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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7573976 No.7573976 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7573978

kawaii desu ne. moe moe kyuuuuun

>> No.7573979

same for anime
same for touhou

>> No.7573981

Not because its a vidya topic, but because jrpgs are terrible.

>> No.7573985

Cool anti-Gust trolling, bro.

>> No.7573986
File: 518 KB, 850x1216, 1309842033132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Rorona

>> No.7573988

>If it has anything too Japanese=Weeaboo
>Complaining about JRPG's being too Japanese.
You Westaboos disgust me.

>> No.7573990

I disagree but I do agree that Gust games are really shitty.

>> No.7573993

Touhou then
Shrine maiden fought evil spirits to save the world

Touhou now
Cute little fairies fight each other because of their pranks

>> No.7573995

Touhou than

Touhou now
Mainstream shit

>> No.7573999

I think the mod just spins a giant roulette wheel to decide what to delete.

>> No.7573997

>Sakuya thread deleted
>This shit stays

>> No.7574000

buy Dark Souls when it comes out

>> No.7574005

I laughed.

>> No.7574035
File: 380 KB, 773x990, 1309843550184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i do it right?

>> No.7574036

Dammit, I know this is a troll thread, but I feel compelled to reply because of how shitty OP is.

For one, the jrpgs then: They were made at the height of the rpg boom, and there was little to no western influence on the games or gameplay. They used art that was extremely focused on the anime art style of the age, but the graphics couldn't really display it, all we had over here were changed covers and gutted instruction manuals so we couldn't really tell. Also, how the fuck can something MADE in Japan be "weeaboo", do you even know what that word means?

Jrpgs now really have two camps, the one mentioned in OP, which really is the true successors to the games of the past, though admittedly, there is defiantly some moe elements there due to the trend in current anime. And of course its obviously Japanese, its made in japan. As for the other camp, the more Square-enix side, they have sadly gone down hill and become pretty shitty, all in an attempt to be more mainstream, and appeal to westerners. They forgot their roots, and have suffered.

I'm not going to debate which is better between jrpgs and wrpgs, they each have their flaws and merits. but Op is dumb.

Also, I was trolled, and if this was posted in /v/, i'd probably copy-pasta this there.

>> No.7574042

How are those the "true successors"? There's a lot more out there than just Gust shit, for example: Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, Lost Odyssey, Resonance of Fate, Nier, Tales, and The Last Remnant. And that's just on console, there's plenty more on handhelds.

>> No.7574043
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The good things in life don't ever change.

>> No.7574044

>>Next console exclusive games
>>for 360: Gears of War 3
>>for PS3: Atelier Meruru

Microsoft, are you even trying?

>> No.7574046

Gears 3 is going to be a lot more fun than some moe-moe synthesis game.
If only they made moe-moe shooting games.

>> No.7574045


>> No.7574047

>>for PS3: Uncharted 3

fixed that for you.

and Microsoft stopped trying 3 years ago.

>> No.7574049

>with it's slight

Why do so many retards make this mistake?

>> No.7574050

How could you type that with a straight face?

>> No.7574052

Nothing is more fun than a moe-moe synthesis game.

>> No.7574056

Improvements to graphic and audio potential has obviously increased the ability for creators to appeal to players through these aspects. Also, from what I understand, you agree that things have improved?

>> No.7574060


Oh yes, I agree those games you listed are all great. Hell Valkyria was one of the main reasons I bought a PS3. Still has some moe elements to it. I dont not count that as a bad thing.

If anything, I'll take a linear game, to have more indepth story and deepers characters. Sometimes sandbox can be fun, but you do lose some things when a world has to be so open.

>> No.7574061

Xenogear >>>>>>> Xenosaga

About Xenoblade, it sold only 160k copies in Japan , i guess even japanese don't care about it

>> No.7574062

>If only they made moe-moe shooting games.
They do. They're called Touhou.

>> No.7574063

It appears to me you have just been trolled to reveal your true /v/ identity, Anon.

>> No.7574064

What do you mean "only"? Is that supposed to be bad?

>> No.7574068

>Demon's Souls
Those aren't rpgs you stupid fuck.

>> No.7574073

Have you ever heard of action RPGs, you stupid fuck?

>> No.7574077

They're 3D brawlers you stupid fuck
Gonna tell me Devil May Cry is an rpg next you stupid fuck?

>> No.7574082

sorry but I just gotta interject here and ask... I just came from /v/ to get away from headache inducing arguments that boil down to nothing more than opinions versus opinions. why the FUCK is this on /jp/?

>> No.7574086

>What do you mean "only"? Is that supposed to be bad?

Xenogear sold around 900K copies in Japan, 1998

Xenosage 440K

Xenobalde 160K

>> No.7574096

fag then
straight now

good progress

>> No.7574090

Have you ever played Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, you stupid fuck? They're action games.

Nier is a story-focused game, it is indisputably an RPG, you stupid fuck. I can go either way on Demon's Souls, but since it has stats, classes, loot, and numbers, I'll call it an RPG, just as the developers themselves do, you stupid fuck.

>> No.7574098

Stop swearing, guys. You're offending my virgin ears.

>> No.7574099

Xenoblade numbers aren't very fair. Every "core" game sells like shit on the Wii, even Tales.

>> No.7574101

How can a Japanese game be too weeaboo you dumbfuck troll, that's like saying a chinese restaurant is too chinese

>> No.7574105


We did get a very different Neir than the Japanese did.

>> No.7574106
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I don't visit /v/ as I am more than thirteen years old.
Does the truth hurt?

>> No.7574109

You know what's funny?

Atelier Totori is actually one of the best JRPG this decade.

>> No.7574111

Well, you see, you're not the only person from /v/ who decided to be adventurous and come here. And those are the results.

>> No.7574114

Devil May Cry 4 has 2 characters
2D brawlers often had 3, 4, or 5 characters
N3 has more characters than it even needs
Red orbs, devil arms
Ninja Theory is a developer, that doesn't make everything they say or do correct.

Stupid fuck.

>> No.7574120

Please tell me what defines an RPG then, you stupid fuck.

>> No.7574121

yeah its unfortunate. I am lurker on /jp/ and come to read now and then, seeing /v/ on my /jp/ leaves me a little ill.

>> No.7574123

>Every "core" game sells like shit on the Wii, even Tales.

TOD2 820K copies

TOV 564k (xbox360 + ps3)

TOG 465k (wii + ps3)

JRPG is suffering

>> No.7574136

What's the second game in JRPGs Then? Looks familiar.

>> No.7574141


>> No.7574151

Yeah, JRPGs aren't as popular as they were on the PS2 for a few reasons: 1) The Wii casual gaming/motion control boom 2) PS3 isn't half as successful as the PS1 or PS2 3) The Xbox 360 is the otaku console for shooters, VNs, and Idolmaster, nothing else sells any respectable numbers, and most importantly 4) Handhelds. Japanese gamers are all about portables these days.

>> No.7574153

ITT: rpgcodex forums

>> No.7574156

*and JRPGs still sell very well on portables.

>> No.7574157

>Japanese gamers are all about portables these days.

Hence why 99% of the good JRPGs this gen have been on handhelds.

It's sad, but you can't even make 2D games for consoles these days without someone whining about it.

>> No.7574163

I can't tell you that. I don't play them.
Stupid fuck.

>> No.7574164

Are you intentionally trying to make yourself look as stupid as possible?

>> No.7574167

Then you're just a stupid fuck then, because Nier and Demon's Souls are RPGs. Period.

>> No.7574170

Makes me all the more excited for the Vita.

>> No.7574179

You haven't argued against a single point I made in >>7574114

So Demon's Souls is not an RPG.
You can keep Nier, I don't care enough to protest that. I just have semi-fond memories of Drag-On Dragoon.

>> No.7574183

stupid fuck

>> No.7574185

I find it interesting that Chrono Trigger is used as example of a "good" Jrpg (my love CT not applying here) considering that the biggest hate for the supposedly "too weeabo" is its art style, which CT would definitely fit that bill to be too weeabo by modern retard standards.

why is this thread still going, please let it die.

>> No.7574203

Demon's Souls has everything that makes an RPG an RPG. It's more of an action game than most other RPGs, but it's still an RPG. The biggest thing, that I forgot to mention, is leveling up your character. DMC and NG do not have this, they just have unlockable moves. In Demon's Souls, every enemy you kill gives you money that can be used as experience points to level up your character until you've maxed out your stats. If something is too hard, you can just go to 4-1 and grind away and level up until it's trivial, just like any RPG.

>> No.7574204


Don't be. There won't be any JRPGs on that, either. The graphical requirements will be too expensive to develop for.

>> No.7574214

>moe anime style jrpg

And that's one of the reason why most of JRPG now sold so bad compare to 90s

>> No.7574217

Not to mention, using Devil Arms and red orbs as loot in DMC is the biggest fucking stretch I've ever seen. That's not even CLOSE to being comparable to the various armor sets (all of which have different properties, such as resistance against elements, weight, and armor) and tons of weapons (most of which are upgradable through its crafting system - another RPG staple) you can find in Demon's Souls.

>> No.7574221
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Final fantasy killed JRPGs.

Also, they need to be less grindy. Not all of us are 15 years old and with a shitton of time on our hands anymore.

ALso, while people wank off to LOL DEEP PLOTS, people forget that JRPGs use to be all about immersion. You FELT like you were that badass uniting warring factions or saving the world. Too many nowadays are too zoned in on characters whose names you can't change and overly symbolic plot.

>> No.7574228

Alright I'll give you that much.
Closest thing to that in DMC is killing that mini-phantom near the sewer over and over to farm red orbs and buy untouchables/vital stars/yellow orbs.
There IS leveling in Chaos Legion, since the legions aren't actually allies(they are projectiles/options), but it doesn't get to the point where things become trivial.(unless you unlock thanatos...but to get that far in the game and to find all of the pieces means you probably aren't the type to grind in an action game)
Good night /jp/.

You stupid fucks.

>> No.7574227

>Not all of us are 15 years old and with a shitton of time on our hands anymore.

get out of /jp/

>> No.7574232

Yeah, games definitely need to be more casual. I just want a nice 8 hour cinematic RPG experience.

Don't forget the QTEs either.

>> No.7574238

JRPG stories are pretty lousy. The grinding is the best part

>> No.7574242


Not seeing a problem here... I like to play games featuring little flat chested girls...

>> No.7574247

>Not all of us are 15 years old and with a shitton of time on our hands anymore.
Yeah, we're 25 now and we only have 12-18 hours a day to try to 1CC lunatic SA again and again

>> No.7574248
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>>Not all of us are 15 years old and with a shitton of time on our hands anymore.

Congratulations, you have just stated the main reason why they're selling less.

No, it ain't the girls, the plot, or whatever goofy opinions thing was mentioned ITT. It's all because the audience is still the same size as it was in the 90's. Except most of those guys purchase less and play RPGs less now because you know, they're older.

These games don't really try to hook in average joe gamer and bring in new players (which is where the true money comes from these days). It's both a good and bad thing IMO.

The FPS genre would be the opposite of all this (larger audience now, everything done possible to appeal to new players, etc.). Once again, both a good and bad thing.

>> No.7574253

Okay I'm probably the only one that prefers Rorona and Ar Tonelico to DQ and shitty shit.

>> No.7574254

Autism rates are skyrocketing in this thread.

>> No.7574256

Theres also the fact that this is the most boring genre in all of videogames.

>> No.7574263

I think little jap kids are still getting into this stuff.

>> No.7574266

or the rare fags among us with full time jobs now.

not all of us can get away with claiming we have assburgers and be a leech on society.

>> No.7574267

Hey guys
I have a psp
What are the most complex rpgs on the psp?

>> No.7574271

Knights in the Nightmare
Yggdra Union
Valkyria Chronicles

>> No.7574273

ass punctured slave bee

>> No.7574275

congrats on completely overshooting your main point.

I agree though that JRPGs shouldn't need to be dumbed down for casualfags, but they don't need to be 80+ hr grindfests anymore. SOmething like Chrono Trigger or Star Ocean with its high replay-ability and 20-30 hr main game is a perfect balance.

>> No.7574277

Maybe, but Jap kids got no money. So they're irrelevant.

Sometimes I wonder if RPGs should have the regenerating health and 8 hour movie cutscenes and stuff to broaden their appeal.

>> No.7574283

>8 hour movie cutscenes
But they already do.

>> No.7574285

I don't see how you guys can play this shit. Roguelikes are the best.

>> No.7574292

why cant there be a big name roguelike?
imagine roguelike with engaging story and good graphics.

>> No.7574293

I am pretty sure 90% of RPGs still have you reading text for hours on end.

But yeah a few have them. Mostly the big budget ones.

>> No.7574296

>Engaging story
That isn't how roguelikes work.
>Why cant there be a big name
No one would buy it. They're too punishing for casual player #0984095

>> No.7574297

engaging story can work.
it's like how open world game can work.

>> No.7574302

Except JRPGs are still selling well on handhelds. Pokemon and Dragon Quest, for example, have sold insane numbers. Plus there's Monster Hunter, which is practically an RPG as well.

JRPGs are still alive and well, most of the small developers have just moved on to handheld, while the occasional big budget game gets released on console.

>> No.7574306

-Play for 5 minutes
-"How engaging!"
-Die miserably 4 seconds later
-no saves, no checkpoints
-Start over
-Die 400 more times
-Skip through that cutscene/dialogue every single time

Sounds bad to me.

>> No.7574309
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Nier has a great story. In fact, I'd say it has the best story out of any game on any current generation system.

>> No.7574311

I thought we were talking about American sales.

Yeah you're right though. There are some amazing RPGs on handhelds now.

>> No.7574316

nier starts off really slow and then stays really slow but adds a ton of story.

>> No.7574321

For the most part thats the only way I'll play jrpgs anymore.

Things like shin megami tensai and disgaea are amazing as handhelds.

>> No.7574319

JRPGs have been selling like shit in America for almost decade though, aside from the obvious big name games like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Nothing has really changed.

Even mammoth games like Persona 4 have sold well in the US.

>> No.7574323

no not really
you ever played open world games?

>> No.7574324


Not really sure about the PSP, but the last good one that I played was TWEWY or even before that, the original Golden Sun. I haven't really been keeping up with the portable market since it's too much of a hassle to trudge through all the shovelware to find one gem.

>> No.7574325


Open world tends to be a bit better in terms of depth and things to do...but the only company I see still engaging in that model is Bethesda. Nothing else.

>> No.7574328

>Except JRPGs are still selling well on handhelds. Pokemon and Dragon Quest, for example, have sold insane numbers

DQ and Pokemon for example?

They have ALWAYS sold insane numbers from 90s

Why don't you name some new title for example?

>> No.7574331

Open world games are somewhat retarded story-wise because either:

1. The order you do shit in matters, and then the company has to program infinity things based on the gigantic multitude of cross-interactions which you'll see 1% of in any given play-through, which due to time constraints of how much they can put in, makes the story shallow, or.

2. It doesn't matter, which means that you can interact with a living world, but it's difficult to affect it in any way besides, say, forcing the world down one of four or so set paths.

>> No.7574333


Sounds like someone didn't like New Vegas.

>> No.7574334

Legend of Heroes.
Sold well in both PC and handheld.
No idea about the consoles version. I dont think sora no kiseki was ever ported to the consoles.

>> No.7574338

Inazuma Eleven

>> No.7574350

Only 12 year old kids play Inazuma Eleven

>> No.7574353

should I play the psp version of persona 3? I've never played a fatlus game before so I thought I might try one out.

>> No.7574356

only 12 year old kids play Pokemon and Dragon Quest too. what's your point

>> No.7574358

Its the best version of 3 so yes

>> No.7574359

Why is there a /v/ aka /b/ jr. thread on /jp/?

>> No.7574361

You've never played demon's souls?

Thats sad, also yes and you should play the disgaea's on the psp too.

And hell most of the jrpgs on the psp are decent.

>> No.7574362
File: 430 KB, 1000x888, 1309851563437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Persona 3 FES on PS2 if possible. I don't like the PSP version, they cut out the entire world and turned into some point and click shit.

>> No.7574365

>touhou is /v/
>vn is /v/
>fig is /toy/


>> No.7574367

Demon's Souls and Disgaea aren't Atlus games.

>> No.7574370

disgaea is nippon ichi(but I thought he should play it) but demon souls says atlus on the damn box.

>> No.7574372

They only published it in the US, they didn't develop it. Not a true fatlus game.

>> No.7574380

they do that with a ton of titles though.

>> No.7574383

I know, and those aren't true fatlus games either. Most SMT games and Etrian Odyssey for example are.

>> No.7574385

>Don't know DQ is called the National RPG in Japan

sure is summer here

>> No.7574386

I like the part where we complain about Japenese things being too Japanese.

>> No.7574391

cool greentext. I feel like 50% of the people here are from /v/.

>> No.7574393

i feel like u mad

>> No.7574395

you misspelled /v/

>> No.7574398


Ahahaha, point taken.

>> No.7574399

ITT: Interactive movies

>> No.7574420

I wonder if I'll still browse /jp/ after this summer. Probably not - maybe I'll even be able to move on with my life!
Yeah, right

>> No.7574423

Japan has always been the country of cute.
All these otaku anime like evangelion or jrpgs that aren't very cute have never been popular (With a few exceptions)

>> No.7574461

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7574486

/r/ JPEG'S THEN / JPEG'S NOW image.

>> No.7574560
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>> No.7574566

glad to see they've improved. i'll take harem games over grimdark shit, thanks.

>> No.7574575

This is stupid.
The second Raidou game is only a couple years old, and Nocturne Maniax Chronicle was released in 2008, and Hitoshura's just too broken to get a sequel.

>> No.7574590
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I don't played any JRPGs past year 1999.
But JRPG + Moe = Love.
If I would have any money i would buy instantly a new JRPG to figure it out!

>> No.7574607

How about:
/jp/ threads then
/jp/ threads now

>> No.7574619

/jp/ threads then:
Japanese bird cooking spaghetti

/jp/ threads now:
100 post discussion on the current state of Japanese role-playing games.

>> No.7574622

We already have this in glorious gigantic picture format.

>> No.7574831
File: 325 KB, 1019x1266, 1309862984567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorely disappointed with the lack of this image so far!

>> No.7575335
File: 41 KB, 600x338, 1309876258330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right /jp/ I have a question and I bet my bottom dollar you'll answer it faster than /v/

I just bought Atelier Rorona from my local Bestbuy.

I went to the mall a couple of days later and saw that they still had the limited Edition on sale for $40.

My question is: Is it worth returning my copy to BestBuy to buy the limited edition for the hardcover book or does the book have the same content as the artbook, which I'm getting in about a week or two anyway?

I'd make a new thread but it just doesn't seem important enough to warrant one.

>> No.7575349

>too weeaboo
Are you fucking stupid?
What's wrong with you?
You horrible child
Holy fuck.

>> No.7575561

owned nerd

>> No.7575629
File: 756 KB, 900x2100, 1309881254352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have waited 4 years to finally post this again.

>> No.7575643

>134 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
> I have a question and I bet my bottom dollar you'll answer it faster than /v/

This board has become shit.

>> No.7575662

O by all means leave and never return. It will be your best contribution to the board out of the little time you spent here.

>> No.7575685

>he doesn't put his jrpgs in the fridge

>> No.7575689

The hardcover book just has some in game cgs and concept art for the opening animation. Don't know about the artbook.

>> No.7575854

So it's not really worth going through all the hassle for, I thought it would have interviews or something extra. I'll just stick with the art book then.
