but it just happens to be why I made the switch to 2D.

>i bet you ride one of these
If they weren't so expensive. ;_;

>> No.7585413
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>> No.7585425


>> No.7585428

Personally I find the first part of your post worst than the furry part

>> No.7585434


>> No.7585435

You're a piece of sexy manliness

why can't you just deal with it and post some nudes already don't leave me hanging ZUN!bar-chan

>> No.7585447

There was a time I was interested in 3D. Years of exposure to the superiority of 2D taught me the error of my ways.

>> No.7585473

The pleasure of cumming inside is hard for a man to resist. I won't lie, I pick-up high-school girls from time to time with my bike and fuck them, but other than that, I feel nothing else. Dealing with the actual woman is a real bother.

>> No.7585493
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Wow, I'll admit this is the first time I see ZUN!bar losing his cool. Pretty impressive, /jp/.

>> No.7585532

Stupid teenage extremism leads to nothing, so I maintain the balance between my desires. Though it'd be too hard for me to get real relationships, even if I wanted it.

>> No.7585551

Recently I've taken a liking to someone that's a shy and introverted girl that stands out as being very unique and different. I've been trying to get to know he better but she doesn't seem to show much interest in me. It's the first time someone has remotely caught my interest, so I guess I'll see it through the end and confess to her some time this month. I doubt she'll accept it, and when she doesn't I can just retreat back into my old livestyle of taking it easy. Just a bit more bitter. Not to her, I don't think I'd hate her since it's clearly not her fault. I'm not really desirable of a person. Just more bitter in my own hopes and confidence.

>> No.7585570
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I still like some 3D every now and then.

You can't deny your humanity.

>> No.7585574

I think I might be a paedophile of sorts. Normally loli != 3d little girls, but I live near a pool and it's swim suit season.

Why must little girls have blond curly hair and surprisingly full asses? ;_;

>> No.7585579
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Dammit we shouldn't have these threads here, guys!

I have been interested in fleshy relationships in the past. Nowadays it's 3D Platonic love and 2D arousal

>> No.7585580

How are you people proud of jerking off to drawings of things that don't even exist
Do you know how fucked up you seem to normal people
Seriously, stop this 3DPD bullshit and go out and meet others outside those in this pathetic otaku circlejerk, RL girlfriends are awesome

>> No.7585586


I don't really care so much about what normal people think. What matters is that I'm at peace with myself.

>> No.7585584

I love both. I fap to both at the same time, thanks to Windows 7's snap function!

>> No.7585589


>> No.7585606

>RL girlfriends are awesome
And I think prostate stimulation is awesome, but not everybody likes the same things, you know.

>> No.7585610


2/10 for the effort

>> No.7585611

It's not just abnormal, it's not fucking healthy to stay locked up while jerking off to animu pedo shit
Just because you're afraid of rejection and failure doesn't mean you shouldn't try going out with real women, staying in your little hugbox won't solve anything

>> No.7585614
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>> No.7585621

The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one, yes, but after careful examination, I find no problems.
I do go outside and socialize, I just opt not to pursue relationships.

>> No.7585620

I probably get gf like most people if you settle for some crappy one. I'm not interested in that and would prefer to find someone I enjoy.

>> No.7585630


Please elaborate on why it's not healthy and the consequences that will follow if one does not change his ways

>> No.7585631

>Rule 12: Don't be a "normalfag" - Most of the users here are loser weeaboo "NEET"s. Nobody cares if your girlfriend is a supermodel or if you are more successful than us, we enjoy our way of living, even if we feel lonely.

>> No.7585632

Okay, I'm gonna fucking kill you for your bad choice.
Give me your address so I can bear your ass.
You think you're tough? lets see how tough you are with a couple rounds from my .45 lodged in your skull. Kinda hard to talk shit when I've blown half your face off. You better watch yourself faggots, I work for the fucking CIA, if I want you dead, you are dead. Its that fucking simple. Watch your god damned fucking mouth. I have over 30 years military training, I would rip your spine out while raping your fucking mother up her dried up old skanky cunt. I would then proceed to bundle up what remains of your body and shove my 12 inch cock down your throat and skull fuck you till my cum oozes from every hole in your body. Watch your fucking back. I'm coming for you.

>> No.7585633


Failure has nothing to do with it. I'm simply no longer attracted to them, I hold no hatred or negative feelings for them. I simply pursue that which I desire. Is that difficult to understand?

>> No.7585644

I do the same as this guy.

>> No.7585649

Hell yeah. I always check out hot girls when I see them. I've never had a girlfriend though.

>> No.7585655

I wasn't just referring to you
There are so many maladjusted human beings on /jp/ posting mai waifu and so ronery bullshit
You folks need to fucking get your shit together and stop pretending you aren't attracted to real women (unless you're gay)
I'm guessing that at least half of you live in your parents' basement, get the fuck out and try becoming productive members of society

>> No.7585658

I love cute nerdy east asian guys.

>> No.7585667
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>(unless you're gay)
So am I exempt?

>> No.7585672

You seem to be misunderstanding something -- this isn't /a/.

>> No.7585670

>so ronery
I haven't seen a ronery thread in over a year, at least. Granted, my last six months were somewhat...occupied...

You know what happens when you assume?

>> No.7585697


I really hope you're not implying that being "productive in society" means having a relationship with the opposite sex. Having a girlfriend/wife/kids are not accomplishments as much as one might want to think they are. These are in fact things that anyone can do where as accomplishments are things that must be worked towards and acheived through some sort of effort. Also, as previously said, what is so hard to understand about people not being attracted to anyone. People pursue what they desire, where there is no desire there is no pursuing. Pretty difficult stuff I know.
