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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7583282 No.7583282 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ road trip

>> No.7583289

Me with the autistic face.

>> No.7583294

Which touhou would you trust as your driver on a medium-long journey during times of terrible weather and civil war?

>> No.7583298

I'll be going on a roadtrip once school starts back up. I don't know anyone so I'll be going alone.

>> No.7583306


>> No.7583307

Me in the death seat.

>> No.7583330

Me being left behind.

>> No.7583344

Is The Situation a Touhou?

>> No.7583424


>> No.7583433
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Out of the Touhoes in there, which do you think has the most autistic expression? I think it's Keine

>> No.7583453


>> No.7583466

Imagine if we did go camping on a roadtrip together. What role would you play and how do you think people would act and be?

>> No.7583478


I'd be the guy that didn't go because I don't trust any of you.

>> No.7583481

Ok I'm drunk, let's do this thing. Where is the first destination?

>> No.7583489
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I hope the van derailed and fell off a cliff so we may respawn happily together as X-tuplets in /jp/s manor

>> No.7583490

I'd probably be reading the map. Chances are a /jp/ road trip would end up with us lost in an unknown place. During the trip everyone would be quiet while we listen to each other's music.

>> No.7583491
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I'd be the one that hotboxes the van.

>> No.7583495


This is why I don't trust you guys.

>> No.7583505

I'd be the one who handled the cooking and food, but instead messed up big time which resulted in us starving.

>> No.7583509

I don't blame you bro, I wouldn't trust me either. I am kind of a prick.

>> No.7583527

I was asked to cook a BBQ once and I was so scared of ruining it for everyone I just didn't cook it and somebody else did.

I would probably be the guy who is scared of talking so drinks to open up but gets too drunk then people find me crying in shame sitting by a lake. Either that or I would just be nice to people.

I trust you guys.

>> No.7583559

>/jp/ road trip
